Xlsx No Pass Mix Over 10 Million India Mart Filtered Contacts: Google drive link
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Over 10 Million India Mart Filtered Contacts: Google Drive link.. ( OLD DATA, JUST FILTERED)
Google Drive Link: if you can't pay, drop me a message here, I'll give it away for FREE.
First Name | Last Name | Designation | email1 | company_name | city | state | Phone Number | Phone Number Alternative | paidurl | mobile1 |
Maheen | maIqbal@gmail.com | Chotu Navi Kitchen Ware | 1 GB-A | Rajasthan | 8108915786 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -8108915695 | |||
Mahendra | Reddy | Owner | Mahendra7777@gmail.com | Sri Manikanta Glass Centre | 24 AS-C | Rajasthan | 9849627761 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9849627670 | |
Imran | Laskar | Owner | imran.laskar1@gmail.com | Imran Enterprises | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 7797384268 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -7797384177 | |
Vallabh | Mondal | Owner | aparajita_gas@yahoo.com | Aparajita Gas Service | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9163014797 | 9236769888 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9163014706 |
Jayanta Kumar | jayantakumarsarkar69@gmail.com | Sarkar Enterprises | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9038831208 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9038831117 | |||
Aashish | ashish.maniyar@gmail.com | Darshan Sales Agency | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9925645567 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9925645476 | |||
Kalpesh | Owner | kalpeshdarji85@rediffmail.com | Kinjal Novelty | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9930862788 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9930862697 | ||
Sakeer | sakkeer008@gmail.com | Silsila | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9946001232 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9946001141 | |||
Balai | Saha | sahainternational2008@gmail.com | Saha International | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9903422478 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9903422387 | ||
Sanu | Molla | Owner | Smolla66@gmail.com | KNC Electric | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9836700966 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9836700875 | |
Sudip | Majumder Munendra | Manager | sudiphabra88668@gmail.com | Ram Krishna Animal Feed | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9333375974 | 9333687994 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9333375883 |
Abdul | Majid | majid.bapi@gmail.com | Majid Fashion House | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9051266185 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9051266094 | ||
Safiuddin | Owner | Safiuddinmolla8@gmail.com | Riya Electronics | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 8451939363 | 9800431016 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -8451939272 | |
Dr. Tanmay | Das | drtanmaydas90@gmail.com | Das Dental Care | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9830549830 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9830549739 | ||
Ananda | Kayal | Owner | anandakayal30@gmail.com | Ancardeep | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9647633580 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9647633489 | |
Anil | Kumar Pal | A P Enterprises | 24 Parganas | West Bengal | 9732545503 | You must be logged in to see this link. | -9732545412 |
Google Drive Link: if you can't pay, drop me a message here, I'll give it away for FREE.