Sensitive information of 81.5 crore Indians has allegedly surfaced on the dark web, marking a significant data breach. Reportedly, the stolen data includes Aadhaar and passport details, names, phone numbers, and both temporary and permanent addresses of millions of Indians.
A US-based cybersecurity agency called Resecurity has posted a detailed report about the breach. According to the agency, a hacker using the name ‘pwn0001’ disclosed details about the breach on Breach Forums on October 9. They advertised the availability of 815 million records (81.5 crore). So far, there’s no official confirmation about the data breach from the government.
A US-based cybersecurity agency called Resecurity has posted a detailed report about the breach. According to the agency, a hacker using the name ‘pwn0001’ disclosed details about the breach on Breach Forums on October 9. They advertised the availability of 815 million records (81.5 crore). So far, there’s no official confirmation about the data breach from the government.