News Crypto Drainers - How People Are Making $100K+ Daily ?

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I Thought This Might Be Helpful To Someone Here And Decided To Share. Today I am sharing with you a method not new, but explained like never before, showing how people are making 100K+ in a month or less than a week, depending on how eager you are.

Let's start with what a crypto drainer is:

Simply put, it's a scam page that you share with victims (crypto wallet victims). Once they are on the page, they are requested to connect their wallet. Once the wallet is connected, Boom! All the crypto, tokens, NFTs, and assets in the wallet are transferred to you. The drainers depend on the quality of the script. They have bots working behind the scenes. Once the victim connects their wallet, it automatically starts transferring all valuable assets from the wallet without even asking for the victim's confirmation.

How is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. Here's how: When the drainer asks you to connect your wallet, it also sends a contract (just like connecting to a platform like Opensea). Once the contract is signed, you give the scammer access to all the assets in your wallet.

Where can I find a drainer?

This is the million-dollar question. There are many ways:

- The most common option is renting it from providers like (17k members) , AngelDrain (1.4k members) , etc. The advantage here is that your subscription (start from $199) keeps your scripts updated, but they take a percentage of your earnings too.

Some methods how to get Traffic / Victims

I hope that I answered all your questions. If you still have some, write them in the comments. If there are enough, I may create part 2 of this thread.
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اعتقدت أن هذا قد يكون مفيدًا لشخص ما هنا وقررت مشاركته. اليوم أشارك معك طريقة ليست جديدة، ولكن تم شرحها بشكل لم يسبق له مثيل، حيث تُظهر كيف يكسب الناس أكثر من 100 ألف دولار في شهر أو أقل من أسبوع، اعتمادًا على مدى حماسك.

دعونا نبدأ بما هو استنزاف العملات المشفرة:

ببساطة، إنها صفحة احتيال تشاركها مع الضحايا (ضحايا محفظة العملات المشفرة). بمجرد وصولهم إلى الصفحة، يُطلب منهم ربط محفظتهم. بمجرد ربط المحفظة، يتم نقل جميع العملات المشفرة والرموز والرموز غير القابلة للاستبدال والأصول الموجودة في المحفظة إليك. يعتمد المستنزفون على جودة البرنامج النصي. لديهم روبوتات تعمل خلف الكواليس. بمجرد ربط الضحية بمحفظته، تبدأ الصفحة تلقائيًا في نقل جميع الأصول القيمة من المحفظة دون حتى طلب تأكيد الضحية.

كيف ذلك ممكنا؟

نعم، هذا ممكن. إليك الطريقة: عندما يطلب منك المُستنزِف ربط محفظتك، فإنه يرسل أيضًا عقدًا (تمامًا مثل الاتصال بمنصة مثل Opensea). بمجرد توقيع العقد، فإنك تمنح المحتال حق الوصول إلى جميع الأصول الموجودة في محفظتك.

أين يمكنني العثور على مصفاة؟

هذا هو السؤال الذي تبلغ قيمته مليون دولار. هناك عدة طرق للإجابة عليه:

- الخيار الأكثر شيوعًا هو استئجاره من مقدمي خدمات مثل (17 ألف عضو)، AngelDrain (1.4 ألف عضو)، إلخ. الميزة هنا هي أن اشتراكك (يبدأ من 199 دولارًا) يحافظ على تحديث نصوصك، لكنهم يأخذون نسبة مئوية من أرباحك أيضًا.

بعض الطرق للحصول على حركة المرور / الضحايا

*** نص مخفي: لا يمكن اقتباسه. ***

أتمنى أن أكون قد أجبت على جميع أسئلتكم، وإذا كان لديكم بعض الأسئلة، اكتبوها في التعليقات، وإذا كانت كافية، فقد أقوم بإنشاء الجزء الثاني من هذا المو
I Thought This Might Be Helpful To Someone Here And Decided To Share. Today I am sharing with you a method not new, but explained like never before, showing how people are making 100K+ in a month or less than a week, depending on how eager you are.

Let's start with what a crypto drainer is:

Simply put, it's a scam page that you share with victims (crypto wallet victims). Once they are on the page, they are requested to connect their wallet. Once the wallet is connected, Boom! All the crypto, tokens, NFTs, and assets in the wallet are transferred to you. The drainers depend on the quality of the script. They have bots working behind the scenes. Once the victim connects their wallet, it automatically starts transferring all valuable assets from the wallet without even asking for the victim's confirmation.

How is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. Here's how: When the drainer asks you to connect your wallet, it also sends a contract (just like connecting to a platform like Opensea). Once the contract is signed, you give the scammer access to all the assets in your wallet.

Where can I find a drainer?

This is the million-dollar question. There are many ways:

- The most common option is renting it from providers like (17k members) , AngelDrain (1.4k members) , etc. The advantage here is that your subscription (start from $199) keeps your scripts updated, but they take a percentage of your earnings too.

Some methods how to get Traffic / Victims

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I hope that I answered all your questions. If you still have some, write them in the comments. If there are enough, I may create part 2 of this thread.
lets see
I Thought This Might Be Helpful To Someone Here And Decided To Share. Today I am sharing with you a method not new, but explained like never before, showing how people are making 100K+ in a month or less than a week, depending on how eager you are.

Let's start with what a crypto drainer is:

Simply put, it's a scam page that you share with victims (crypto wallet victims). Once they are on the page, they are requested to connect their wallet. Once the wallet is connected, Boom! All the crypto, tokens, NFTs, and assets in the wallet are transferred to you. The drainers depend on the quality of the script. They have bots working behind the scenes. Once the victim connects their wallet, it automatically starts transferring all valuable assets from the wallet without even asking for the victim's confirmation.

How is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. Here's how: When the drainer asks you to connect your wallet, it also sends a contract (just like connecting to a platform like Opensea). Once the contract is signed, you give the scammer access to all the assets in your wallet.

Where can I find a drainer?

This is the million-dollar question. There are many ways:

- The most common option is renting it from providers like (17k members) , AngelDrain (1.4k members) , etc. The advantage here is that your subscription (start from $199) keeps your scripts updated, but they take a percentage of your earnings too.

Some methods how to get Traffic / Victims

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I hope that I answered all your questions. If you still have some, write them in the comments. If there are enough, I may create part 2 of this thread.
thank you
I Thought This Might Be Helpful To Someone Here And Decided To Share. Today I am sharing with you a method not new, but explained like never before, showing how people are making 100K+ in a month or less than a week, depending on how eager you are.

Let's start with what a crypto drainer is:

Simply put, it's a scam page that you share with victims (crypto wallet victims). Once they are on the page, they are requested to connect their wallet. Once the wallet is connected, Boom! All the crypto, tokens, NFTs, and assets in the wallet are transferred to you. The drainers depend on the quality of the script. They have bots working behind the scenes. Once the victim connects their wallet, it automatically starts transferring all valuable assets from the wallet without even asking for the victim's confirmation.

How is that possible?

Yes, it is possible. Here's how: When the drainer asks you to connect your wallet, it also sends a contract (just like connecting to a platform like Opensea). Once the contract is signed, you give the scammer access to all the assets in your wallet.

Where can I find a drainer?

This is the million-dollar question. There are many ways:

- The most common option is renting it from providers like (17k members) , AngelDrain (1.4k members) , etc. The advantage here is that your subscription (start from $199) keeps your scripts updated, but they take a percentage of your earnings too.

Some methods how to get Traffic / Victims

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I hope that I answered all your questions. If you still have some, write them in the comments. If there are enough, I may create part 2 of this thread.
Thank you very much
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