No Pass Zain Telecom Database 11m

No Pass Zain Telecom Database 11m
Thank you so much how do I access this data? Much appreciated
the data is from 2019-2021, the Iraqi Telecom company suffered a data breach that exposed 11+M accounts.

The compromised data included :
Full Name, City,Full Address, Phone Number, ID Number

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hello, I need help I bought gold pack but nothing happend I sent email but nothing happend could U start a conversation with me please
the data is from 2019-2021, the Iraqi Telecom company suffered a data breach that exposed 11+M accounts.

The compromised data included :
Full Name, City,Full Address, Phone Number, ID Number

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nice database
the data is from 2019-2021, the Iraqi Telecom company suffered a data breach that exposed 11+M accounts.

The compromised data included :
Full Name, City,Full Address, Phone Number, ID Number

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Nice + thanks
the data is from 2019-2021, the Iraqi Telecom company suffered a data breach that exposed 11+M accounts.

The compromised data included :
Full Name, City,Full Address, Phone Number, ID Number

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nice pro
ررهييب جددا
Post automatically merged:

البيانات تعود إلى عام 2019-2021، تعرضت شركة الاتصالات العراقية لاختراق بيانات أدى إلى كشف أكثر من 11 مليون حساب.

البيانات المخترقة تشمل:
الاسم الكامل، المدينة، العنوان الكامل، رقم الهاتف، رقم الهوية

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