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Sql No Pass Leak


User ID
Apr 11, 2023
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date: may 2023


INSERT INTO ps_customer (id_customer, id_shop_group, id_shop, id_gender, id_default_group, id_lang, id_risk, company, siret, ape, firstname, lastname, email, passwd, last_passwd_gen, birthday, newsletter, ip_registration_newsletter, newsletter_date_add, optin, website, outstanding_allow_amount, show_public_prices, max_payment_days, secure_key, note, active, is_guest, deleted, date_add, date_upd, reset_password_token, reset_password_validity) VALUES

(11189, 'AWPRHGIBQ',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15341,  3053927,        6,      2977702,        2977702,        4,      'f7333fc8381ad49a5c2c43a32db038c1', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'I50895932',    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,   18057.900000,    18057.900000,   15303.310000,   18057.900000,   15303.310000,   18057.900000,   0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      10999,  10654,  '2023-01-27 11:25:44',  '2023-01-30 12:09:21',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:25:28',  '2023-01-30 12:09:21'),
(11190, 'FKGDNRFXK',    1,      1,      92,     4,      13310,  2625952,        6,      2440061,        2440061,        4,      '7f2c44c47029754b52471bca2303ca3b', 'Citrus and PayUmoney',  1.000000,       'citruspayu',   0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : D40273922', 933.350000,     933.350000,     790.970000, 8400.150000,     8400.150000,    7118.770000,    8400.150000,    7909.750000,    9333.500000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      11000,  10754,  '2023-01-27 11:34:37',  '2023-02-02 11:39:42',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:34:31',  '2023-02-02 11:39:42'),
(11191, 'ZMVEKWUUT',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15346,  3053948,        6,      2981602,        2981602,        4,      '3f74d11e5b79d278e9c1bdaeac1112be', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'I50895926',    55.090000,      55.090000,      46.690000,  1046.780000,     1046.780000,    887.100000,     1046.780000,    933.790000,     1101.870000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      11001,  10655,  '2023-01-27 11:37:14',  '2023-01-30 12:10:47',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:36:57',  '2023-01-30 12:10:47'),

(12296, 'QZDQTZLSM',    1,      1,      96,     4,      14829,  3196388,        6,      2807260,        2807260,        4,      'efcc674bac2d29de683499ed0d7e41f0', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896804', 125.370000,     125.370000, 106.240000,      2381.970000,    2381.970000,    2018.620000,    2381.970000,    2124.860000,    2507.340000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12086,  11722,  '2023-04-01 16:32:28',  '2023-04-03 18:52:37',  1,      '2023-04-01 16:32:07',       '2023-04-03 18:52:37'),
(12297, 'QGQGFUBBM',    1,      1,      96,     4,      14828,  3165565,        6,      2804151,        2804151,        4,      'f80e8179513101e7b7489caf7b2ac320', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896803', 264.800000,     264.800000, 224.410000,      1500.560000,    1500.560000,    1271.660000,    1500.560000,    1496.070000,    1765.360000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12087,  11723,  '2023-04-01 17:08:29',  '2023-04-03 18:52:40',  1,      '2023-04-01 17:08:09',       '2023-04-03 18:52:40'),
(12298, 'RIUTTDIUG',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15643,  3196397,        6,      3091300,        3091300,        4,      'e6a71acae02d68a3878aef14e4877825', 'PayUmoney',     1.000000,       'citruspayu',   0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : D40274762', 442.180000,     442.180000,     374.730000,     8401.340000, 8401.340000,    7119.780000,    8401.340000,    7494.510000,    8843.520000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000,  0.000000,       0.000000,    0.000000,       2,      3,      12088,  11749,  '2023-04-01 17:35:45',  '2023-04-03 18:48:26',  1,      '2023-04-01 17:35:25',  '2023-04-03 18:50:48'),
(12299, 'XOXDGCVRU',    1,      1,      96,     4,      15966,  3196337,        6,      3115353,        3115353,        4,      'a354e16469fe0f816e6166bebf486b92', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896807', 687.230000,     687.230000, 582.400000,      7903.180000,    7903.180000,    6697.610000,    7903.180000,    7280.010000,    8590.410000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12089,  11724,  '2023-04-01 18:24:32',  '2023-04-03 18:49:12',  1,      '2023-04-01 18:24:19',       '2023-04-03 18:51:17'),

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Thanks, this is a great share.
Great share, much appreciated friend! leak

date: may 2023


INSERT INTO ps_customer (id_customer, id_shop_group, id_shop, id_gender, id_default_group, id_lang, id_risk, company, siret, ape, firstname, lastname, email, passwd, last_passwd_gen, birthday, newsletter, ip_registration_newsletter, newsletter_date_add, optin, website, outstanding_allow_amount, show_public_prices, max_payment_days, secure_key, note, active, is_guest, deleted, date_add, date_upd, reset_password_token, reset_password_validity) VALUES

(11189, 'AWPRHGIBQ',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15341,  3053927,        6,      2977702,        2977702,        4,      'f7333fc8381ad49a5c2c43a32db038c1', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'I50895932',    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,   18057.900000,    18057.900000,   15303.310000,   18057.900000,   15303.310000,   18057.900000,   0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      10999,  10654,  '2023-01-27 11:25:44',  '2023-01-30 12:09:21',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:25:28',  '2023-01-30 12:09:21'),
(11190, 'FKGDNRFXK',    1,      1,      92,     4,      13310,  2625952,        6,      2440061,        2440061,        4,      '7f2c44c47029754b52471bca2303ca3b', 'Citrus and PayUmoney',  1.000000,       'citruspayu',   0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : D40273922', 933.350000,     933.350000,     790.970000, 8400.150000,     8400.150000,    7118.770000,    8400.150000,    7909.750000,    9333.500000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      11000,  10754,  '2023-01-27 11:34:37',  '2023-02-02 11:39:42',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:34:31',  '2023-02-02 11:39:42'),
(11191, 'ZMVEKWUUT',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15346,  3053948,        6,      2981602,        2981602,        4,      '3f74d11e5b79d278e9c1bdaeac1112be', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'I50895926',    55.090000,      55.090000,      46.690000,  1046.780000,     1046.780000,    887.100000,     1046.780000,    933.790000,     1101.870000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000, 0.000000,   0.000000,        0.000000,       2,      3,      11001,  10655,  '2023-01-27 11:37:14',  '2023-01-30 12:10:47',  1,      '2023-01-27 11:36:57',  '2023-01-30 12:10:47'),

(12296, 'QZDQTZLSM',    1,      1,      96,     4,      14829,  3196388,        6,      2807260,        2807260,        4,      'efcc674bac2d29de683499ed0d7e41f0', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896804', 125.370000,     125.370000, 106.240000,      2381.970000,    2381.970000,    2018.620000,    2381.970000,    2124.860000,    2507.340000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12086,  11722,  '2023-04-01 16:32:28',  '2023-04-03 18:52:37',  1,      '2023-04-01 16:32:07',       '2023-04-03 18:52:37'),
(12297, 'QGQGFUBBM',    1,      1,      96,     4,      14828,  3165565,        6,      2804151,        2804151,        4,      'f80e8179513101e7b7489caf7b2ac320', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896803', 264.800000,     264.800000, 224.410000,      1500.560000,    1500.560000,    1271.660000,    1500.560000,    1496.070000,    1765.360000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12087,  11723,  '2023-04-01 17:08:29',  '2023-04-03 18:52:40',  1,      '2023-04-01 17:08:09',       '2023-04-03 18:52:40'),
(12298, 'RIUTTDIUG',    1,      1,      92,     4,      15643,  3196397,        6,      3091300,        3091300,        4,      'e6a71acae02d68a3878aef14e4877825', 'PayUmoney',     1.000000,       'citruspayu',   0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : D40274762', 442.180000,     442.180000,     374.730000,     8401.340000, 8401.340000,    7119.780000,    8401.340000,    7494.510000,    8843.520000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000,  0.000000,       0.000000,    0.000000,       2,      3,      12088,  11749,  '2023-04-01 17:35:45',  '2023-04-03 18:48:26',  1,      '2023-04-01 17:35:25',  '2023-04-03 18:50:48'),
(12299, 'XOXDGCVRU',    1,      1,      96,     4,      15966,  3196337,        6,      3115353,        3115353,        4,      'a354e16469fe0f816e6166bebf486b92', 'Cash on delivery (COD)',        1.000000,       'ps_cashondelivery',    0,      0,      '',     0,      'DTDC Tracking Id : I50896807', 687.230000,     687.230000, 582.400000,      7903.180000,    7903.180000,    6697.610000,    7903.180000,    7280.010000,    8590.410000,    0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       18.000,      0.000000,       0.000000,       0.000000,       2,      3,      12089,  11724,  '2023-04-01 18:24:32',  '2023-04-03 18:49:12',  1,      '2023-04-01 18:24:19',       '2023-04-03 18:51:17'),

[Hidden content]
This is a great leak, thank you.
1, 92, 4, 15346, 3053948, 6, 2981602, 2981602, 4, '3f74d11e5b79d278e9c1bdaeac1112be', '货到付款 (COD)', 1.000000, 'ps_cashondelivery', 0, 0, '', 0, 'I50895926', 55.090000, 55.090000, 46.690000, 1046.780000, 1046.780000, 887.100000, 1046.780000, 933.790000, 1101.870000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 18.000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2, 3, 11001, 10655, '2023-01-27 11:37:14', '2023-01-30 12:10:47', 1, '2023-01-27 11:36:57', '2023-01-30 12:10:47'),
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