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Processed Us Houdehold Data Based 260MCsv No Pass Closed 

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Csv No Pass Closed Processed Us Houdehold Data Based 260M
thanks for share man
This folder is set to "Private Access"
thank you for the leak
Where did this huge database come from? That's great. Very complete information.
thanks for sharing
thank you for the leak
perfect share
so many americas
thanks for sharing mate
Thanks Chucky, it's an honor to be in the same forum with such an elite hacker, cheers!
Based on the original data, I removed some data, which had invalid names and addresses. And I selected some fields that are important and meaningful from 280 fields. There are 234,090,073 us data.

Compromised data:


14001331485957,John,Loflin,M,1980,11,1802,nor,35392 Gore Dr SE,1495135291,Albany,OR,97322,"44.560516,-122.9806242",M,0,,,,,,"$300,000 to $349,999",,,S,201908,,"$100,000 to $149,999","$10,000 to $24,999",,,,
13977999998085,Amber,Osterholme,F,1978,1,,dut,20900 Yosemite St NE,622383241,Aurora,OR,97002,"45.2227803,-122.7541828",M,,,,,,,"$350,000 to $399,999",O,3100,S,200511,2005,"$150,000 to $174,999","$25,000 to $49,999",,,,

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cannot view anymore
The link is private. Could you please share it?
please give us access
How can I get the data? Will you send it to me via email?
thinks u sharp
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