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Sql © Chucky Credits Database
Jun 7, 2021
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Website Menta Web & Mobile App Design and Development Company, suffered a data breach that impacted 84.000 users, 500000 orders. Passwords algorithms: bcrypt. The breach led to the data being made public, The dump has almost all of the person's data. Below you will see an example of the data before you unblock my leaks.

Compromised data:
INSERT INTO `users` `id`, `author_id`, `email`, `name`, `family`, `mobile`, `type`, `password`, `pinCode`, `degree`, `mobile_verified_at`, `birthday`, `gender`, `otp`, `tier_id`, `settings`, `status`, `revoked`, `created_at`, `updated_at`

INSERT INTO `orders` `id`, `from_account_id`, `to_account_id`, `amount`, `UID`, `goods_id`, `goods_type`, `order_payment_id`, `settlement_id`, `campaign_id`, `author_id`, `merchant_id`, `terminal_id`, `campaign_calculate`, `from_treasury_account_id`, `to_treasury_account_id`, `paid_at`, `refund`, `cash_out`, `type`, `extra_values`, `credited_at`, `debited_at`, `created_at`, `updated_at`​

(1465, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, '09128038388', 'customer', '$2y$10$885mdugBZB5VSC4lX8dxPO1.apgdW0oYdHqJK0dUjYdqZJpeHDtFa', '1234', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 19:14:58', '2020-10-14 00:17:48'),
(1466, 27, NULL, 'یاسمن', 'قربانیان', '09332464196', 'customer', '$2y$10$vb/P.lKqb5aGW0Lbv8oxIO4QmKMiTtjT8TalSHbY/9YPv.Ifkmq/a', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2021-03-16', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 19:34:05', '2020-10-14 00:17:48'),
(1467, 5, NULL, 'ستاره', 'محقق', '09125970723', 'customer', '$2y$10$YNyTgn4ZnDk838PBoY3Qc.suDqsL3mOqwjCYErsPDCz/gDSD6Gu0u', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2021-02-03', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 20:08:27', '2020-10-14 00:17:49'),
(1468, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, '09196359548', 'customer', '$2y$10$/K6O57u21qmRYSu3BV1V3eqQxVimOBOPw0zuMLvN55ejfTm374SRq', '1234', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 20:24:42', '2020-10-14 00:17:49'),
(1469, 27, NULL, 'نادیا', 'حسینی', '09196359540', 'customer', '$2y$10$yq2rH9b8csagb7WUFdPCge/o2fp.1xqBXPbf21MERY6HCn8dSbFD2', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-06-17', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 20:24:55', '2020-10-14 00:17:49'),
(1470, 5, NULL, 'نسیم', 'نجفی نیا', '09129329668', 'customer', '$2y$10$/5ZMbpIdx55GFlCifhmGMO2KEK1p4kyVQjKgcYv1qmY7AhF4D8/V6', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-08-21', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 20:38:00', '2020-10-14 00:17:49'),
(1471, 5, NULL, 'شکیبا', 'احمدی', '09125991259', 'customer', '$2y$10$.ZRM3PPQ4K1ZK82OrxKuyuXpRLcoH5vY/kOghoap/1GSrqN36CicS', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-06-25', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 20:45:07', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1472, 5, NULL, 'رعنا', 'موسوی', '09126771648', 'customer', '$2y$10$ixTlCky1r36amW8R/Rwg/.9e1aVp9jGKKl9esSYHVGFRlF.RN.oXm', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-02-10', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-18 21:34:39', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1473, 5, NULL, 'پانیذ', 'مقدم', '09124396583', 'customer', '$2y$10$O2Qggyq5zJ2xDDPxMhnp/eo6ccSVwn4tIgH2K3UwI7dmVfHYSqYT2', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-06-29', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 13:16:01', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1474, 17, NULL, 'سحر', 'بهرامی نیا', '09127570565', 'customer', '$2y$10$qZ1qge86AJULTYn/n6aEsOc3pmP5wFVHDqE5OoPzCgfca8rXk.7YS', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-05-08', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 13:17:38', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1475, 5, NULL, 'افسانه', 'حسینی', '09121979249', 'customer', '$2y$10$CxFfNekcK0Ke1CHAWVRuW.lLZTn6cs5dxho/bOgWor9vymHAMSsD.', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-07-23', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 13:37:41', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1476, 248, NULL, 'آزاده', 'عبدالهی', '09120165790', 'customer', '$2y$10$uszxTU3R/SApCg/cDnFBzO2oWO25ZljZ5hWJQrpd5xVU/sKv5SDiC', '1234', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 13:53:34', '2020-10-14 00:17:50'),
(1477, 1215, NULL, 'نازلی', 'بخشایش', '09123080914', 'customer', '$2y$10$Ry8aVY81ypxDHGzW6Jyh6uuUh6fbKwwgJRUL03oUsR6hLQMGYloqm', '1234', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 15:58:04', '2020-10-14 00:17:51'),
(1478, 248, NULL, 'مصطفی', 'اصلانی', '09125070111', 'customer', '$2y$10$uITyS776bx.8NGZA53EYz.j6iEnBkCaoZNFh4SceYuLhd6/gLZKBq', '1234', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'male', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 17:12:55', '2020-10-14 00:17:51'),
(1479, 5, NULL, 'علیرضا', 'چنیده', '09123885091', 'customer', '$2y$10$8oKgXIhFVSvjE09tYAc.QOEIw0DTd5D40tmiYykKxZ9MX.Xk4WF5q', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2020-07-10', 'male', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 17:54:16', '2020-10-14 00:17:51'),
(1480, 237, NULL, 'شیرین', 'محمدکرمی', '09120809405', 'customer', '$2y$10$jUbFObN3q7MJr4CecLjTeeetSN809Vwinz5BIsTT7y8TbDcssXftC', '1234', NULL, NULL, '2021-02-06', 'female', 1, 1, NULL, 'active', 0, '2020-07-19 18:24:16', '2020-10-14 00:17:52'),

(496376, 12299, 684094, 4090000, '2021526318be181de64', 496375, 'order', 137760, NULL, NULL, 2979, NULL, NULL, 0, 11617, 11617, '2022-09-07 15:51:52', 0, 0, 'black_bears_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:21:52', '2022-09-07 20:21:52', '2022-09-07 15:51:52', '2022-09-07 15:51:52'),
(496377, 11641, 11637, 10000, 'nikan_6318be187277c', 136564, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2979, NULL, NULL, 0, 11617, 11617, NULL, 0, 0, 'black_bears_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:21:52', '2022-09-07 20:21:52', '2022-09-07 15:51:52', '2022-09-07 15:51:52'),
(496378, 615301, 457241, 4359450, '2024116318bea3af901', NULL, 'order', 137761, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, 329, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 15:54:11', 0, 0, 'romarin_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:24:11', '2022-09-07 20:24:11', '2022-09-07 15:54:11', '2022-09-07 15:54:11'),
(496379, 615301, 457241, 1273000, '2024326318beb8b9ee1', NULL, 'order', 137762, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, 329, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 15:54:32', 0, 0, 'romarin_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:24:32', '2022-09-07 20:24:32', '2022-09-07 15:54:32', '2022-09-07 15:54:32'),
(496380, 684096, 11660, 4520000, '2026416318bf393038b', 136565, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2979, NULL, NULL, 1, 11617, 11617, '2022-09-07 15:57:19', 0, 0, 'black_bears_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 15:56:41', '2022-09-07 15:57:19'),
(496381, 12299, 684096, 4520000, '2027186318bf5edc40c', 496380, 'order', 137764, NULL, NULL, 2979, NULL, NULL, 0, 11617, 11617, '2022-09-07 15:57:19', 0, 0, 'black_bears_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 15:57:18', '2022-09-07 15:57:19'),
(496382, 11641, 11637, 10000, 'nikan_6318bf5f35ba2', 136565, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2979, NULL, NULL, 0, 11617, 11617, NULL, 0, 0, 'black_bears_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 20:27:19', '2022-09-07 15:57:19', '2022-09-07 15:57:19'),
(496383, 615301, 457241, 200000, '2028366318bfac7fe63', NULL, 'order', 137765, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, 329, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 15:58:36', 0, 0, 'romarin_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:28:36', '2022-09-07 20:28:36', '2022-09-07 15:58:36', '2022-09-07 15:58:36'),
(496384, 684098, 676278, 3380000, '2029566318bffcd8f42', 136566, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 92567, NULL, NULL, 1, 669269, 669269, '2022-09-07 16:00:25', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:30:25', '2022-09-07 20:30:25', '2022-09-07 15:59:56', '2022-09-07 16:00:25'),
(496385, 615301, 457241, 6560700, '2030196318c0135b032', NULL, 'order', 137766, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, 329, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 16:00:19', 0, 0, 'romarin_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:30:19', '2022-09-07 20:30:19', '2022-09-07 16:00:19', '2022-09-07 16:00:19'),
(496386, 676292, 684098, 3380000, '2030246318c0186576b', 496384, 'order', 137767, NULL, NULL, 92567, NULL, NULL, 0, 669269, 669269, '2022-09-07 16:00:24', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:30:24', '2022-09-07 20:30:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:24'),
(496387, 676279, 684099, 30, '2030246318c018c0e9e', 496384, 'order', NULL, NULL, 28, 92567, 107, NULL, 0, 669270, 669270, '2022-09-07 16:00:24', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_campaign_gift', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:30:24', '2022-09-07 20:30:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:24'),
(496388, 669275, 669271, 10000, 'nikan_6318c018db626', 136566, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 92567, NULL, NULL, 0, 669269, 669269, NULL, 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:30:25', '2022-09-07 20:30:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:24', '2022-09-07 16:00:25'),
(496389, 684100, 457383, 5319200, '2031306318c05a1de25', 136567, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 45135, NULL, NULL, 1, 456973, 456973, '2022-09-07 16:01:38', 0, 0, 'wolfs_den_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 16:01:30', '2022-09-07 16:01:38'),
(496390, 498212, 684100, 5319200, '2031376318c061c8ea5', 496389, 'order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 45135, NULL, NULL, 0, 456973, 456973, '2022-09-07 16:01:37', 0, 0, 'wolfs_den_snap_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:37', '2022-09-07 20:31:37', '2022-09-07 16:01:37', '2022-09-07 16:01:37'),
(496391, 457384, 684101, 50, '2031386318c06220cca', 496389, 'order', NULL, NULL, 18, 45135, 50, NULL, 0, 457034, 457034, '2022-09-07 16:01:38', 0, 0, 'wolfs_den_campaign_gift', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 16:01:38', '2022-09-07 16:01:38'),
(496392, 457101, 457097, 20000, 'nikan_6318c062400d6', 136567, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 45135, NULL, NULL, 0, 456973, 456973, NULL, 0, 0, 'wolfs_den_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 20:31:38', '2022-09-07 16:01:38', '2022-09-07 16:01:38'),
(496393, 684102, 669282, 2850000, '2031476318c06b6fec0', 136568, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 88319, NULL, NULL, 1, 669269, 669269, '2022-09-07 16:02:12', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 16:01:47', '2022-09-07 16:02:12'),
(496394, 684103, 953, 31850000, '2031506318c06eacd49', 136569, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 219, NULL, NULL, 1, 5, 5, '2022-09-07 16:01:55', 0, 0, 'doris_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:50', '2022-09-07 16:01:55'),
(496395, 186367, 684103, 31850000, '2031556318c07335ba9', 496394, 'order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 219, NULL, NULL, 0, 5, 5, '2022-09-07 16:01:55', 0, 0, 'doris_cash_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55'),
(496396, 954, 684104, 9, '2031556318c0738f76f', 496394, 'order', NULL, NULL, 1, 219, 10, NULL, 0, 10, 10, '2022-09-07 16:01:55', 0, 0, 'doris_campaign_gift', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55'),
(496397, 655, 663, 10000, 'nikan_6318c073aebeb', 136569, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 219, NULL, NULL, 0, 5, 5, NULL, 0, 0, 'doris_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 20:31:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55', '2022-09-07 16:01:55'),
(496398, 669563, 684102, 2850000, '2032116318c083cb416', 496393, 'order', 137768, NULL, NULL, 88319, NULL, NULL, 0, 669269, 669269, '2022-09-07 16:02:11', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:32:11', '2022-09-07 20:32:11', '2022-09-07 16:02:11', '2022-09-07 16:02:11'),
(496399, 669283, 684105, 20, '2032126318c0842507b', 496393, 'order', NULL, NULL, 28, 88319, 103, NULL, 0, 669270, 669270, '2022-09-07 16:02:12', 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_campaign_gift', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 16:02:12', '2022-09-07 16:02:12'),
(496400, 669275, 669271, 10000, 'nikan_6318c0844356f', 136568, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 88319, NULL, NULL, 0, 669269, 669269, NULL, 0, 0, 'tommy_polo_nikan_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 20:32:12', '2022-09-07 16:02:12', '2022-09-07 16:02:12'),
(496401, 674360, 674340, 8491100, '2035006318c12c9e8c3', NULL, 'order', 137769, NULL, NULL, 91715, NULL, 327, 0, 674337, 674337, '2022-09-07 16:05:00', 0, 0, 'ala_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:35:00', '2022-09-07 20:35:00', '2022-09-07 16:05:00', '2022-09-07 16:05:00'),
(496402, 674360, 674340, 450000, '2036396318c18f506e5', NULL, 'order', 137770, NULL, NULL, 91715, NULL, 327, 0, 674337, 674337, '2022-09-07 16:06:39', 0, 0, 'ala_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:36:39', '2022-09-07 20:36:39', '2022-09-07 16:06:39', '2022-09-07 16:06:39'),
(496403, 615301, 457241, 165000, '2037066318c1aab1961', NULL, 'order', 137771, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, 329, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 16:07:06', 0, 0, 'romarin_cache_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:37:06', '2022-09-07 20:37:06', '2022-09-07 16:07:06', '2022-09-07 16:07:06'),
(496404, 639835, 457419, 2040750, '2040216318c26d01dc6', 136570, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, NULL, 1, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 16:10:37', 0, 0, 'romarin_rials_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:40:38', '2022-09-07 20:40:37', '2022-09-07 16:10:21', '2022-09-07 16:10:38'),
(496405, 621000, 457420, 3, '2040216318c26d10ea0', 136570, 'product_order', NULL, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, NULL, 0, 457173, 457173, '2022-09-07 16:10:38', 0, 0, 'romarin_point_order', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:40:38', '2022-09-07 20:40:38', '2022-09-07 16:10:21', '2022-09-07 16:10:38'),
(496406, 615301, 639835, 2040750, '2040376318c27d5904c', 496404, 'order', 137772, NULL, NULL, 45192, NULL, NULL, 0, 457108, 457108, '2022-09-07 16:10:37', 0, 0, 'romarin_terminal_payment', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:40:37', '2022-09-07 20:40:37', '2022-09-07 16:10:37', '2022-09-07 16:10:37'),
(496407, 457420, 621000, 6, '2040376318c27db07b2', 496404, 'order', NULL, NULL, 19, 45192, 51, NULL, 0, 457173, 457173, '2022-09-07 16:10:37', 0, 0, 'romarin_campaign_gift', NULL, '2022-09-07 20:40:37', '2022-09-07 20:40:37', '2022-09-07 16:10:37', '2022-09-07 16:10:37'),


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