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Access to the control panel was obtained by decision of malfunctions and errors,this followed the export of all projects attachments, namely, data in the HTML format with screenshots.They have a lot of data to various admin panels, ftp access, server log files and etc.
What to do with it? You can do a lot of things, for example, find the admin panels of their clients as well as databases and accesses.There is a lot of information and it's up to you.

Aconselha-se todos os integradores eGAR a testarem previamente os seus sistemas usando o endpoint de qualidade, onde o TLS 1.1 já deixou de ser suportado:
Se os testes forem bem sucedidos no ambiente de qualidade, não terão problemas a 1 de Setembro no ambiente de produção.
Alterações na DLL VGGuiaAmbienteWsV2 para funcionar em 2000
Metodo GetClientBindingSource
// Ensure that the application uses TLS 1.2
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
A dll terá que estar no framework 4.6
Voltar a Gerar a dll e testar
Efetuar teste no 2000