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INSERT INTO `tata_go2market_unr_invol` (`id`, `sr_no`, `region`, `pmr_email`, `pmr_name`, `logo_name`, `logo_id`, `arpu`, `product`, `del_no`, `account_no`, `barring_reason`, `barring_type`, `incident_date`, `month`, `created`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `tata_go2market_pre_leads` (`id`, `industry`, `sub_industry`, `industry_val`, `lead_id`, `lead_status`, `type_sale`, `history_code`, `logo_match_type`, `stage`, `lead_generation_date`, `agent_id`, `source`, `btl_event`, `fmm`, `customer_name`, `designation`, `company_name`, `new_company_name`, `company_type`, `email`, `alternate_email`, `mobile`, `alternate_contact @fbi_gov _no`, `address_with_contact @fbi_gov _no`, `state`, `city`, `pincode`, `product`, `product1`, `product2`, `product3`, `disposition1`, `existing_mrc`, `mrc_exp`, `customer_remarks`, `pcl_name`, `building_id`, `building_name`, `new_building_name`, `voc`, `appointment_date`, `appointment_time`, `logo_id`, `logo_name`, `cin_no`, `cin_name`, `cp_id`, `plan`, `bandwidth`, `lockin`, `otc_cat`, `otc`, `quantity`, `lead_time`, `individual_assign`, `lead_assigner`, `reassigned_lead`, `reassigned_id`, `lead_assignment_time`, `cp_otp`, `cp_otp_flag`, `customer_approved`, `call_audio_name`, `campaign_name`, `first_lead_time`, `disposition`, `remarks`, `created`, `updated`, `self_pre_lead`, `customer_segment`, `recommended_product`, `disposition2`, `disposition3`, `last_action_date`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `tata_go2market_unr_invol` (`id`, `sr_no`, `region`, `pmr_email`, `pmr_name`, `logo_name`, `logo_id`, `arpu`, `product`, `del_no`, `account_no`, `barring_reason`, `barring_type`, `incident_date`, `month`, `created`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `tata_go2market_pre_leads` (`id`, `industry`, `sub_industry`, `industry_val`, `lead_id`, `lead_status`, `type_sale`, `history_code`, `logo_match_type`, `stage`, `lead_generation_date`, `agent_id`, `source`, `btl_event`, `fmm`, `customer_name`, `designation`, `company_name`, `new_company_name`, `company_type`, `email`, `alternate_email`, `mobile`, `alternate_contact @fbi_gov _no`, `address_with_contact @fbi_gov _no`, `state`, `city`, `pincode`, `product`, `product1`, `product2`, `product3`, `disposition1`, `existing_mrc`, `mrc_exp`, `customer_remarks`, `pcl_name`, `building_id`, `building_name`, `new_building_name`, `voc`, `appointment_date`, `appointment_time`, `logo_id`, `logo_name`, `cin_no`, `cin_name`, `cp_id`, `plan`, `bandwidth`, `lockin`, `otc_cat`, `otc`, `quantity`, `lead_time`, `individual_assign`, `lead_assigner`, `reassigned_lead`, `reassigned_id`, `lead_assignment_time`, `cp_otp`, `cp_otp_flag`, `customer_approved`, `call_audio_name`, `campaign_name`, `first_lead_time`, `disposition`, `remarks`, `created`, `updated`, `self_pre_lead`, `customer_segment`, `recommended_product`, `disposition2`, `disposition3`, `last_action_date`) VALUES
(10690, '610859853', 'South', 'Rupesh.Pulikanti@tatatel.co.in', 'Rupesh', 'SUBHODAYA DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Rupesh', '1000165762', '36000', 'Leased Line', '1889166', '209407727', 'Soft-loop Cheque Bounce', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/11/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:47'),
(10691, '610859857', 'South', 'Rupesh.Pulikanti@tatatel.co.in', 'Rupesh', 'SUBHODAYA DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Rupesh', '1000165762', '62000', 'Leased Line', '1889147', '209407729', 'Soft-loop Cheque Bounce', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/11/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:47'),
(10692, '610880553', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'AAP MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000091750', '8750', 'Leased Line', '1884864', '209408348', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:48'),
(10693, '610880565', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'PHYSICSWALLAH PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000306303', '46250', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5894278', '209409631', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:48'),
(10694, '610880333', 'South', 'anoop.ml@tatatel.co.in', 'Anoop ML', 'HSIL LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Anoop ML', '1000003753', '60000', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5894609', '209409894', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:49'),
(10695, '610880573', 'Mumbai 1', 'ravi.navani@tatatel.co.in', 'Ravi Navani ', 'ONEPLEX TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Ravi Navani ', '1000330425', '0', 'Managed Enterprise Network (MPLS)', '6894935', '209410025', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:49'),
(10696, '610880581', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'SNK TRAVELS PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000320300', '30833', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5894477', '209410315', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:50'),
(10697, '610880339', 'South', 'Nirdesh.Srivastava@Tatatel.co.in', 'Nirdesh', 'RAMKY ATALIAN PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Nirdesh', '1000263309', '155000', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5896682', '209410446', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:50'),
(10698, '610880597', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'PHILIPS INDIA LTD, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000266679', '127500', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5886734', '209410634', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:53'),
(10699, '610880617', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'MTEL SOFTWARE, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000348302', '27500', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5895916', '209410647', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:55'),
(10700, '610880633', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'AVAL FASHION HOUSE, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000268342', '27500', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5889017', '209410944', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:55'),
(10701, '610880433', 'North', 'PRIYANKA.SRIVASTAVA@TATATEL.CO.IN', 'Priyanka Srivastava ', 'BPO CONVERGENCE PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Priyanka Srivastava ', '1000173532', '0', 'Leased Line', '4899628', '209411515', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:56'),
(10702, '610880655', 'North', 'radhika.tiwari@tatatel.co.in', 'Radhika Tiwari', 'OHMADO CONSULTING PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Radhika Tiwari', '1000269029', '95625', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5898929', '209411574', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:56'),
(10703, '610880447', 'South', 'shruthi.bn@tatatel.co.in', 'Shruthi B N', 'STERNE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Shruthi B N', '1000268602', '87500', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5899859', '209411745', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:57'),
(10704, '610880457', 'West', 'chitra.priya@tatatel.co.in', 'Chitrapriya', 'BORGWARNER INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Managed by PMR ,Chitrapriya', '1000361939', '240000', 'Managed Enterprise Internet Service (ILL)', '5901577', '209412180', 'Soft-loop', 'Soft-loop Barring', '11/16/2021', 'November 2021', '2021-11-18 05:20:58'),
(290989, 'Education', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Not Interested', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'ASHUTOSH', 'Dy. Manager / Manager', 'ADSTUCK CONSULTING', NULL, '', 'cs@adstuck.online', '', '9999379167', '', 'F-10 Sector 6 Block F 201301', 'UTTAR PRADESH', '', '201301', '', 'Toll Free Number', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'No Requirement', '', '', '', NULL, '201301_00002984', 'F-10', '', 'undefined', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Adstuck Consulting', '2405', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:35', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:35', 'No Requirement', 'tagged as invalid', '2021-08-18 11:19:35', '2022-01-11 05:41:49', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', 'undefined', 'undefined', '2022-01-11 11:11:49'),
(290990, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'ABHISHEK ', 'Chairman / Director / Md / Proprietor', 'HINDUSTAN MARKETING', NULL, '', 'abhattacharjee2@gmail.com', '', '8013723559', '', '83, Jessore Rd, Madhyamgram Municipality Ward 19, Fortune City, Madhyamgram, Kolkata, West Bengal 700132 Ward 19 Madhyamgram Municipality Ward 19 Madhyamgram 700132', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700132', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700132_00001', 'Fortune City', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindustan Marketing', '5666', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:35', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:35', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', '2021-08-18 05:49:36', 'No', '', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290991, 'Services', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'VIVEK AGARWALA', 'Chairman / Director / Md / Proprietor', 'HINDUSTAN MITRA CLUB', NULL, '', 'info@hindustanmitraclub.com', '', '9830052510', '', '63 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Rd, Comfort Inn, 2nd floor, Kol-16 No.63 2nd Floor Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Rd Taltala 700016', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700016', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700016_000015', 'Comfort Inn', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindustan Mitra Club', '5383', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', '2021-08-18 05:49:36', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290992, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'HARSH KUMAR ARORA', 'President / Ceo / Cfo / Cio / Cto / Coo', 'HINDUSTAN POWER', NULL, '', 'Harshkarora70@Gmail.Com', '', '9650777970', '', ' 616A (16A, Sixth Floor), Devika Tower,Nehru Place New Delhi', 'DELHI', '', '110019', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '110019_000045', 'Devika Tower', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindustan Power', '2309', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', '2021-08-18 05:49:36', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290993, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'MR. ARUP SENGUPTA', 'Dy. Manager / Manager', 'HINDUSTHAN ENGINEERING CO.', NULL, '', 'asg@heilindia.com', '', '9903496505', '', 'DVC Towers ( 7th Floor)VIP Road,Ultadanga,Kolkata - 700054 7th Floor VIP Rd Kankurgachi 700054', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700054', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700054_00005', 'DVC Tower', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindusthan Engineering Co.', '5602', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:36', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', '2021-08-18 05:49:37', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290994, 'Transportation and Logistics', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'SUMIT RAWAT', 'Agm / Gm', 'HINDUSTHAN SAMACHAR', NULL, '', 'Sumit@Hindusthansamachar.In', '', '9911786049', '', '5th floor, 503-504, Copia Corporate Suites, Plot No 9, Road Number 13A,Jasola, NEW DELHI110025 No 503 504 Rd Number 13A Jasola Vihar 110025', 'DELHI', '', '110025', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '110025_000017', 'Copia Corporate Suites', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindusthan Samachar', '5964', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', '2021-08-18 05:49:37', 'No', 'Medium', 'MPLS (HUB Location)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290995, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'PRASENJIT SEN', 'Consultant', 'HINDUSTHAN SURGICAL', NULL, '', 'papaisen1983@gmail.com', '', '9830650561', '', ' Todi Mansion, opp. BSNL Exchange Khirodi Vidya Binode Ave Tiretti 700073', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700073', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700073_00001', 'Todi Mansion', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hindusthan Surgical', '5666', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', '2022-05-04 14:12:15', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, '2022-05-04 19:42:15'),
(290996, 'CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'SAURAV AGARWAL', 'Consultant', 'HINDUSTHAN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED', NULL, '', 'saurav.agarwal@thehindusthangroup.co.in', '', '7827517365', '', 'World Trade Centre 14/1B Ezra Street 6th Floor kolkata-700001 Radha Bazar Lal Bazar 700001', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700001', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700001_0000147', 'World Trade Centre', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '1000162844', 'HINDUSTHAN URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED', 'L31300DL1959PLC003141', 'Hindusthan Urban Infrastructure Limited', '2381', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', '2021-08-18 05:49:37', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290997, 'Services', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Not Eligible Profile', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'ASHUTOSH OJHA', 'Sr. Manager / Dgm', 'HIRE INDIA CONSULTING PVT LTD', NULL, '', 'Ashudeepu91@Gmail.Com', '', '8252189364', '', 'DLF Office Block Saket District Centre Delhi Saket District Centre 110030', 'DELHI', '', '110030', '', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', '', '', '', '', NULL, '110030_000012', 'DLF Office Block', '', 'undefined', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hire India Consulting Pvt Ltd', '2285', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:37', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', 'Company Not Registered', 'tagged as not elligible profile', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', '2022-02-21 19:11:21', 'No', 'Semi-Medium', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', '', '', '2022-02-22 00:41:21'),
(290998, 'Services', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'AMRESH VERMA', 'Dy. Manager / Manager', 'HIRE4EVENTINDUSTRY', NULL, '', 'averma@hire4event.com', '', '9718941111', '', 'C4 Block B Sector 1 Noida C 4 Block B Sector 1 201301', 'UTTAR PRADESH', '', '201301', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '201301_0000872', 'C4', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hire4Eventindustry', '3061', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:38', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:38', '2021-08-18 05:49:38', 'No', 'Semi-Medium', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(290999, 'INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Not Reachable', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'BRUCE KING', 'Dy. Manager / Manager', 'HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS INDIA PVT LTD', NULL, '', 'bruce.king@hds.com', '', '9212029863', '', 'Leighton Cont. Wave One Project Site Nr. CS Mall SEC-18 NOIDA NO.L1 Nr Radisson Blu Hotel Sector 18 201301', 'UTTAR PRADESH', '', '201301', '', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', '', '', '', '', NULL, '201301_00002100', 'WAVE ONE PVT LTD', '', 'undefined', '2021-08-18', NULL, '1000038149', '', '', 'HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS INDIA PVT LTD', '3550', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:38', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', 'Attempted > 3 times', 'tagged as not reachable', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', '2022-02-08 11:05:51', 'No', 'Semi-Medium', 'Managed ILL', '', '', '2022-02-08 16:35:51'),
(291000, 'CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'TAKESHI YANASE', 'Chairman / Director / Md / Proprietor', 'HITACHI MICRO CLINIC', NULL, '', 'yanase@hitachi-chem.co.in', '', '7300071821', '', '2 Okhla Estate Marg Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 2 110020', 'DELHI', '', '110020', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '110020_0000176', '2', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hitachi Micro Clinic', '4280', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:38', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:38', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', '2021-08-18 05:49:39', 'No', 'Semi-Medium', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(291001, 'Education', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'GOPAL GHOSH', 'Dy. Manager / Manager', 'HITAISHI CREATIVE ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED', NULL, '', 'Info@Hitaishi.Com', '', '9831090330', '', '5th Floor, Metro tower 1, Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani, Kolkata -700071. No.1 5th Floor Ho-Chi-Minh Sarani Park Street area 700071', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700071', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700071_000011', 'Metro tower 1', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'Hitaishi Creative Enterprises Private Limited', '2371', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', '2021-08-18 05:49:39', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(291002, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'SANDEEP BAID', 'Consultant', 'HI-TEC MINERALS & CHEMICALS', NULL, '', 'hi_tech.mineralsandchemicals@rediffmail.com', '', '9206046220', '', '63 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Rd, Comfort Inn, 2nd floor, Kol-16 No.63 2nd Floor Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Rd Taltala 700016', 'WEST BENGAL', '', '700016', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '700016_000015', 'Comfort Inn', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '', '', '', 'HI-TEC MINERALS & CHEMICALS', '5383', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', '2021-08-18 05:49:39', 'No', 'Small', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(291003, 'Transportation and Logistics', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Pending', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'RAJAN GUPTA', 'President / Ceo / Cfo / Cio / Cto / Coo', 'HITECH AUDIO SYSTEMS LPVT LTD', NULL, '', 'rajan@hitechaudiosystems.com', '', '9811015472', '', 'Vishal Bhawan 95 Nehru Place New Delhi New Delhi Dl 110019', 'DELHI', '', '110019', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', NULL, '110019_000030', 'Vishal Bhawan', NULL, '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '1000094929', '', '', 'Hitech Audio Systems Lpvt Ltd', '2309', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:39', NULL, NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:40', '2021-08-18 05:49:40', 'No', '', 'MPLS (HUB Location)', NULL, NULL, NULL),
(291005, 'Manufacturing and Retail', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Follow up', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'RANJANA KAUL', '', 'HNKT RECRUITMENT PRIVATE LIMITED', NULL, 'HNKT RECRUITMENT PRIVATE LIMITED', 'rkaul30@gmail.com', '', '9818799634', '', 'Pearl Omaxe Tower-1, Netaji Subhash Palace, New Delhi, Delhi 110034', 'DELHI', '', '110034', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', NULL, '110034_000036', 'Pearl Omaxe Tower 1', '', '', '2021-08-18', NULL, '1000179584', 'HNKT RECRUITMENT PRIVATE LIMITED', 'U74900DL2015PTC279721', 'Hnkt Recruitment Private Limited', '3270', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:40', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:40', '', 'followback after', '2021-08-18 11:19:40', '2022-08-18 07:18:59', 'No', '', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', '', '', '2022-08-18 12:48:59'),
(291006, 'Education', '', NULL, '210900000', 'Call Hangup', 'New Requirement', '', '', 'Identified Opportunity', '2021-08-18', '', 'Pre Lead', '', '', 'VINOD KUMAR', 'Chairman / Director / Md / Proprietor', 'HOHENSTEIN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED', NULL, '', 'vinodkapoor78@gmail.com', '', '7506662074', '', 'Pinnacle Tower_ A-42-6_ Sector 62_ Noida Sector 62 201301', 'UTTAR PRADESH', '', '201309', '', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', '', '', '', '', NULL, '201309_00001', 'PINNACLE TOWER', '', 'undefined', '2021-08-18', NULL, '1000049367', 'HOHENSTEIN INDIA PRIVATE LTD', 'U74140MH2006PTC161482', 'Hohenstein india Private Limited', '5434', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-08-18 11:19:00', 'Yes', '1', 'No', NULL, '2021-08-18 11:19:40', NULL, '0', NULL, NULL, '', '2021-08-18 11:19:40', 'Disconnected while talking', 'tagged as call hangup', '2021-08-18 11:19:40', '2021-08-30 09:19:37', 'No', 'Semi-Medium', 'Internet Leased Line (ILL)', '', '', NULL),
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