Hash Dettol Olympiads 2022 - India 400K Users.

Hash Dettol Olympiads 2022 - India 400K Users.


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Aug 3, 2024
Казань, Россия
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What is it ? These are hygiene olympiads organized by Dettol every year in India. So I've collected all the students who took part in these Olympics in 2022. (You must be logged in to see this link.)
Breach Date ? I had access to its data in 2024, but considered that it all dates back to 2022.
How many users? 453 646 users.

Data: id,username,student_name,parent_name,parent_email,mobile,password,standard,school_name,address,country_code,city,state,pin_code,last_otp,status,profile,promotional,device_id,user_from,mobile_verified,registration_date,verification_date,firebase_token,district,taluka,email_key,email_verified,mobile_prefix,otp_gen_count,otp_gen_time,referred_from,slot,created_on,created_by,modified_on,modified_by,subjects,roll_number,series_code,original_password,json_generated,table

Sample :
91671,B.DEEPIKA,B.DEEPIKA,null,rbalu616@gmail.com,9871884686,66ebec64a375d2fa5a0fd6717d8b9c64,10,PSBB K.K.NAGAR CHENNAI,3A D 118 HARMONY SANGEETHA ALAGIRISAMY K.K.NAGAR CHENNAI TAMILNADU INDIA SALAI,IN,CHENNAI,TAMIL NADU,600078,,active,,no,,web,0,2022-09-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dettol-hygiene-olympiad,cx03-CTJRFFC4IJR5,cx03,641382647,1,oe_users

Last edited:
What is it ? These are hygiene olympiads organized by Dettol every year in India. So I've collected all the students who took part in these Olympics in 2022. (You must be logged in to see this link.)
Breach Date ? I had access to its data in 2024, but considered that it all dates back to 2022.
How many users? 453 646 users.

Sample :
91671,B.DEEPIKA,B.DEEPIKA,null,rbalu616@gmail.com,9871884686,66ebec64a375d2fa5a0fd6717d8b9c64,10,PSBB K.K.NAGAR CHENNAI,3A D 118 HARMONY SANGEETHA ALAGIRISAMY K.K.NAGAR CHENNAI TAMILNADU INDIA SALAI,IN,CHENNAI,TAMIL NADU,600078,,active,,no,,web,0,2022-09-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dettol-hygiene-olympiad,cx03-CTJRFFC4IJR5,cx03,641382647,1,oe_users

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Thanks for sharing
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