(34302, 676, 'Mr', 'stan lee', 'wiliams', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'stanleee90@gmail.com', '+91954687134261', 'Oral', 'Renewable &Sustainable energy', 'akfalhnronvlnalm', 'wind-renewable-energy-2016-34302-Abstract.docx', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34303, 772, 'Dr', 'ABDUR-RAHIM', 'GIWA', 'South Africa', 'abdurrahimgiwa@yahoo.com', '+27610430375', 'Oral', 'Pollution Control', 'DR. ABDUR-RAHIM A. GIWA\r\nDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY\r\nCAPE PENINSULAR UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY\r\nP. 0. BOX 1906 BELLVILLE, 7535\r\nSOUTH AFRICA', 'pollution-control-2016-34303-Abstract.docx', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34304, 929, 'Prof', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Kazakhstan', 'bake.yer@mail.ru', '87172999253', 'Poster', 'Catalysis', 'Tha Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Orlycol st.10, NP-3', 'petrochemistry-2016-34304-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34305, 697, 'Prof', 'Magdalena Irene', 'Umboh', 'Indonesia', 'ireneumboh@gmail.com', '+628128047514', 'Oral', 'Marine Biology', 'Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Jalan Tondano, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618', 'oceanography-2016-34305-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34306, 697, 'Prof', 'Magdalena Irene', 'Umboh', 'Indonesia', 'ireneumboh@gmail.com', '+628128047514', 'Oral', 'Marine Biology', 'Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Jalan Tondano, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618', 'oceanography-2016-34306-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34307, 929, 'Prof', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Kazakhstan', 'lelya_1501@mail.ru', '+77015070057', 'Poster', 'Catalysis', 'Astana, Orlycol st.10, NP-3', 'petrochemistry-2016-34307-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34308, 929, 'Prof', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Bolat Ermagambet', 'Kazakhstan', 'lelya_1501@mail.ru', '+77015070057', 'Poster', 'Catalysis', 'Astana, Orlycol st.10, NP-3', 'petrochemistry-2016-34308-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34309, 665, 'Mr', 'mohammad', 'najafi', 'Iran', 'batinajafi@gmail.com', '+989111853244', 'Poster', 'Theoretical and Experimental study of Soft Matter', '10_golestan16_sangachin_bandar anzali_guilan_iran', 'condensed-matter-physics-2016-34309-Abstract.pdf', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34310, 697, 'Prof', 'Magdalena Irene', 'Umboh', 'Indonesia', 'ireneumboh@yahoo.com', '+628128047514', 'Oral', 'Marine Biology', 'Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Jalan Tondano, Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara 95618, Indonesia', 'oceanography-2016-34310-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34311, 735, 'Ms', 'Ann', 'Gogolashvili', 'Georgia', 'gogolashvilia@gmail.com', '995558000797', 'Poster', 'Method Development', 'Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Tbilisi State University, Address: 1, Chavchavadze Ave., 0128Tbilisi, Georgia', 'hplc-congress-2016-34311-Abstract.docx', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34312, 665, 'Mr', 'yashar', 'ghadiri', 'Iran', 'yasharghadiri46@gmail.com', '+989365653708', 'Poster', 'Quantum Physics in Condensed Matter and Mesoscopic Physics', '514_golstan25_sangachin_bandaranzali_guilan_iran', 'condensed-matter-physics-2016-34312-Abstract.pdf', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34313, 1117, 'Prof', 'ASOKAN', 'CHINNASAMY', 'Nigeria', 'asokan_74@hotmail.com', '+2348089797045', 'Oral', 'Neuro-degenerative disorders', 'Prof Asokan Chinnasamy\r\nDepartment of Biochemistry\r\nSokoto State University, Sokoto\r\nSokoto State. Nigeria.\r\nMobile Number: +234-8089797045\r\nE mail: asokan_74@hotmail.com', 'neuroscience-2016-34313-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34314, 788, 'Dr', 'Manuel', 'Villanuevam', 'Spain', 'mvillanuevam@yahoo.com', '+34675744738', 'Oral', 'Orthopedic Trauma ', 'Calle Velayos 2 ,1º C. 28035, Madrid, Spain', 'rheumatology-2016-34314-Abstract.docx', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34315, 713, 'Assist Prof Dr', 'Shanker Raj', 'Barsila', 'Nepal', 'sbarsila@gmail.com', '0097798511166703', 'Poster', 'Dairy Animals', 'Agriculture and Forestry University\r\nFaculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries\r\nDepartment of Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production\r\nRampur, Chitwan, NP-00977 Nepal', 'dairymeet-2016-34315-Abstract.doc', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),
(34316, 878, 'Prof', 'CUMHUR', 'SIPAHI', 'Turkey', 'cumhursipahi@yahoo.com', '90 312 304 6054', 'Oral', 'Dental Implants', 'GN TEVFIK SAGLAM CAD NO:1 ETLÄ°K ANKARA TURKEY', 'prosthodontics-2016-34316-Abstract.docx', '2016-02-12', '', 0, NULL, ''),