
  1. Xlsx France Medical Health

    Country: France LInes: 27.2W Type: Medical Health
  2. ryszardkujaw

    Cloud 109k France B2B

    Sample: Raison Sociale ADRESSE CP VILLE Civilit� Nom Pr�nom T�l�phone Code NAF Activit� Rubrique Professionnelle Effectif GRUNDIG ELECTRONIQUE SA ZONE INDUSTRIELLE LOURDE 57150 CREUTZWALD M. GUMBRECHT Gunter 387828300 6630Z Gestion de...
  3. Yxtrrb

    Cloud france P2: full name address telephone date of birth

    P2 DATA : dufour marc 416 rue des ecoliers 30120 30 st jean de crieulon 622321209 08/12/1963 BRESSON NATHALIE 31 montagnac le Bas 30120 30 MOLIERES CAVAILLAC 642626613 17/04/1966 guibal dany 13 rue du nimois 30120 30 molieres cavaillac...

    Cloud Federation Francaise De Rugby 2023

    -=Stripped Content=- 350k lines 2023
  5. Yxtrrb

    Xlsx No Pass Fr 5K Part 1 : Email ,Full Name, Zip Code, Iban 327988615 GARIN VIVIANE 102 AVENUE LOUIS MICHEL 59287 LEWARDE 29/12/1923 FR7630003009800005001056541 558435582 DELOUX GERARD 78 IMPASSE AUCH 40150 HOSSEGOR 17/1/1924 FR7630004014960000600660590 148258914 LEVASSEUR...
  6. 4ur0r4

    Csv No Pass Credits French Corporate Email List 2022 (3Kk Addresses + 43K Free)

    I am sharing my privately acquired list of French corporate email addresses. That includes company contact emails and employee emails. Low percentage of gmail, hotmail etc - means high delivery rate to custom mailservers. Data comes from scanning ALL .fr websites in 2022. First 43k email...
  7. yxt13

    No Pass France Xlsx File Full Info

    activite Ne(e) le Nom Prenom RIB IBAN BIC Email 2 Tel 2 adresse Tel1 Mail 1
  8. dskjkbl

    Cloud Corsegsm Internal Files Leak Part 1 And 2

    these are the files gotten from the hack of corsegsm in 05/2024 that were sold in breachforums *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  9. kateroth

    U:L:P Logs France Cpanel Ulp

    .fr domain cpanel ULP -=Stripped Content=-
  10. Mix 5K Fr Mix

    5k France
  11. Dc419

    Cloud [🇫🇷 France Database ]

    [🇫🇷 France Database ] ========================== [ Leaks : ] [ COUNTRY : France ] [ DATE: 20.06.2024 ] [ SIZE-22.6 mb ] [ INLINES: ...
  12. Request Seeking Homeonwer Databases Ans Specific Data Leaks In France

    Hey I'm looking for specific DB related to homeowners in France : 1. DB of House owners including email , adress and phone number 2. Db related to "MaPrimeRenov" or MPR 3. A old leak of solar leads in France
  13. Sql No Pass [Fr] Clients (2024) SQL dump 04.2024 SQL files with client (Name, e-mail, phone, address) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  14. dracoola

    Mix Fr Mix 125K

    France Mix UPLOAD.EE - France_125K.txt - Download
  15. REDD

    Accs Credits 140 Accounts Hotmaıl France ⚡ Full Capture Premıum Accounts ☄️⚡ Prıvate Fa ⭐️

    140 Accounts hotmail Premium ⚡ France ⭐️⚡ private accounts full access ⭐️ *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  16. REDD Accs Credits 23X France Accounts Premıum ⚡️ Fresh & Full Access ⚡️ Prıvate Unraped

    23X FRANCE ACCOUNTS PREMIUM | FULL MAILACCESS PRIVATE UNRAPED *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  17. jenculeles

    Mix France Big Companies 16K From

    5 MB file on MEGA Enjoy
  18. REDD

    Accs Hotmaıl France Full Access 100% Prıvate & Premıum Freshly Cracked 2024

    Hotmail France Accounts Full access Freshly Cracked 2024 PRIVATE & PREMIUM *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***

    Mail:Pass Valid 632K France Good Fresh Combolist

    Download :
  20. dracoola

    Mix 521K .Fr Mixed 521K France
  21. f65z1d651

    France - Sevran Citizen Database [2K]

    Content: identifiant,prenom,nom,telephone,ndemobile,courriel,service,fonction,ndeposte Format: csv *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  22. f65z1d651

    🚩 France / French | Combolist | 21.8Kk - 21.8 Millions | Fresh Uhq Hq | No Duplıcates

    Mixed France Combolist - 21.835.252 user's mail:pass - No dupes -=Stripped Content=-
  23. kisou999

    Mix 20K Fr Cleaned And Verified Full Infos

    File: xlsx Number: 20169 records Name LastName Phone Email City Address Mobile Carrier -=Stripped Content=-
  24. DKTime

    179K France Fresh Dump

    179k Mail Pass France Dumped Email:Password Date Dump: December 2022 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  25. DataShadow

    Mix 8K France Mail:access Hq 100%

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  26. nevemberge

    Log:Pass [Fr] Csv 6.5K Rows Full Info [No Passwd] France DB 6500 rows content: - fname, phone, mail, city download:
  27. akbkbk

    Request I Need France Database With Valid Phone Number

    I Need France Database with valid phone number also if possible with deposit amount. Leaked from forex or crypto. TG @AkBKBKBK

    Mail:Pass France Base Combo Maıl Pass

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** FRANCE BASE COMBO MAIL PASS
  29. Lamborghini

    Request I Need This Url

    i need this url only valid The pay is very large💰 My @fbi_gov @leakbase_official_v2 @crypto_summa
  30. simbax

    No Pass Searchıng : Database France Insurance

    HELLO, IM looking for fresh database INSURANNCE HEALTH in france £. THANKS A LOT
  31. simbax

    Request Im Looking For Data Base Mutuelle Inssurance In France

  32. krypt0n

    U:L:P Accs 3K Url, User And Pass Of France Government

    Hello friends!!! In this post I bring access data from the government of France, for this data contains URL, users, emails and passwords. TKS
  33. wolfram

    News Bans Telegram Links

    Individuals in France are having problems accessing @fbi_gov @leakbase_official_v2 links. When they try to visit a @fbi_gov @leakbase_official_v2 URL they receive this image. What are the french gov looking at on @fbi_gov @leakbase_official_v2 . lol
  34. jogging7721


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