database leak

  1. Cloud 2m database for free

    Example of data "userName":null,"email":"","verifiedMobileNumber":null,"unverifiedMobileMumber":null "userName":null,"email":"","verifiedMobileNumber":null,"unverifiedMobileMumber":"7052534767"...
  2. Csv Mix 2019 Database

    archive is 2.20gb compressed and 4.06gb decompressed -=Stripped Content=- has oauth tokens, full names and emails
  3. DIgitalLain

    Mix by [Lain]

    ✔️ Leak all Database *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Leak by Lain
  4. shinnp

    Cloud Credits 50.000.000 # Dbs University of Indonesia ( Latest Leaks )

    Dbs University of Indonesia ( Latest Leaks ) # Located in Indonesia # Lines 50.000.000 no_regis,no_ktp,nama,tempat,tanggal_lahir,jk,tinggi,berat,provinsi,kota_kab,kecamatan,kelurahan,rt,rw,jalan,telp,email,kode, status,agama,pend,jurusan,tahun_lulus,bahasa,jabatan,pt,lokasi,gaji,peng_kerja...
  5. Request this link for download
  6. Xlsx Sql Csv No Pass Cloud Mix Database Leak: 8k lines of personal data/ Leak: “New Belarus” database/ personal data of users of “New Belarus” (android + ios)

    8,000+ lines with personal data of users of the “New Belarus” application. 3000 dollars #NEW_BELARUS screenshots of the application and database uploads[...
  7. Argonauts

    Doc Sql Csv Cloud 弘潔科技股份有限公司 Database

    http://jbmk7h6xlkedn2gg5yi76zca6y3jgdlp5wchlsrd7735tlnrmmvqe5ad.onion New generation semiconductor parts cleaning and spraying technology, with innovative technology development and assisting customers in providing the best solutions With integrated advanced precision processing, surface...
  8. Argonauts

    Json Doc EU Cloud Contact Srl Database Leak http://jbmk7h6xlkedn2gg5yi76zca6y3jgdlp5wchlsrd7735tlnrmmvqe5ad.onion ALL DATA SIZE: 100GB+ production data business data system code other
  9. rywen

    Request How Can I Find Old Database Leaks?

    Where should I look etc.. Anyone?
  10. callmesyed

    News Andrew Tate's The Real World

    Article Details Type: Hack Download Size: 14.10 GB Download: Link Magnet: Link Torrent: Link Chat logs from Andrew Tate's subscription course service The Real World, previously known as "Hustler's University." The logs are taken from the platform’s 221 public and 395 private chat servers...
  11. Request Shein Database

    Hello, according to HIBP, shein database contains 39kk unique records, all shein dumps that I came across contains around 29kk records. Any tips how I can get the remaining 10mil? Sorry if I chose the wrong category.
  12. Log:Pass 100M Database Url-User-Pass

    HEre is the link for download
  13. Request I Need Shopping Database Leak

    如果您有购物数据库,请联系我。 TG:@wxt210517
  14. Dc419

    Cloud #Germany Database Leak

    [ #Germany DataBase Leak ] ========================== # Target : # SIZE : 6,28 Mo # Format : csv # Total Lines : 19K # The Compromised Data Includes...
  15. Dc419

    Cloud #United Kingdom Database Leak

    [ #United Kingdom DataBase Leak ] ========================== # Target : MoneyBookers UK # SIZE : 65.6 MB # Format : csv # Total Lines : 653K # The Compromised Data Includes ["FNAME,LNAME,EMAIL,PHONE,ADDRESS1,CITY,ZIP,STATE,COUNTRY_ID,LANG,BIRTHDATE"] # Sample guoxizheng guoxizheng...
  16. Dc419

    Cloud #Switzerland Database Leak

    [ #Switzerland DataBase Leak ] ========================== # Target : Customer base of the supplier of equipment for the production of soft drinks # SIZE : 2,95 Mo # Format : csv # Total Lines : 15K # The Compromised Data Includes...
  17. ecolematen

    Cloud Wakanim Database Leak 2022 Lınk

    LINK ( here direct link In August 2022, the European streaming service Wakanim suffered a data breach which was subsequently advertised and sold on a...
  18. Xlsx Cloud Bangladesh Desco Customer Database (Exclusive)

    110K Customer Database which Includes : Desco Customer No Customer Name Address *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  19. Request I Am Looking For A Saara Plugin Database Leak. Does Anyone Has It?

    Below is the link of the database that got leaked.
  20. Questions Turkey Database Leak Request

    I need turkish citizen database leak if possible? can someone help?
  21. Request Where Can I Get Thıs Data ---------> [815 Million] Indian Citizen Aadhaar & Passport Database 2023

    any idea where this data can be found for free. Indian citizens data contain many sensitive fields like aadhar number and passport number. Fields name fathersName phoneNumber otherNumber passportNumber aadharNumber age gender address district pincode state town
  22. skywrrl

    Mix Viva Air Columbia (2M Lınes Datasets)

    Viva Air Columbia (2M LINES DATASETS) Headers...
  23. Link Dead Spırı

    -=Stripped Content=-
  24. Mix Updated Database From Brazil Health 2023

    -=Stripped Content=- i made updates
  25. Questions Looking For Database!

    Hello, does anyone have these db? Corp.rar/rest.txt rest (8).txt 12,7.txt rest (4).txt Would appreciate any help!!
  26. RL96

    Mix [ Database Israel ]

    The Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce and Center - the largest business organization in Israel - was breached. ?? <Insurance Company Name,Bank account number,bank Name,contact @fbi_gov ,Name ,Phone,Fax ,Address,city> Bank infos .. Personal infos .. mails .. 10 000 Users [ DOWNLOAD : Link ]
  27. Teeys1337

    Hash Credits Planetminecraft Database Leaked

    Données compromises: Noms d'utilisateur, Mots de passe. [CHARGE = 4] [/ CHARGE][MASQUER] [/ CACHER]
  28. ali12322

    Cloud New Usa Citizen Data Of Passports Other Details All State

    Sample-=Stripped Content=-
  29. Other Paperclıp - Ultımate Data Breach Search Engıne Scrıpt V1.3

    Paperclip is a powerful data breach search engine that allows users to quickly and securely search for breaches based on email addresses and phone numbers. Our robust search engine provides real-time results and ensures the privacy and security of user queries. Demo version v1.3
  30. Request Paperclıp - Ultımate Data Breach Search Engıne Scrıpt V1.3

    Paperclip is a powerful data breach search engine that allows users to quickly and securely search for breaches based on email addresses and phone numbers. Our robust search engine provides real-time results and ensures the privacy and security of user queries. Demo version v1.3
  31. cactus

    [Gıveaway] 418K+ || Indian Bicyclers Leads || Emails, Phones, Dob Et Al

    I stumbled on this giveaway, and I decide to post it here. I hope someone finds them interesting...
  32. Xlsx Vietnam Coffee Shop Database Total 600,000

    feel free to view
  33. JShepherd

    No Pass Facebook Database (2020 - Usa + Canada+ Australia)

    Find below links to individual files containing leaked Facebook files from 2020. Hosted on website. Records include full name linked to an active mobile number. Many include Email Address, Home Address, Date of Birth and other interesting details. -=Stripped Content=-
  34. JShepherd

    Facebook Database (2020 - All Middle East)

    Facebook Database Leak with download available by country (individual download packs). Records include full name linked to an active mobile number. Many include Email Address, Home Address, Date of Birth and other interesting details. -=Stripped Content=-
  35. T4l1b4n

    Csv Cloud Argentına Movıstar Database

  36. T4l1b4n

    Cloud Spaın 10M Database

  37. tomcat2022

    Request Need More Channal About Dataleak

    Hei,guys. I want more channal or website to find dataleak like leakbase?
  38. brembo

    Sql Full Data Base

    Name Adres EGN Donwoad Link 2M Line + Donwoad link Fix
  39. Mix Need Mail Pass

    Can you post some url:pass. got to be up to date
  40. Mix Need Combolist

    Guys can you post some combolist asap pls
  41. mefecanturk0

    Request Türkiye Identity Pictures 312 Picture

    Rpeat ac
  42. dafoe

    Request Recent Turkish Database

    I need recent Turkish citizenship and/or phone number address data. I only have datas from 2009
  43. isforbrowser

    Request Silkroad Leak Data

    Don't know if this has been posted already but thought I would share: leak from 2019 SilkRoad data. 71 parts, ~700MB each, HUGE database!! Enjoy <3 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  44. bootiee12345

    U:L:P Mix Accs Credits Netflix 4500 Accounts Worldwide 1000% Fresh Not Free

    -=Stripped Content=- Fresh Account Guys : For More Logs @ Stealerandlogs thank me later
  45. bootiee12345

    Stealer U:L:P Logs 300 + Airline Logs Mix Qatar Indigo Spicejet Air Arabia

    -=Stripped Content=-
  46. cestmoi

    Request Leak 47M Personnal Email

    list of real email leak! enjoy it ;) -=Stripped Content=-
  47. kakdilaruk

    Mix Mail And Pass

    Upload files for free - 63K Mail Access Hits For (Hulu,Netflix,Steam,Gaming,Spotify,Vpn,Uplay.txt -
  48. jakdeloru

    Mix Mail And Password & More Than 50K+

    Upload files for free - 63K Mail Access Hits For (Hulu,Netflix,Steam,Gaming,Spotify,Vpn,Uplay.txt -
  49. sinhe

    Usa Cloud Mix American Company Darpa As A Mediator

    1.6Tb 的独家信息,包括价值数十亿美元的合同、将军的呼号和个人信息。 [充电=2][/充电]
  50. 0BITS

    Csv Dehashed Mail:Pass Mix Credits Qatar Ministry Of Justice

    Today I have uploaded the qatar ministry of justice for you to download,thanks for reading and enjoy! the data is from 2019, the qatar ministry of justice suffered a data breach that exposed The compromised data included :Lawyers name , Judges name , phone numbers , address , dob ...
  51. nogapah405

    Mix Leak Prıvate Database 24K

    LEAK PRIVATE DATABASE 24k UHQ -=Stripped Content=-
  52. codaxxxxi

    Logs Log:Pass Accs X1 The Orchard Musıc - Exclusıve Account Portal Dıstrıbuted Musıc

  53. codaxxxxi

    Backup U:L:P Logs Accs X1864 Hq - Edu Maıl Access - Database By Codabox✅

    ....BY CODABOX CRACKING GROUP ORG.☠☠☠ X1864 HQ - EDU MAIL ACCESS - DATABASE BY CODABOX✅ We will never and never ask for credit for sharing our work with the community. We believe that this is a space that we have been looking for for a long time to be able to express ourselves and share what...
  54. codaxxxxi

    Backup U:L:P Logs Accs ✅X1504 Outlook Access - Database By Codabox✅

    ....BY CODABOX CRACKING GROUP ORG.☠☠☠ ✅X1504 OUTLOOK ACCESS - DATABASE BY CODABOX✅ We will never and never ask for credit for sharing our work with the community. We believe that this is a space that we have been looking for for a long time to be able to express ourselves and share what we...
  55. nelzi

    No Pass Database Leaked

    Download : -=Stripped Content=- Size : 6.6 GB
  56. codaxxxxi

    Accs Steam Access Accounts Leak Base

    LIKE PARA MAS 3.8 KB file on MEGA
  57. nelzi

    No Pass Wakanim 2022 Database

    -=Stripped Content=-
  58. pandabear1337

    Request Nickelodeon Gigaleak

    Does anyone have the leak or their discord server?
  59. alph03

    News Does Anyone Have Zap-Hosting Data Breach ?

    i have seen the have been hacked In November 2021. and their was a data breach that exposed over 60GB of data containing 746k unique email addresses. if you have something that would be really nice.
  60. JackMarS

    News Microsoft Denies Data Breach, Theft Of 30 Million Customer Accounts

    Microsoft has denied the claims of the so-called hacktivists “Anonymous Sudan” that they breached the company's servers and stole credentials for 30 million customer accounts. Anonymous Sudan is known for debilitating distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against Western entities in...
  61. Request Database Deezer 200M

    Can you send me a link ( no dead ) for i download please
  62. OXRALPH1

    Game Database (Discord Fr, Five M, Mc...) 30.98 Gb

    30.98 GB folder on MEGA o_O
  63. OXRALPH1

    Request Database (Discord Fr, Five M, Mc...) 30.98 Gb

    30.98 GB folder on MEGA :cool:
  64. GhostSec

    Doc Csv Cuban Government Leak!

    Link to leak: OpCuba.rar - AnonFiles Direct link to @fbi_gov @leakbase_official_v2 : GhostSec Castroooo, Oh castrooo <3 Your regime will collapse and we continue to push with the freedom fighters and brave warriors of Cuba! Coming with todays post is a lovely and large leak with a size of...
  65. lunarv6

    Request I'm Looking For Orange Database Leak Of Spain

    i'm looking for the databreach related tho this incident, any help is grateful <span style='color:#780948'>ARCHIVED</span> - Cyber attack on Orange in Spain exposes sensitive customer data
  66. timi90

    Csv Valid Mix 11.000 Investors Database

    Here is a database from a master of a global fund where I got the information from. The data is from the beginning of the year and very clean and complete. There are 11.000 lines of information about the copany, contact @fbi_gov details incl. phone, email and exact address with following...
  67. Mist

    Closed Combo Editor | Comboclean | Edit Your Combolists

    EXkgZWv hosted at ImgBB 1 - Suffix 2 - Prefix 3 - Strip 4 - Email:Pass to User:Pass 5 - User:Pass to Email:Pass 6 - Domain Switcher 7 - Case Swap - Fixed 'remove number passwords' mode - Added username edit - Added mode to compare combos and remove the lines found in both - Added...
  68. blackhome

    Alfa Bank Customer Data Leaked

    ALFA BANK CUSTOMER DATA Leaked note : open the link and download it from TOR browsers Have Fun !! *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  69. AX1L

    Cloud Hash Database Download

    ~ AXIL ~ User impacted: 3,726,598 File Size : 184.41 MB Date : 2022-09-03 [ CHARGE = 3 ] [ / CHARGE ] [ SPOILER = "( 24,'y776 ',' cf9a7dd8a118039eae2b3f37cdd2361 ','', '',13002',1300238927,0,0, 'f7bc20', '' ), ( 26, 'zok2411'...
  70. kakekgarong12

    Request Closed Paramount+ API V2 Config & Capture

    COMBO : ( Email:Pass ) PROXY : ( Yes USA ) BOTS : ( 100/150 ) CAPTURE : ( FirstName | LastName | Gender | isLocked | Status | Payment | Country | Subscription | Product | isAdFree ) EXPIRED|FREE/LOCKED: Custom -=Stripped Content=-
  71. NuLz404

    Sql No Pass Mix Credits Database

    Database Leaked by NuLz404
  72. blackdevil12

    [INDONESIA] DB USER COLLEGE DATA LOGIN DUMP ( DATA INCLUDE : id,pascaID,pascaAlumniId,ipaddress,username,email,phone,group,salt,password,forgottenPasswordCode,Last Login,createdon Overal Data 10k Download : -=Stripped Content=-
  73. Acedia

    Csv No Pass Mgm Resorts Guest Database With 10M+ Records

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  74. SYSTEM256

    Hash 45Million USER LEAKED

  75. SYSTEM256


    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ****** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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