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Варианты Smtp Для Избежания Папок Нежелательной Почты В O365? / Smtp Options For Avoiding O365 Junk Folders?

Варианты Smtp Для Избежания Папок Нежелательной Почты В O365? / Smtp Options For Avoiding O365 Junk Folders?
Jul 25, 2023
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Я пытаюсь доставить фишинговые письма некоторым пользователям O365 с помощью gophish, но все SMTP-релеи, VPS с собственным postfix и т.д. доставляют их только в папку "спам". Мои письма получают 5 баллов за уровень доверия к спаму, хотя я проверял качество письма на, где оно получило 9,4 балла, единственная проблема в том, что домен моложе 30 дней. DKIM, DMARC и SPF также в норме. Что вы можете посоветовать?

I try to deliver phishing emails to some O365 users with gophish, but every SMTP relay, VPS with my own postfix et.c only delivers them to the junk folder. My e-mails get 5 point for Spam Confidence Level, altought I've tested the e-mail quality on where it got 9.4 score, the only problem is that the domain is younger then 30 days. DKIM, DMARC and SPF is also on point. What would you guys recommend?
GoPhish include some metadata blocked by the most mail providers, like the X-Gophish-Signature header defined on webhook/webhook.go file. You should use something like sneaky_gophish:
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that get ride of all thoose metadata. However, this project in particular isn't update for a while, so I recomend that you update it yourself to the actual version of GoPhish. Or recompile the latest version after editing the code to remove this stuff by hand
Well, i've just noticed that whenever I place the {{.URL}} tag in the e-mail, it gets SCL 5 and it goes to the Junk, without any URL its get an SCL 1 and it gets delivered. Any idea how to solve that?
If your url does not have a domain and include a raw ip, it will be flagged. try to buy a generic domain that you can use in multiple campains (or until it is flagged as phishing/spam too) like noreply.TLD, marketing.TLD, contact @fbi_gov .TLD, support.TLD, stuff like that. Also, use a new smtp including new dns records and ip for each campaing
I already have a domain for that with a .com tld. It seems the problem only occurs when i place the url for the gophish webhook into the body text, but if i use an other domain, for example an url shortener like, then it goes into the inbox, not the junk folder. The problem is that the bitly needs an enterprise subscription for parameter passing, so my webhook keeps working. If i use tinyurl, then it gets flagged as a spam again. Any idea for a free url shortener service with parameter passing?
This issue must be with the domain reputation. If you use it for massmailing, it can become bad really fast. I do not use shortners to recomend you one, but you can try the social media ones, if your parameters still work with then. Just post your link on Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Copy the link they generate and delete your post. The link will still work even if the post isn't available anymore, or it worked like this last time I tried. They do not consider this a security issue as they won't be giving up their metrics, so the chances of this method stop working are almost zero. However, this leave one more trace that you cannot delete. Just make sure your server is secure.
I still couldn't get the mail delivered, whenever I place a URL in cleartext, with an anchor tag or any other ways it gets flagged as spam. Even when I place legitimate domains like

However I found this in reddit:

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It seems the spam filter became too aggressive, does anyone have a solution for this?

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