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Recently searched: - Masculine Dating Sql EU Hash © Chucky 

Sql EU Hash © Chucky - Masculine Dating


Jun 7, 2021
Reaction score

INSERT INTO `tsms_users` (`id`, `nick`, `pass`, `fname`, `lname`, `email`, `reg`, `id_loc`, `city`, `t_s`, `s_descr`, `l_descr`, `url`, `webcamurl`, `webcamrate`, `webcamw`, `webcamh`, `online`, `onair`, `idate`, `udate`, `alive`, `blocked`, `next`, `msg_sent`, `refs`, `ip`, `code`, `state`, `chatlinecash`, `wherereferenced`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `password`, `salt`, `role_id`, `avatar`, `photo`, `created`, `last_login`, `photo_count`, `friend_count`, `notification_count`, `friend_request_count`, `blog_count`, `topic_count`, `group_count`, `event_count`, `conversation_user_count`, `video_count`, `gender`, `birthday`, `active`, `confirmed`, `code`, `notification_email`, `timezone`, `ip_address`, `privacy`, `username`, `about`, `featured`, `lang`, `hide_online`, `cover`, `approved`, `is_social`, `has_active_subscription`, `receive_message_from_non_friend`, `send_email_when_send_message`, `request_friend_email`, `notification_setting`, `chat_count`, `profile_type_id`, `package_select`, `viewer_invisible`, `active_count`, `default_view`, `report_count`, `chat_online_status`, `who_can_see_gender`, `review_play`, `lock_delete`, `enable_facetime`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `conversations` (`id`, `user_id`, `subject`, `message`, `created`, `message_count`, `lastposter_id`, `other_last_poster`, `last_reply_id`) VALUES

(1, 'alex', 'lala', 'N', 'N', '', 0, 9, 'SampleProfile', 5, 'Test profile', 'This is a "virtual" profile. Please don't send messages to this profile. They will never be answered.', '', '', 0, 5588, 0, 1, 1, '2005-01-30', '2008-12-06', '2008-12-06 11:47:16', 0, 1, 4, 3, '', 'abd235adb456asd435asd456asd34567', '--', '', ''),
(2, 'adm', 'adm321', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', '', 1, 3, 'Orlando', 4, 'Administrator of', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 370, 0, 0, '2007-02-01', '2011-05-16', NULL, 0, 0, 63, 2, '', '06abcd9db340de43898c4128c9d8e0fe', 'FL', '', ''),
(35, 'jimr916', 'Raisoj', 'Jim', 'R', '', 1, 3, 'Valdosta', 1, 'Lifesyle Nudist', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 7, 1, 0, '2007-02-05', '2007-02-07', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', '427f8e1e9941df418d07e11a8057bc7d', 'GA', '', NULL),
(175, 'TNmale', 'bd0824', 'Steven', 'Edminster', '', 1, 3, 'Nashville', 2, 'Looking for friends to hangout with', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 3, 0, 0, '2007-03-23', '2007-03-23', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'b8697a652c89fbde90a8844861fe1c79', 'TN', '', NULL),
(30, 'Julirob', '220853', 'Roberto', 'Guzzetti', '', 1, 14, 'Paris', 1, 'Well travelled  nudist lover...loves also sailing and in Europe', 'Would like to meet singles or couples with same interests.', '', '', 8080, 0, 12, 1, 0, '2007-02-05', '2007-07-18', NULL, 0, 0, 3, 0, '', 'ebf811cbab1bba96b833ba876f9618cf', '--', '', ''),
(8446, 'klaud', 'nicolas', 'Claude', 'Gay', '', 0, 12, 'Saint-Georges', 2, 'gay, 56 ans de la Beauce, je veux plan cul avec hommes de ma région, je veux sucer une queue sans demander rien en retour', 'Mon nom Klaud, 56 ans, gay bottom, Je suis de Saint-Georges secteur OUEST,Boul.Dionne, au Saint-Guillaume. Je suis un gars simple, pas compliqué, honnête,franc et très discret. Je suis indépendant financièrement. Je recherche des mecs ( Bis, Gays, Mariés ou Str8 curieux) Je recherche gars masculin, bien en chaire,truckers, bikers, bears, poilus et de tous âges et à tout le monde avec profil et avec photos. recherche mecs bien membré pour plan "Q" seulement.. L'apparence physique n'a pas d'importance pour moi, cependant, je veux que la personne soit propre. Je suis toujours disponible et je peux recevoir en tout temps et en toute discrétion. Pour ce qui est de moi, je suis un gars gêné lors des premières rencontres. j'aime vraiment le sexe sous toutes ses formes. J'adore réaliser les fantasmes des hommes. Je suis très cochon. Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur moi, posez-moi des questions ,Je répond à tout le monde avec profil et photos. Pas de Femmes et efféminés s'abstenir, vous serai bloqués', '', '', 8080, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2016-10-28', '2016-10-28', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '8730d262bb0302c82af91eae8fa755b7', 'QC', '', ''),
(4535, 'smithankavin', 'stellers', 'smithan', 'kavin', '', 0, 19, 'banglore', 1, '', 'i love sex n hard core sex .......... i love adventure', '', '', 8080, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2009-06-14', '2009-06-14', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', '8492c0d284a90029a64b15e74b42e4a7', '--', '', ''),
(10, 'smoothcouple', 'piper28', 'greg and wilma', 'arnold', '', 1, 14, 'Stanthorpe qld. au', 7, 'we are a nudist couple from southeast Queensland, Australia, seeking other nudists for bbq's and outings or just visiting each other.', 'Hi, we would love to meet with other nudists or have u visit us. There is a nudist resort not too far away from here. We are NOT swingers so if you are pls DON'T contact @fbi_gov  us. We love being nude and would like to start a smoothies club.', '', '', 8080, 0, 32, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2009-01-29', NULL, 0, 0, 14, 0, '', '3567ef38952770ef6c0c6879c8f5fe22', '--', '', ''),
(11, 'feel1sfreedo', 'carter71', 'Iain', 'Christer', '', 1, 14, 'Brixham, Devon, UK', 1, 'Just the average guy, nothing special, over worked and under paid, like all of us.', '', '', '', 3366, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2007-02-04', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '3d2a53d4f24218c90955372757fe20ca', '--', '', NULL),
(12, 'lucky2', 'flo4bo', 'frank', 'bornhake', '', 1, 14, 'near aachen', 8, 'i am open for everythings', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2007-02-04', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '754a23a82b997b03b039771f5af08b57', '--', '', NULL),
(13, 'smileyman49', 'outhouse57', 'Charles', 'Norman', '', 1, 3, 'Thurmond', 1, '49 yr old s w/m looking to be a member of the lifestyle.Blue eyes,brn/gray hair 215 lbs average build overall.', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 8, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2007-07-06', NULL, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', '7845c1746036d62ad6bdbe587050792c', 'NC', '', ''),
(16, 'thorny', 'kestell', 'terry', 'marlott', '', 1, 4, 'seattle', 11, 'masculine guy', '6'187 masuline well-endowed male. Looking to chat/cam with other nudists worldwide..SKYPE c2c', '', '', 8080, 0, 236, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2013-07-16', NULL, 0, 0, 41, 0, '', '8462b37425d5be6d5ad39c50b7d84c3f', 'WA', '', ''),
(17, 'j', 'j', 'j', 'j', '', 1, 1, 'denver', 1, 'j', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 5, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2007-02-04', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'b01570dd12d92f68d232f701aeead5d7', 'MI', '', NULL),
(18, 'mc6974', 'michael1', 'mj', 'hgd', '', 1, 6, 'los angeles', 2, 'just lookin', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 3, 0, 0, '2007-02-04', '2007-02-21', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '0ab50f7ee6dd10fa91f592dd748dedfe', 'CA', '', NULL),
(19, 'sober21', 'towline2', 'Tim', 'Something', '', 1, 9, 'Flower Mound', 1, '5' 8" 155 lbs 46 years old and in great shape. Well Hung, well groomed and d&d free', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2007-02-05', '2007-02-05', NULL, 0, 0, 5, 0, '', 'fd7685ec7945dee9d6e228f138e572cb', 'TX', '', NULL),
(20, 'dadaboy', 'toyota2002', 'ran', 'gov', '', 1, 6, 'fort worth', 1, 'horny', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2007-02-05', '2007-02-17', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '1c830ff00ce55d7a9c7d839674acb55a', 'TX', '', NULL),
(21, 'KBOI69', 'JEEP', 'KEITH', 'UNDERWOOD', 'KBOI69@YAHOO.COM', 1, 4, 'LONG BEACH', 3, 'I AM A  BI MALE,33,6ft ITALIAN AND GERMAN, BROWN HAIR, GREEN EYES, 175#. HIV NEG AND CLEAN,  MY COCK IS A VERY THICK 8", I AM VERY ATTRACTIVE AND MASC. I HOPE I HEAR FROM YOU.  I LIVE IN LONG BEACH, CA', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 2, 0, 0, '2007-02-05', '2007-02-05', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '1bdf35dc165a71070b1d601be7b80f0f', 'CA', '', NULL),
(4902, 'sharm', 'OKokoOK', 'sharm', 'Sharm', '', 0, 3, 'new york', 1, 'ok to talk with u', '', '', '', 8080, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2009-08-10', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'cdb0e8bbf4c9f58666eefdf243d4fcec', 'MS', '', ''),

(26203, 'Sexybea8t', '', '8bc55c2004bb65bd533b497c5a2800ca', '5672', 2, '22193faf22d1db3c7c71cf4be5dd3b0a.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 12:41:18', '2020-11-07 10:29:05', 1, 0, 15, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GayMale', '1998-02-19', 1, 1, '9b0a3dad4a18e9b5d08e471cfd77b4fe', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26205, 'Tim', '', '55fc598054f687491ec63334c98347a4', '570b', 2, '87ce5a5a2e850837bdc646498908d780.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 13:19:25', '2020-11-06 13:19:24', 1, 0, 14, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GayMale', '1988-07-27', 1, 1, 'b939eb83de77993ff837177fadedd9e7', 1, 'Australia/Brisbane', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26206, 'Locomotive69', '', '2ddaf5e1d8aaa807b9bcfce03bcc6b02', 'c330', 2, '65b4ab5163ff7519a6b1ef435452b41c.jpeg', '', '2020-11-06 13:36:36', '2021-04-26 17:23:25', 18, 7, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'BiMale', '2000-05-15', 1, 1, '45bd87a067f7521925ed4b2a2332ac2f', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 5, 1, 0, 0, 25, 1, 1, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26207, 'Gaymercub2020', '', 'c2105b88f26834f7fba3d90241d07b67', '8e7e', 2, '64593fe9b006f7c1b935863ae76ad729_tmp.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 13:42:57', '2020-11-09 05:30:53', 2, 2, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GayMale', '1996-04-22', 1, 1, 'ff5a92a307a2e9b1bf6121bf12ea17a8', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', 'My name is Max I work Security, Currently out of work due to Covid. I am trying to find My soulmate. I got out of one of the most painful relationships of my life. I am a Gamer & a Taurus.  I live in Tacoma WA. I am a Christian just trying to find my way in this life. ', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26209, 'Suker000', '', 'ca1d4cd0cd11d4234248f572568852ea', '7e5c', 2, '26fe4f2897998d7941474383aa553348.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 14:55:04', '2020-11-19 20:07:30', 1, 2, 16, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 'GayMale', '1984-01-20', 1, 1, '6b4a01566826a381a16d3f0b68f8b0b8', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26208, 'Ricky', '', 'b2e64b0291eeed663805047a13c20258', '454d', 2, '52e19914ff542804285320fb10a58045.png', '', '2020-11-06 13:58:01', '2020-11-09 02:55:22', 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'BiMale', '1978-09-12', 1, 1, '7be352d544e4ff31da7acaa6a9754ba8', 1, 'America/Los_Angeles', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26210, 'Koolaid', '', '2d969234d329e19d8b01ce6be9f70751', '0531', 2, '7445176ec27b257cdde35aae37e9d682.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 14:59:47', '2020-12-10 23:55:49', 1, 6, 2, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GayMale', '1990-04-14', 1, 1, '0cd1011713c420030f706d92b11b886f', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26211, 'Rocmyhole', '', '2897678d74d040c205d7c567a68b9e3d', '961a', 2, '1158c12b7a30332873e90ba6f636e6b0.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 15:59:09', '2021-06-23 02:37:24', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'GayMale', '1987-09-26', 0, 1, '8f03c104d9e040c04fb68e39a61e37a1', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', 'Thirsty', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26263, 'Suckinghot', '', '48479db740ec7a4ae1f054f7c6aafa39', 'd863', 2, '555dca89df083094ba95912426a1c50d.jpeg', '', '2020-11-07 15:52:03', '2020-11-08 19:04:34', 2, 2, 16, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 'GayMale', '1975-12-01', 1, 1, '9b2eca23bafe88e37ee83d6f03bebcad', 1, 'Europe/Amsterdam', '', 1, 'dutchpisspig', 'Kinky sex focused Dutch guy who likes bb, piss, cum, spit, sweat, group sex, outdoor sex, public sex.liked to be dominated and will then turn into a naughty sub. Spank me, flogg me, slap me...I like my men straight acting, rough, hairy, bearded, in shap. ', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26220, 'UseMe', '', '4acd8414fb704169859021461e9ba553', '2bf0', 12, '12379fdc7afff46c43e62dee53fc7831.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 20:19:51', '2020-11-06 20:23:22', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'Unknown', '1995-01-28', 0, 0, '9d38a4157648dba322830cc08b8c4cab', 1, 'America/Los_Angeles', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26214, 'Racer', '', '1ba73682ed2e109bdc639f83c768ce14', 'dbb7', 2, 'cf81da00e43db26bb54449391bcb6266.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 17:11:31', '2020-12-28 01:30:00', 4, 1, 29, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 'GayMale', '1971-04-09', 1, 1, '0093ed3cd10f29b5d09c9339474eb5a2', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '8aace96c648a27cf42fa7d7e07ad4ddb.jpg', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26216, 'Nicholas123', '', '17d84ac49ba0df57c341d57b2a355b1b', 'd748', 2, '71ce5d5f322cf0b392926fc5e57de02d.jpg', '', '2020-11-06 17:48:30', '2020-11-06 17:48:29', 1, 0, 13, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 'GayMale', '1985-01-06', 1, 1, '40cd0bfa4a5fd7865d014150ab7fb2f8', 1, 'America/New_York', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26218, 'Good Buddy', '', '78aa4c2428e53297abbd5b86cc0d1e87', '930b', 2, 'f8309420912b9835db534f36de85e78e_tmp.jpeg', '', '2020-11-06 19:15:24', '2021-02-05 00:52:47', 2, 5, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'BiMale', '1965-01-01', 1, 1, '27a78cd5fcfbdb7a6f4bd94c7daa87ba', 1, 'America/Chicago', '', 1, '', 'I am strictly a cock sucking bottom', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 14, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),
(26273, 'nckivan', '', 'b8d2050c1e38f20a76f88066bc81c724', '3286', 2, '77ead53ea11b29dbc7374007b6c8756c.jpg', '', '2020-11-07 21:38:22', '2020-11-07 21:38:21', 1, 0, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'GayMale', '1991-10-19', 1, 1, 'dbfdd776a78b4dd84e2b1ce500e886a1', 1, 'America/Bogota', '', 1, '', '', 0, 'eng', 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'active', 0, 0, 0, 0),

(5128, 4760, 'GA I-95 Exit 49', 'Do you pass this way?', '2017-10-04 01:51:12', 0, 4760, 0, 0),
(5130, 4737, 'pilot truck stop', 'still there?', '2017-10-04 03:22:41', 0, 4737, 0, 0),
(6545, 2084, 'In Ohio?', 'if in Ohio give a shout.  bottom passive for your pleasure very oral.', '2017-11-13 02:06:38', 0, 2084, 0, 0),
(5133, 4705, 'san angelo', 'Hey man im in san angelo as well. Whats up', '2017-10-04 06:40:23', 17, 4764, 0, 0),
(5134, 3428, 'Thanks for your replies', 'I\'m in Amarillo TX now headed East to STL now.  I\'d Love Your Load in me.....I worship Pits & Drink From The Tap Sir!\r\\r\nI check it several times a day. :)\r\nDan', '2017-10-04 06:59:11', 1, 799, 0, 0),
(5135, 3389, 'Thanks man', 'Great pic!', '2017-10-04 08:21:13', 0, 3389, 0, 0),
(5136, 3869, 'HI', 'Nice cock and super hot, wan to suck it deep throat,  and I love to swallow your cum or your sperm and love to get fuck harder, deeper and faster and then I will ride cock', '2017-10-04 09:21:45', 0, 3869, 0, 0),
(5137, 4785, 'hey ', 'gorgeous cock i would deep throat', '2017-10-04 11:04:54', 0, 4785, 0, 0),
(5139, 4743, 'Hi', 'Hot profile Sir.  Ever drive in GA?', '2017-10-04 11:15:38', 2, 4743, 0, 0),
(5140, 42, 'feed me', 'Seekin hung truckers coming to the mass nh area who need total service from a sub pig into it all mild to wild, will do what ever u need and is very good at it .luv to suck,swallow,drain rimming to completion cum,piss will swallow it all discreet will please u good get back for more info\r\nfive zero eight nine eight two 3 six zero 4', '2017-10-04 11:38:44', 0, 42, 0, 0),
(5141, 526, 'Thank you', 'Thank you for accepting my request', '2017-10-04 12:13:31', 0, 526, 0, 0),
(8682, 4532, 'Ever run HWY 287?', 'If you ever get the chance to run HWY 287, stop in Vernon Tx, I would love to be skull fucked, and degraded by you. MAKE me lick the sweat and piss off you balls and cock, choke me on you cock, and cum. ', '2018-01-27 08:42:56', 1, 69, 0, 0),
(5143, 1928, 'sc', 'If you get near me again HMU. I\'m in Myrtle Beach', '2017-10-04 13:34:27', 0, 1928, 0, 0),
(5144, 1592, 'WOOF', 'Hot man!', '2017-10-04 14:30:26', 1, 4495, 0, 0),
(5145, 3389, 'Thanks man', 'Great pic!  Ever get to the NJ/NY area?', '2017-10-04 14:34:37', 2, 3389, 0, 0),
(5146, 1592, 'Hey', 'Nice cock!', '2017-10-04 14:37:27', 1, 4777, 0, 0),
(5147, 4564, 'pic', 'fuckin great body man.  lv big sweaty nuts that can deliver  hugh mutiple loads\r\nwant your 9.5 in cock deep inside my outh and ass unloading your cum as many times as you can shoot it ', '2017-10-04 14:51:00', 0, 4564, 0, 0),
(5148, 22, 'Thanks for writing back...and friending back as well.', 'Your stats are tall men especially with beards and/or goatees.\r\n\r\nI have never met anyone on line from our city.  Really would like to get together.  But, going away on October 15th to November 6th...believe it or not, to India again.  This should be my final trip.\r\n\r\nI am a teacher, not a driver...You?  Tell me something about you, too....I am  a little shy but really turned on by your look!  j', '2017-10-04 16:07:12', 4, 22, 0, 0),
(5151, 4760, 'Great videos. Great cock & body', 'You are quite a stud. Do you ever come down I-95 in Georgia?', '2017-10-04 18:13:21', 0, 4760, 0, 0),
(5152, 383, 'Hi', 'Your videos were hot........', '2017-10-04 18:30:32', 0, 383, 0, 0),
(5153, 56, 'Delicious ', 'Making my mouth water bud\r\n\r\nWhere are you?\r\n\r\nPhone chat?', '2017-10-04 18:51:33', 0, 56, 0, 0),
(5154, 56, 'You are killing me', 'Look buddy \r\n\r\nI would tongue fuck you so deep then fuck your brains out ', '2017-10-04 18:54:00', 1, 3897, 0, 0),

(82932, 14484, 8832, '2020-03-02 21:35:02', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Will be close to you about 6pm today if ya wanna come say hi but won\'t stay long', 'text', 'Will be close to you about 6pm today if ya wanna come say hi but won\'t stay long', 0),
(82933, 56, 10179, '2020-03-02 21:36:28', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Ever get to central Illinois?\n\nLove to see more pics', 'text', 'Ever get to central Illinois?\n\nLove to see more pics', 0),
(82934, 15474, 9995, '2020-03-02 22:30:20', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Suck ur cock and lick ur asshole', 'text', 'Suck ur cock and lick ur asshole', 0),
(82935, 67, 9995, '2020-03-02 22:38:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Fuk man. Sounds good.  Gets me horned up', 'text', 'Fuk man. Sounds good.  Gets me horned up', 0),
(82936, 15474, 10019, '2020-03-02 23:47:37', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Hi', 'text', 'Hi', 0),
(82937, 15395, 10184, '2020-03-03 00:16:10', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Hey handsome', 'text', 'Hey handsome', 0),
(82938, 15591, 10176, '2020-03-03 01:43:51', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'its 5.5 cut but i\'m a bottom', 'text', 'its 5.5 cut but i\'m a bottom', 0),
(82939, 15591, 10173, '2020-03-03 01:51:56', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'i dont get into cybering i see ur not in usa', 'text', 'i dont get into cybering i see ur not in usa', 0),
(82940, 15591, 10149, '2020-03-03 01:56:09', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'ty 4 contact @fbi_gov ing me', 'text', 'ty 4 contact @fbi_gov ing me', 0),
(82941, 13895, 9781, '2020-03-03 02:41:50', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Hey, how are you?  Sexy man.', 'text', 'Hey, how are you?  Sexy man.', 0),
(82942, 15611, 10185, '2020-03-03 02:54:39', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'hey dude...', 'text', 'hey dude...', 0),
(82943, 15611, 10186, '2020-03-03 03:00:34', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'nice to know you\'re honest abt ur status buddy....thanx for friending me too...\"bottoms up\"', 'text', 'nice to know you\'re honest abt ur status buddy....thanx for friending me too...\"bottoms up\"', 0),

█  Format - .sql
█  Size file - 6GB
█  All rows - 8kk / USERS - 39.500
█  Website -
█  Date - 08.03.2023
Last edited:
Might be interested in this so I save it for later, thx
thank you for sharing this file


Chunky gets A+ for this thread! Got my code in a bind, but a hack saved my behind! 😂💻🔓

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