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The Impact Of Ip Pool Size On Crawler Business Http/s Socks 5 

Http/s Socks 5 The Impact Of Ip Pool Size On Crawler Business
Nov 11, 2023
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The impact of IP pool size on crawler business

1.Success rate
Within a certain range, the larger the IP pool, the higher the success rate of the crawler. This is because a large IP pool can provide more proxy IPs and reduce the possibility of a single IP being blocked. However, when the IP pool is too large, it may lead to a decrease in success rate, because too many IP addresses will give the target website more opportunities to be blocked.

The size of the IP pool directly affects the efficiency of the crawler. A large IP pool can provide more choices, making it easier for crawlers to find available proxy IPs, thereby increasing crawling speed. However, when the IP pool is too large, the crawler needs to spend more time and resources searching and verifying available IPs, which reduces efficiency.

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