Xlsx Doc Mix Philippines Government Agency Tesda Leak, Sensitive Documents And Source Code [15Gb+]

Xlsx Doc Mix Philippines Government Agency Tesda Leak, Sensitive Documents And Source Code [15Gb+]


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May 7, 2023
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Greetings~ The following leak was performed by You must be logged in to see this link..

SiegedSec is here to announce a new hacktivist operation we will participate in.

Operation Philippines is dedicated to the protests around the Philippines recently, the unlivable wages and the high inflation has severely impacted the citizens of the Philippines.
As we see these protests, we're aware that we can do something too - Bringing attention to this issue. Whether its by emailing a government representative of the Philippines, or hacktivism, attention can pressure a solution to come.

"You don't have to be an hacktivist, you just need to be an activist. You must have a voice that you want to be heard, and you can make that voice heard; We do it in this way, and it is effective. Anything works: Pictures, videos, graffiti, removal of services, and of course.. hacking. There are many other things, you can figure it out."
(- FTS ezine)

With this OpPhilippines hack, we have leaked data from the Philippines' Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (tesda.gov.ph).

This data leak contains various files from their internal network. Private documents, PII, credentials, source code, and lots more~ We had to trim +400GB down to a small size.
While pivoting through their network, we were excited at their lack of proper security. Credentials were everywhere, as if they left the key to their door in our paws ;3

LEAK: You must be logged in to see this link.

We encourage the viewers of our hack to take action as well. Spread the word, contact @fbi_gov representatives, and if by a small chance you're a person in power, then use that power to make change for the people.


We'll return back to our black hat activities shortly~ :3

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