SilverBulletPro 1.4.1

What is the SilverBulletPro?: It's a paid, highly optimized and enhanced version of the SilverBullet (OB-based) with a noob-friendly UI and faster in action than other mod releases!

Changes log:

Added a new block selection menu (similar to OB2) and you can search your desired function with a search bar

Added a new Proxy organizer, you can group your proxies and use them for your each desired runner

Added an ability to set your desired icon on your config and pre-view it freely

Added a large Real User-Agent database that includes Console User-Agents too

Added an Encoding option for parse your inputs with your desired encoding

Added Puppeteer (replaced with selenium)

Added a newer Config to Checker compiler

Added a stable WebSocket request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added HTTP request block with supporting HTTP/2 and HTTP/3

Added Lambda Parser: Runtime parser for string expressions (formulas, method calls, properties/fields/arrays accessors), also Lambda Parser builds dynamic LINQ expression tree and compiles it to the lambda delegate. Types are resolved at run-time like in dynamic languages

Added a new light-weight browser (Edge Chromium-based engine) and you'll not grab old browser errors

Added a Script Auto-Complete ability

Added C# and NodeJS interpreters

Added an ability to import your custom C#, Python and NodeJS libraries in app

Added FTP request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added SMTP request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added POP3 request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added IMAP request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added SSH request block (supports HTTP/S, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies)

Added Shell Command block

Added built-in Undo and Redo abilities in Stacker section while changing your blocks

Added an ability to add your custom plug-ins without re-starting the app

Added UNIX Timestamp with different units like millisecond, microsecond and nanosecond

Added a customizable GUID with your desired format

Added a new Parse method called XPath for parsing XML files and responses

Added new commands in LoliScript like PRINT (with customizable text colors), STOP, BREAK, RETURN and etc.

Added an execution priority on each Keychains of the KEY_CHECK block to guide the bot to continue or stop executing remained blocks

Added an automatic option that automatically detects type of your variables/captures, you can also re-define your variables/captures with another type of data

Added support of Long Integers (Int64) in Random Integer block

Added an option to import your RSA settings as XML parameters

Added multiple functions, utility blocks and etc.

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