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How To Conver .Json To Csv Or .Parsed To CsvQuestions 

Questions How To Conver .Json To Csv Or .Parsed To Csv
May 22, 2024
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does anyone know How to conver .json to csv or .parsed to csv or any software for the same. thanks in advance
does anyone know How to conver .json to csv or .parsed to csv or any software for the same. thanks in advance
You want to look at your json file and see what you are working with. then look at the first and last line of the json file. You want to see how its structured. Then you can run a command with jq on the terminal such as e.g... jq -r '.[] | [.Name, .Password, .UserName, .Mobile, .Namelast, .Phones]|@tsv' example.json > newexample.tsv In this example you are taking certain field types from the json file so they will appear on the tsv file.
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