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Cloud Database Leaked
Jul 15, 2022
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In mid-2018, the housing design website Houzz suffered a data breach. The company learned of the incident later that year then disclosed it to impacted members in February 2019. Almost 49 million unique email addresses were in the breach alongside names, IP addresses, geographic locations and either salted hashes of passwords or links to social media profiles used to authenticate to the service.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Social media profiles, Usernames
Hi dude, I've been trying my best to download this file for days but uploadgig just refuses to cooperate. I'm using JD2 and I spent all day waiting for it to download, and when it reached 50% completion it just decided to restart XD
Do you mind uploading it to gofile or even mega? If not, any tips downloading from uploadgig?
I really need this DB. Thanks dude!
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In mid-2018, the housing design website Houzz suffered a data breach. The company learned of the incident later that year then disclosed it to impacted members in February 2019. Almost 49 million unique email addresses were in the breach alongside names, IP addresses, geographic locations and either salted hashes of passwords or links to social media profiles used to authenticate to the service.

Compromised data: Email addresses, Geographic locations, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Social media profiles, Usernames
thank you, although nitro share is a very slow download
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