No Pass Egypt Post 150K Logistics Data Leak

No Pass Egypt Post 150K Logistics Data Leak


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Oct 21, 2024
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Today I have Valuable and sensitive data from You must be logged in to see this link.governmental agency responsible for postal service in Egypt. Established 29 October 1865, it is one of the oldest governmental institutions in the country.

Compromised data: Phone numbers, Email addresses, Full name, real customer address. Full shipment details , shipment timeline.

#1: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 605530, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211242', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Nesma salah mahamad', 'consigneeMobile': '01285501661', 'consigneeTelephone': '01285501661', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'ابراج شرق الحاسب الالي أمام حي الضواحي حي الضواحي 01285501661', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '918', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 7.6, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': False, 'receivedBy': None, 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 0, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3619941, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-13T11:53:49.3048238', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': '100295 - habiba  wael ibrahim', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3619940, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-10T15:26:18.5285488', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': '100295 - habiba  wael ibrahim', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609716, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T02:06:35', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': 'Mohamed Saad Mohamed Abdel Baki', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609502, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': 'Manial Hub', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#2: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 605533, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211244', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Sana Mustafa Nayol', 'consigneeMobile': '01147499483', 'consigneeTelephone': '01147499483', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'شارع جمال عبد الناصر آخر عمارة بشارع الأزهر آخر شارع الأزهر 01147499483', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '334', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 1.0, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': '..', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 3, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3772717, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-17T17:17:14', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': '..', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Abdelmenaaim riad office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3766231, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-17T05:51:26', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Abdelmenaaim riad office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3736923, 'status': 'A request has been received either from the consignor or consignee to change the original delivery address stated on the AWB note / package to a different delivery address', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-15T13:11:59', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'p100292– Mohamed Ayman Ahmed', 'piNumber': 'CA', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3736413, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-15T11:07:10', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'p100292– Mohamed Ayman Ahmed', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3619155, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T11:02:05', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'P100212-Mohamed Gamal Makhlouf', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3619116, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T11:01:33', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'P100212-Mohamed Gamal Makhlouf', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609767, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T02:10:01', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Mohamed Saad Mohamed Abdel Baki', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609505, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Manial Hub', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#3: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 603118, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '66d0a57a-eb0d-471a-b474-20d9c431e604', 'hawbNumber': '1211245', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-08T22:53:41', 'shipperAddress': 'Lazurde E-Commerce Store', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'QLB11', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'ahmed mardi', 'consigneeMobile': '01040007520', 'consigneeTelephone': '01040007520', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': '30 Asmaa Fahmi, Al Golf, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate', 'consigneeEmail': '', 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '0', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 0.5, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'sss', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 1, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-08T22:53:41', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3623678, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T17:00:57', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'sss', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Heliopolis Office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3612746, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T04:41:30', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Heliopolis Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604942, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T23:04:55', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'm.kamal WH', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604518, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T22:53:41', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'mohamed kamal', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#4: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 603085, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '66d0a57a-eb0d-471a-b474-20d9c431e604', 'hawbNumber': '1211246', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-08T22:51:20', 'shipperAddress': 'Lazurde E-Commerce Store', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'QLB11', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'ahmed hussin', 'consigneeMobile': '01282636935', 'consigneeTelephone': '01282636935', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'helwan_cairo_egypt شارع ذو الفقار تقاطع شارع محمود زكى حلوان برج قباء الدور التاسع', 'consigneeEmail': '', 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '0', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 0.5, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'f', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 1, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-08T22:51:20', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3755330, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-16T14:50:03', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'f', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Manial WH1', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3622916, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T16:36:03', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Helwan Office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3613892, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T05:56:11', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Helwan Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604923, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T23:04:55', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'm.kamal WH', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604478, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T22:51:20', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'mohamed kamal', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#5: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 605532, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211247', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Soha Hesein Abdalhamed Mohamed', 'consigneeMobile': '01150422285', 'consigneeTelephone': '01150422285', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'شارع الحرير متفرع من شارع مبروك منزل رقم 11 قصاد الشارع محل عزت العطار بتاع موتسيكلات 01150422285', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '814', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 7.6, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'g', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 2, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3668984, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-12T16:40:14', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'g', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Helwan Office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3663499, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-12T08:44:48', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Helwan Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3615790, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T09:02:51', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Raafat Magdy Ali El Sebaei', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609766, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T02:10:01', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Mohamed Saad Mohamed Abdel Baki', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609504, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T01:53:42', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Manial Hub', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#6: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 605494, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211248', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-09T01:51:05', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Eman Ashraf', 'consigneeMobile': '01019041078', 'consigneeTelephone': '01019041078', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'العاشر من رمضان الحي العاشر شارع الثوره امام مدرسه الثوره مباشره مدينة العاشر من رمضان', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '550', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 1.0, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'Not home on delivery attempt to residential address.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': False, 'receivedBy': None, 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 0, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-09T01:51:05', 'portalStatusId': 4, 'statusCode': 'NH', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3619867, 'status': 'Not home on delivery attempt to residential address.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-15T10:59:32.9173045', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': '100230 - Hagar samir', 'piNumber': 'NH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3619866, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-14T15:30:53.6170543', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': '100295 - habiba  wael ibrahim', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609786, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T02:10:01', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': 'Mohamed Saad Mohamed Abdel Baki', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3609466, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T01:51:05', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': False, 'createdBy': 'Manial Hub', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
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#11: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 602973, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211253', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Shorouk Said', 'consigneeMobile': '01017815167', 'consigneeTelephone': '01017815167', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'التجمع الاول - كوبرى الرحاب - كومباوند حدائق الفداء - عمارة 20  الدور الارضي شقة 1 عمارة 20 الدور الارضي شقة 1 التجمع الاول', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '562', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 1.0, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'ا', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 1, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3627406, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T19:46:24', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'ا', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Tag 1', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3614073, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T06:13:08', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Tag 1', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3605818, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T23:29:52', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Kamal Sabry', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604257, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Ahmed Arafa', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
#12: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 602960, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211255', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:29', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'menna Qatamish', 'consigneeMobile': '01008191993', 'consigneeTelephone': '01008191993', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'villa 170 south police academy , new cairo area B 4 new cairo', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '192', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 1.0, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'b', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 2, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:29', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3648292, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-10T19:12:20', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'b', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Qatamya Office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3632254, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-10T01:53:22', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Qatamya Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3623946, 'status': 'The AWB cannot be delivered because the delivery address on the AWB note and the package is incorrect or is incomplete and is not sufficient to facilitate delivery or is missing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T17:31:04', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Tag 1', 'piNumber': 'WA', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3614096, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T06:13:08', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Tag 1', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3605872, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T23:29:52', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Kamal Sabry', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604244, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T22:44:29', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Ahmed Arafa', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}
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#15: {'awbDetailsData': None, 'awbDetails': {'id': 602978, 'aWbNumber': None, 'customerId': '2fac5a0a-d61b-48d7-8ebc-38c02ebd47a2', 'hawbNumber': '1211261', 'pickupDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'shipperAddress': 'عنبر 6 أ خارج زمام ابو رواش بالمنطقه الصناعيه مركز امبابه محافظة الجيزه عند الكيلو 32 طريق القاهرة الاسكندريه الصحراوي', 'shipperAddress2': None, 'shipperCity': 'GZA02', 'consigneeNumber': '0', 'consigneeName': 'Ahlam Samir', 'consigneeMobile': '01148511139', 'consigneeTelephone': '01148511139', 'latitude': None, 'longitude': None, 'actualLatitude': None, 'actualLongitude': None, 'consigneeTelephone2': None, 'consigneeAddress': 'كمبوند ستيلا هليوبيلس طريق مصر اسماعيليه الصحراوي بجانب كمبوند البروج فيلا 960 السروق', 'consigneeEmail': None, 'cashValue': None, 'cashCurrencyCode': None, 'codValue': '562', 'codCurrencyCode': 'EGP', 'building': None, 'pieces': 1, 'hawbWeight': 1.0, 'cmt': None, 'shipperEmail': '', 'brandName': None, 'insuranceValue': None, 'insuranceCurrencyCode': None, 'status': 'AWB delivered in good condition.', 'event': '\xa0', 'eventColor': '#808080', 'wareHouse': None, 'isDelivered': True, 'receivedBy': 'شخصي', 'shipFromCustomerName': None, 'shipFromCustomerCode': None, 'productTypeId': None, 'productTypeCode': None, 'itemDescription': None, 'declaredValue': None, 'paymentType': None, 'paymentTypeText': None, 'totalChargeableWeight': None, 'totalGrossWight': None, 'isHomeDelivery': False, 'homeDeliveryAmount': None, 'homeDeliveryAmountConfig': 10.0, 'numberOfAttempts': 3, 'shipmentREF': None, 'pudo': None, 'fromDate': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'portalStatusId': 6, 'statusCode': 'OK', 'problemCode': '', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'lastStatus': None}, 'awbTimeLine': [{'trxnumber': 3648147, 'status': 'This AWB has been delivered to the consignee in good condition, with no discrepancies. Name of the receiver who signed for the delivery and time / date of delivery is entered together with the status.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-10T18:53:58', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': 'شخصي', 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Badr Office', 'piNumber': 'OK', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3632149, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-10T01:50:19', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Badr Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3614279, 'status': 'This AWB has been sent out for delivery to the consignee.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-09T06:27:40', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'EL Sherouk Office', 'piNumber': 'OD', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3605806, 'status': 'This AWB has been picked up from the consignor / sender and physically received at the export / origin depot for processing.', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T23:29:52', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Kamal Sabry', 'piNumber': 'DH', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}, {'trxnumber': 3604262, 'status': 'The AWB has been picked up from the consignor', 'problemCode': '', 'problem': None, 'date': '2024-10-08T22:44:30', 'source_Warehouse': None, 'destination_warehouse': None, 'current_status': True, 'createdBy': 'Ahmed Arafa', 'piNumber': 'PU', 'trackingCode': None, 'binCode': None, 'comment': None}], 'attachmentList': None}

Contant: DM or
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