Sql © Chucky Credits Deals.mu - Best Deals & Promotions

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Sql © Chucky Credits Deals.mu - Best Deals & Promotions


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Jun 7, 2021
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  • #1
Today I have uploaded the Deals.mu Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!

INSERT INTO `wp_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `wp_wc_customer_lookup` (`customer_id`, `user_id`, `username`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `date_last_active`, `date_registered`, `country`, `postcode`, `city`, `state`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `wp_comments` (`comment_ID`, `comment_post_ID`, `comment_author`, `comment_author_email`, `comment_author_url`, `comment_author_IP`, `comment_date`, `comment_date_gmt`, `comment_content`, `comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `comment_agent`, `comment_type`, `comment_parent`, `user_id`) VALUES​

INSERT INTO `wp_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES
(1, 'hassnain', '$P$BwR2ikvqKiuvp5JLXbbr7KJTdM45PG0', 'hassnain', 'hussnain.abass@gmail.com', 'http://deals.mu', '2020-04-16 05:44:14', '1624369875:$P$BRVQRW0V6rwOigO5d7nu5D86mw9Sqd1', 0, 'hassnain'),
(2, 'yoshini', '$P$BaSbLPPo3kWTzW89sO6vG3Gt.M386F/', 'yoshini', 'yoshini@deals.mu', '', '2020-05-21 06:01:13', '', 0, 'Yoshini'),
(4, 'sadiyah', '$P$B98OOsqbKCaatONrli3gcve9z9Tlel.', 'sadiyah', 'sadiyah@deal.mu', '', '2020-05-21 12:45:27', '1596600646:$P$B1j7ptk9fD1Syy9cPJGOXx1d4dvBlI.', 0, 'Sadiyah'),
(5, 'medhinee', '$P$B4VxiOsgA.tI/X63LdAwUYhYSMsmhu.', 'medhinee', 'medhinee@deals.mu', '', '2020-05-21 12:46:38', '', 0, 'Medhinee'),
(6, 'uri', '$P$BJiL0KtYILZnAlAbkjMQjkOpd8kBXS/', 'uri', 'urizipin@gmail.com', '', '2020-05-26 05:32:15', '', 0, 'Uri Cypin'),
(7, 'kushnah', '$P$BA9zgeYKHH1CHfiM70HkjGqUCY4Wxo1', 'kushnah', 'kushshah43@gmail.com', '', '2020-05-28 05:42:28', '', 0, 'Kushnah S'),
(9, 'thapelo', '$P$BzJ5mfFekLiKCCrVHaav8GNIV34RkJ/', 'thapelo', 'thapelokhantsi41@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-01 10:09:23', '', 0, 'Thapelo K'),
(17, 'shabreen', '$P$BkTe6lUTZ40fiKhuliGQIutWQDQN7.0', 'shabreen', 'shabreen@example.com', '', '2020-06-09 10:25:56', '1591698366:$P$Bhuy/jE1tV3bynZJpXSAo3UQ4LDiKx1', 0, 'Shabreen C'),
(18, 'jadeuri', '$P$BkVG/qLB8KivyMuzAHMQ11Yud55A6q1', 'jadeuri', 'jadeuri@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-12 11:55:00', '', 0, 'jadeuri'),
(22, 'teeoksjerry', '$P$B7YqbvHUgcM5qrmLcRBeJMLY5Ch58.1', 'teeoksjerry', 'teeoksjerry@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-12 13:15:59', '', 0, 'teeoksjerry'),
(23, 'troksjerry', '$P$Bo4GEZ8qekY6tqE4xeRfhah/ZgDKhO0', 'troksjerry', 'troksjerry@gmail.cee', '', '2020-06-12 14:01:15', '', 0, 'troksjerry'),
(24, 'todukwevince76', '$P$BLT7HcLHD8RGPt74r6auaZeg2EM742/', 'todukwevince76', 'todukwevince76@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-12 16:57:45', '', 0, 'todukwevince76'),
(25, 'testetstesst', '$P$B37V1in98Ag.pzu29tkn1jN/CuYqJ81', 'testetstesst', 'testetstesst@test.com', '', '2020-06-12 17:55:42', '', 0, 'testetstesst'),
(26, 'toksjddderry', '$P$BHjM5V7wbFqllwCOd/2.T9Wy6zTQla.', 'toksjddderry', 'toksjddderry@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-12 19:02:32', '', 0, 'toksjddderry'),
(28, 'dddfd', '$P$BJTvRAO6xZFhWVfJNKw46yEe5Car2t.', 'dddfd', 'dddfd@shdj.com', '', '2020-06-16 18:18:55', '', 0, 'dddfd'),
(29, 'dddfeed', '$P$Bngc1GrWpt1L2pQLAUZ5QCvXOowWwM.', 'dddfeed', 'dddfeed@shdj.com', '', '2020-06-16 18:25:29', '', 0, 'dddfeed'),
(32, 'yanishseeboruth', '$P$BYvKOi5i6Z3/57UI70M58fXWNHyV35.', 'yanishseeboruth', 'yanishseeboruth@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 14:03:58', '1592909505:$P$BhH8k2n6LLtGyoLpxCR3ihRebXIu9c0', 0, 'yanishseeboruth'),
(33, 'hussnain.abass4567', '$P$B6AvZEidNzqgJA3tjD4nDsUqHDvTBT.', 'hussnain-abass4567', 'hussnain.abass4567@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 15:55:57', '', 0, 'hussnain.abass4567'),
(34, 'hussnain.abasswqwq', '$P$BkWKndnMeDnV6bTe8.qcquNma57nnH0', 'hussnain-abasswqwq', 'hussnain.abasswqwq@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 16:19:44', '', 0, 'hussnain.abasswqwq'),
(35, 'hussnain.abassewerwer', '$P$BaNQ6nZx93qOSjmAKloU5EEyrrP/kT.', 'hussnain-abassewerwer', 'hussnain.abassewerwer@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 16:34:46', '', 0, 'hussnain.abassewerwer'),
(36, 'hussnain.abass345644', '$P$B8BY53GzMZSgaC/H9DxPiwwlLrdnof.', 'hussnain-abass345644', 'hussnain.abass345644@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 16:39:06', '', 0, 'hussnain.abass345644'),
(37, 'hussnain.abasseerte', '$P$BYAZ/OKQ8LuXmAR9SaHNRb3qr/V1yM0', 'hussnain-abasseerte', 'hussnain.abasseerte@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 16:45:42', '', 0, 'hussnain.abasseerte'),
(38, 'hussnain.abassewe34', '$P$BOgGh3A6.4JRgorPOnv0bgUtD.yr0Q0', 'hussnain-abassewe34', 'hussnain.abassewe34@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 16:52:57', '', 0, 'hussnain.abassewe34'),
(39, 'hussnain.abass1122', '$P$BPtCRMEwBTTcMtJW9oj5QTFtTqo6do.', 'hussnain-abass1122', 'hussnain.abass1122@gmail.com', '', '2020-06-17 23:04:58', '', 0, 'hussnain.abass1122'),

INSERT INTO `wp_wc_customer_lookup` (`customer_id`, `user_id`, `username`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `email`, `date_last_active`, `date_registered`, `country`, `postcode`, `city`, `state`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'hassnain', 'Hassnain', 'Abass', 'hussnain.abass@gmail.com', '2021-12-13 20:00:00', '2020-04-16 01:44:14', 'MU', '30502', 'Grand Baie', 'North'),
(2, 6, 'uri', 'Uri bb test', 'Cypin', 'urizipin@gmail.com', '2021-12-13 20:00:00', '2020-05-26 01:32:15', '', '', '', ''),
(3, 19, '4ksjerry', 'Ngozi', 'Obiefule', '4ksjerry@gmail.com', '2020-06-12 00:00:00', '2020-06-12 12:55:13', '', '', '', ''),
(4, 27, 'toksjerry', 'Tc', 'Blaize', 'toksjerry@gmail.com', '2020-08-13 20:00:00', '2020-06-15 09:23:49', '', '', '', ''),
(5, 32, 'yanishseeboruth', 'Yanish', 'Seeboruth', 'yanishseeboruth@gmail.com', '2021-05-25 20:00:00', '2020-06-17 10:03:58', '', '', '', ''),
(6, 45, 'tokeeeewsjerry', 'Tochukwu', 'Obiefule', 'tokeeeewsjerry@gmail.com', '2020-06-24 00:00:00', '2020-06-23 17:10:03', '', '', '', ''),
(7, 41, 'yanseeboruth', 'Yanish', 'Seeboruth', 'yanseeboruth@yahoo.com', '2020-07-06 00:00:00', '2020-06-23 10:56:05', '', '', '', ''),
(8, 51, 'tr', 'gt', 'u', 'tr@mail.com', '2020-07-03 00:00:00', '2020-06-24 12:18:33', '', '', '', ''),
(9, 47, 'dd', 'd', 'r', 'dd@gmail.com', '2020-06-26 00:00:00', '2020-06-24 09:51:41', '', '', '', ''),
(10, 54, 'ee', 'werwfer', 'llllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll', 'ee@gmail.com', '2020-07-03 00:00:00', '2020-06-25 09:26:02', '', '', '', ''),
(11, 55, 'kr271184', 'Kevin', 'Rajoo', 'Kr271184@gmail.com', '2021-12-13 20:00:00', '2020-06-25 10:30:30', '', '', '', ''),
(12, 63, 'baller', 'Cant', 'Touch this Tfum', 'baller@gmail.com', '2020-07-03 00:00:00', '2020-06-29 15:07:23', '', '', '', ''),
(13, 9, 'thapelo', 'Thapelo', 'Deals', 'thapelokhantsi41@gmail.com', '2020-10-27 20:00:00', '2020-06-01 06:09:23', '', '', '', ''),
(14, 62, 'asd', 'asdsad', 'swdasd', 'asd@gmail.com', '2020-07-01 00:00:00', '2020-06-29 14:42:39', '', '', '', ''),
(15, 61, 'safari2', 'Test', 'User', 'safari2@test.com', '2020-07-06 00:00:00', '2020-06-29 11:00:38', '', '', '', ''),
(16, NULL, '', 'Tochukwu', 'Obiefule', 'toksjerrerrry@gmail.com', '2020-06-09 09:04:49', NULL, '', '', '', ''),
(17, 18, 'jadeuri', 'jade', 'uri', 'jadeuri@gmail.com', '2020-06-12 00:00:00', '2020-06-12 11:55:00', '', '', '', ''),
(18, 23, 'troksjerry', 'Tochukwurrr', 'Obiefule', 'troksjerry@gmail.cee', '2020-06-12 00:00:00', '2020-06-12 14:01:15', '', '', '', ''),
(19, 26, 'toksjddderry', 'Tochukwu', 'Obiefule', 'toksjddderry@gmail.com', '2020-06-12 00:00:00', '2020-06-12 19:02:32', '', '', '', ''),
(20, 30, 'hussnain.abass22', 'Hassnain22', 'Abass22', 'hussnain.abass22@gmail.com', '2020-06-16 00:00:00', '2020-06-16 19:13:09', '', '', '', ''),

(3530, 28176, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:00:40', '2020-08-14 14:00:40', 'Order Received! Thank you!', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3531, 28171, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:04:44', '2020-08-14 14:04:44', 'Booking #28163 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Paid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3532, 28171, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:04:44', '2020-08-14 14:04:44', 'Booking #28164 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Paid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3533, 28171, 'Yashveena Mahadeo', 'yashveena.mahadeo@attractionsplanet.com', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:04:44', '2020-08-14 14:04:44', 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3534, 28180, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:12:26', '2020-08-14 14:12:26', 'Booking #28179 status changed from \"In Cart\" to \"Unpaid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3535, 28180, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:12:26', '2020-08-14 14:12:26', 'Order Received! Thank you!', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3536, 28180, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:14:43', '2020-08-14 14:14:43', 'Booking #28179 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Paid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3537, 28180, 'Yashveena Mahadeo', 'yashveena.mahadeo@attractionsplanet.com', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:14:43', '2020-08-14 14:14:43', 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3538, 27009, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:18:37', '2020-08-14 14:18:37', 'Booking #27004 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Cancelled\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3539, 27009, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:18:38', '2020-08-14 14:18:38', 'Booking #27006 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Cancelled\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3540, 27009, 'Nazirah Makoun', 'nazirah.makoun@attractionsplanet.com', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:18:38', '2020-08-14 14:18:38', 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Cancelled.', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3541, 28192, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:24:48', '2020-08-14 14:24:48', 'Booking #28188 status changed from \"In Cart\" to \"Unpaid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3542, 28192, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:24:48', '2020-08-14 14:24:48', 'Order Received! Thank you!', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3543, 28192, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:25:48', '2020-08-14 14:25:48', 'Booking #28188 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Paid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3544, 28192, 'Yajhna Beeharry', 'Yajhna.Beeharry@attractionsplanet.com', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:25:48', '2020-08-14 14:25:48', 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3545, 28160, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:32:53', '2020-08-14 14:32:53', 'Booking #27452 status changed from \"Unpaid\" to \"Paid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3546, 28160, 'Yajhna Beeharry', 'Yajhna.Beeharry@attractionsplanet.com', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:32:53', '2020-08-14 14:32:53', 'Order status changed from Pending payment to Processing.', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3547, 28195, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:34:42', '2020-08-14 14:34:42', 'Booking #28194 status changed from \"In Cart\" to \"Unpaid\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3548, 28195, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:34:42', '2020-08-14 14:34:42', 'Order Received! Thank you!', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3549, 25957, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:35:18', '2020-08-14 14:35:18', 'Booking #25950 status changed from \"Paid\" to \"Cancelled\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),
(3550, 25957, 'WooCommerce', 'woocommerce@deals.mu', '', '', '2020-08-14 18:35:18', '2020-08-14 14:35:18', 'Booking #25951 status changed from \"Paid\" to \"Cancelled\"', 0, '1', 'WooCommerce', 'order_note', 0, 0),

█  Format - .sql
█  Size file - 170mb
█  All rows - 1kk / Users 20k
█  Website - deals.mu
█  Date - xx.03.2023

I removed 20GB of excess garbage from a complete dump and left only the necessary tables

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