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Database [Full Dump] 70K Users Sql © Chucky Credits 

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Sql © Chucky Credits Database [Full Dump] 70K Users
Jun 7, 2021
Reaction score
Today I have uploaded the Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!


`ntd` (`id`, `tk`, `mk`, `sv`, `mg`, `tt`, `mota`, `time`, `iduser`, `name`, `nhanvat`, `songoc`, `card`, `spam`, `gd`, `iditem`, `nid`)
`users` (`id`, `name`, `password`, `failed_login`, `sestime`, `email`, `tien`, `tk`, `rest_time`, `pasd`, `fname`, `fbid`, `total`, `gold`, `do`, `ip`)​

(1828, 'vip200k@gay.leg', 'vuahaitac', 5, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1625802236, 58687, 'haxuanhuon', '0dsc1b0', 1788, '[list][ie]- 10:43 09/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]298,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 21:35 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 21:02 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]298,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 20:59 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]298,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 20:58 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]298,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 20:52 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]298,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 20:51 08/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]298,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '2523', 0),
(1829, '', 'thaocute', 1, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1625792990, 60435, 'Nguyễn Văn Tiền', 'pintarkjll', 600, '[list][ie]- 08:09 09/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '751', 0),
(1830, '00000001313', '121211', 4, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1625937127, 61348, 'son119', 'caubenguhi', 600, '[list][ie]- 00:12 11/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 09:12 10/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 21:22 09/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]250,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '4297', 0),
(1831, '', 'hahuuhoai', 4, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1625914632, 58687, 'haxuanhuon', 'wibui6', 1200, '[list][ie]- 17:57 10/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]200,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 17:54 10/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]298,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 12:30 10/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]200,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '3177', 0),
(1832, 'danchs3@pro.ut', 'vinhcumi', 6, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1628853171, 61334, 'vinhcumi', 'danchs3', 240, '[list][ie]- 18:12 13/08/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 10:33 28/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 18:43 27/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 21:42 22/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 19:49 22/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 21:09 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]150,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 16:06 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 10:19 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 18:50 20/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 07:46 13/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]200,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 19:03 10/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '2738', 0),
(1833, 'f5@ngua.lon', 'tienbrovip2004', 7, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1626583968, 61453, 'Tiến', 'cau0ckym', 300, '[list][ie]- 11:52 18/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 12:24 17/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 00:22 12/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '1677', 0),
(1834, 'danchs3@prout', 'vinhcumi', 6, 0, 1, 'taikhoansai', 1626137107, 61334, 'vinhcumi', '', 0, '[list][ie]- 07:46 13/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]200,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 07:45 13/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]200,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '', 0),
(1835, '0978287762', 'chill', 2, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1626229504, 61540, 'Trần Ngọc Minh', 'lakuman', 900, '[list][ie]- 09:25 14/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]150,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '1242', 0),
(1836, '09698649743', 'tiepzz', 3, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1626253332, 61496, 'dungdomino', 'tititizz1', 240, '[list][ie]- 16:02 14/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '3372', 0),
(1837, '07708003061', 'tuananh1107', 6, 0, 1, 'thieungoc', 1626340973, 61334, 'vinhcumi', '', 0, '[list][ie]- 16:23 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]40,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 16:22 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 16:20 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]40,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 16:20 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 16:17 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]40,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 16:17 15/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '', 0),
(1838, '020106011044', 'thanhan123', 5, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1626401178, 61450, 'ngtnhan188', 'dungkutm2', 300, '[list][ie]- 09:06 16/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '1171', 0),
(1839, 'conchol1@ez.pzo', '12112008', 2, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1628041699, 61104, 'Đỗ Hoang Anh', 'cadisz123', 180, '[list][ie]- 08:48 04/08/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 08:47 04/08/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]30,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 08:46 04/08/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 14:14 26/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 14:12 26/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 14:33 22/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 14:18 22/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 10:07 22/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 11:22 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 11:21 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]40,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 11:20 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 12:01 18/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]30,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 11:59 18/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 14:11 16/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '1885', 0),
(1840, '0975500508', 'kien1111', 3, 0, 1, 'danhanngoc', 1626843807, 61702, 'Minh Kiên', 'chottnoiiy', 300, '[list][ie]- 12:03 21/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list][list][ie]- 19:37 17/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]100,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '2024', 0),
(1841, '', 'phong2106', 7, 0, 1, 'koosieuthi', 1626536448, 61722, 'hoaiphong2', 'nhp21062k', 0, '[list][ie]- 22:41 17/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [blue]50,000 VND[/blue] (Hoàn tiền)[/list][list][ie]- 22:40 17/07/2021[/ie]: [b]Số tiền:[/b] [green]50,000 VND[/green][/list]', 0, 0, '', 0),

(37863, '138055754003316', '3ec2ed90897386b97e7685cd2c427a8a', 0, 1557141671, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Tấn Lộc', 138055754003316, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37864, '156882352009736', 'c6da39bf3eea1c8c314ea47ab110c7c8', 0, 1557142113, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Em Xin', 156882352009736, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37865, '420333388791816', '19602504e1671968c223a8cd4e978c8b', 0, 1557143079, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Qüốć Ħḭệƿ', 420333388791816, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37866, '290127585223470', 'ff4e91ec388e8c75950ab9db47320022', 0, 1557143580, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Thu Anh', 290127585223470, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37867, '801549416892731', '5ed60d4be61f2a65f41c7f0175021e7c', 0, 1557644653, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Cu Kiên', 801549416892731, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37868, '436543910431950', '11d81fcff20a107e679b300531da121f', 0, 1557144721, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Thang Nguyen', 436543910431950, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37869, '131369561369976', '603d1f15b2dcec747eea25a6b9e82185', 0, 1557145227, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Duc Trinh', 131369561369976, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37870, 'hello2009', '69a329523ce1ec88bf63061863d9cb14', 0, 1557145839, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37871, 'vinh2811', 'e451ca440bfcf19660faef5a6e4e3c51', 0, 1557145947, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37872, '163769221309525', 'd54a0983fa68f33e28d072e592ebd997', 0, 1557146308, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Quanq Minh', 163769221309525, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37873, '127137118471263', 'ffcba3d43cab30cfd58a9310cafd47ff', 0, 1557146500, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Thanhdanh Vo', 127137118471263, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37874, 'teo@gmail', '4ce906d6ba99f956e8de027506eb53da', 0, 1557146664, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37875, 'hoangkhoi', '2613d5a34a7529ff10b77626702b9406', 0, 1557147153, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37876, '115178393019972', 'ebe6447e99b50066e04a239a0b8bf89f', 0, 1557147185, '', 7500, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5267</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> 985465</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Thỏ Con', 115178393019972, 292500, 0, 0, 0),
(37877, 'jkrows', 'a221b57a2200470d78b92cbb2ded2ad3', 0, 1557147399, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37878, 'tungte', '46ce81f3d3696385df839056caaa208d', 0, 1557147640, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37879, '2454578864765953', '0843e0c9d4672ee46f0dad60cbdbefab', 0, 1557147801, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Quy le Trong', 2454578864765953, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37880, '132514247852162', 'a7e3ee77590e22bcb61afcfcb5894e7f', 0, 1579773051, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Liz Rappor', 132514247852162, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37881, '324600548212684', '57d937c2059d21b1678dbb4be62fcede', 0, 1557149914, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Hoàng Nguyễn', 324600548212684, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37882, '360774607978058', '5c9a0c9837251c4cbbf839a86a59d392', 0, 1557150434, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Su Ly', 360774607978058, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37883, '130417451469049', '03f870132556d64b39d6a8169b6a7e01', 0, 1557150809, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Trần Xuân', 130417451469049, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37884, '141406933651560', '860b14a81731ec282137d1e15eab3149', 0, 1557156272, '', 7500, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5245</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b> xe5@123.zzz</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> 6262</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Hoang Nguyen', 141406933651560, 272500, 0, 0, 0),
(37885, 'youngkr', 'a3df3b9eee86b19a9f82138e2ece6735', 0, 1557151879, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37886, '415368435962570', '8497ebd2ae8e31c4264c1916e4e66348', 0, 1557153214, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Tai Nguyen', 415368435962570, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37887, '441337743336322', '91bf41a394b241b46451473e19030073', 0, 1557153813, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Vinh Phong', 441337743336322, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37888, '444234289715755', 'b96eafe809e67c01928973a45960f5f3', 0, 1557154967, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Duong Lam', 444234289715755, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37889, 'hieuvu98ab', 'eb70d8855df7e24fc9762a0890343998', 0, 1557155787, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37890, '419198042249756', '36c9fb6463abd816b2edd0fed3000502', 0, 1557671384, '', 2500, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5239</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> 9559</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 4364</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> tuantuan0</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Nobita Siêu Nhát', 419198042249756, 332500, 0, 0, 0),
(37891, 'wiro123lol', 'a70a8719f9838c45a24fd200f244f9a1', 0, 1557157559, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37892, '2056104864695410', '5591a3ceb93738469fdf1f7cff9c5bc4', 0, 1659468012, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Dang Hiha', 2056104864695410, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37893, 'tuantay', '250959754ba76d0fb32b6b94ceedc41e', 0, 1557159131, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37894, '837362873289772', 'ba90744d96385b811b9a8c1203e8f760', 0, 1557161626, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Đặng Thế Phúc', 837362873289772, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37895, '129364304907206', 'ad2392c5d5ee2febd69afa054838bbfd', 0, 1559285899, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Phạm Nguyên', 129364304907206, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37896, '0869618295', '9a4dbc0eba183afdfb1269d30b0a2992', 0, 1557163123, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37897, 'thanh97ub', '72dd7431d955ce41d235a8f6947393af', 0, 1557165499, '', 25000, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5012</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b> nightv@com.bat</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> tuantuan0</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', '', 0, 375000, 0, 0, 0),
(37898, '349491609245445', '6a20a5bda0c5d81f355e75d21464cd0a', 0, 1557174231, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Hien Thân', 349491609245445, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37899, '110988316786112', '1bd7bbe8f4b070a3240a8dd749d233c2', 0, 1557182502, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Viet My Tran', 110988316786112, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37900, '188352102147906', '11dc8d5855fca62bc1348541f3837fff', 0, 1557183143, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Minh Ly', 188352102147906, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37901, '537475276782429', 'b414fc9f392935e1dcc4e751b59da63c', 0, 1557184329, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Lê Thị Nguyệt', 537475276782429, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37902, '111128353437117', 'dae555096f51fb338d0f20cdce8bf3e3', 0, 1557185172, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Tuấn Duy', 111128353437117, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37903, '1162593923912836', 'cd13ece57c616b8ded6e4ba8d4281a8d', 0, 1557865099, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Nguyễn Đức Trọng', 1162593923912836, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37904, '339968536705713', 'd096f5d50e70d972c9ba9139bae49dcc', 0, 1575459273, '', 5000, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5277</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> tuantuan0</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Chí Khang', 339968536705713, 45000, 0, 0, 0),
(37905, '464185197722300', '0a562edfefe6b716207296dcbbd00cbd', 0, 1557191369, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Lạnh Lùng', 464185197722300, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37906, 'denkuteqn', '14e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291', 0, 1557193910, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 20000, 0, 0, 0),
(37907, '703436820072200', '643ea530bf3080a7da66b35815926f90', 0, 1558100970, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Nguyễn Nghị', 703436820072200, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37908, 'khang1234@', '29129139bc155880d82e1712cdc85b01', 0, 1557194713, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37909, '165360894476040', '6c656837d56b2d071ed87818442f5033', 0, 1557197240, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Luân Phạm', 165360894476040, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37910, '135629747584475', '6cb0fcd2c0badd281816e574f56d7a10', 0, 1557197619, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Hoàng Thương', 135629747584475, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37911, 'thuongo07', '1a2f5953507c88adbb9f9ebb32e57935', 0, 1557198242, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37912, 'master', '70f7eb11aa09fa6a7c82b671103c2741', 0, 1557200647, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37913, '1050071322048492', 'b7759b6f24b3847109f1f6384f97d500', 0, 1557226306, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Thiên Bảo', 1050071322048492, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37914, '284245879186139', '4c5a07cffc27447c4139a559bb7183db', 0, 1557805620, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Gaming Duy Gấu Con', 284245879186139, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37915, '407588433157543', '55ff7f4823cf796f35d2d5f9fd4fa4d8', 0, 1557203239, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Bui Thiên Ân', 407588433157543, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37916, '468440303899031', '365a2b6a6d64462ed279703293836cc2', 0, 1653975371, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Bùi Hải Dương', 468440303899031, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37917, '129862284859925', '1bc4f98bf6e7704cb679b79d2292d7b5', 0, 1557204722, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Hoang Nguyen', 129862284859925, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37918, '429322484562850', '0504c3bbb15de9b39815cb77f21b06bd', 0, 1557204853, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Ngọc Đức', 429322484562850, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37919, '301575300778768', '566c6180f174d0be38c1ea477b504285', 0, 1557206809, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Phann Nguyênn', 301575300778768, 50000, 0, 0, 0),
(37920, 'sokuy1603', '692b4f6eb2678ca7757527e0f45f2a51', 0, 1557208090, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37921, '163430834685013', '52a3441e6c5a297b5073189320e02c71', 0, 1557208682, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Lũy Trần', 163430834685013, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37922, 'tuanduypro', '8b1c8cf96922aa14c5d6b05a195d9412', 0, 1557212288, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37923, '160239218332013', 'f60a9c705202c16a5ef0ee2c0ac24993', 0, 1557213196, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Kha Huy', 160239218332013, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37924, '666015107188903', '192762881d2b572aacf2dd52525b85ee', 0, 1557213672, '', 0, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5213</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b> kenx@vip.xx</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> 15181</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Kiên Hữu', 666015107188903, 240000, 0, 0, 0),
(37925, 'hocidolphd', '34b110fbf21b9ca22026b5a88a89525f', 0, 1557213922, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37926, '138412477318268', '7c859755862e1a513f6fb5da74550eb9', 0, 1557214406, '', 0, '', 0, '', 'Học Bảnh', 138412477318268, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37927, 'theduong98', 'b8f3b959e65594cb5bbd707faee51a99', 0, 1557215729, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37928, 'trungle098', '550e1bafe077ff0b0b67f4e32f29d751', 0, 1557216588, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37929, '433819720522009', '39c5eb4e1d96ae99d517f85aa2a8991e', 0, 1557217472, '', 5000, '<div class="phdr"><b>Nick Nro mã số 5219</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Tài khoản:</b></div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Mật khẩu:</b> 9574</div>\n<div class="list1"><b>Khác:</b> - Tài khoản đăng ký ảo</div>\n', 0, '', 'Tiến Đức', 433819720522009, 225000, 0, 0, 0),
(37930, '0369250862', '8a6dee3cafb003d74031debde95328d5', 0, 1557217542, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(37931, '0169571289', '8a6dee3cafb003d74031debde95328d5', 0, 1557217580, '', 0, '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

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