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Database Leaked 8M Sql © Chucky Credits 

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Sql © Chucky Credits Database Leaked 8M
Jun 7, 2021
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Database Leaked 8M
INSERT INTO `account` (`id`, `fname`, `lname`, `username`, `email`, `phonenumber`, `password`, `time`, `date`, `status`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `Client` (`id`, `id_company`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `username`, `phonenumber`, `password`, `status`, `country`, `date`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `sublog` (`id`, `phonenumber`, `status`, `response`, `network`, `date`, `time`) VALUES​
Format - .SQL
Size sql file - 1.3gb
Date - 2023
All Rows - 8kk
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Leaked by Chucky​

INSERT INTO `Client` (`id`, `id_company`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `username`, `phonenumber`, `password`, `status`, `country`, `date`) VALUES
(30792, NULL, NULL, NULL, '593977471', '+966593977471', '7309', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 08:15:42'),
(30793, NULL, NULL, NULL, '590844651', '+966590844651', '7753', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 08:16:28'),
(30803, NULL, NULL, NULL, '560620343', '+966560620343', '2008', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:01:11'),
(30804, NULL, NULL, NULL, '596972454', '+966596972454', '9060', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:04:28'),
(30805, NULL, NULL, NULL, '590650657', '+966590650657', '8645', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:04:44'),
(30806, NULL, NULL, NULL, '599491842', '+966599491842', '8541', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:09:12'),
(30807, NULL, NULL, NULL, '580287398', '+966580287398', '5958', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:16:02'),
(30808, NULL, NULL, NULL, '582631489', '+966582631489', '7741', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:16:30'),
(30810, NULL, NULL, NULL, '566458997', '+966566458997', '1493', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 09:21:57'),
(30816, NULL, NULL, NULL, '591034362', '+966591034362', '1072', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 10:03:13'),
(30818, NULL, NULL, NULL, '581866324', '+966581866324', '8162', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 10:09:16'),
(30820, NULL, NULL, NULL, '580649463', '+966580649463', '6042', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 10:10:57'),
(30821, NULL, NULL, NULL, '564869717', '+966564869717', '4135', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 10:13:42'),
(30823, NULL, NULL, NULL, '592102073', '+966592102073', '3933', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 10:19:42'),
(30830, NULL, NULL, NULL, '563554193', '+966563554193', '1274', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 11:12:58'),
(30832, NULL, NULL, NULL, '543679930', '+966543679930', '3863', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 11:17:56'),
(30839, NULL, NULL, NULL, '546906555', '+966546906555', '3675', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 12:00:13'),
(30843, NULL, NULL, NULL, '598839272', '+966598839272', '6571', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 12:37:13'),
(30846, NULL, NULL, NULL, '594175662', '+966594175662', '3657', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 12:54:57'),
(30847, NULL, NULL, NULL, '543227506', '+966543227506', '3399', 'Active', 'SA', '2022-08-17 13:08:34'),

INSERT INTO `sublog` (`id`, `phonenumber`, `status`, `response`, `network`, `date`, `time`) VALUES
(1, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(2, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319120902527', '', '19-3-2021', '11:8:22'),
(3, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(4, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319121118059', '', '19-3-2021', '11:10:37'),
(5, '+76853741', 'ss', '76853741', '', '', '123'),
(6, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(7, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319121741856', '', '19-3-2021', '11:17:1'),
(8, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(9, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319121944544', '', '19-3-2021', '11:19:4'),
(10, '+96676853741', 'ss', '76853741', '966', '966', '1234'),
(11, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '1234'),
(12, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatorstctrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '1234'),
(13, '+96676853741', 'secondlink', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10304&Error-Desc=Internal error from Operator&RequestId=20210319121947794', '', '19-3-2021', '11:19:7'),
(14, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(15, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319122050247', '', '19-3-2021', '11:20:9'),
(16, '+96676853741', 'ss', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(17, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(18, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatornotstc', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(19, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(20, '+96676853741', 'firstlink  - ksastc', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10202&Error-Desc=Internal error from Operator&RequestId=20210319122259326', '', '19-3-2021', '11:22:19'),
(21, '+96676853741', 'ss', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(22, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(23, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatorstctrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(24, '+96676853741', 'secondlink', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10304&Error-Desc=Internal error from Operator&RequestId=20210319122302841', '', '19-3-2021', '11:22:22'),
(25, '+96676853741', 'ss', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(26, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(27, '+96676853741', 'secondlinklastoperatorstctrue', '76853741', '966', '966', '123'),
(28, '+96676853741', 'secondlink', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10304&Error-Desc=Internal error from Operator&RequestId=20210319122322498', '', '19-3-2021', '11:22:42'),
(29, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(30, '+966590468486', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319133427780', '', '19-3-2021', '12:33:47'),
(31, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(32, '+966590468486', 'firstlink  - ', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10110&Error-Desc=Internal Error&RequestId=20210319133437420', '', '19-3-2021', '12:33:57'),
(33, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(34, '+966559209701', 'firstlink  - ksastc', 'Status=1&Success-Code=10200&Subscriber-Unique-ID=105355453&RequestId=20210319133513639', '', '19-3-2021', '12:34:33'),
(35, '+966559209701', 'ss', '559209701', '966', '966', '7390'),
(36, '+966559209701', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '559209701', '966', '966', '7390'),
(37, '+966559209701', 'secondlinklastoperatorstctrue', '559209701', '966', '966', '7390'),
(38, '+966559209701', 'secondlink', 'Status=0&Error-Code=10301&Error-Desc=The SMS verification code is incorrect.&RequestId=20210319133527874', '', '19-3-2021', '12:34:47'),
(39, '1', 'firstlink  - 222', '2', '2', '2', '2'),
(40, '+966559209701', 'firstlink  - ksastc', 'Status=1&Success-Code=10200&Subscriber-Unique-ID=105355453&RequestId=20210319133542670', '', '19-3-2021', '12:35:2'),
(41, '+966559209701', 'ss', '559209701', '966', '966', '4826'),
(42, '+966559209701', 'secondlinklastoperatortrue', '559209701', '966', '966', '4826'),
(43, '+966559209701', 'secondlinklastoperatorstctrue', '559209701', '966', '966', '4826'),
(44, '+966559209701', 'secondlink', 'Status=1&Success-Code=10300&Error-Desc=&Subsc.UniqueID=105355453&Subsc.Status=SubscribersGrace Period&RequestId=20210319133553436', '', '19-3-2021', '12:35:13'),
(45, '+966567412382', 'signup', 'activesub', 'app', '22-3-2021', '11:16:3'),
(46, '+966567412382', 'signup', 'activesub', 'app', '22-3-2021', '11:16:3'),
(47, '+96555410856', 'KuwaitPostSUB-', 'User: kuwait@idex Password: kuwait@!dex ServiceID: 257 ChannelID: 15071\r\nOperatorID: 41904 RequestID: 165352507 MSISDN: +96555410856 Status: ACT-SB Price:  CN:  cid: ', '', '25-3-2021', '11:58:6'),
(48, '+96555410856', 'KuwaitPostSUB-', 'User: kuwait@idex Password: kuwait@!dex ServiceID: 257 ChannelID: 15071\r\nOperatorID: 41904 RequestID: 165352507 MSISDN: +96555410856 Status: ACT-SB Price:  CN:  cid: ', '', '25-3-2021', '12:0:3'),
(49, '+96555410856', 'KuwaitPostSUB-', 'User: kuwait@idex Password: kuwait@!dex ServiceID: 257 ChannelID: 15071\r\nOperatorID: 41904 RequestID: 165352507 MSISDN: +96555410856 Status: ACT-SB Price:  CN:  cid: ', '', '25-3-2021', '12:13:21'),
(50, '+96555410856', 'KuwaitPost-Billing1', 'User: kuwait@idex Password: kuwait@!dex ServiceID: 257 ChannelID: 15071\nOperatorID: 41904 RequestID: 165352506 MSISDN: +96555410856 Status: FSC-BL Price:  CN:  cid: ', '', '25-3-2021', '12:13:25'),
(51, '+966559209701', 'signup', 'activesub', 'app', '26-3-2021', '15:9:21'),
(52, '+966559209701', 'signup', 'activesub', 'app', '26-3-2021', '15:9:21'),

INSERT INTO `account` (`id`, `fname`, `lname`, `username`, `email`, `phonenumber`, `password`, `time`, `date`, `status`) VALUES
(1, 'test', 'test', 'testapp', '', '+110101010', '456789123', '00:00:00', '', 'ACTIVE'),
(73, 'Mohammed', 'Ahmed', 'Ahmedelcomy', '', '01127118901', '456789123', '19:09:37', '27-6-2021', 'active'),
(78, 'Shafaqat', 'Ali', 'Shafaqatali', '', '+971509538347', '456789123', '13:40:52', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(81, 'rasha', 'Nazha', 'rasha', '', '71260333rt', '456789123', '10:50:58', '28-6-2021', 'ACTIVE'),
(88, 'lama', 'solh', 'lamasolh12', '', '+96671497451', '456789123', '14:09:09', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(90, '????? ????', '????? ????', '', '', '+213657518581', '3333', '14:15:46', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(97, 'walid', 'tizi', 'salem', '', '+213771019908', '456789123', '16:56:57', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(98, 'Mayssa', 'Marzoug', 'Mayssa', '', '+21628590429', '456789123', '18:27:34', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(99, 'taher', 'hached', 'thached', '', '+21629276681', '456789123', '18:34:44', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(100, 'RALPH', 'ROM POL', 'ROM ', '', '+252614953318', '456789123', '18:57:17', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(101, 'amal', 'aya', '', '', '+212662086923', '456789123', '19:01:36', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(102, 'Zakia', 'Zakia', 'Ben yahia', '', '+21694155304', '456789123', '19:07:47', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(107, 'Sohail', 'Khan', 'Sohaillkhan', '', '+971543530139', '456789123', '21:24:33', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(108, 'salem', 'beriri', 'khaled D', '', '+21650751304', '456789123', '22:15:59', '28-6-2021', 'active'),
(109, 'brahmi', 'seddik', '', '', '+213662871620', '456789123', '00:28:24', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(110, 'رضوان', 'لكحل', 'رضوان لكحل', '', '+2120652403225', '456789123', '00:28:44', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(111, 'Ahmed sh Mohamed ', 'Hussein ', 'Ahmed ', '', '+252615510949', '456789123', '01:11:57', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(112, 'yassine ', 'zahdel', 'yassine zahdel ', '', '+2120706592802', '456789123', '03:59:38', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(113, 'chaima', 'aissoug', 'chaima', '', '+2130697777678', '456789123', '04:38:40', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(114, 'Hamed ', 'Farooq ', 'hami99', '', '+971523685755', '456789123', '07:28:46', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(115, 'Torki', 'Houaria', 'Torki houaria', '', '+2130770304186', '456789123', '10:42:21', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(116, 'Bosy', 'nasser', 'Bosy nasser', '', '+201097782966', '456789123', '14:03:36', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(117, 'Nox', 'Oscar ', 'Ouxi77', '', '+966540814601', '456789123', '14:28:18', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(118, 'JAWAD', 'ELHAOUARI', 'DONJAOUAD', '', '+212677672624', '456789123', '14:31:57', '29-6-2021', 'active'),
(119, 'Ahmed', 'Khalid', 'Ahm2dxx', '', '+96597704899', '456789123', '14:43:01', '29-6-2021', 'active'),


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