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Database Leaked - Sql © Chucky 

Sql © Chucky Database Leaked -
Jun 7, 2021
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Database Leaked
INSERT INTO `audits` (`id`, `user_type`, `user_id`, `event`, `auditable_type`, `auditable_id`, `old_values`, `new_values`, `url`, `ip_address`, `user_agent`, `tags`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES​

Format - .SQL
Date - 2023
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(108,    'RENAME USER',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nRENAME USER old_user TO new_user\n  [, old_user TO new_user] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe RENAME USER statement renames existing MariaDB accounts. To use it, you\nmust have the global CREATE USER privilege or the UPDATE privilege for the\nmysql database. Each account is named using the same format as for the CREATE\nUSER statement; for example, \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\'. If you specify only the\nuser name part of the account name, a host name part of \'%\' is used.\n\nIf any of the old user accounts do not exist or any of the new user accounts\nalready exist, ERROR 1396 (HY000) results. If an error occurs, RENAME USER\nwill still rename the accounts that do not result in an error.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nCREATE USER \'donald\', \'mickey\';\nRENAME USER \'donald\' TO \'duck\'@\'localhost\', \'mickey\' TO \'mouse\'@\'localhost\';\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(109,    'REVOKE',    10,    'Privileges\n----------\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nREVOKE \n  priv_type [(column_list)]\n   [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n  ON [object_type] priv_level\n  FROM user [, user] ...\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION\n  FROM user [, user] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe REVOKE statement enables system administrators to revoke privileges (or\nroles - see section below) from MariaDB accounts. Each account is named using\nthe same format as for the GRANT statement; for example,\n\'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\'. If you specify only the user name part of the account\nname, a host name part of \'%\' is used. For details on the levels at which\nprivileges exist, the allowable priv_type and priv_level values, and the\nsyntax for specifying users and passwords, see GRANT.\n\nTo use the first REVOKE syntax, you must have the GRANT OPTION privilege, and\nyou must have the privileges that you are revoking.\n\nTo revoke all privileges, use the second syntax, which drops all global,\ndatabase, table, column, and routine privileges for the named user or users:\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM user [, user] ...\n\nTo use this REVOKE syntax, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or\nthe UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. See GRANT.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nREVOKE SUPER ON *.* FROM \'alexander\'@\'localhost\';\n\nRoles\n-----\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nREVOKE role  [, role ...]\n  FROM grantee [, grantee2 ... ]\n\nREVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR role FROM grantee [, grantee2]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nREVOKE is also used to remove a role from a user or another role that it\'s\npreviously been assigned to. If a role has previously been set as a default\nrole, REVOKE does not remove the record of the default role from the\nmysql.user table. If the role is subsequently granted again, it will again be\nthe user\'s default. Use SET DEFAULT ROLE NONE to explicitly remove this.\n\nBefore MariaDB 10.1.13, the REVOKE role statement was not permitted in\nprepared statements.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nREVOKE journalist FROM hulda\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(110,    'SET PASSWORD',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nSET PASSWORD [FOR user] =\n  {\n    PASSWORD(\'some password\')\n   | OLD_PASSWORD(\'some password\')\n   | \'encrypted password\'\n  }\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SET PASSWORD statement assigns a password to an existing MariaDB user\naccount.\n\nIf the password is specified using the PASSWORD() or OLD_PASSWORD() function,\nthe literal text of the password should be given. If the password is specified\nwithout using either function, the password should be the already-encrypted\npassword value as returned by PASSWORD().\n\nOLD_PASSWORD() should only be used if your MariaDB/MySQL clients are very old\n(< 4.0.0).\n\nWith no FOR clause, this statement sets the password for the current user. Any\nclient that has connected to the server using a non-anonymous account can\nchange the password for that account.\n\nWith a FOR clause, this statement sets the password for a specific account on\nthe current server host. Only clients that have the UPDATE privilege for the\nmysql database can do this. The user value should be given in\nuser_name@host_name format, where user_name and host_name are exactly as they\nare listed in the User and Host columns of the mysql.user table (or view in\nMariaDB-10.4 onwards) entry.\n\nThe argument to PASSWORD() and the password given to MariaDB clients can be of\narbitrary length.\n\nAuthentication Plugin Support\n-----------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4\n--------------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.4 and later, SET PASSWORD (with or without PASSWORD()) works for\naccounts authenticated via any authentication plugin that supports passwords\nstored in the mysql.global_priv table.\n\nThe ed25519, mysql_native_password, and mysql_old_password authentication\nplugins store passwords in the mysql.global_priv table.\n\nIf you run SET PASSWORD on an account that authenticates with one of these\nauthentication plugins that stores passwords in the mysql.global_priv table,\nthen the PASSWORD() function is evaluated by the specific authentication\nplugin used by the account. The authentication plugin hashes the password with\na method that is compatible with that specific authentication plugin.\n\nThe unix_socket, named_pipe, gssapi, and pam authentication plugins do not\nstore passwords in the mysql.global_priv table. These authentication plugins\nrely on other methods to authenticate the user.\n\nIf you attempt to run SET PASSWORD on an account that authenticates with one\nof these authentication plugins that doesn\'t store a password in the\nmysql.global_priv table, then MariaDB Server will raise a warning like the\nfollowing:\n\nSET PASSWORD is ignored for users authenticating via unix_socket plugin\n\nSee Authentication from MariaDB 10.4 for an overview of authentication changes\nin MariaDB 10.4.\n\nMariaDB until 10.3\n------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.3 and before, SET PASSWORD (with or without PASSWORD()) only\nworks for accounts authenticated via mysql_native_password or\nmysql_old_password authentication plugins\n\nPasswordless User Accounts\n--------------------------\n\nUser accounts do not always require passwords to login.\n\nThe unix_socket , named_pipe and gssapi authentication plugins do not require\na password to authenticate the user.\n\nThe pam authentication plugin may or may not require a password to\nauthenticate the user, depending on the specific configuration.\n\nThe mysql_native_password and mysql_old_password authentication plugins\nrequire passwords for authentication, but the password can be blank. In that\ncase, no password is required.\n\nIf you provide a password while attempting to log into the server as an\naccount that doesn\'t require a password, then MariaDB server will simply\nignore the password.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4\n--------------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.4 and later, a user account can be defined to use multiple\nauthentication plugins in a specific order of preference. This specific\nscenario may be more noticeable in these versions, since an account could be\nassociated with some authentication plugins that require a password, and some\nthat do not.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nFor example, if you had an entry with User and Host column values of \'bob\' and\n\'\', you would write the statement like this:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'bob\'@\'\' = PASSWORD(\'newpass\');\n\nIf you want to delete a password for a user, you would do:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'bob\'@localhost = PASSWORD(\"\");\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(111,    'CREATE ROLE',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nCREATE [OR REPLACE] ROLE [IF NOT EXISTS] role \n [WITH ADMIN\n  {CURRENT_USER | CURRENT_ROLE | user | role}]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe CREATE ROLE statement creates one or more MariaDB roles. To use it, you\nmust have the global CREATE USER privilege or the INSERT privilege for the\nmysql database. For each account, CREATE ROLE creates a new row in the\nmysql.user table that has no privileges, and with the corresponding is_role\nfield set to Y. It also creates a record in the mysql.roles_mapping table.\n\nIf any of the specified roles already exist, ERROR 1396 (HY000) results. If an\nerror occurs, CREATE ROLE will still create the roles that do not result in an\nerror. The maximum length for a role is 128 characters. Role names can be\nquoted, as explained in the Identifier names page. Only one error is produced\nfor all roles which have not been created:\n\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE ROLE failed for \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'\n\nFailed CREATE or DROP operations, for both users and roles, produce the same\nerror code.\n\nPUBLIC and NONE are reserved, and cannot be used as role names. NONE is used\nto unset a role and PUBLIC has a special use in other systems, such as Oracle,\nso is reserved for compatibility purposes.\n\nFor valid identifiers to use as role names, see Identifier Names.\n\nWITH ADMIN\n----------\n\nThe optional WITH ADMIN clause determines whether the current user, the\ncurrent role or another user or role has use of the newly created role. If the\nclause is omitted, WITH ADMIN CURRENT_USER is treated as the default, which\nmeans that the current user will be able to GRANT this role to users.\n\nOR REPLACE\n----------\n\nIf the optional OR REPLACE clause is used, it acts as a shortcut for:\n\nDROP ROLE IF EXISTS name;\nCREATE ROLE name ...;\n\nIF NOT EXISTS\n-------------\n\nWhen the IF NOT EXISTS clause is used, MariaDB will return a warning instead\nof an error if the specified role already exists. Cannot be used together with\nthe OR REPLACE clause.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nCREATE ROLE journalist;\n\nCREATE ROLE developer WITH ADMIN lorinda@localhost;\n\nGranting the role to another user. Only user lorinda@localhost has permission\nto grant the developer role:\n\nSELECT USER();\n+-------------------+\n| USER()            |\n+-------------------+\n| henning@localhost |\n+-------------------+\n...\nGRANT developer TO ian@localhost;\nAccess denied for user \'henning\'@\'localhost\'\n\nSELECT USER();\n+-------------------+\n| USER()            |\n+-------------------+\n| lorinda@localhost |\n+-------------------+\n\nGRANT m_role TO ian@localhost;\n\nThe OR REPLACE and IF NOT EXISTS clauses. The journalist role already exists:\n\nCREATE ROLE journalist;\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE ROLE failed for \'journalist\'\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE ROLE journalist;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nCREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS journalist;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nSHOW WARNINGS;\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------------+\n| Level | Code | Message                                           |\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------------+\n| Note  | 1975 | Can\'t create role \'journalist\'; it already exists |\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------------+\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(112,    'DROP ROLE',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nDROP ROLE [IF EXISTS] role_name [,role_name ...]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe DROP ROLE statement removes one or more MariaDB roles. To use this\nstatement, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or the DELETE\nprivilege for the mysql database.\n\nDROP ROLE does not disable roles for connections which selected them with SET\nROLE. If a role has previously been set as a default role, DROP ROLE does not\nremove the record of the default role from the mysql.user table. If the role\nis subsequently recreated and granted, it will again be the user\'s default.\nUse SET DEFAULT ROLE NONE to explicitly remove this.\n\nIf any of the specified user accounts do not exist, ERROR 1396 (HY000)\nresults. If an error occurs, DROP ROLE will still drop the roles that do not\nresult in an error. Only one error is produced for all roles which have not\nbeen dropped:\n\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP ROLE failed for \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'\n\nFailed CREATE or DROP operations, for both users and roles, produce the same\nerror code.\n\nIF EXISTS\n---------\n\nIf the IF EXISTS clause is used, MariaDB will return a warning instead of an\nerror if the role does not exist.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nDROP ROLE journalist;\n\nThe same thing using the optional IF EXISTS clause:\n\nDROP ROLE journalist;\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP ROLE failed for \'journalist\'\n\nDROP ROLE IF EXISTS journalist;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nNote (Code 1975): Can\'t drop role \'journalist\'; it doesn\'t exist\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(113,    'SET ROLE',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nSET ROLE { role | NONE }\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SET ROLE statement enables a role, along with all of its associated\npermissions, for the current session. To unset a role, use NONE .\n\nIf a role that doesn\'t exist, or to which the user has not been assigned, is\nspecified, an ERROR 1959 (OP000): Invalid role specification error occurs.\n\nAn automatic SET ROLE is implicitly performed when a user connects if that\nuser has been assigned a default role. See SET DEFAULT ROLE.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| NULL         |\n+--------------+\n\nSET ROLE staff;\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| staff        |\n+--------------+\n\nSET ROLE NONE;\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE();\n+----------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE() |\n+----------------+\n| NULL           |\n+----------------+\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(114,    'SET DEFAULT ROLE',    10,    'Syntax\n------\n\nSET DEFAULT ROLE { role | NONE } [ FOR user@host ]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SET DEFAULT ROLE statement sets a default role for a specified (or\ncurrent) user. A default role is automatically enabled when a user connects\n(an implicit SET ROLE statement is executed immediately after a connection is\nestablished).\n\nTo be able to set a role as a default, the role must already have been granted\nto that user, and one needs the privileges to enable this role (if you cannot\ndo SET ROLE X, you won\'t be able to do SET DEFAULT ROLE X). To set a default\nrole for another user one needs to have write access to the mysql database.\n\nTo remove a user\'s default role, use SET DEFAULT ROLE NONE [ FOR user@host ].\nThe record of the default role is not removed if the role is dropped or\nrevoked, so if the role is subsequently re-created or granted, it will again\nbe the user\'s default role.\n\nThe default role is stored in the default_role column in the mysql.user\ntable/view, as well as in the Information Schema APPLICABLE_ROLES table, so\nthese can be viewed to see which role has been assigned to a user as the\ndefault.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSetting a default role for the current user:\n\nSET DEFAULT ROLE journalist;\n\nRemoving a default role from the current user:\n\nSET DEFAULT ROLE NONE;\n\nSetting a default role for another user. The role has to have been granted to\nthe user before it can be set as default:\n\nCREATE ROLE journalist;\nCREATE USER taniel;\n\nSET DEFAULT ROLE journalist FOR taniel;\nERROR 1959 (OP000): Invalid role specification `journalist`\n\nGRANT journalist TO taniel;\nSET DEFAULT ROLE journalist FOR taniel;\n\nViewing mysql.user:\n\nselect * from mysql.user where user=\'taniel\'\\G\n*************************** 1. row ***************************\n         Host: %\n         User: taniel\n...\n       is_role: N\n     default_role: journalist\n...\n\nRemoving a default role for another user\n\nSET DEFAULT ROLE NONE FOR taniel;\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(115,    'Roles Overview',    10,    'Description\n-----------\n\nA role bundles a number of privileges together. It assists larger\norganizations where, typically, a number of users would have the same\nprivileges, and, previously, the only way to change the privileges for a group\nof users was by changing each user\'s privileges individually.\n\nAlternatively, multiple external users could have been assigned the same user,\nand there would have been no way to see which actual user was responsible for\nwhich action.\n\nWith roles, managing this is easy. For example, there could be a number of\nusers assigned to a journalist role, with identical privileges. Changing the\nprivileges for all the journalists is a matter of simply changing the role\'s\nprivileges, while the individual user is still linked with any changes that\ntake place.\n\nRoles are created with the CREATE ROLE statement, and dropped with the DROP\nROLE statement. Roles are then assigned to a user with an extension to the\nGRANT statement, while privileges are assigned to a role in the regular way\nwith GRANT. Similarly, the REVOKE statement can be used to both revoke a role\nfrom a user, or revoke a privilege from a role.\n\nOnce a user has connected, he can obtain all privileges associated with a role\nby setting a role with the SET ROLE statement. The CURRENT_ROLE function\nreturns the currently set role for the session, if any.\n\nOnly roles granted directly to a user can be set, roles granted to other roles\ncannot. Instead the privileges granted to a role, which is, in turn, granted\nto another role (grantee), will be immediately available to any user who sets\nthis second grantee role.\n\nThe SET DEFAULT ROLE statement allows one to set a default role for a user. A\ndefault role is automatically enabled when a user connects (an implicit SET\nROLE statement is executed immediately after a connection is established).\n\nRoles were implemented as a GSoC 2013 project by Vicentiu Ciorbaru.\n\nSystem Tables\n-------------\n\nInformation about roles and who they\'ve been granted to can be found in the\nInformation Schema APPLICABLE_ROLES table as well as the mysql.ROLES_MAPPING\ntable.\n\nThe Information Schema ENABLED_ROLES table shows the enabled roles for the\ncurrent session.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nCreating a role and granting a privilege:\n\nCREATE ROLE journalist;\n\nGRANT SHOW DATABASES ON *.* TO journalist;\n\nGRANT journalist to hulda;\n\nNote, that hulda has no SHOW DATABASES privilege, even though she was granted\nthe journalist role. She needs to set the role first:\n\nSHOW DATABASES;\n+--------------------+\n| Database           |\n+--------------------+\n| information_schema |\n+--------------------+\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| NULL         |\n+--------------+\n\nSET ROLE journalist;\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| journalist   |\n+--------------+\n\nSHOW DATABASES;\n+--------------------+\n| Database           |\n+--------------------+\n| ...                |\n| information_schema |\n| mysql              |\n| performance_schema |\n| test               |\n| ...                |\n+--------------------+\n\nSET ROLE NONE;\n\nRoles can be granted to roles:\n\nCREATE ROLE writer;\n\nGRANT SELECT ON data.* TO writer;\n\nGRANT writer TO journalist;\n\nBut one does not need to set a role granted to a role. For example, hulda will\nautomatically get all writer privileges when she sets the journalist role:\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| NULL         |\n+--------------+\n\nSHOW TABLES FROM data;\nEmpty set (0.01 sec)\n\nSET ROLE journalist;\n\nSELECT CURRENT_ROLE;\n+--------------+\n| CURRENT_ROLE |\n+--------------+\n| journalist   |\n+--------------+\n\nSHOW TABLES FROM data;\n+------------------------------+\n| Tables_in_data               |\n+------------------------------+\n| set1                         |\n| ...                          |\n+------------------------------+\n\nRoles and Views (and Stored Routines)\n-------------------------------------\n\nWhen a user sets a role, he, in a sense, has two identities with two\nassociated sets of privileges. But a view (or a stored routine) can have only\none definer. So, when a view (or a stored routine) is created with the SQL\nSECURITY DEFINER, one can specify whether the definer should be CURRENT_USER\n(and the view will have none of the privileges of the user\'s role) or\nCURRENT_ROLE (in this case, the view will use role\'s privileges, but none of\nthe user\'s privileges). As a result, sometimes one can create a view that is\nimpossible to use.\n\nCREATE ROLE r1;\n\nGRANT ALL ON db1.* TO r1;\n\nGRANT r1 TO foo@localhost;\n\nGRANT ALL ON db.* TO foo@localhost;\n\nSELECT CURRENT_USER\n+---------------+\n| current_user  |\n+---------------+\n| foo@localhost |\n+---------------+\n\nSET ROLE r1;\n\nCREATE TABLE db1.t1 (i int);\n\nCREATE VIEW db.v1 AS SELECT * FROM db1.t1;\n\nSHOW CREATE VIEW db.v1;\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------+------------\n---------+----------------------+\n| View | Create View                                                          \n                                 |\ncharacter_set_client | collation_connection |\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------+------------\n---------+----------------------+\n| v1   | CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`leakbase3_1aho1nv`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY\nDEFINER VIEW `db`.`v1` AS SELECT `db1`.`t1`.`i` AS `i` from `db1`.`t1` | utf8 \n       | utf8_general_ci      |\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n------------------------------------------------------------------+------------\n---------+----------------------+\n\nCREATE DEFINER=CURRENT_ROLE VIEW db.v2 AS SELECT * FROM db1.t1;\n\nSHOW CREATE VIEW db.b2;\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--\n-------------------+\n| View | Create View                                                          \n                           | character_set_client |\ncollation_connection |\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--\n-------------------+\n| v2   | CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`r1` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW\n`db`.`v2` AS select `db1`.`t1`.`a` AS `a` from `db1`.`t1` | utf8              \n | utf8_general_ci      |\n+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------------------+----------------------+--\n-------------------+\n\nOther Resources\n---------------\n\n* Roles Review by Peter Gulutzan\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(116,    'Account Locking',    10,    'MariaDB starting with 10.4.2\n----------------------------\nAccount locking was introduced in MariaDB 10.4.2.\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nAccount locking permits privileged administrators to lock/unlock user\naccounts. No new client connections will be permitted if an account is locked\n(existing connections are not affected).\n\nUser accounts can be locked at creation, with the CREATE USER statement, or\nmodified after creation with the ALTER USER statement. For example:\n\nCREATE USER \'lorin\'@\'localhost\' ACCOUNT LOCK;\n\nor\n\nALTER USER \'marijn\'@\'localhost\' ACCOUNT LOCK;\n\nThe server will return an ER_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED error when locked users\nattempt to connect:\n\nmysql -ulorin\n ERROR 4151 (HY000): Access denied, this account is locked\n\nThe ALTER USER statement is also used to unlock a user:\n\nALTER USER \'lorin\'@\'localhost\' ACCOUNT UNLOCK;\n\nThe SHOW CREATE USER statement will show whether the account is locked:\n\nSHOW CREATE USER \'marijn\'@\'localhost\';\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| CREATE USER for marijn@localhost              |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| CREATE USER \'marijn\'@\'localhost\' ACCOUNT LOCK |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nas well as querying the mysql.global_priv table:\n\nSELECT CONCAT(user, \'@\', host, \' => \', JSON_DETAILED(priv)) FROM\nmysql.global_priv \n WHERE user=\'marijn\';\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------+\n| CONCAT(user, \'@\', host, \' => \', JSON_DETAILED(priv))                        \n    |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------+\n| marijn@localhost => {\n  \"access\": 0,\n  \"plugin\": \"mysql_native_password\",\n  \"authentication_string\": \"\",\n  \"account_locked\": true,\n  \"password_last_changed\": 1558017158\n} |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-------+\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
(117,    'Authentication from MariaDB 10.4',    10,    'MariaDB starting with 10.4\n--------------------------\nMariaDB 10.4 introduced a number of changes to the authentication process,\nintended to make things easier and more intuitive.\n\nOverview\n--------\n\nThere are four new main features in 10.4 relating to authentication:\n\n* It is possible to use more than one authentication plugin for each user\naccount. For example, this can be useful to slowly migrate users to the more\nsecure ed25519 authentication plugin over time, while allowing the old\nmysql_native_password authentication plugin as an alternative for the\ntransitional period.\n* The root@localhost user account created by mysql_install_db is created with\nthe ability to use two authentication plugins.\nFirst, it is configured to try to use the unix_socket authentication plugin.\nThis allows the root@localhost user to login without a password via the local\nUnix socket file defined by the socket system variable, as long as the login\nis attempted from a process owned by the operating system root user account.\nSecond, if authentication fails with the unix_socket authentication plugin,\nthen it is configured to try to use the mysql_native_password authentication\nplugin. However, an invalid password is initially set, so in order to\nauthenticate this way, a password must be set with SET PASSWORD.\nHowever, just using the unix_socket authentication plugin may be fine for many\nusers, and it is very secure. You may want to try going without password\nauthentication to see how well it works for you. Remember, the best way to\nkeep your password safe is not to have one!\n\n* All user accounts, passwords, and global privileges are now stored in the\nmysql.global_priv table. The mysql.user table still exists and has exactly the\nsame set of columns as before, but it’s now a view that references the\nmysql.global_priv table. Tools that analyze the mysql.user table should\ncontinue to work as before. From MariaDB 10.4.13, the dedicated mariadb.sys\nuser is created as the definer of this view. Previously root was the definer,\nwhich resulted in privilege problems when this username was changed.\n* MariaDB 10.4 adds supports for User Password Expiry, which is not active by\ndefault.\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nAs a result of the above changes, the open-for-everyone all-powerful root\naccount is finally gone. And installation scripts will no longer demand that\nyou \"PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MariaDB root USER !\", because\nthe root account is securely created automatically.\n\nTwo all-powerful accounts are created by default — root and the OS user that\nowns the data directory, typically mysql. They are created as:\n\nCREATE USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA unix_socket OR mysql_native_password\nUSING \'invalid\'\nCREATE USER mysql@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA unix_socket OR\nmysql_native_password USING \'invalid\'\n\nUsing unix_socket means that if you are the system root user, you can login as\nroot@locahost without a password. This technique was pioneered by Otto\nKekäläinen in Debian MariaDB packages and has been successfully used in Debian\nsince as early as MariaDB 10.0.\n\nIt is based on a simple fact that asking the system root for a password adds\nno extra security — root has full access to all the data files and all process\nmemory anyway. But not asking for a password means, there is no root password\nto forget (no need for the numerous tutorials on \"how to reset MariaDB root\npassword\"). And if you want to script some tedious database work, there is no\nneed to store the root password in plain text for the script to use (no need\nfor debian-sys-maint user).\n\nStill, some users may wish to log in as MariaDB root without using sudo. Hence\nthe old authentication method — conventional MariaDB password — is still\navailable. By default it is disabled (\"invalid\" is not a valid password hash),\nbut one can set the password with a usual SET PASSWORD statement. And still\nretain the password-less access via sudo.\n\nIf you install MariaDB locally (say from a tarball), you would not want to use\nsudo to be able to login. This is why MariaDB creates a second all-powerful\nuser with the same name as a system user that owns the data directory. In\nlocal (not system-wide) installations, this will be the user who installed\nMariaDB — they automatically get convenient password-less root-like access,\nbecause they can access all the data files anyway.\n\nEven if MariaDB is installed system-wide, you may not want to run your\ndatabase maintenance scripts as system root — now you can run them as system\nmysql user. And you will know that they will never destroy your entire system,\neven if you make a typo in a shell script.\n\nHowever, seasoned MariaDB DBAs who are used to the old ways do need to make\nsome changes. See the examples below for common tasks.\n\nCookbook\n--------\n\nAfter installing MariaDB system-wide the first thing you’ve got used to doing\nis logging in into the unprotected root account and protecting it, that is,\nsetting the root password:\n\n$ sudo dnf install MariaDB-server\n$ mysql -uroot\n...\nMariaDB> set password = password(\"XH4VmT3_jt\");\n\nThis is not only unnecessary now, it will simply not work — there is no\nunprotected root account. To login as root use\n\n$ sudo dnf install MariaDB-server\n$ sudo mysql\n\nNote that it implies you are connecting via the unix socket, not tcp. If you\nhappen to have protocol=tcp in a system-wide /etc/my.cnf file, use sudo mysql\n--protocol=socket.\n\nAfter installing MariaDB locally you’ve also used to connect to the\nunprotected root account using mysql -uroot. This will not work either, simply\nuse mysql without specifying a username.\n\nIf you\'ve forgotten your root password, no problem — you can still connect\nusing sudo and change the password. And if you\'ve also removed unix_socket\nauthentication, to restore access do as follows:\n\n* restart MariaDB with --skip-grant-tables\n* login into the unprotected server\n* run FLUSH PRIVILEGES (note, before 10.4 this would’ve been the last step,\nnot anymore). This disables --skip-grant-tables and allows you to change the\nstored authentication method\n* run SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost to change the root password.\n\nTo view inside privilege tables, the old mysql.user table still exists. You\ncan select from it as before, although you cannot update it anymore. It\ndoesn’t show alternative authentication plugins and this was one of the\nreasons for switching to the mysql.global_priv table — complex authentication\nrules did not fit into rigid structure of a relational table. You can select\nfrom the new table, for example:\n\nselect concat(user, \'@\', host, \' => \', json_detailed(priv)) from\nmysql.global_priv;\n\nReverting to the Previous Authentication Method for root@localhost\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you don\'t want the root@localhost user account created by mysql_install_db\nto use unix_socket authentication by default, then there are a few ways to\nrevert to the previous mysql_native_password authentication method for this\nuser account.\n\nConfiguring mysql_install_db to Revert to the Previous Authentication Method\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nOne way to revert to the previous mysql_native_password authentication method\nfor the root@localhost user account is to execute mysql_install_db with a\nspecial option. If mysql_install_db is executed while\n--auth-root-authentication-method=normal is specified, then it will create the\ndefault user accounts using the default behavior of MariaDB 10.3 and before.\n\nThis means that the root@localhost user account will use mysql_native_password\nauthentication by default. There are some other differences as well. See\nmysql_install_db: User Accounts Created by Default for more information.\n\nFor example, the option can be set on the command-line while running\nmysql_install_db:\n\nmysql_install_db --user=mysql --datadir=/var/lib/mysql\n--auth-root-authentication-method=normal\n\nThe option can also be set in an option file in an option group supported by\nmysql_install_db. For example:\n\n[mysql_install_db]\nauth_root_authentication_method=normal\n\nIf the option is set in an option file and if mysql_install_db is executed,\nthen mysql_install_db will read this option from the option file, and it will\nautomatically set this option.\n\nAltering the User Account to Revert to the Previous Authentication Method\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you have already installed MariaDB, and if the root@localhost user account\nis already using unix_socket authentication, then you can revert to the old\nmysql_native_password authentication method for the user account by executing\nthe following:\n\nALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING\nPASSWORD(\"verysecret\")\n\nURL:',    '',    ''),
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Wow! Amazing! Thanks! Can never get enough tuts, thanks for sharing!

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