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Database Leaked Sql © Chucky Credits 

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Sql © Chucky Credits Database Leaked
Jun 7, 2021
Reaction score

Database Leaked
INSERT INTO `leads_info` (`id`, `previous_lead_id`, `name`, `email`, `company`, `city`, `country`, `month`, `date`, `interests`, `leads_description`, `last_communication_date`, `business_potential`, `subscription`, `leads_type`, `company_size`, `leads_priority`, `want_information_as`, `urgent_needs`, `lead_source`, `market_place_subsoure`, `online_marketing`, `inside_sales_subsource`, `lead_status`, `disqualification_reason`, `platform`, `frontend_domain`, `backend_domain`, `post_bid_link`, `expected_closure_date`, `assign_to`, `created_by`, `created_on`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `leave_management` (`id`, `from_date`, `from_half_day`, `to_date`, `to_half_day`, `half_days`, `application_date`, `application_type`, `status`, `approved_on`, `reason`, `address`, `phone_no`, `created_on`, `updated_on`, `leave_code`, `approved_by`, `resource_id`, `filename`, `filepath`, `city`, `role`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `user_name`, `user_email`, `user_pass`, `user_salt`, `user_last_login`, `user_login_time`, `user_session_id`, `user_date`, `user_modified`, `user_agent_string`, `user_level`, `user_banned`, `passwd_recovery_code`, `passwd_recovery_date`, `p_email`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `blockchain_id`, `dob`, `adhar`, `city`, `p_mobile`, `mobile`, `p_address`, `empId`) VALUES
Format - .SQL
Size sql file - 50mb
Date - 2023
All Rows - 160k
Website -
Leaked by Chucky​

INSERT INTO `leads_info` (`id`, `previous_lead_id`, `name`, `email`, `company`, `city`, `country`, `month`, `date`, `interests`, `leads_description`, `last_communication_date`, `business_potential`, `subscription`, `leads_type`, `company_size`, `leads_priority`, `want_information_as`, `urgent_needs`, `lead_source`, `market_place_subsoure`, `online_marketing`, `inside_sales_subsource`, `lead_status`, `disqualification_reason`, `platform`, `frontend_domain`, `backend_domain`, `post_bid_link`, `expected_closure_date`, `assign_to`, `created_by`, `created_on`) VALUES
(11784, NULL, 'Sarn Elliott', '', '', '', 'United States', 'October', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'Blockchain Developer', 'Needs to hire 2 Freelancers We want to build a DAO Fashion marketplace where anyone can make their digital products and give the users the option of buying either the NFT or purchase the preorder the physical product which will be produced by us. Every fashion creator should be able to make their own shop which they can customize according to their brands ethos or vibe and then use the shareable link to invite their friends family to either buy the digital NFT product or buy the physical product. We don’t want a forked bitcoin project. Customers can use credit cards to convert the currency into TRILL dollars which they can use to buy the NFT or physical product or both. There will be 100 million TRILL coins and the value of each coin will be 0.80$ People can use trill coins or save them. Customers who visit the marketplace will see products like tinder swipe mode. They can like or dislike products or buy the physical or digital version of it. Every disliked product gets lower probability to be shown more often which will force out the bad creators. We want the project to be autonomous. We build the network but we don’t own it. We make money through two ways : 1. If customer buys the physical product we will show the production charge and tell customers we increase it by 4x times to make our profit margin. 2. We will own majority of trill coins but our identity will be autonomous. We are looking for a dedicated engineer who will join us for the joy of decentralizing a long old industry of fashion and culture which hasn’t been open to people from all cultures or walks of life like race, financial status etc. we want every human being who has an idea to get a chance to showcase their creation and possibly make a business out of it.', NULL, '5', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', 'Rakesh K.', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '2021-10-21 00:00:00', 1262, 1366, '2021-10-16 17:34:32'),
(11785, NULL, 'Daan Spruit', '', '', '', 'Netherlands', 'April', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'Build an NFT Donation platform', 'We want to have an NFT Donation Platform designed for our promising crypto project. The project is about an NFT donation platform where you can donate a NFT and then somebody buys the NFT and the profits of that NFT goes to a charity of choice. The steps of our Donation system are 1. Submit your NFT & choice of charity to 2. verifies and valuates your submitted NFT 3. NFT gets listed for auction on 4. Raised amount from the auction gets send directly to the wallet address of the chosen charity. 5. After the auction is concluded the donor receives their custom tax return documentation. So we need the app for the platform. It should have a Submit section for your nft selection. We should be able to verify and value the nft. A marketplace should also be included once we accepted the nft. We want an integration that after the auction the donated amount is send directly to the charity of choice, this is for safety purposes. If possible you find out the custom tax return docs and include that in the platform. Let me know if this job suits you. this is our website rn. You can use this for reference for information.', NULL, '6000', '2021-10-27 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', 'Rakesh K.', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Blockchain', '', '', '', '2021-11-04 00:00:00', 1262, 1366, '2021-10-16 18:08:24'),
(11786, NULL, 'Claire Blanco-Escala', '', '', '', 'Philippines', 'October', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'FULL STACK WEB DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER (GAMING WEBSITE TO BE CONNECTED TO THE BLOCKCHAIN ) Looking for medium level Full Stack Development specialist.', 'Call set with Client for Monday 11:00AM Philippines time', NULL, '40000', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Blockchain', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1268, 1373, '2021-10-16 21:10:48'),
(11787, NULL, 'Steven Ntambi', '', '', '', 'Uganda', 'October', '2021-10-17 00:00:00', 'digital wallet', 'Shared with him meeting request for our call', NULL, '8000', '2021-10-26 00:00:00', 'New Lead', 'Midsize company', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'LOST', 'LOW BUDGET', 'Crypto Wallet', '', '', '', '2021-11-05 00:00:00', 1268, 1273, '2021-10-17 22:00:17'),
(11788, NULL, 'B Marco', '', '', '', 'Singapore', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Blockchain developer, NFT', 'Hi, we are looking for Blockchain developer also experience NFT project as well.', NULL, '10000', '2021-10-25 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '2021-11-05 00:00:00', 1268, 1273, '2021-10-18 08:42:10'),
(11789, NULL, 'Jame Jun', '', '', '', 'South Korea', 'October', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'Node.JS / React.JS monthly dedicated price with "Crypto P2P & Exchange & Margin Trading " We need to develop with stage reference is Bybit or finance', 'The client needs to hire dedicated resources, Client call schedule for Tuesday', NULL, '4000', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Crypto Wallet', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1268, 1373, '2021-10-18 09:20:49'),
(11790, NULL, 'Joshua Kezzer', '', '', '', 'United States', 'October', '2021-10-16 00:00:00', 'SOL Rust NFT Smart Contract Developer We are looking for a solana developer who can also build us a website with a functioning mint button! We are on a bit of a swift time frame and are looking to get started as soon as possible in order to launch next month (tentative). The ideal developer would be on board for 3 - 6 months at the start with the potential for extension based on project success. Requirements: Developer familiar with Solana architecture (Rust, C, C++) Website Development (site must be able to handle incredibly high traffic) Payment will be paid out at progress points during development and will consist of a base price plus additional payment after product launch', 'Initial conversation started with Client, We will try to set up call with Client today', NULL, '30', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Solana', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1268, 1373, '2021-10-18 09:25:09'),
(11791, NULL, 'Hameed', '', '', '+601128345477', 'Malaysia', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'My project is something similar to', '', NULL, '5', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'SEO', 'contact @fbi_gov  US', NULL, NULL, 'LOST', 'LOW BUDGET', 'Hybrid', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1268, 1274, '2021-10-18 10:37:36'),
(11792, NULL, 'Charlie Brown', '', '', '', 'new Zealand', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Solana NFT (Rust) programmer', 'Solana NFT (Rust) programmer', NULL, '5', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', 'Small company', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Solana', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1262, 1263, '2021-10-18 11:11:36'),
(11793, NULL, 'Tomas Ngu', '', 'DigitalKubo, Inc.', '', 'Philippines', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Build a mobile number top-up/reloading/recharging web app', 'We need an experienced developer or team that can build a mobile number top-up/reloading/recharging website/web application. - The application will be connected via API of a local operator - Integrate Paypal and another payment processor (will provide API for this) User Flow: 1. User visits website 2. Create a user account 3. Select top-up amount/denomination 4. Enter mobile phone number 5. Pay online 6. Upon successful payment, top-up amount is automatically sent to the user\'s mobile number Other requirements: 1. Admin area to manage products and prices 2. Sales Reports in Admin area 3. User can login to view their past purchases or make new purchases References: 1. 2. 3. ** Developers or teams with experience in building this sort of web app will be given priority ** Rates can be negotiated based on your experience with such a project', NULL, '5', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'New Lead', 'Midsize company', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Native', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1262, 1275, '2021-10-18 13:15:43'),
(11794, NULL, 'Attila Keresztesi', '', '', '', 'Australia', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Create a Solana NFT website with mint function', 'Hi, I need a website created that will have the functionality for front end minting of my nft collection. I have tried to find a solution for this and found metaplex and holaplex but from what i could understand i wasnt able to find out how to make this function with a front end mint function for users to mint nfts from my site. I am looking for someone who is familiar with how other projects have setup this type of website such as: If you are familiar with how to create this type of website please let me know rough price to setup and we can discuss further.', NULL, '5', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', 'Midsize company', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1262, 1275, '2021-10-18 13:16:53'),
(11795, NULL, 'Maurice K', '', '', '', 'United States', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Create full-stack nft marketplace', 'Create a full-stack NFT marketplace. Have it be scaleable. The future is to work part-time to manage site.', NULL, '5', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', 'Midsize company', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1262, 1275, '2021-10-18 13:17:56'),
(11796, NULL, 'Surprise Awofemi, Yvonne Trevino', '', '', '', 'United Kingdom', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', '', 'I need a Solidity, Web3 and React Full Stack Developer', NULL, '16000', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'High', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'Solidity', '', '', '', '2021-10-22 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:32:28'),
(11797, NULL, 'Annie Wong', '', '', '', 'United States', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', '', '', NULL, '15000', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '2021-11-22 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:33:25'),
(11798, NULL, 'Hing Yin Lai', '', '', '', 'Hong Kong S.A.R.', 'October', '2021-10-26 00:00:00', '', '', NULL, '5', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'NFT', '', '', '', '2021-10-22 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:35:02'),
(11799, NULL, 'Tonnie Anthony', '', '', '', 'Kenya', 'October', '2021-10-25 00:00:00', '', '', NULL, '12600', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'High', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'WON', '', 'DeFi', '', '', '', '2021-11-02 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:36:26'),
(11800, NULL, 'larry jordan, 5 stems Inc', '', '', '', 'United Kingdom', 'October', '2021-10-22 00:00:00', '', '', NULL, '22000', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Low', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', 'UPWORK', NULL, NULL, 'CNA', '', 'IEO', '', '', '', '2021-10-28 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:39:44'),
(11801, NULL, 'Eric Ho', '', '', '', 'Australia', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', '', 'ETH NFT Analytics tools Openseas', NULL, '5', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'LOST', '', 'Crypto Wallet', '', '', '', '2021-10-20 00:00:00', 1262, 1264, '2021-10-18 16:42:46'),
(11802, NULL, 'Lucky Ari', '', '', '', 'Australia', 'October', '2021-10-18 00:00:00', 'Build a gantt chart app like, Libre Project or MS Project', 'Build a gantt chart app like, Libre Project or MS Project The task is to build a cloud based MS Project Project Scheduling tool. The tool should be able to create/amend task using a mobile phone/ipad/desktop web chrome Refer to attached brief.', NULL, '5', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'New Lead', '', 'Medium', '', '', 'MARKET PLACE', '', NULL, NULL, 'LOST', '', 'Native', '', '', '', '1970-01-01 00:00:00', 1262, 1275, '2021-10-18 18:24:37'),

INSERT INTO `leave_management` (`id`, `from_date`, `from_half_day`, `to_date`, `to_half_day`, `half_days`, `application_date`, `application_type`, `status`, `approved_on`, `reason`, `address`, `phone_no`, `created_on`, `updated_on`, `leave_code`, `approved_by`, `resource_id`, `filename`, `filepath`, `city`, `role`) VALUES
(3277, '2023-01-04', '3', '2023-01-04', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>Hi,</p><p>I\'m having high fever from yesterday night. So, I\'ll not be able to come to the office today, i.e, 04-01-2023.</p>', 'Node + Blockchain', '9899932182', '2023-01-04 04:39:18', '2023-01-04 04:39:18', 'Sick leave', NULL, 1235, NULL, '', 'Delhi', 'Employee'),
(3278, '2023-01-04', '3', '2023-01-05', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Casual Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>Family reason that’s why I cannot pick 2 days attendance sorry for inconvenience <br></p>', 'Node + Blockchain', '8410409524', '2023-01-04 04:44:14', '2023-01-04 04:44:14', 'Family reason that’s why I cannot pick 2 days attendance sorry for inconvenience', NULL, 2376, NULL, '', 'Delhi', 'Trainee'),
(3279, '2023-01-04', '3', '2023-01-04', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>Not feeling well today also. Fever got cured but cough and sneezing are not cured. and it can worst because of AC</p>', 'Trainee-Pune', '7875411943', '2023-01-04 05:24:21', '2023-01-04 05:24:21', 'Sick leave', NULL, 2419, NULL, '', 'Pune', 'Trainee'),
(3280, '2023-01-04', '3', '2023-01-04', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Approved', NULL, '<p>Hi Sir,</p><p>I want to say that I am not feeling well since last night due to cold and fever. I am unable to attend the office today. So kindly grant me leave for today.</p><p><br></p><p>Thanks & Regards</p><p>Abhinav Gupta</p>', '', '8318586211', '2023-01-04 06:39:19', '2023-01-11 18:30:00', 'Sick leave  due to Cold and  Fever', 44, 1654, NULL, '', 'Delhi', 'Employee'),
(3281, '2023-01-04', '2', '2023-01-04', '2', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Casual Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>\r\n\r\n</p><div>I have some important errands to run.</div><div><br>\r\n\r\n</div><br><p></p>', 'Unity-Pune', '7718012926', '2023-01-04 07:37:55', '2023-01-04 07:37:55', 'Casual leave', NULL, 2348, NULL, '', 'Pune', 'Employee'),
(3282, '2023-01-04', '1', '2023-01-04', '1', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>cold cough and headache last night<br></p>', 'Trainee', '8081228517', '2023-01-04 09:37:55', '2023-01-04 09:37:55', 'cold cough and headache last night', NULL, 2382, NULL, '', 'Delhi', 'Trainee'),
(3283, '2023-01-05', '3', '2023-01-06', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>\r\n\r\n</p><div><div>\r\n\r\nI am writing to let you know that I am not feeling well and would like to take a sick leave. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I Will make sure to keep you updated on my progress. and will be ready to come back as soon as I am feeling better.\r\n\r\n</div></div>\r\n\r\n<br><p></p>', 'Trainee-Pune', '9826857126', '2023-01-04 10:15:22', '2023-01-04 10:15:22', 'Sick Leave', NULL, 2426, NULL, '', 'Pune', 'Trainee'),
(3284, '2023-01-05', '3', '2023-01-05', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Casual Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>for external practical in college<br></p>', 'Node + Blockchain', '8434588939', '2023-01-04 10:52:40', '2023-01-04 10:52:40', 'Exam Leave', NULL, 2360, '1672829560pactical_datesheet.jpg', '/uploads/ticket_attachments/1672829560pactical_datesheet.jpg', 'Delhi', 'Trainee'),
(3285, '2023-01-04', '3', '2023-01-04', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p>Caught fever </p>', 'Node + Blockchain', '8604839036', '2023-01-04 15:00:31', '2023-01-04 15:00:31', 'Feeling sick', NULL, 2280, NULL, '', 'Delhi', 'Trainee'),
(3286, '2023-01-02', '3', '2023-01-05', '3', '0000-00-00', '2023', 'Sick Leave', 'Pending', NULL, '<p></p><p>Dear sir,</p>Sorry sir that I did not tell you before taking a leave because my health suddenly worsened due to which I had to get admitted and I could not inform you. <br>Taking four day from work and resting will help me overcome this and get back to a normal routine the next day. Kindly grant me leave for a day on 02/01/2023 to 05/01/2023.<div><br><p>Thank you </p><p>Nisha Gond </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p></div><br><p></p>', 'iOS', '7705070336', '2023-01-04 17:15:23', '2023-01-04 17:15:23', 'Sick leave', NULL, 1665, '1672852523IMG_20230102_195038690.jpg', '/uploads/ticket_attachments/1672852523IMG_20230102_195038690.jpg', 'Delhi', 'Employee'),

INSERT INTO `users` (`user_id`, `user_name`, `user_email`, `user_pass`, `user_salt`, `user_last_login`, `user_login_time`, `user_session_id`, `user_date`, `user_modified`, `user_agent_string`, `user_level`, `user_banned`, `passwd_recovery_code`, `passwd_recovery_date`, `p_email`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `blockchain_id`, `dob`, `adhar`, `city`, `p_mobile`, `mobile`, `p_address`, `empId`) VALUES
(2534, 'nitin.shukla', '', '$2a$09$9790e6b8bb20d35aac155ewgeeS/KJCRkbRsj.o6APgn2lHgQUwAC', '9790e6b8bb20d35aac155f90128b11a2', '2023-04-21 09:18:35', '2023-04-21 09:18:35', '169a6026059e77c137a6d0225e0251ff520db06e', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '4ef71e361cd873088b35a76b5068d0a4', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Nitin Kumar', 'Shukla', '326f921d6a9b144a60a2ff6a507af7b3f7b26cda0fa7208e6a0fe8fdd3949ef9', '36539', '698169552073', 'Delhi', '8953092693', '8953092693', 'Vill-Shivapar,Distt-Sant Kabir Singh (272175)', '10101'),
(2535, 'niharika.srivastava', '', '$2a$09$54befc72db8f8b74b64b8uKO48Z7JR1psXwCQ4CPF36HjONUMQ5hq', '54befc72db8f8b74b64b844994ba9fae', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', NULL, 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Niharika', 'Srivastava', '6a0a8d6f366b5a374103a3c2ce07379b26d8f633cfe83829fc219f2b9b616110', '37024', '217777599964', 'Delhi', '8595646012', '6307094125', '782, Tar Talla sabji Mandi raebareli', '10101'),
(2536, 'sandeep.mishra', '', '$2a$09$fe151a8047fe9bcb3cb7eeZ4SvfEL52bJxGCF.CKA12AEUo7aHNXe', 'fe151a8047fe9bcb3cb7efba1038cc15', '2023-04-22 13:37:40', '2023-04-22 13:37:40', '1790f7530415685938a1c6373b4d07af3d32ef90', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '35dad70abc601e229e115d200cb9a0ba', 1, '0', '$2a$09$b83487ff3b23eba9ef80auFHXsJxII2OhWqw6TbGZgH6qr3W58t4W', '2023-04-21 10:31:01', '', 'Sandeep', 'Mishra', '8f038648d31ea7a5c1fa7c44e356da2cad40c99c504878ddefa160ffe0cb0358', '36667', '521186947788', 'Delhi', '6306419178', '6306419178', 'Chauka janghai handiya Prayagraj', '10101'),
(2537, 'kush.kumar', '', '$2a$09$6cc4d314ae045311fdac0uPptifqf0Q0kkgcVo21Sc65IsbcCECEe', '6cc4d314ae045311fdac06bf1b77f472', '2023-04-21 10:29:12', NULL, NULL, '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '35dad70abc601e229e115d200cb9a0ba', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Kush', 'Kumar', '38dbe9962dc65e2627b9bd073712742221c55ab13fb90ea31600a2cba65b7618', '35821', '945189883428', 'Delhi', '9412591573', '8979266654', '5E/11 ,100 feet road kedar nagar shahganj agra (UP) 282010', '10101'),
(2538, 'aachal.baranwal', '', '$2a$09$d2dc7d4d05047cd9ca8f9urwszD94YnRgvMalvg5PIfffLl5brUbO', 'd2dc7d4d05047cd9ca8f92f409e674cc', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', NULL, 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Aachal', 'Baranwal', '36ab02460d9ea49b0759ed8d80b6ddb240ec6e07807e976718101d41155e8da2', '37469', '899927505155', 'Delhi', '7905840152', '6394532784', 'Pratapgarh', '10101'),
(2539, 'vivek.yadav', '', '$2a$09$460804c7de26f84a269a6uFbpdEHfFzNocZB/lkidYyPJnxdRBLYu', '460804c7de26f84a269a69408b0d69dd', '2023-03-18 10:30:29', NULL, '68eb6afaf8769e09fc88da9de9eea84e1f608c6e', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', 'c3fcd9e52fd775c43c9553a961bfc52c', 1, '1', NULL, NULL, '', 'Vivek', 'Yadav', 'edbe63c178df41fffbd8f1331c43bec334aa4932fb7aa99ab93b59eb5e046643', '37724', '466228300663', 'Delhi', '8528353188', '6388157489', 'Nausad', '10101'),
(2540, 'dheeraj.kumar', '', '$2a$09$38c1c0f7857e9e073b0fcu3y6knUBbtPWlNmV5PXJA1uaG8zIygA2', '38c1c0f7857e9e073b0fc4614d8e89f8', '2023-04-07 16:37:49', '2023-04-07 16:37:49', '58a4d7ac944f6b7a98b6d740b61c261d9b3ed6af', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '723c51263c80f6be79fa21191ee0b387', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Dheeraj', 'Kumar', 'cc25f76fbf85882bb8867ff12d3e187b717fd09d87a51054eef92d4a942c090f', '36610', '641554540319', 'Delhi', '9792935419', '9792935419', 'Village : Parasiya', '10101'),
(2541, 'garima.yadav', '', '$2a$09$4be974461973304cb8f86ukm3nwU4jh3Cx1T0NkNIpE/uLwrNA4kW', '4be974461973304cb8f86555502e6ed9', '2023-04-06 10:07:10', '2023-04-06 10:07:10', '1590f45d6f6a986c248202bc57242a9a7af53760', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '35dad70abc601e229e115d200cb9a0ba', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Garima', 'Yadav', '3ea659e5d1e54f302ac1bc50d88c936af4b5313784185a08935581243b01ce20', '37367', '410419659528', 'Delhi', '8808077806', '8808077806', 'Mohlla Ghoshipurwa Shahpur, gorakhpur', '10101'),
(2542, 'shitanshu.tripathi', '', '$2a$09$3a7ee98ef4436cd1413a8u2l7wArAKZE5V2wC.hjaDxwmydGY0qC6', '3a7ee98ef4436cd1413a851d157f5729', '2023-04-22 15:44:34', '2023-04-22 15:44:34', 'b286dd357b0e8194ad59b36ff9209f160d29dccb', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '35dad70abc601e229e115d200cb9a0ba', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Shitanshu', 'Tripathi', 'd72fe9023ddc3a93b05be31b2dbb6cd71e5d96395f76f7cc4c972216992efd38', '37053', '230056213396', 'Delhi', '6388157489', '8528353188', 'Keshokurha Po-Sahjanwa Dist-Gorakhpur', '10101'),
(2543, 'yash.verma', '', '$2a$09$11355c381f1f925cf9b05OzQbTn1cuGK66YmQZ0ISZaWZIdpKdyYa', '11355c381f1f925cf9b05d1cc6831244', '2023-04-22 10:25:31', '2023-04-22 10:25:31', '1959537d7e2bbfb36b9f9b83adf2d75c31db0e09', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', 'debbccfe2f72c3b86310fbb40fe0c741', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Yash', 'Verma', '73f35c17801d8e5e772d92a90a29515c7dbca1551c8afaf563e36aa219e84955', '37100', '436542601594', 'Delhi', '9897300521', '9897300521', '1714/2 Indra nagar 1st Brahmpuri meerut', '10101'),
(2544, 'shivam.pandey', '', '$2a$09$05c4afd173d0615683919uDo92xs2U5Li1XZYeH1/WjbsCT33HYL.', '05c4afd173d06156839196021b867cb8', '2023-04-22 19:29:14', '2023-04-22 19:29:14', 'f09331ac49849e2865a3ba3906b1f593d1caf0c8', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '2023-03-13 16:19:37', '759b1e79d21e38d89cd2791faa91f8c6', 1, '0', NULL, NULL, '', 'Shivam', 'Pandey', '5694683e5d394adc6841cc515ef1db66ebc52f710c9d1c8fe1fc39dbe671d895', '37411', '371045302626', 'Delhi', '8707752958', '8112625503', '1/192, Jankipuram Extension near 60 feet road', '10101'),


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