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Database Leaked - Sql © Chucky 

Sql © Chucky Database Leaked -


Jun 7, 2021
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Database Leaked

INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, `id_company`, `id_role`, `titre`, `service`, `other_service`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `job`, `email`, `passwd`, `phone`, `mobile_phone`, `linkedin`, `twitter`, `facebook`, `photo`, `disable`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `token_supplier`, `orias`, `alerts`, `newsletter`, `adresse`, `cp`, `ville`, `profession_other`, `company_other`, `focus`, `rank`, `invisible`, `token_passwd`, `expire_passwd`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `niegf_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES

INSERT INTO `jos_jstats_ipaddresses` (`ip`, `nslookup`, `tld`, `useragent`, `system`, `browser`, `id`, `type`, `exclude`) VALUES

Format - .SQL
Date - 2023
All Rows - 800k
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INSERT INTO `user` (`id`, `id_company`, `id_role`, `titre`, `service`, `other_service`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `job`, `email`, `passwd`, `phone`, `mobile_phone`, `linkedin`, `twitter`, `facebook`, `photo`, `disable`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `token_supplier`, `orias`, `alerts`, `newsletter`, `adresse`, `cp`, `ville`, `profession_other`, `company_other`, `focus`, `rank`, `invisible`, `token_passwd`, `expire_passwd`) VALUES
(1007, 1080, 1, '2', 0, '', 'David', 'KALFON', 'Président Directeur Général', 'contact @fbi_gov', 'f042e66c44866351442a973420962f6f', '01 84 16 64 36', '', '', '', '', 'David-Kalfon-2021-07-3-carry-.jpg', 0, '2017-12-11 16:42:06', '2021-12-21 16:13:00', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(3429, 1458, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Bertrand ', 'CONCHON', 'Directeur Commercial Adjoint en charge des CGP France et Benelux', '', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '01 56 68 54 58', '07 78 13 19 79', '', '', '', 'Bertrand-CONCHON-fond-colors-REC.jpg', 0, '2023-01-25 17:53:56', '2023-01-25 17:53:56', NULL, '', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1009, 409, 1, '2', 1, '', 'Emmanuelle', 'CHEREL', 'Directrice commerciale', '', 'cdc13e866fd53a259e5a0d9ba09ad3e2', '', '02 51 12 79 09', '', '', '', 'photo-capture.JPG', 0, '2017-12-11 17:07:28', '2021-02-01 15:59:19', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(2584, 1735, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Jordan', 'FREORA', 'Business Developer', ' ', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '01 84 79 78 55', '06 25 45 86 71', '', '', '', 'Jordan-Freoa.jpg', 0, '2020-01-28 17:42:15', '2020-01-28 17:42:15', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1011, 1587, 1, '2', 1, 'Partenaires', 'Thomas', 'WILLEM', 'Directeur Prescription', '', 'd2110fcecf5d7901683f78042c82e2f0', '01 56 79 79 79 ', '06 87 46 95 35', '', '', '', 'Zoom-pour-le-web-Thomas-WILLEM-N-B.jpg', 0, '2017-12-11 17:49:55', '2022-01-13 17:45:52', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 'Efji6d0BrEBjIzcmBivVitAn', '1608795839'),
(1012, 1309, 3, '2', 1, '', 'Benjamin', 'FALGAYRAC ', 'Directeur de Régions (IDF -Nord - Sud Ouest)', ' ', 'e8b32a33801fca7ba07bc2e584d00555', '', '06 61 44 87 74', '', '', '', 'Ben1.jpg', 0, '2017-12-12 12:17:37', '2022-03-21 06:51:51', NULL, '', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1013, 1309, 3, '2', 2, 'Partenaires', 'Sylvain ', 'AUBERT-MÉNÉTRIER ', 'Directeur de régions (Est - RAA - Sud)', '', '39f051c12d9d9fa9e6589b06e69c877e', '', '06 61 45 35 10', '', '', '', 'Sylvain1.jpg', 0, '2017-12-12 12:20:45', '2022-03-21 06:50:34', NULL, '', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 'cGXdotETrBIJmGEhNQhz6jGt', '1627546060'),
(3325, 1747, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Sébastien', 'GRASSET', 'Directeur général Associé', '', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '01 78 41 00 31', '06 52 49 5254', '', '', '', 'Sebastien-Grasset.png', 0, '2022-06-27 10:42:39', '2022-06-27 10:42:39', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1017, 1263, 1, '2', 1, '', 'Marie-Adélaïde', 'PLUCINSKI', 'Directrice des partenariats ', '', '1d981066799389dce4991379b4bdbeb4', '', '06 10 08 04 86', '', '', '', 'M-A-Plucinski-2017.jpg', 0, '2017-12-19 16:23:27', '2019-04-08 16:17:37', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1018, 1263, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Virginie', 'HUBERT', 'Responsable Back- Office ', '', '8281de422e30825bf45b65e029681973', '02 98 43 93 34', '', '', '', '', 'OCEANIC-Virginie-HUBERT-2018.jpg', 0, '2017-12-19 16:25:02', '2019-03-22 11:34:44', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 'nS0lKSM3z4jde1qmbxjsPZC7', '1574521426'),
(1019, 1263, 1, '2', 2, 'Développement ', 'Elena', 'AZRIA', 'Directrice du développement  ', '', '2a392a9d01851237f0fb30766669983b', '02 30 03 93 47', '', '', '', '', 'OCEANIC-Elena-AZRIA-2018.jpg', 0, '2017-12-19 16:26:29', '2019-11-07 14:56:23', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, '7KEPYDJFhh2CRuggU1qnLGFW', '1573221134'),
(1020, 1186, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Florent', 'DECKER', 'Responsable Relations  Partenaires', '', 'db70d44f6ae9ddc50a053651bb0a5e0e', '01 45 56 56 57', '', '', '', '', 'Florent-Becker.jpg', 0, '2017-12-20 17:22:43', '2019-05-29 10:40:33', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1021, 1186, 1, '2', 1, '', 'Ingrid', 'DENIS', 'Responsable relations partenaires', '', 'a0b62259b2efc735c5b207c17a076570', '01 45 56 59 41', '', '', '', '', 'IMAGE-INGRID.png', 0, '2017-12-20 17:24:57', '2019-07-16 16:26:03', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 'lpQCoZIAYxV4u2VrnBKMf5I2', '1518510795'),
(3122, 231, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Caroline', 'FRELET-DESCLAUX', 'Directeur du Développement', '', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '01 56 77 33 77', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '2021-10-27 12:23:43', '2021-10-27 12:25:03', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(3124, 1869, 1, '2', 0, '', 'Damien', 'ZOCCOLA', 'Chargé d\'Affaires', '', '0aeb272572a0d4443c95f1891da6f7a0', '', '06 26 24 73 98', '', '', '', 'photo-DZ-cgp.png', 0, '2021-11-02 17:45:38', '2021-11-08 15:50:06', NULL, '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),
(1034, 1251, 3, '2', 2, 'Expertise et diversification', 'Alfred ', 'DITTRICK', 'Directeur Commercial', '', '327d6213c94c50276e565367bdf92fc8', '', '06 31 68 25 16', '', '', '', 'Alfred-Dittrick.jpg', 0, '2018-01-03 14:43:07', '2022-02-01 14:40:22', NULL, '', 0, 1, '', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL),

INSERT INTO `niegf_users` (`ID`, `user_login`, `user_pass`, `user_nicename`, `user_email`, `user_url`, `user_registered`, `user_activation_key`, `user_status`, `display_name`) VALUES
(2277, 'cymbre', '$P$BQAB1rFqHUOL3xmHnYrPVrRJUwv07N0', 'cymbre', '', '', '2023-02-08 21:01:38', '', 0, 'cymbre'),
(2278, 'katlyn.kinchen21', '$P$BO7RH1IGPoP9e9c.Gz9Q0L3U2z21am0', 'katlyn-kinchen21', '', '', '2023-02-09 09:20:28', '', 0, 'katlyn.kinchen21'),
(2279, 'andra.samples', '$P$BOlX04EzlQW9aSDqvOR9bz5NgrXRYn.', 'andra-samples', '', '', '2023-02-09 10:51:49', '', 0, 'andra.samples'),
(2280, 'mervin', '$P$BClRgne5VMwuUugXfPu6aWKJTI6xuz.', 'mervin', '', '', '2023-02-10 04:13:49', '', 0, 'mervin'),
(2281, 'emelia.greaves', '$P$BRk3XRsMG53VqH8Kb7O7kL2XbimrQZ1', 'emelia-greaves', '', '', '2023-02-11 01:28:20', '', 0, 'emelia.greaves'),
(2282, 'celina', '$P$BtE7kQ5QhaMrjr5MlJTVU2dvSYopvg0', 'celina', '', '', '2023-02-11 07:35:20', '', 0, 'celina'),
(2283, 'shelliecreswick6217', '$P$BgrrlF9WrVecgoik.hrz3u4VulvMdY/', 'shelliecreswick6217', '', '', '2023-02-11 09:28:10', '', 0, 'shelliecreswick6217'),
(2284, 'peggy', '$P$BJr1UD7z8V3zwpeIC7wWCHLc3aH0JE0', 'peggy', '', '', '2023-02-11 12:05:24', '', 0, 'peggy'),
(2285, 'elsa-salyer', '$P$BeDCCiDPembbiRJ3l4i2BjU7m17VC5.', 'elsa-salyer', '', '', '2023-02-11 18:37:35', '', 0, 'elsa-salyer'),
(2286, 'denisha_kinchen46', '$P$BaTkrAGEzDUh.BeGSmCw742PEJhvZg.', 'denisha_kinchen46', '', '', '2023-02-11 23:35:53', '', 0, 'denisha_kinchen46'),
(2287, 'lina', '$P$BuYUhN.aw17f3fFamHLPHNs6mOGQIc/', 'lina', '', '', '2023-02-12 02:03:56', '', 0, 'lina'),
(2288, 'mariel', '$P$BvXAN31bXx4ckWEgexu/6ovLYy3pOy0', 'mariel', '', '', '2023-02-12 04:18:04', '', 0, 'mariel'),
(2289, 'cathryn-faison', '$P$BDHC4/5bLORPdVIBc/rkl67rrJPxzJ.', 'cathryn-faison', '', '', '2023-02-13 00:09:23', '', 0, 'cathryn-faison'),
(2290, 'kerri-pemulwuy', '$P$B.TApY56fdkZNfa.9KVIhZqT8h6QRu.', 'kerri-pemulwuy', '', '', '2023-02-13 13:20:56', '', 0, 'kerri-pemulwuy'),
(2291, 'arlette_meiners', '$P$BZas92WsouAatPDIKHbavxAsBp3Vlw/', 'arlette_meiners', '', '', '2023-02-14 18:19:10', '', 0, 'arlette_meiners'),
(2292, 'alexandrina', '$P$B42RNz.WQ7ZQtNPS1bDuhnv.NZU3i8.', 'alexandrina', '', '', '2023-02-15 00:55:11', '', 0, 'alexandrina'),

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('', '', 'ua', 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.1)', 'Windows XP', 'Internet Explorer 6.0', 4052, 1, 0),
('', '', 'ua', 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.1; kkman2.0)', 'Windows XP', 'Internet Explorer 6.0', 4053, 1, 0),
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('', '', 'ru', 'mozilla/5.0 (compatible; yandexbot/3.0; +', 'Unknown', 'Yandex bot', 4059, 2, 0),
('', '', 'ua', 'mozilla/4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows nt 5.1; .net clr 1.1.4322; fdm)', 'Windows XP', 'Internet Explorer 6.0', 4060, 1, 0),
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It is one of the "LE GROUPE FICADE" sub brand in France

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