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Database [Full Dump] 10K Users + 90k ord Sql © Chucky Credits 

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Sql © Chucky Credits Database [Full Dump] 10K Users + 90k ord
Jun 7, 2021
Reaction score


INSERT INTO `fund_changes` (`id`, `type`, `user_id`, `before`, `amount`, `after`, `details`, `queue_ref`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(14313, 'ORDER', 277424, 5.3856300, -1.2600000, 4.1256300, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6233336\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 02:35:37', '2020-12-05 02:35:37'),
(14314, 'ORDER', 276881, 66.0000000, -1.2600000, 64.7400000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6233337\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 02:35:57', '2020-12-05 02:35:57'),
(14315, 'ORDER', 18921, 192.1191000, -2.7000000, 189.4191000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6233884\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 20\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:05:41', '2020-12-05 03:05:41'),
(14316, 'ORDER', 276563, 669.5380700, -68.0000000, 601.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6234249\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:23:00', '2020-12-05 03:23:00'),
(14317, 'ORDER', 276563, 601.5380700, -50.0000000, 551.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6234250\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:23:24', '2020-12-05 03:23:24'),
(14318, 'REFUND', 276881, 64.7400000, 1.2600000, 66.0000000, 'Order CANCELLED by Admin through Bulk Update\nOrder ID: 6233337\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:29:29', '2020-12-05 03:29:29'),
(14319, 'REFUND', 277424, 4.1256300, 1.2600000, 5.3856300, 'Order CANCELLED by Admin through Bulk Update\nOrder ID: 6233336\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:29:29', '2020-12-05 03:29:29'),
(14320, 'REFUND', 277676, 29.4648700, 180.0000000, 209.4648700, 'Order REFUNDED by Admin through Bulk Update\nOrder ID: 6232603\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1500\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:29:29', '2020-12-05 03:29:29'),
(14321, 'ORDER', 277676, 209.4648700, -1.6000000, 207.8648700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6234615\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 400\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:45:17', '2020-12-05 03:45:17'),
(14322, 'ORDER', 277676, 207.8648700, -168.0000000, 39.8648700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6234616\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1400\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 03:47:58', '2020-12-05 03:47:58'),
(14323, 'ORDER', 276508, 61.5952100, -10.2000000, 51.3952100, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6235891\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 150\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 04:51:19', '2020-12-05 04:51:19'),
(14324, 'ORDER', 276683, 72.7000000, -1.5000000, 71.2000000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236256\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 100\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:11:07', '2020-12-05 05:11:07'),
(14325, 'ADD', 277762, 0.0000000, 20.0000000, 20.0000000, 'Payment Added by PayTM Bank\nAmount : 20\nTransaction ID : 20201205111212800110168281565619302\n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:27:33', '2020-12-05 05:27:33'),
(14326, 'ORDER', 277762, 20.0000000, -1.0000000, 19.0000000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236439\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 500\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:28:46', '2020-12-05 05:28:46'),
(14327, 'ORDER', 276683, 71.2000000, -3.0000000, 68.2000000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236804\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 200\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:48:05', '2020-12-05 05:48:05'),
(14328, 'ORDER', 276563, 551.5380700, -50.0000000, 501.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236987\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:57:53', '2020-12-05 05:57:53'),
(14329, 'ORDER', 276563, 501.5380700, -29.0000000, 472.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236988\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:58:08', '2020-12-05 05:58:08'),
(14330, 'ORDER', 276563, 472.5380700, -68.0000000, 404.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236989\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:58:49', '2020-12-05 05:58:49'),
(14331, 'ORDER', 276563, 404.5380700, -68.0000000, 336.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236990\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:58:49', '2020-12-05 05:58:49'),
(14332, 'ORDER', 276563, 336.5380700, -68.0000000, 268.5380700, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6236991\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 1000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 05:58:50', '2020-12-05 05:58:50'),
(14333, 'ORDER', 277363, 126.2916600, -24.0000000, 102.2916600, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6237356\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 3000\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 06:13:47', '2020-12-05 06:13:47'),
(14334, 'ORDER', 276726, 12.1500000, -8.5000000, 3.6500000, 'Order Placed by user on Website\nOrder ID: 6238267\nAPI Order ID: \nStatus: Pending\nQuantity: 100\nRemains: \n', 0, '2020-12-05 07:08:44', '2020-12-05 07:08:44'),

INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `source`, `status`, `price`, `cost`, `link`, `start_counter`, `remains`, `quantity`, `user_id`, `package_id`, `api_id`, `api_order_id`, `custom_comments`, `last_response`, `last_response_time`, `cancel_cnt`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `subscription_id`) VALUES
(6298246, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '44', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35074810', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"44\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-07 23:29:14', 0, '2020-12-07 15:44:10', '2020-12-07 17:59:14', NULL),
(6298247, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.90000, 5.77500, '', '45', '0', 175, 276764, 28, 1, '35074859', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.077\",\"start_count\":\"45\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-07 23:20:19', 0, '2020-12-07 15:45:11', '2020-12-07 17:50:19', NULL),
(6298248, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '51', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35074897', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"51\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-07 23:38:10', 0, '2020-12-07 15:46:19', '2020-12-07 18:08:10', NULL),
(6298249, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '35', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35074913', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"35\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 00:04:16', 0, '2020-12-07 15:46:45', '2020-12-07 18:34:16', NULL),
(6298250, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '38', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35074956', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"38\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-07 23:55:18', 0, '2020-12-07 15:47:30', '2020-12-07 18:25:18', NULL),
(6298251, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '56', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35075003', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"56\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 00:20:17', 0, '2020-12-07 15:48:16', '2020-12-07 18:50:17', NULL),
(6298434, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 24.00000, 19.50000, '', '25', '200', 200, 277594, 260, 1, '35075404', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.26\",\"start_count\":\"25\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"200\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-10 15:05:07', 0, '2020-12-07 15:56:09', '2020-12-10 09:35:07', NULL),
(6298435, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 11.83200, 5.74200, '', '53', '0', 174, 276764, 28, 1, '35075457', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.07656\",\"start_count\":\"53\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 00:23:10', 0, '2020-12-07 15:57:22', '2020-12-07 18:53:10', NULL),
(6299892, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 32.04000, 26.70000, '', '828', '0', 890, 277236, 20, 1, '35079262', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.356\",\"start_count\":\"828\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-07 23:42:08', 0, '2020-12-07 17:11:17', '2020-12-07 18:12:08', NULL),
(6302987, 'WEB', 'PARTIAL', 14.32800, 10.74600, '', '971', '3', 600, 277765, 15, 1, '35087210', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.14328\",\"start_count\":\"971\",\"status\":\"Partial\",\"remains\":\"3\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 11:35:07', 0, '2020-12-07 20:08:12', '2020-12-08 06:05:07', NULL),
(6303534, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 4.35000, 4.05000, '', '24', '0', 150, 277171, 258, 1, '35088186', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.054\",\"start_count\":\"24\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 04:00:11', 0, '2020-12-07 20:34:49', '2020-12-07 22:30:11', NULL),
(6303717, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 385.00000, 341.25000, '', '15', '-853', 3500, 277802, 255, 1, '35088726', '', '{\"charge\":\"4.55\",\"start_count\":\"15\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"-853\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-09 04:19:08', 0, '2020-12-07 20:46:59', '2020-12-08 22:49:08', NULL),
(6304810, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 1.40000, 1.35000, '', '56', '0', 200, 277795, 406, 1, '35091147', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.018\",\"start_count\":\"56\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 03:47:06', 0, '2020-12-07 21:48:48', '2020-12-07 22:17:06', NULL),
(6304811, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 1.00000, 0.56250, '', '289', '0', 500, 277795, 246, 1, '35091183', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.0075\",\"start_count\":\"289\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 03:41:08', 0, '2020-12-07 21:49:31', '2020-12-07 22:11:08', NULL),
(6304994, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 1.40000, 1.35000, '', '71', '0', 200, 277795, 406, 1, '35091209', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.018\",\"start_count\":\"71\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 03:52:08', 0, '2020-12-07 21:50:16', '2020-12-07 22:22:08', NULL),
(6304995, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '77', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35091267', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"77\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 04:07:11', 0, '2020-12-07 21:51:58', '2020-12-07 22:37:11', NULL),
(6304996, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '73', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35091292', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"73\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 04:35:13', 0, '2020-12-07 21:52:28', '2020-12-07 23:05:13', NULL),
(6304997, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '92', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35091341', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"92\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 04:09:13', 0, '2020-12-07 21:53:42', '2020-12-07 22:39:13', NULL),
(6304998, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '91', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35091382', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"91\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 04:09:11', 0, '2020-12-07 21:54:54', '2020-12-07 22:39:11', NULL),
(6305363, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 493.00000, 391.50000, '', '2857', '0', 5800, 277769, 72, 2, '195209640', '', '{\"charge\":\"5.22\",\"start_count\":\"2857\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 21:57:05', 0, '2020-12-07 22:19:09', '2020-12-08 16:27:05', NULL),
(6305728, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '62', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35098612', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"62\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 06:43:04', 0, '2020-12-07 22:35:40', '2020-12-08 01:13:04', NULL),
(6305729, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 6.80000, 3.30000, '', '142', '0', 100, 277762, 28, 1, '35098579', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.044\",\"start_count\":\"142\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 07:23:07', 0, '2020-12-07 22:38:16', '2020-12-08 01:53:07', NULL),
(6305730, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 1.26000, 1.05000, '', '6468', '0', 1000, 277762, 34, 2, '195209647', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.014\",\"start_count\":\"6468\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 06:50:15', 0, '2020-12-07 22:38:38', '2020-12-08 01:20:15', NULL),
(6306095, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 0.70000, 0.67500, '', '75', '0', 100, 277795, 406, 1, '35098618', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.009\",\"start_count\":\"75\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 07:06:06', 0, '2020-12-07 22:53:13', '2020-12-08 01:36:06', NULL),
(6306278, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 120.00000, 103.50000, '', '18994', '0', 1000, 276683, 299, 2, '195209644', '', '{\"charge\":\"1.38\",\"start_count\":\"18994\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 21:51:10', 0, '2020-12-07 23:02:19', '2020-12-08 16:21:10', NULL),
(6306461, 'WEB', 'PARTIAL', 14.56800, 10.92600, '', '3742', '393', 1000, 277784, 15, 1, '35098590', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.14568\",\"start_count\":\"3742\",\"status\":\"Partial\",\"remains\":\"393\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-09 06:54:10', 0, '2020-12-07 23:12:45', '2020-12-09 01:24:10', NULL),
(6306462, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 2.00000, 1.80000, '', '0', '0', 400, 277769, 42, 1, '35098595', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.024\",\"start_count\":\"0\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 07:15:11', 0, '2020-12-07 23:18:19', '2020-12-08 01:45:11', NULL),
(6307009, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 236.30000, 191.25000, '', '2250', '0', 170, 276777, 123, 1, '35098615', '', '{\"charge\":\"2.55\",\"start_count\":\"2250\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 17:45:12', 0, '2020-12-07 23:44:13', '2020-12-08 12:15:12', NULL),
(6307010, 'WEB', 'CANCELLED', 0.00000, 0.00000, '', '-2', '51', 51, 277795, 282, 1, '35098604', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.00\",\"start_count\":\"-2\",\"status\":\"Partial\",\"remains\":\"51\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 19:01:12', 0, '2020-12-07 23:49:27', '2020-12-08 13:31:12', NULL),
(6307375, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 2.00000, 1.35000, '', '70', '0', 1000, 277409, 36, 2, '195209635', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.018\",\"start_count\":\"70\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 06:38:05', 0, '2020-12-08 00:01:36', '2020-12-08 01:08:05', NULL),
(6307558, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 20.09000, 18.37500, '', '373', '49', 49, 277485, 314, 1, '35098610', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.245\",\"start_count\":\"373\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"49\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-10 09:07:10', 0, '2020-12-08 00:11:33', '2020-12-10 03:37:10', NULL),
(6307923, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 28.00000, 23.94000, '', '90', '0', 70, 275582, 300, 1, '35098598', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.3192\",\"start_count\":\"90\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 13:52:11', 0, '2020-12-08 00:36:12', '2020-12-08 08:22:11', NULL),
(6308834, 'WEB', 'CANCELLED', 0.00000, 0.00000, '', '0', '10000', 10000, 277769, 109, 1, '35100155', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.00\",\"start_count\":\"0\",\"status\":\"Canceled\",\"remains\":\"10000\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-09 09:56:04', 0, '2020-12-08 01:23:38', '2020-12-09 04:55:18', NULL),
(6309199, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 120.00000, 93.75000, '', '1012', '0', 1000, 276703, 6, 1, '35101167', '', '{\"charge\":\"1.25\",\"start_count\":\"1012\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 07:48:12', 0, '2020-12-08 01:48:10', '2020-12-08 02:18:12', NULL),
(6310292, 'WEB', 'COMPLETED', 95.00000, 67.50000, '', '1282', '0', 1000, 277682, 25, 1, '35103802', '', '{\"charge\":\"0.90\",\"start_count\":\"1282\",\"status\":\"Completed\",\"remains\":\"0\",\"currency\":\"USD\"}', '2020-12-08 09:01:06', 0, '2020-12-08 02:45:54', '2020-12-08 03:31:06', NULL),

INSERT INTO `packages` (`id`, `position`, `name`, `slug`, `price_per_item`, `cost_per_item`, `seller_cost`, `minimum_quantity`, `maximum_quantity`, `description`, `start_time`, `guarantee`, `speed`, `sample_link`, `quality`, `status`, `performance`, `manperformance`, `service_id`, `preferred_api_id`, `custom_comments`, `hide`, `paused`, `refillbtn`, `multiple`, `features`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(3, 520, '2️⃣ Instagram Follower (??????? ????-??????)', '2-instagram-follower', 0.0820000, 0.0530553, 53.0553000, 25, 2000000, 'start instant\r\n365 Refill If dropping 15% ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '589.13 hours', '', 14, 8, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-06-20 09:47:03'),
(4, 4230, '1️⃣Instagram High quality Follower (?? ??? ??????+??????)', '1instagram-high-quality-follower', 0.1514666, 0.1384000, 138.4000000, 30, 100000, 'Instant Start\r\nHigh Quality\r\nMax 100k base\r\nRefill Button Enable For 30 Days\r\nHigh-Quality Followers\r\nFollowers Increase Natural\r\nDaily Speed 2k - 3k\r\nRefill Not Allowed For Old Followers Drop\r\nDrop Rate usually 5-10 %', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '1.80 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:24'),
(5, 5470, '1️⃣ Instagram Followers ???? ??????? (?? ???? ????-??????)', '1-instagram-followers', 0.3040000, 0.2640000, 264.0000000, 100, 20000, '30 Days Refill\r\n3K Days \r\nDrop Rate 0% noticed  ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '7.81 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(6, 3150, 'YouTube Livestream Viewers (24 Hours 1000=1000)', 'youtube-livestream-viewers-24-hours-10001000', 2.9160902, 2.5600000, 2560.0000000, 100, 50000, 'If You Order 1K you Will Get 1K viewers ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.50 hours', '', 25, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:16'),
(7, 130, '1️⃣ Instagram ???? ??? Followers (?? ???? ???? ??????)', '1-instagram-followers', 0.0576000, 0.0464000, 46.4000000, 50, 70000, 'Username/ Full link\r\nReal & Active MIX Followers\r\n10-20K per day\r\n30 Days Auto-Refill\r\nRefill Button also enabled in order history', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.24 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-11 13:51:03'),
(8, 120, '1️⃣ Instagram Followers ???? ??? (?? ???? ????-??????)', '1-instagram-followers', 0.0405334, 0.0336000, 33.6000000, 50, 50000, '30 Days Refill \r\nSpeed 500/1K Days ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '1.15 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-12 23:09:03'),
(9, 5190, '1️⃣ Instagram Views [Start Time: 0-1 Hour] (?1)', '1-instagram-views-start-time-0-1-hour-1', 0.0010234, 0.0019200, 1.9200000, 100, 100000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.03 hours', '', 75, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(10, 4520, '1️⃣ Instagram ???? ??? Followers (?? ???? ??????)', '1-instagram-followers', 0.2400000, 0.2160000, 216.0000000, 50, 20000, '•30 Day Guarantee\r\n•Refill button enable\r\n•Note: Speed Is 1-2K/Day', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.74 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:24'),
(11, 110, '♛ Instagram Followers 60 Days Refill [S14]', 'instagram-followers-60-days-refill-s14', 0.0325000, 0.0232500, 23.2500000, 20, 100000, '60 Days Refill \r\nSpeed 5K Day', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'INACTIVE', '11.04 hours', '', 65, NULL, 0, 0, 1, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-04-28 01:21:18'),
(12, 100, '1️⃣ YouTube Watch time (30 Min + Video)', '1-youtube-watch-time-30-min-video', 0.2380934, 0.2160000, 216.0000000, 200, 100000, 'Videos longer than 30Min +\r\nWatch time: 30+ minutes\r\nIf you Use Video Length 30+ Minutes 1000 views = 500+ Hours\r\n30 days Refill Guarantee\r\n\r\nIf Quantity 1K- You Will Get 500Hours', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.31 hours', '', 90, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:17'),
(13, 680, '1️⃣ Instagram ???? ??? ?? Follower(?? ???? ????-??????+??????)', '1-instagram-follower', 0.0618666, 0.0520000, 52.0000000, 50, 100000, 'Real Quality Followers\r\nSpeed 10K/Days\r\nRefill Button Enable\r\n', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.49 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 30, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 02:58:58', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(14, 160, '1️⃣ Instagram Followers 3K/PD (?? ???? ????-??????)', '1-instagram-followers-3kpd', 0.0631579, 0.0560000, 56.0000000, 10, 1500000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.73 hours', '', 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:36:43', '2022-09-10 01:11:04'),
(15, 140, '1️⃣ Instagram Followers 10K/Max (?? ??????)', '1-instagram-followers-10kmax', 0.0147368, 0.0112000, 11.2000000, 25, 10000, '?????? ??? ????\r\n?? ?????? / ?? ?????? / ?????? ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.08 hours', '', 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:36:43', '2022-09-12 07:44:03'),
(16, 170, '1️⃣ YouTube Views (2k-5KD) Lifetime Guarantee', '1-youtube-views-2k-5kd-lifetime-guarantee', 0.0547368, 0.0440000, 44.0000000, 100, 500000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '1.21 hours', '', 16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:36:43', '2022-09-12 18:40:06'),
(17, 4550, '1️⃣ YouTube Watch time (60 Min + Video)', '1-youtube-watch-time-60-min-video', 0.3526316, 0.3200000, 320.0000000, 200, 10000, 'Videos longer than 60Min +\r\nWatch time: 60+ minutes\r\nIf you Use Video Length 60+ Minutes 1000 views = 1000+ Hours\r\n30 days Refill Guarantee\r\n\r\nIf Quantity 1K- You Will Get 1000Hours', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '6.30 hours', '', 90, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:36:43', '2022-09-06 20:31:04'),
(18, 570, '1️⃣ YouTube Views + Likes 1-3% (100-200K/D) 30 Days Auto Refill ', '1-youtube-views-likes-1-3-100-200kd-30-days-auto-refill', 0.0842105, 0.0760000, 76.0000000, 15000, 100000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '1.41 hours', '', 16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:36:43', '2022-09-01 05:00:14'),
(19, 240, '♛ Instagram Likes 50K [ 10K/Day Speed] [ 100% Real Account]', 'instagram-likes-50k-10kday-speed-100-real-account', 0.0235734, 0.0208000, 20.8000000, 50, 2000, '100% Real Likes ', '', '', '', '', '', 'ACTIVE', '0.13 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 03:45:19', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(20, 260, '1️⃣ Instagram Likes / No-Drop No Refill Instant (S1)', '1-instagram-likes-no-drop-no-refill-instant-s1', 0.0076472, 0.0038400, 3.8400000, 10, 30000, 'No Refill ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.07 hours', '', 61, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-12 02:14:04'),
(21, 3830, 'Instagram Likes`~ [NO Refill ] [S2]', 'instagram-likes-no-refill-s2', 0.0163840, 0.0081920, 8.1920000, 100, 20000, 'High Drop Service \r\nNo Speed Up ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.58 hours', '', 61, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-05 09:52:07'),
(22, 280, 'Instagram Likes 10K Hour No Refill [S4]⚡⚡', 'instagram-likes-10k-hour-no-refill-s4', 0.0426667, 0.0384000, 38.4000000, 10, 100000, 'NO Refill\nSpeed 10K hour', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '6.39 hours', '', 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-05 09:52:07'),
(23, 2720, '1️⃣ Instagram Likes Instant  (no drop no refill)', '1-instagram-likes-instant-no-drop-no-refill', 0.0081934, 0.0038400, 3.8400000, 50, 500000, 'NO Refill \r\nSpeed 1K Hour', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.19 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(24, 220, '♛ Instagram Likes Super Service IN Mix [ 100% Real & 0% Bot ]', 'instagram-likes-super-service-in-mix-100-real-0-bot', 0.0328098, 0.0289820, 28.9820000, 100, 150000, 'INDIAN MIX\r\nNon Drop \r\nNO Refill \r\n100% Real\r\nSpeed 3-5K Day', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.17 hours', '', 9, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-08-10 05:48:02'),
(25, 2580, 'Instagram Likes [No Refill Low Drops] [Supper Fast] (??)', 'instagram-likes-no-refill-low-drops-supper-fast', 0.0095591, 0.0038400, 3.8400000, 15, 50000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.12 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(26, 3160, 'Instagram Likes Real Mix NO Refill [S12]', 'instagram-likes-real-mix-no-refill-s12', 0.0693334, 0.0520000, 52.0000000, 20, 10000, 'Start 0-1 Hour\r\nNo Refill \r\nReal Mix\r\nSpeed 5-10K Day', '', '', '', '', '', 'ACTIVE', '3.16 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-01 05:00:24'),
(27, 3620, 'Instagram Likes [Cheap No Refill 1-2K/ Per Day] ', 'instagram-likes-cheap-no-refill-1-2k-per-day', 0.0450000, 0.0300000, 30.0000000, 20, 20000, 'start instant \r\nNO Refill \r\nSpeed 15K Day', '', '', '', '', '', 'INACTIVE', '2.42 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2021-08-26 02:00:13'),
(28, 230, '♛ Instagram Likes Real Likes [ Found Non-drop] ❤️?', 'instagram-likes-real-likes-found-non-drop', 0.0319200, 0.0152000, 15.2000000, 50, 5000, 'Real account\r\nSuper Service\r\nSpeed 3-4K/Day', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '3.00 hours', '', 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:36:17', '2022-09-01 05:00:19'),
(29, 290, '1️⃣ YouTube Likes (5-15KD)(No Refill)', '1-youtube-likes-5-15kdno-refill', 0.0294737, 0.0240000, 24.0000000, 15, 10000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.27 hours', '', 76, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:42:01', '2022-09-12 12:44:04'),
(30, 330, '1️⃣ Instagram Views + IGTV + Reels', '1-instagram-views-igtv-reels', 0.0010752, 0.0019200, 1.9200000, 500, 10000000, 'Instant No Refill \r\nSpeed 100K + ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.29 hours', '', 75, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:42:01', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(31, 310, '1️⃣ YouTube Likes Supper Fast (20-40KD)(No Refill)', '1-youtube-likes-supper-fast-20-40kdno-refill', 0.0347368, 0.0272000, 27.2000000, 100, 10000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.07 hours', '', 76, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:42:01', '2022-09-11 22:26:04'),
(32, 700, '1️⃣ YouTube Comment Like Upvote (5-7KD)', '1-youtube-comment-like-upvote-5-7kd', 0.0947368, 0.0800000, 80.0000000, 10, 100000, 'No Refill ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.01 hours', '', 18, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:42:01', '2022-09-01 05:00:18'),
(33, 340, '1️⃣ Instagram Views  (???? ?? ??? ????? )', '1-instagram-views', 0.0057600, 0.0048000, 4.8000000, 200, 100000000, 'Instant No Refill \r\nSpeed 50K + ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.00 hours', '', 57, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 09:42:01', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(34, 4470, 'Instagram Views (???? ?? ??? ????? )', 'instagram-views', 0.0042775, 0.0036000, 3.6000000, 100, 100000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.00 hours', '', 57, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-09-12 01:00:10'),
(35, 210, '1️⃣ Instagram VIEWS + REELS + IGTV INEW【1】', '1-instagram-views-reels-igtv-inew1', 0.0014258, 0.0009600, 0.9600000, 100, 10000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.21 hours', '', 57, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-09-12 09:42:04'),
(36, 370, '1️⃣ YouTube Supper Fast Likes (25-30KH)', '1-youtube-supper-fast-likes-25-30kh', 0.0842105, 0.0720000, 72.0000000, 25, 10000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.13 hours', '', 76, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-09-01 05:00:17'),
(37, 3530, '1️⃣ YouTube Comments Likes Life time Guarantee.', '1-youtube-comments-likes-life-time-guarantee', 0.3368421, 0.3040000, 304.0000000, 25, 15000, 'instant Start ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.02 hours', '', 18, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-09-01 05:00:18'),
(38, 4870, '1️⃣ YouTube High Retention Views (4-12 Minutes)(1-2K/D)', '1-youtube-high-retention-views-4-12-minutes1-2kd', 0.1526316, 0.1360000, 136.0000000, 300, 3000000, '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.04 hours', '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-09-02 04:45:06'),
(39, 6960, 'Instagram Views (100M MAX)', 'instagram-views-100m-max', 0.0005000, 0.0002800, 0.2800000, 100, 100000000, '⚠️ No Complaints', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'INACTIVE', '0.09 hours', '', 11, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:02:25', '2022-08-21 10:06:41'),
(40, 400, 'Instagram Story Views ALL', 'instagram-story-views-all', 0.0064000, 0.0048000, 4.8000000, 100, 50000, 'username only \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', '', '', '', '', '', 'ACTIVE', '0.09 hours', '', 58, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-04 23:19:03'),
(41, 410, 'Instagram Story Views ALL [S2]?', 'instagram-story-views-all-s2', 0.0085334, 0.0048000, 4.8000000, 100, 15000, 'username only \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.87 hours', '', 58, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(42, 420, 'Instagram Story Views ALL [S3]?', 'instagram-story-views-all-s3', 0.0053334, 0.0048000, 4.8000000, 100, 5000, 'username only \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', '', '', '', '', '', 'ACTIVE', '0.01 hours', '', 58, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(43, 460, '1️⃣ Instagram Impressions (5-10K/H)', '1-instagram-impressions-5-10kh', 0.0046316, 0.0035200, 3.5200000, 100, 15000000, 'instant start \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 'ACTIVE', '0.01 hours', '', 13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(44, 470, '1️⃣ Instagram Impressions Fast (No Refill)', '1-instagram-impressions-fast-no-refill', 0.0042105, 0.0028800, 2.8800000, 100, 1000000, 'instant start \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.06 hours', '', 13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),
(45, 480, '1️⃣ Instagram Impressions (Fast)', '1-instagram-impressions-fast', 0.0052632, 0.0040000, 4.0000000, 50, 100000, 'instant start \r\nNO Refill / No Refund ', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ACTIVE', '0.05 hours', '', 13, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 'No', '2020-08-22 10:12:15', '2022-09-01 05:00:20'),

INSERT INTO `tickets` (`id`, `topic`, `subject`, `status`, `orderids`, `description`, `request`, `transaction`, `email`, `number`, `amount`, `user_id`, `payment`, `admin_replied`, `utok`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'hey how to add money I want to place an order for social signals', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18485, 'Other', '1', '40da11afd50c887741ead5ed4dd570e1', '2020-07-22 07:57:39', '2020-12-23 15:40:50'),
(2, 'Payment', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Plz add sir amount ', 'Other', '202007230743100041', '', '', '200', 18041, 'PayTM', '1', '092bc298a17491d7b244003cf679f67c', '2020-07-22 20:56:37', '2021-08-27 13:40:22'),
(3, 'Payment', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Plz add sir amount', 'Other', '202007230743100041', '', '', '200', 18041, 'PayTM', '1', 'bf4007bc3ce4eba54d3d486d02486e2d', '2020-07-22 20:58:39', '2021-09-05 05:58:32'),
(4, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Add payment services is not working ', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18785, 'Other', '1', '7eb8e97227db2ddd0fdd9c8ed935fb6c', '2020-07-24 16:19:38', '2020-07-26 23:05:54'),
(5, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Sir why your panel Is not working. ... Not even adding funds ', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18816, 'Other', '1', 'c38d3b8d8bb814766de174c90c597f3f', '2020-07-24 22:31:04', '2020-07-26 23:06:51'),
(6, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'What time need to reopen this??? ', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18813, 'Other', '1', '201d49725b3f1c86e42499c21398750d', '2020-07-24 22:54:14', '2021-03-12 05:59:01'),
(7, 'Request', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Payment page not working ', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18447, 'Other', '1', 'c068c00c722999230f140a0603c18507', '2020-07-26 23:20:51', '2020-07-27 02:03:56'),
(8, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Service kb start hoga bhai log', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18934, 'Other', '1', '9c7c8e242e8e5f0bd205a034de4d55d6', '2020-07-26 23:46:09', '2020-07-27 08:39:25'),
(9, 'Order', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Want to buy views', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18846, 'Other', '1', '32d38fc945bc5e67a692063276ace25c', '2020-07-27 02:21:02', '2020-07-27 08:39:55'),
(10, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'Sir service kyu nhi dere h kuch b dikay nhi dera only pubg service h bs help me', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 19049, 'Other', '1', 'e4e21fd6f7dca34985cbf09a2fd9bd99', '2020-07-28 21:48:47', '2020-07-30 01:20:59'),
(11, 'Other', '', 'CLOSED', '', 'sir whats problem views are descress \r\nand why the site is not working with few days', 'Other', '', '', '', '', 18738, 'Other', '1', '7cbffd4c1ddb2e9b31d1b9194898cb45', '2020-07-28 23:55:43', '2020-08-22 02:49:15'),

INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `funds`, `currency`, `profit`, `password`, `status`, `role`, `verification_status`, `api_token`, `enabled_payment_methods`, `favpacks`, `skype_id`, `timezone`, `last_login`, `remember_token`, `send_orders`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `verification_sms_count`, `verification_sms_time`, `code`) VALUES
(25, 'rohit nikam', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$M06xz1TcXtmMyitwNSsq6.Xz2lG.c9DDgYsgReM5/Cf0it3hSwkSe', 'UNVERIFIED', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '8459425930', 'America/Chicago', '2020-03-10 03:19:03', '2kD5ruyXFPuyDisggADJbJHJdiPDl6XzXPLItrSBFndo9vNQKHyWPcmVH37u', 1, '2020-03-10 00:35:02', '2021-01-08 01:10:35', 0, NULL, NULL),
(26, 'BILLKURTHI SANDEEP', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$yr0TJlnoo99rZtFF78CZ0.sWwFFnm5lKJmNTzR5NWo4nI9Qjm1GKa', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '7001644963', 'America/Chicago', '2020-03-10 01:45:47', NULL, 1, '2020-03-10 01:45:47', '2020-03-10 01:45:47', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18001, 'Support', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$rQXMpmfyelE3Gbw0x0Uh9.Dp3rOEz6B3SRTeg7kz3XbD7eZdwyD9i', 'ACTIVE', 'ADMIN', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '', 'America/Chicago', '2022-09-12 05:32:38', 'mlYr2YD5eiVeCSjmYJegLixh28wzQvOjnk8dWLgu2LIxHzbhnvQcsOSEzKms', 1, '2020-02-07 00:21:32', '2022-09-12 05:32:38', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18002, 'TEST', 'TEST@GMAIL.COM', 335.92584, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$Rgv3VfuvtrRHDGyL4rFvuOGXg4N/75UZoBo0HC2v/Tw5tPbNz5wE6', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', '$2y$10$IXig4Ixn3Y2Q/N.aphLL/esbXSGuSFwAYiQMLTBDNeLF7.vBQGA.S', '5,3,19,17,11,6,958,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '8780114212', 'America/Chicago', '2020-09-28 10:18:33', 'fIhLPkRfydliF1UqNu3EvZ6XmMTqvLGlHzmQhcrVzk4AglqhBABcxECdBKvu', 1, '2020-02-07 01:09:49', '2022-08-31 05:51:03', 1, '2020-10-02 01:25:53', ''),
(18003, 'Nirmal santra', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$zsz2MAjxwl95s4ej6L/iuu5KE/2YU9Wuwu9qnUn199/TuGgFT74ti', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '8309039494', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-08 22:08:45', NULL, 1, '2020-02-07 23:21:06', '2020-02-08 22:08:45', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18004, '', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$.tQ9IkyYROvgaK3Mzwaw8eO963MCE6d8WHvuQQ5il/lntBVX1kBKS', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '09304477677', 'America/Chicago', '2020-05-27 04:54:38', 'xEsADNpTCh51GXaAfCiFZ4SamNDINoC7H2meN1e1ARfoMtZE110aGbcQ5EsM', 1, '2020-02-08 20:53:45', '2020-05-27 04:54:38', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18005, 'Dasari Anila', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$Gc0wop3TcCgleOiE5Xua1utqIS/nACOtbcmuyg2YfYV4UXFkudS0u', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '9360527944', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-11 02:48:50', NULL, 1, '2020-02-11 02:48:50', '2020-02-11 02:48:50', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18006, 'Sharif n', '', 25.00000, 'USD', -0.01000, '$2y$10$Cb1ua.ms9bw9SP8E8kgz1e3vA0cXlGduOZIBQiD44MFDQBDm0WfWG', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '9518743767', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-12 05:45:33', NULL, 1, '2020-02-11 05:18:14', '2020-02-12 06:44:34', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18007, 'Aahilkhan', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$MDh.QPVVisc1sCrAfUFPpO9cvOROlselamPbJglbCYz6egKKlkoTS', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '9834371214', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-12 03:24:57', NULL, 1, '2020-02-12 03:24:57', '2020-02-12 03:24:57', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18008, 'Ishaan Ray', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$d8yyF/MbtcKFhwAGNK7bZOu/U9zW5o4LjuPMrltoOhunPSkQ16zMe', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '7044103054', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-15 21:58:22', NULL, 1, '2020-02-15 21:58:21', '2020-02-15 21:58:22', 0, NULL, NULL),
(18009, 'Nikhil', '', 0.00000, 'INR', -0.01000, '$2y$10$S73XyA9HPyUFn/Lo09hWPer9fFJUYVAYbFduMXvguX.U6r9Pjd3s.', 'ACTIVE', 'USER', 'Completed', NULL, '5,3,19,17,11,6,15,12,0,16,20,4,13,9,1,2,14,7,8,21', NULL, '9988260223', 'America/Chicago', '2020-02-16 00:25:17', NULL, 1, '2020-02-16 00:25:16', '2020-02-16 00:25:17', 0, NULL, NULL),

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