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Database [Hosting | Reseller Hosting ] Sql © Chucky Credits 

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Sql © Chucky Credits Database [Hosting | Reseller Hosting ]
Jun 7, 2021
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Hello, Today I have uploaded the Hosting | Reseller Hosting Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!


`tblclients` (`id`, `uuid`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `companyname`, `email`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `postcode`, `country`, `phonenumber`, `tax_id`, `password`, `authmodule`, `authdata`, `currency`, `defaultgateway`, `credit`, `taxexempt`, `latefeeoveride`, `overideduenotices`, `separateinvoices`, `disableautocc`, `datecreated`, `notes`, `billingcid`, `securityqid`, `securityqans`, `groupid`, `cardtype`, `cardlastfour`, `cardnum`, `startdate`, `expdate`, `issuenumber`, `bankname`, `banktype`, `bankcode`, `bankacct`, `gatewayid`, `lastlogin`, `ip`, `host`, `status`, `language`, `pwresetkey`, `emailoptout`, `marketing_emails_opt_in`, `overrideautoclose`, `allow_sso`, `email_verified`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `pwresetexpiry`

INSERT INTO `tblorders` (`id`, `ordernum`, `userid`, `contact @fbi_gov id`, `date`, `nameservers`, `transfersecret`, `renewals`, `promocode`, `promotype`, `promovalue`, `orderdata`, `amount`, `paymentmethod`, `invoiceid`, `status`, `ipaddress`, `fraudmodule`, `fraudoutput`, `notes`) VALUES
(951, 6372924505, 466, 0, '2016-04-08 07:21:02', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 2921, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 20\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.8442\nip_longitude => 90.2511\nbinName => \nip_isp => Mahbub Alam T/A CIRCLE NETWORK\nip_org => Circle Network Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 636\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => SITWSEQC\nip_asnum => AS134371 CIRCLE NETWORK BANGLADESH\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => 99\nip_cityConf => 52\nip_postalCode => 1340\nip_postalConf => 52\nip_accuracyRadius => 14\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 21.47\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(954, 1093952966, 947, 0, '2016-04-13 06:24:39', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '7.50', 'paypal', 2925, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 1\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => AU\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 07\nip_city => Docklands\nip_latitude => -37.8149\nip_longitude => 144.9505\nbinName => \nip_isp => Comvergence Pty Ltd\nip_org => Comvergence Pty Ltd\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 633\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => JC6QNE02\nip_asnum => AS45269 Internet Service Provider\nip_userType => business\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => 99\nip_cityConf => 43\nip_postalCode => 3008\nip_postalConf => 47\nip_accuracyRadius => 5\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Australia/Melbourne\nip_regionName => Victoria\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Australia\nip_continentCode => OC\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => No\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 0.10\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(956, 7765427527, 949, 0, '2016-04-13 15:40:09', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '23.00', 'paypal', 2927, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 30\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.9996\nip_longitude => 90.4222\nbinName => \nip_isp => Mohakali, Tejgaon\nip_org => Race Online Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 632\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => RHQB8VH5\nip_asnum => AS63969 Race Online Limited\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 55\nip_regionConf => 55\nip_cityConf => 25\nip_postalCode => 1100\nip_postalConf => 25\nip_accuracyRadius => 999\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 4.41\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(962, 3836226648, 955, 0, '2016-05-02 08:34:08', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '17800.00', 'paypal', 2951, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 0\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7231\nip_longitude => 90.4086\nbinName => \nip_isp => X-Link Limited\nip_org => X-Link Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 625\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => OY59VZ1E\nip_asnum => AS45905 52/1, Hasan Holding, 3rd Floor\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 82\nip_regionConf => 82\nip_cityConf => 76\nip_postalCode => 1000\nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 364\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 0.96\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(964, 2569702244, 957, 0, '2016-05-06 13:10:44', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '49.00', 'paypal', 2956, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 4\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => \nip_city => \nip_latitude => 23.7000\nip_longitude => 90.3750\nbinName => \nip_isp => airtel Bangladesh\nip_org => airtel Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 622\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => W31M6ULV\nip_asnum => AS56138 airtel Bangladesh\nip_userType => cellular\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => \nip_cityConf => \nip_postalCode => \nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 1000\nip_netSpeedCell => Cellular\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => \nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 9.16\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(968, 9905354912, 957, 0, '2016-05-08 15:09:32', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 2961, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 4\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => \nip_city => \nip_latitude => 23.7000\nip_longitude => 90.3750\nbinName => \nip_isp => Tullow Bangladesh\nip_org => Tullow Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 618\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 7CKMRUIP\nip_asnum => AS59242 Tullow Bangladesh Ltd.\nip_userType => \nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => \nip_cityConf => \nip_postalCode => \nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 52\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => \nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 10.68\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(975, 6018404829, 961, 0, '2016-05-17 18:48:59', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '7.50', 'paypal', 2977, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 56\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => ES\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 51\nip_city => M', ''),
(978, 5540755221, 474, 0, '2016-05-23 17:34:22', '', '', '137=1', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '800.00', 'paypal', 2987, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 7\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => No\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7701\nip_longitude => 90.3628\nbinName => \nip_isp => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_org => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 607\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => FHTH9DHB\nip_asnum => AS134180 Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 89\nip_regionConf => 60\nip_cityConf => 57\nip_postalCode => 1207\nip_postalConf => 45\nip_accuracyRadius => 50\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 1.31\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(979, 2210565341, 474, 0, '2016-05-23 17:36:26', '', '', '143=1', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '800.00', 'paypal', 2988, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 7\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => No\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7701\nip_longitude => 90.3628\nbinName => \nip_isp => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_org => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 607\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 1TUHEZRL\nip_asnum => AS134180 Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 89\nip_regionConf => 60\nip_cityConf => 57\nip_postalCode => 1207\nip_postalConf => 45\nip_accuracyRadius => 50\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 1.25\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(1803, 8939903702, 1778, 0, '2020-02-10 05:52:16', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '3500.00', 'cdbbkash', 5272, 'Active', '', 'fraudlabs', '{\"is_country_match\":\"Y\",\"is_high_risk_country\":\"N\",\"distance_in_km\":0,\"distance_in_mile\":0,\"ip_country\":\"BD\",\"ip_continent\":\"Asia\",\"ip_region\":\"Dhaka\",\"ip_city\":\"Dhaka\",\"ip_latitude\":\"23.7104\",\"ip_longitude\":\"90.40744\",\"ip_timezone\":\"+06:00\",\"ip_elevation\":\"20\",\"ip_domain\":\"\",\"ip_mobile_mnc\":\"NA\",\"ip_mobile_mcc\":\"NA\",\"ip_mobile_brand\":\"NA\",\"ip_netspeed\":\"DSL\",\"ip_isp_name\":\"Dotcom\",\"ip_usage_type\":\"Fixed Line ISP\",\"is_free_email\":\"Y\",\"is_new_domain_name\":\"N\",\"is_domain_exists\":\"Y\",\"is_proxy_ip_address\":\"N\",\"is_bin_found\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_country_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_name_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_phone_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_prepaid\":\"NA\",\"is_address_ship_forward\":\"N\",\"is_bill_ship_city_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_state_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_country_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_postal_match\":\"Y\",\"is_ship_address_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_phone_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_ip_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_email_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_credit_card_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_device_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_user_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_high_risk_username\":\"NA\",\"is_export_controlled_country\":\"NA\",\"is_malware_exploit\":\"NA\",\"user_order_id\":\"8939903702\",\"user_order_memo\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_score\":51,\"fraudlabspro_distribution\":\"74\",\"fraudlabspro_status\":\"APPROVE\",\"fraudlabspro_id\":\"20200210-NLKW3K\",\"fraudlabspro_version\":\"1.5.0\",\"fraudlabspro_error_code\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_message\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_credits\":496,\"http_response_code\":200}', ''),
(1663, 9033905901, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 05:43:33', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 4559, 'Cancelled', '', '', '', ''),
(1664, 1167169865, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 09:42:10', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '76.00', 'paypal', 4560, 'Cancelled', '', '', '', ''),
(1665, 9108004174, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 12:24:21', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'stripe', 4561, 'Active', '', '', '', ''),
(1666, 7587381319, 1686, 0, '2018-09-03 05:56:19', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '12.00', 'paypal', 4563, 'Active', '', '', '', ''),
(987, 8449662297, 968, 0, '2016-06-06 10:08:24', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '12.00', 'paypal', 3007, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 5\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7552\nip_longitude => 90.3731\nbinName => \nip_isp => Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nip_org => Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 599\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 1Z3P1HAJ\nip_asnum => AS63996 Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 98\nip_regionConf => 86\nip_cityConf => 56\nip_postalCode => 1209\nip_postalConf => 22\nip_accuracyRadius => 5\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 2.30\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),

INSERT INTO `tblsslstatus` (`id`, `user_id`, `domain_name`, `subject_name`, `subject_org`, `issuer_name`, `issuer_org`, `start_date`, `expiry_date`, `active`, `last_synced_date`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(273, 1136, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-11-08 10:18:15', '2022-02-06 10:18:14', 1, '2021-12-12 14:00:37', '2019-06-19 12:00:35', '2021-12-12 21:00:37'),
(274, 1096, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-03-25 13:37:32', '2021-06-23 13:37:32', 1, '2021-05-01 01:00:55', '2019-06-19 12:00:35', '2021-04-30 19:00:55'),
(275, 1098, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2019-05-29 15:20:52', '2019-08-27 15:20:52', 1, '2019-06-19 18:00:36', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2019-06-19 12:00:36'),
(276, 1099, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-12-22 12:31:34', '2022-03-22 12:31:33', 1, '2022-01-12 14:00:20', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-01-12 21:00:20'),
(277, 1101, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-06-01 12:41:55', '2022-08-30 12:41:54', 1, '2022-07-31 14:00:18', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-07-31 21:00:18'),
(278, 1102, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2020-05-12 18:53:48', '2020-08-10 18:53:48', 1, '2020-07-18 01:01:00', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2020-07-17 19:01:00'),
(279, 1019, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, '2022-04-20 14:02:06', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-04-20 21:02:06'),
(280, 957, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-08-25 17:22:36', '2021-11-23 17:22:35', 0, '2022-12-06 14:02:02', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-12-06 21:02:02'),
(281, 957, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-10-08 09:00:10', '2023-01-06 09:00:09', 1, '2022-12-07 14:01:27', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-12-07 21:01:27'),
(282, 1116, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, '2020-11-12 01:01:16', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2020-11-11 19:01:16'),
(283, 1117, '', '', '', 'cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority', 'cPanel, Inc.', '2021-08-16 00:00:00', '2021-11-14 23:59:59', 1, '2021-09-12 07:11:15', '2019-06-19 12:00:37', '2021-09-12 14:11:15'),
(284, 1117, '', '', '', 'cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority', 'cPanel, Inc.', '2021-08-20 00:00:00', '2021-11-18 23:59:59', 1, '2021-09-12 07:11:21', '2019-06-19 12:00:38', '2021-09-12 14:11:21'),
(285, 1130, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-10-25 09:30:47', '2023-01-23 09:30:46', 1, '2022-12-07 14:01:33', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2022-12-07 21:01:33'),
(286, 917, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2020-01-26 23:07:29', '2020-04-25 23:07:29', 0, '2020-06-13 01:02:04', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2020-06-12 19:02:04'),
(287, 1632, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-08-24 17:20:13', '2021-11-22 17:20:12', 1, '2021-10-03 14:02:39', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2021-10-03 21:02:39'),
(288, 1138, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2019-06-08 15:41:10', '2019-09-06 15:41:10', 1,

INSERT INTO `tblticketreplies` (`id`, `tid`, `userid`, `contact @fbi_gov id`, `name`, `email`, `date`, `message`, `admin`, `attachment`, `rating`, `editor`) VALUES
(913, 469, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 03:52:59', 'Go bottom of the page', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(914, 469, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 06:47:35', 'This is the client area as I see it\r\n\r\nwhere is the cancellation button ?\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '757235_Client Area.png', 0, 'plain'),
(915, 468, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 06:52:54', 'as I said with the admin user it works for me as well, but I don't want my developer have this user and therefore I generate a new user - devnate I continuously receive error 530. \r\n\r\nI double checked the user and password \r\n\r\nPlease advise \r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\n', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(916, 470, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 07:01:02', 'Now it works for me as well.\r\nit send mails OK but when I tried to send email to this address, I got the following error:\r\n\r\nDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTechnical details of permanent failure:\r\nGoogle tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].\r\n\r\nThe error that the other server returned was:\r\n550 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied\r\n\r\nI works with CloudFlare - I set a CNAME record with for to point the server IP.\r\n\r\nBut there still a few MX record -\r\n\r\nShould I delete them or update them to point the server IP as well ? \r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(917, 468, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 15:48:52', 'Dont know how you created user.\r\n\r\nIts works for me\r\n\r\nHost:\r\nPost: 21\r\nUser:\r\nPass: x3!!.MLbvBNO\r\n\r\n\r\nSee the attached files too\r\nI am using\r\n ', 'Azizul Islam', '491163_Untitled20161102114243.png|188382_Untitled222.png', 0, 'plain'),
(918, 469, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 16:42:02', 'Not sure why you closed it - I still want to cancel order 3196 which associate with domain\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(919, 470, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 16:44:39', 'again - not sure why you closed this ticket\r\n\r\nI can login to the email account, I can send emails - but I cant receive emails.\r\n\r\nI use CloudFLare - so please let me know how should I set it \r\n\r\nDo I need to delete all MX records from CloudFlare and leave only ?\r\n\r\nOr should I set the MX records ?\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(920, 471, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:14:50', 'Its because of mod_security. We disabled that rule and white your IP\r\nThanks ', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(921, 469, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:15:44', 'Cancelled ', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(922, 470, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:17:51', 'You have to edit MX record in CloudFlare panel.\r\nHere is sample\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(923, 472, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-10 12:32:49', 'Hello,\r\nUse Google DNS and send Trace Route report. Here you will find all info\r\nThanks!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(924, 473, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-30 13:02:57', 'Your domain sent more than 15000 spam email see this report And we have right to suspended and terminate domain with or without notice!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(925, 473, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-11-30 14:09:33', 'Dear \r\nThe email is not about what is right or not right. You have authority to ensure ur security and we did not do it intentionally. we are requesting for unlocking to resolve the issue.\r\nPlease unlock the server and we will solve the issue within no time ', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(926, 474, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-04 16:00:12', 'We offer Free SSL If you want send the domain name\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(927, 474, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-12-05 06:11:02', 'Thank you \r\nAnd please add  this domain to SSL ', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(928, 474, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-12-05 17:41:33', 'Please add SSL to', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(929, 475, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:34:31', 'Yes! We have and let us us know which you wish to like?\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(930, 474, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:36:38', ' works!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(931, 475, 1033, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:54:03', ' would be great, thank you', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(932, 475, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:57:50', 'We are going to terminate this and sending new cpanel details\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 5, 'plain'),

INSERT INTO `tblhosting` (`id`, `userid`, `orderid`, `packageid`, `server`, `regdate`, `domain`, `paymentmethod`, `firstpaymentamount`, `amount`, `billingcycle`, `nextduedate`, `nextinvoicedate`, `termination_date`, `completed_date`, `domainstatus`, `username`, `password`, `notes`, `subscriptionid`, `promoid`, `suspendreason`, `overideautosuspend`, `overidesuspenduntil`, `dedicatedip`, `assignedips`, `ns1`, `ns2`, `diskusage`, `disklimit`, `bwusage`, `bwlimit`, `lastupdate`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1416, 949, 1684, 1, 1, '2019-01-16', '', 'paypal', '12.00', '12.00', 'Annually', '2020-01-16', '2020-01-16', '2020-08-03', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'wwwgrrow', 'MwIojN4h4g4yolUPQ2X/pkUTAY6J3cmI4GJ821k4', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1415, 1701, 1683, 34, 1, '2019-01-14', '', 'paypal', '7.50', '7.50', 'Annually', '2021-01-14', '2021-01-14', '2021-08-02', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'davesgri', 'PJVQi+uOIwXYQ1N/GYAtDQPp3jiAVJCT+pC5zu/Z', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 8, 500, 0, 5000, '2021-08-01 01:05:12', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(7, 194, 0, 11, 3, '2011-05-04', '', 'cdbbkash', '3600.00', '8400.00', 'Annually', '2022-05-04', '2022-05-04', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Suspended', 'hosting', 'dnEFuxgrTJNyQ+Wa2x5f1uxdHLLOg9SfJXySY0ui48MubHMzg+U=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect 6500.00+65000', '', 0, '', 0, '2016-05-06', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '2022-12-07 14:02:12', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1471, 1744, 1743, 1, 1, '2019-07-24', '', 'paypal', '1000.00', '1000.00', 'Annually', '2020-07-24', '2020-07-24', '2021-02-09', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'amalegit', 'F3SxzbZpXvGAi0XnaE+41cC6LDHKgVmv5h2jL+ZSA87GPA==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 344, 1000, 0, 20000, '2021-02-08 01:03:53', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2019-07-24 02:52:16'),
(10, 197, 0, 17, 7, '2010-07-24', '', 'cdbbkash', '8500.00', '14400.00', 'Annually', '2023-07-24', '2023-07-24', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'meghbd', 'WC+UuLlaQn1SkO2q0+LD3x3xdy3y23+dqk/b/TQ=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2013-07-24', '', '', '', '', 11477, 50000, 4073, 100000, '2022-12-07 14:01:57', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(11, 198, 0, 11, 3, '2012-09-29', '', 'cdbbkash', '8650.00', '8650.00', 'Annually', '2023-09-29', '2023-09-29', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'syscarel', 'm82i6HFQN2HCcPMO1IpkoBjZO09GAFjbaQX7kKDltQ==', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2015-10-27', '', '', '', '', 9558, 20000, 106, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:02:13', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1512, 1773, 1794, 17, 3, '2020-01-12', '', 'paypal', '18.00', '18.00', 'Monthly', '2020-07-12', '2020-07-12', '2021-01-28', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'rafaitco', 'dypuxRCYqCvDVYsy2D3oUR3qMkuT36vECslosaXB3BsCAQ==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 2052, 50000, 0, 1000000, '2021-01-27 01:03:35', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2020-01-11 22:09:58'),
(1514, 1775, 1797, 1, 7, '2020-01-16', '', 'cdbbkash', '1000.00', '1000.00', 'Annually', '2023-01-16', '2023-01-16', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'bdcallg1', 'XcKD/OLNjzBEIWq02utOH+cSHcqnMieaqbhI0SbbOpojhA==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 789, 1000, 3174, 0, '2022-12-07 14:01:56', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(14, 201, 0, 11, 3, '2011-11-03', '', 'cdbbkash', '17000.00', '4000.00', 'Semi-Annually', '2023-05-22', '2023-05-22', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'innovati', 'O8oY41Ik5sNsBaw4FPzfMWuMJnPxG+faR3csQg+IkgU=', 'paid 6000 rest will pay later 27-12-2016', '', 0, '', 0, '2012-12-03', '', '', '', '', 17216, 20000, 1114, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:02:13', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1437, 1019, 1708, 1, 7, '2019-04-01', '', 'paypal', '12.00', '12.00', 'Annually', '2020-04-01', '2020-04-01', '2020-10-18', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'ghuronco', 'MnTypKd5D9XaPdhxZI8JW4rVpsrvqBqBuh6WVL8=', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 788, 1000, 4, 20000, '2020-10-17 01:03:18', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(18, 205, 0, 11, 7, '2011-12-18', '', 'cdbbkash', '7000.00', '8000.00', 'Annually', '2022-12-18', '2022-12-18', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'ntiersne', 'CeYueiB//1qd9Wj9r0v3iZkFuFKkCNJCODEkq/9tI9A=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2017-01-31', '', '', '', '', 10798, 20000, 905, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:01:58', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(143, 315, 0, 9, 7, '2010-11-06', '', 'cdbbkash', '3000.00', '3500.00', 'Annually', '2021-11-06', '2021-11-06', '2021-12-16', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'chahida', 'gXRl/JjNLb2N7HzqCMiwvQdVbBZuoo/IhIzjZOh3Nc2ygv4=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 11121, 6000, 0, 120000, '2021-12-15 14:03:08', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(420, 536, 409, 1, 1, '2014-07-22', '', 'authorize', '1600.00', '1600.00', 'Annually', '2015-07-22', '2015-07-22', '2015-07-22', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'busines1', 'mJKOOPWmUiDaIuCXC38xqkVAIfgifz9a/LmY88v5', '', '', 0, '', 0, '2016-10-10', '', '', '', '', 34, 1000, 0, 10000, '2016-01-01 06:01:46', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),

INSERT INTO `tblclients` (`id`, `uuid`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `companyname`, `email`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `postcode`, `country`, `phonenumber`, `tax_id`, `password`, `authmodule`, `authdata`, `currency`, `defaultgateway`, `credit`, `taxexempt`, `latefeeoveride`, `overideduenotices`, `separateinvoices`, `disableautocc`, `datecreated`, `notes`, `billingcid`, `securityqid`, `securityqans`, `groupid`, `cardtype`, `cardlastfour`, `cardnum`, `startdate`, `expdate`, `issuenumber`, `bankname`, `banktype`, `bankcode`, `bankacct`, `gatewayid`, `lastlogin`, `ip`, `host`, `status`, `language`, `pwresetkey`, `emailoptout`, `marketing_emails_opt_in`, `overrideautoclose`, `allow_sso`, `email_verified`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `pwresetexpiry`) VALUES
(1713, '2df39c7a-a673-40dd-8776-3f53c0ab74e4', 'Nathan', 'Tolliver', 'NXT Enterprises LLC', '', '1545 EDGESTONE CIRCLE', '', 'CONWAY', 'Arkansas', '72034', 'US', '+880.5017331970', '', '$2y$10$IwRwTjhtyhjX7IzdaoNGeub/8KIy2TEKbLSearJvbi8j9aj2yVzvi', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2019-03-16', '', 0, 0, 'OpGa7bcnvl423+/w3Q8pXb32xB8=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-07-11 13:41:50', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-07-11 20:41:50', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(514, '9847c14b-707a-4aa4-b794-dd3c29da7a0e', 'Tanbir', 'Hasan', 'SolidIT', '', 'Flat#C2, Washith Tower,', 'Jhiltuly', 'Faridpur', 'Faridpur', '7800', 'BD', '01971555666', '', '$2y$10$.TsMuVuAAM6b2U4zrsjM2OwCTaUWZT/p/CYsDMoON07aJZUoz3kEW', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-05-07', '', 0, 0, 'VAgGFjoaK23JfRrXurk72oO2p8A=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-12-26 18:00:45', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-12-27 01:00:46', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(908, '27d14a73-4958-4795-b99b-5c1eefefabcf', 'Galin', 'Stefanov', 'Perfomalis Ltd BG204898473', '', '5 Nikola Vaptsarov Str', '', 'Varna', 'Varna', '9000', 'BG', '359895886961', '', '$2y$10$iOQN7cfYWmcYSzQnwB4hgeqSN/PU.f2gcXYabTBAiGNgW8ydY//b.', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-17', '', 41, 0, 'g4VgKZmrQ7cP5gFx7dWKA6XLUds=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-02-07 07:44:15', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-02-07 14:44:16', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(525, '6432b6d6-1fd1-4bcc-b28a-309e810152d5', 'Ehsanul', 'Haque', 'MakeUniq', '', 'Dhanmondi', '', 'Dhaka', 'Outside US and Canada', '1209', 'BD', '1755557476', '', '564a4bb445f1ae1f6a87c53c8ac6b197:)MOgX', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-06-21', '', 0, 0, 'bDR987SFzEJOJZS+l7ZpcyYSdMs=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-06-21 06:22:09', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(536, '6e4094e9-46a6-433b-9f4d-a4c389ba3531', 'Parvez', 'Ahmed', 'IT WORLD', '', '28/C Kabi Jasim Uddin Road, Kamlapur, Dhaka', 'Motijheel, Dhaka', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1217', 'BD', '01615759783', '', '$2y$10$u8FxhJ7Ob4pTHL7Kp0mETuBxCbntUU2L0h1TcNjGjeYJL1kHj..yW', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-07-22', '', 0, 0, 'uaxmx4RA70Jo5NVxcImZUkdCXi8=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-02-23 13:01:04', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-02-23 07:01:04', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(899, '0ecfc1c1-52c6-42d1-af72-5f035dddfb8d', 'Edward', 'Baldi', '', '', '5000 Yonge St', '', 'Toronto', 'Ontario', 'M2N 7E9', 'CA', '4164455768', '', '$2y$10$PpxWcd2JAAN4OUT.8mls2uoB18rsKat2cCm6KCOfIhNe3gUK6hv.6', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-09', '', 0, 0, '8L2WWT+/o9LlsFH8G0U0aTQSsko=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2019-02-11 17:31:51', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2019-02-11 11:31:51', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(895, 'fbd3e4bd-2e53-4847-ba52-fb4ca6b35103', 'Saiful Islam', 'Siddique', 'one Stop Media and Entertainments ', '', '12/16, lane-6, Plot -I-15/18, 1st flor, Pallabi mirpur, Dhaka', '12/16, lane-6, Plot -I-15/18, 1st flor, Pallabi mirpur, Dhaka', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1216', 'BD', '+880.1847-117990', '', 'b95129cedaad71a4f91c501059700b15:lOH%P', '', '', 1, 'paypal', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-04', '', 0, 0, 'btnBhFpch285hIHz9ytJ/4+SymU=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-11-12 07:19:22', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(560, '338f58b5-be5f-467f-83de-0ef0d7e542c4', 'Rabiul Islam ', 'Khokon', 'Dallas Overseas', '', '40/1 Sahid Faruk Road,', 'Rahman Plaza (3rd Floor) , North Jatrabari', 'Dhaka', 'NA', '1204', 'BD', '+880.1711-018658', '', '$2y$10$IGJ1PzSv/m9sHOOHVP0tCuICP42o6etU.dBh1z1FpeSSNLPD0B7C.', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-09-23', '', 0, 0, 'GPugMHOmA3i8yYfpxxZqOQZNmwQ=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-09-23 04:38:14', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(565, '58c80586-6183-4dcb-af10-7ac16e601769', 'Asker', 'Firoz', 'Team Django', '', 'H#42/A, R#7, Sector#3, Uttara, Dhaka-1216', '', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1230', 'BD', '01711574170', '', '$2y$10$a1tm.Qn/oU90kzLD791CBOBAbNJ2lpyaV2/Tt/zgaVfr8S4dv84vu', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-09-28', '', 78, 0, '+qdP9gXekwIfHp+6lJXolCsXnsY=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-10-14 12:37:45', '', '', 'Active', '', '4abff75559111dccb5c44c36cdcc3e2d', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-10-14 19:37:47', '2022-10-10 11:59:32'),
(887, '8bae0a2f-36d5-42b5-b50d-a07265b0e397', 'Keith', 'Purkiss', '', '', '76-77 Lowther St', '', 'Whitehaven', 'Cumbria', 'CA28 7RB', 'GB', '01946 591764', '', '$2y$10$.l03wwpfLI9fVKokm7Y/1.WPp.fyy8JN2GTsuYxSiuaCOwoDDnrC2', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-01-25', '', 0, 0, 'GzJCMfXPaXNyn9P31muiiJxp/aI=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2020-10-29 20:46:11', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-01-25 04:06:51', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(593, '993dc51a-080f-4ad4-a579-95841e0a5b5f', 'Jesse', 'Boskoff', '', '', '136 East 36th Street', '', 'New York', 'New York', '10016', 'US', '6464581771', '', '6cacc8d7d4504d4dc4447f2c6ad8f310:s%QPF', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-11-02', '', 0, 0, 'eUeZJn6+SxbycJz3fWZATXrxlY0=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-11-02 21:52:25', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(643, 'acd07a10-1e82-4479-b7ba-54e8a8c9001c', 'Pete', 'Maughan', 'Noneya', '', '1540 Keller Parkway', '108-219', 'Keller', 'Texas', '76248', 'US', '+1.940-268-8942', '', '3bd87a72937956b9d4bb3ae30c173038:ZTbVb', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-12-27', '', 0, 0, '1jCBVIC3sNlu0Zhxs5uxEEcS4e4=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-12-28 01:36:34', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(672, '5d552464-940e-41e4-aed3-f32d849c1cce', 'Omar', 'Faruk', 'BD Devs', '', 'Middle Badda', 'Badda', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1213', 'BD', '+880.1747-448895', '', '$2y$10$5iV9XvGn.oak.qG4N5MX..VxwERsNkoaUa0cUl7newTZvVWV/9drS', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-01-31', '', 0, 0, 'slfo4jBb65jPbm+wcvyv4lOwmTo=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-07-04 06:22:43', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-07-04 13:22:52', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(753, '56c0556a-aaa7-448b-a462-7d672f179a38', 'Md. Alamgir', 'Ali', 'Web Kutir', '', '366, South Goran', 'Dhaka-1219', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1219', 'BD', '+880.1199-058373', '', '$2y$10$0VJPXSaOqY1zzbpUtvZuU.6Od7K4aT6jB5P9gyi4kdu1L5bibqMYO', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-05-19', '', 0, 0, 'pzKmLUgP+zEMcOJtpM6ZCXKm2HQ=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-11-18 17:19:52', '', '', 'Active', 'english', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-11-19 00:19:52', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(773, '2ef35f13-c34e-4ae4-b561-41a084ddf3e4', 'md touhidul ', 'alam', 'core infromatech', '', '739/a mehedibag road chittagong', '', 'chittagong', 'chittagong', '4000', 'BD', '+880.1822-911624', '', '$2y$10$gzOEI8O9peT2UlD/YFcvjuFjvOFfolIL/V4YHdwHH.x/QkZO.p8Rm', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-06-05', '', 0, 0, 'TNiUHPBk40KJW9m9QnTsbwxn1o0=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2020-12-26 10:41:35', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2020-12-26 04:41:35', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(947, '6337bfba-6ae6-42ce-9b1c-a6d3d89e59f6', 'Ben', 'Smith', '', '', '248 Main St', '', 'Melbourne', 'Victoria', '3000', 'AU', '400618991', '', '$2y$10$Qti7pfmggNuBPiKjTbqj4.cvrvTVuUtDVa/sXaDqbsACQuu9PvMPi', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-04-13', '', 0, 0, 'E6bY4CyImATc6Xc8LExpyBHDHVg=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-08-23 04:14:30', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-08-23 11:14:30', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(777, '40853682-5bfa-4c2d-ae0b-625597552e42', 'Ahsanul', 'Hoque', 'Zoponic ', '', 'Road 31House 462', '', 'Dhaka ', 'mohakhali', '1206', 'BD', '01713363703', '', '$2y$10$o7/JqxEUHUEIf.mZkOgiSe.Ayexeno6brTxjq6qDIEaxKteHz5tmq', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-06-08', '', 0, 0, 'iZdykWMe0ewsakYFQfJwgDuaQ/4=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-10-23 17:44:45', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '59cd1b73edfba6e1885c16b85e7aaed4', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-10-24 00:44:45', '2021-11-29 05:09:04'),
(909, '1cb88946-184e-4d42-bf80-3b31b4708212', 'Rokon', 'Uzzaman', 'Scales Solution', '', '6/6/A, Post Office Lan, ', 'East Rampura', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', ' 1214', 'BD', '+880.8801713114110', '', '$2y$10$J2OHdO1PVx7YM75vvzBg8eNHdS59PCB1JIYhVNnx0vY06r3u7Lah2', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-19', '', 0, 0, '8OFXaq8osDLbwwrYcL6LKdg14OU=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2018-03-14 13:55:15', '', '', 'Active', 'english', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2018-03-14 07:55:15', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),

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Hello, Today I have uploaded the Hosting | Reseller Hosting Database for you to download, thanks for reading and enjoy!


INSERT INTO `tblorders` (`id`, `ordernum`, `userid`, `contact @fbi_gov id`, `date`, `nameservers`, `transfersecret`, `renewals`, `promocode`, `promotype`, `promovalue`, `orderdata`, `amount`, `paymentmethod`, `invoiceid`, `status`, `ipaddress`, `fraudmodule`, `fraudoutput`, `notes`) VALUES
(951, 6372924505, 466, 0, '2016-04-08 07:21:02', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 2921, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 20\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.8442\nip_longitude => 90.2511\nbinName => \nip_isp => Mahbub Alam T/A CIRCLE NETWORK\nip_org => Circle Network Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 636\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => SITWSEQC\nip_asnum => AS134371 CIRCLE NETWORK BANGLADESH\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => 99\nip_cityConf => 52\nip_postalCode => 1340\nip_postalConf => 52\nip_accuracyRadius => 14\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 21.47\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(954, 1093952966, 947, 0, '2016-04-13 06:24:39', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '7.50', 'paypal', 2925, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 1\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => AU\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 07\nip_city => Docklands\nip_latitude => -37.8149\nip_longitude => 144.9505\nbinName => \nip_isp => Comvergence Pty Ltd\nip_org => Comvergence Pty Ltd\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 633\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => JC6QNE02\nip_asnum => AS45269 Internet Service Provider\nip_userType => business\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => 99\nip_cityConf => 43\nip_postalCode => 3008\nip_postalConf => 47\nip_accuracyRadius => 5\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Australia/Melbourne\nip_regionName => Victoria\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Australia\nip_continentCode => OC\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => No\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 0.10\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(956, 7765427527, 949, 0, '2016-04-13 15:40:09', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '23.00', 'paypal', 2927, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 30\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.9996\nip_longitude => 90.4222\nbinName => \nip_isp => Mohakali, Tejgaon\nip_org => Race Online Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 632\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => RHQB8VH5\nip_asnum => AS63969 Race Online Limited\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 55\nip_regionConf => 55\nip_cityConf => 25\nip_postalCode => 1100\nip_postalConf => 25\nip_accuracyRadius => 999\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 4.41\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(962, 3836226648, 955, 0, '2016-05-02 08:34:08', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '17800.00', 'paypal', 2951, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 0\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7231\nip_longitude => 90.4086\nbinName => \nip_isp => X-Link Limited\nip_org => X-Link Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 625\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => OY59VZ1E\nip_asnum => AS45905 52/1, Hasan Holding, 3rd Floor\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 82\nip_regionConf => 82\nip_cityConf => 76\nip_postalCode => 1000\nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 364\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 0.96\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(964, 2569702244, 957, 0, '2016-05-06 13:10:44', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '49.00', 'paypal', 2956, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 4\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => \nip_city => \nip_latitude => 23.7000\nip_longitude => 90.3750\nbinName => \nip_isp => airtel Bangladesh\nip_org => airtel Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 622\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => W31M6ULV\nip_asnum => AS56138 airtel Bangladesh\nip_userType => cellular\nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => \nip_cityConf => \nip_postalCode => \nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 1000\nip_netSpeedCell => Cellular\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => \nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 9.16\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(968, 9905354912, 957, 0, '2016-05-08 15:09:32', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 2961, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 4\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => \nip_city => \nip_latitude => 23.7000\nip_longitude => 90.3750\nbinName => \nip_isp => Tullow Bangladesh\nip_org => Tullow Bangladesh\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 618\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 7CKMRUIP\nip_asnum => AS59242 Tullow Bangladesh Ltd.\nip_userType => \nip_countryConf => 99\nip_regionConf => \nip_cityConf => \nip_postalCode => \nip_postalConf => \nip_accuracyRadius => 52\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => \nip_domain => \nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 10.68\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(975, 6018404829, 961, 0, '2016-05-17 18:48:59', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '7.50', 'paypal', 2977, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 56\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => ES\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 51\nip_city => M', ''),
(978, 5540755221, 474, 0, '2016-05-23 17:34:22', '', '', '137=1', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '800.00', 'paypal', 2987, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 7\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => No\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7701\nip_longitude => 90.3628\nbinName => \nip_isp => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_org => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 607\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => FHTH9DHB\nip_asnum => AS134180 Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 89\nip_regionConf => 60\nip_cityConf => 57\nip_postalCode => 1207\nip_postalConf => 45\nip_accuracyRadius => 50\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 1.31\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(979, 2210565341, 474, 0, '2016-05-23 17:36:26', '', '', '143=1', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '800.00', 'paypal', 2988, 'Fraud', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 7\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => No\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7701\nip_longitude => 90.3628\nbinName => \nip_isp => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_org => Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 607\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 1TUHEZRL\nip_asnum => AS134180 Md. Shariful Islam T/A BRISK SYSTEMS\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 89\nip_regionConf => 60\nip_cityConf => 57\nip_postalCode => 1207\nip_postalConf => 45\nip_accuracyRadius => 50\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 1.25\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),
(1803, 8939903702, 1778, 0, '2020-02-10 05:52:16', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '3500.00', 'cdbbkash', 5272, 'Active', '', 'fraudlabs', '{\"is_country_match\":\"Y\",\"is_high_risk_country\":\"N\",\"distance_in_km\":0,\"distance_in_mile\":0,\"ip_country\":\"BD\",\"ip_continent\":\"Asia\",\"ip_region\":\"Dhaka\",\"ip_city\":\"Dhaka\",\"ip_latitude\":\"23.7104\",\"ip_longitude\":\"90.40744\",\"ip_timezone\":\"+06:00\",\"ip_elevation\":\"20\",\"ip_domain\":\"\",\"ip_mobile_mnc\":\"NA\",\"ip_mobile_mcc\":\"NA\",\"ip_mobile_brand\":\"NA\",\"ip_netspeed\":\"DSL\",\"ip_isp_name\":\"Dotcom\",\"ip_usage_type\":\"Fixed Line ISP\",\"is_free_email\":\"Y\",\"is_new_domain_name\":\"N\",\"is_domain_exists\":\"Y\",\"is_proxy_ip_address\":\"N\",\"is_bin_found\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_country_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_name_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_phone_match\":\"NA\",\"is_bin_prepaid\":\"NA\",\"is_address_ship_forward\":\"N\",\"is_bill_ship_city_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_state_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_country_match\":\"Y\",\"is_bill_ship_postal_match\":\"Y\",\"is_ship_address_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_phone_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_ip_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_email_blacklist\":\"N\",\"is_credit_card_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_device_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_user_blacklist\":\"NA\",\"is_high_risk_username\":\"NA\",\"is_export_controlled_country\":\"NA\",\"is_malware_exploit\":\"NA\",\"user_order_id\":\"8939903702\",\"user_order_memo\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_score\":51,\"fraudlabspro_distribution\":\"74\",\"fraudlabspro_status\":\"APPROVE\",\"fraudlabspro_id\":\"20200210-NLKW3K\",\"fraudlabspro_version\":\"1.5.0\",\"fraudlabspro_error_code\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_message\":\"\",\"fraudlabspro_credits\":496,\"http_response_code\":200}', ''),
(1663, 9033905901, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 05:43:33', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'paypal', 4559, 'Cancelled', '', '', '', ''),
(1664, 1167169865, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 09:42:10', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '76.00', 'paypal', 4560, 'Cancelled', '', '', '', ''),
(1665, 9108004174, 1685, 0, '2018-08-28 12:24:21', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '38.00', 'stripe', 4561, 'Active', '', '', '', ''),
(1666, 7587381319, 1686, 0, '2018-09-03 05:56:19', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '12.00', 'paypal', 4563, 'Active', '', '', '', ''),
(987, 8449662297, 968, 0, '2016-06-06 10:08:24', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a:0:{}', '12.00', 'paypal', 3007, 'Active', '', 'maxmind', 'distance => 5\ncountryMatch => Yes\ncountryCode => BD\nfreeMail => Yes\nanonymousProxy => No\nbinMatch => NA\nbinCountry => \nerr => \nproxyScore => 0.00\nip_region => 81\nip_city => Dhaka\nip_latitude => 23.7552\nip_longitude => 90.3731\nbinName => \nip_isp => Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nip_org => Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nbinNameMatch => NA\nbinPhoneMatch => NA\nbinPhone => \ncustPhoneInBillingLoc => \nhighRiskCountry => No\nqueriesRemaining => 599\ncityPostalMatch => \nshipCityPostalMatch => \nmaxmindID => 1Z3P1HAJ\nip_asnum => AS63996 Neamul Haque Khan t/a Mazeda Networks Limited\nip_userType => residential\nip_countryConf => 98\nip_regionConf => 86\nip_cityConf => 56\nip_postalCode => 1209\nip_postalConf => 22\nip_accuracyRadius => 5\nip_netSpeedCell => Cable/DSL\nip_metroCode => 0\nip_areaCode => 0\nip_timeZone => Asia/Dhaka\nip_regionName => Dhaka\nip_domain =>\nip_countryName => Bangladesh\nip_continentCode => AS\nip_corporateProxy => No\ncarderEmail => No\nshipForward => NA\nhighRiskPassword => No\nriskScore => 2.30\nprepaid => \nminfraud_version => 1.3\nservice_level => standard\n', ''),

INSERT INTO `tblsslstatus` (`id`, `user_id`, `domain_name`, `subject_name`, `subject_org`, `issuer_name`, `issuer_org`, `start_date`, `expiry_date`, `active`, `last_synced_date`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(273, 1136, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-11-08 10:18:15', '2022-02-06 10:18:14', 1, '2021-12-12 14:00:37', '2019-06-19 12:00:35', '2021-12-12 21:00:37'),
(274, 1096, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-03-25 13:37:32', '2021-06-23 13:37:32', 1, '2021-05-01 01:00:55', '2019-06-19 12:00:35', '2021-04-30 19:00:55'),
(275, 1098, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2019-05-29 15:20:52', '2019-08-27 15:20:52', 1, '2019-06-19 18:00:36', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2019-06-19 12:00:36'),
(276, 1099, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-12-22 12:31:34', '2022-03-22 12:31:33', 1, '2022-01-12 14:00:20', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-01-12 21:00:20'),
(277, 1101, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-06-01 12:41:55', '2022-08-30 12:41:54', 1, '2022-07-31 14:00:18', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-07-31 21:00:18'),
(278, 1102, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2020-05-12 18:53:48', '2020-08-10 18:53:48', 1, '2020-07-18 01:01:00', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2020-07-17 19:01:00'),
(279, 1019, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, '2022-04-20 14:02:06', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-04-20 21:02:06'),
(280, 957, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-08-25 17:22:36', '2021-11-23 17:22:35', 0, '2022-12-06 14:02:02', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-12-06 21:02:02'),
(281, 957, '', '', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-10-08 09:00:10', '2023-01-06 09:00:09', 1, '2022-12-07 14:01:27', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2022-12-07 21:01:27'),
(282, 1116, '', '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, 0, '2020-11-12 01:01:16', '2019-06-19 12:00:36', '2020-11-11 19:01:16'),
(283, 1117, '', '', '', 'cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority', 'cPanel, Inc.', '2021-08-16 00:00:00', '2021-11-14 23:59:59', 1, '2021-09-12 07:11:15', '2019-06-19 12:00:37', '2021-09-12 14:11:15'),
(284, 1117, '', '', '', 'cPanel, Inc. Certification Authority', 'cPanel, Inc.', '2021-08-20 00:00:00', '2021-11-18 23:59:59', 1, '2021-09-12 07:11:21', '2019-06-19 12:00:38', '2021-09-12 14:11:21'),
(285, 1130, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2022-10-25 09:30:47', '2023-01-23 09:30:46', 1, '2022-12-07 14:01:33', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2022-12-07 21:01:33'),
(286, 917, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2020-01-26 23:07:29', '2020-04-25 23:07:29', 0, '2020-06-13 01:02:04', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2020-06-12 19:02:04'),
(287, 1632, '', '*', '', 'R3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2021-08-24 17:20:13', '2021-11-22 17:20:12', 1, '2021-10-03 14:02:39', '2019-06-19 12:00:53', '2021-10-03 21:02:39'),
(288, 1138, '', '', '', 'Let\'s Encrypt Authority X3', 'Let\'s Encrypt', '2019-06-08 15:41:10', '2019-09-06 15:41:10', 1,

INSERT INTO `tblticketreplies` (`id`, `tid`, `userid`, `contact @fbi_gov id`, `name`, `email`, `date`, `message`, `admin`, `attachment`, `rating`, `editor`) VALUES
(913, 469, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 03:52:59', 'Go bottom of the page', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(914, 469, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 06:47:35', 'This is the client area as I see it\r\n\r\nwhere is the cancellation button ?\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '757235_Client Area.png', 0, 'plain'),
(915, 468, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 06:52:54', 'as I said with the admin user it works for me as well, but I don't want my developer have this user and therefore I generate a new user - devnate I continuously receive error 530. \r\n\r\nI double checked the user and password \r\n\r\nPlease advise \r\n\r\nThanks\r\n\r\n', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(916, 470, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 07:01:02', 'Now it works for me as well.\r\nit send mails OK but when I tried to send email to this address, I got the following error:\r\n\r\nDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTechnical details of permanent failure:\r\nGoogle tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].\r\n\r\nThe error that the other server returned was:\r\n550 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied\r\n\r\nI works with CloudFlare - I set a CNAME record with for to point the server IP.\r\n\r\nBut there still a few MX record -\r\n\r\nShould I delete them or update them to point the server IP as well ? \r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(917, 468, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-02 15:48:52', 'Dont know how you created user.\r\n\r\nIts works for me\r\n\r\nHost:\r\nPost: 21\r\nUser:\r\nPass: x3!!.MLbvBNO\r\n\r\n\r\nSee the attached files too\r\nI am using\r\n ', 'Azizul Islam', '491163_Untitled20161102114243.png|188382_Untitled222.png', 0, 'plain'),
(918, 469, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 16:42:02', 'Not sure why you closed it - I still want to cancel order 3196 which associate with domain\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(919, 470, 1018, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 16:44:39', 'again - not sure why you closed this ticket\r\n\r\nI can login to the email account, I can send emails - but I cant receive emails.\r\n\r\nI use CloudFLare - so please let me know how should I set it \r\n\r\nDo I need to delete all MX records from CloudFlare and leave only ?\r\n\r\nOr should I set the MX records ?\r\n\r\nPlease advise\r\n\r\nThanks', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(920, 471, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:14:50', 'Its because of mod_security. We disabled that rule and white your IP\r\nThanks ', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(921, 469, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:15:44', 'Cancelled ', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(922, 470, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-05 23:17:51', 'You have to edit MX record in CloudFlare panel.\r\nHere is sample\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(923, 472, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-10 12:32:49', 'Hello,\r\nUse Google DNS and send Trace Route report. Here you will find all info\r\nThanks!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(924, 473, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-11-30 13:02:57', 'Your domain sent more than 15000 spam email see this report And we have right to suspended and terminate domain with or without notice!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(925, 473, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-11-30 14:09:33', 'Dear \r\nThe email is not about what is right or not right. You have authority to ensure ur security and we did not do it intentionally. we are requesting for unlocking to resolve the issue.\r\nPlease unlock the server and we will solve the issue within no time ', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(926, 474, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-04 16:00:12', 'We offer Free SSL If you want send the domain name\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(927, 474, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-12-05 06:11:02', 'Thank you \r\nAnd please add  this domain to SSL ', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(928, 474, 991, 0, '', '', '2016-12-05 17:41:33', 'Please add SSL to', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(929, 475, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:34:31', 'Yes! We have and let us us know which you wish to like?\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(930, 474, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:36:38', ' works!', 'Azizul Islam', '', 0, 'plain'),
(931, 475, 1033, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:54:03', ' would be great, thank you', '', '', 0, 'plain'),
(932, 475, 0, 0, '', '', '2016-12-06 12:57:50', 'We are going to terminate this and sending new cpanel details\r\nThanks', 'Azizul Islam', '', 5, 'plain'),

INSERT INTO `tblhosting` (`id`, `userid`, `orderid`, `packageid`, `server`, `regdate`, `domain`, `paymentmethod`, `firstpaymentamount`, `amount`, `billingcycle`, `nextduedate`, `nextinvoicedate`, `termination_date`, `completed_date`, `domainstatus`, `username`, `password`, `notes`, `subscriptionid`, `promoid`, `suspendreason`, `overideautosuspend`, `overidesuspenduntil`, `dedicatedip`, `assignedips`, `ns1`, `ns2`, `diskusage`, `disklimit`, `bwusage`, `bwlimit`, `lastupdate`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES
(1416, 949, 1684, 1, 1, '2019-01-16', '', 'paypal', '12.00', '12.00', 'Annually', '2020-01-16', '2020-01-16', '2020-08-03', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'wwwgrrow', 'MwIojN4h4g4yolUPQ2X/pkUTAY6J3cmI4GJ821k4', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1415, 1701, 1683, 34, 1, '2019-01-14', '', 'paypal', '7.50', '7.50', 'Annually', '2021-01-14', '2021-01-14', '2021-08-02', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'davesgri', 'PJVQi+uOIwXYQ1N/GYAtDQPp3jiAVJCT+pC5zu/Z', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 8, 500, 0, 5000, '2021-08-01 01:05:12', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(7, 194, 0, 11, 3, '2011-05-04', '', 'cdbbkash', '3600.00', '8400.00', 'Annually', '2022-05-04', '2022-05-04', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Suspended', 'hosting', 'dnEFuxgrTJNyQ+Wa2x5f1uxdHLLOg9SfJXySY0ui48MubHMzg+U=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect 6500.00+65000', '', 0, '', 0, '2016-05-06', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '2022-12-07 14:02:12', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1471, 1744, 1743, 1, 1, '2019-07-24', '', 'paypal', '1000.00', '1000.00', 'Annually', '2020-07-24', '2020-07-24', '2021-02-09', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'amalegit', 'F3SxzbZpXvGAi0XnaE+41cC6LDHKgVmv5h2jL+ZSA87GPA==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 344, 1000, 0, 20000, '2021-02-08 01:03:53', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2019-07-24 02:52:16'),
(10, 197, 0, 17, 7, '2010-07-24', '', 'cdbbkash', '8500.00', '14400.00', 'Annually', '2023-07-24', '2023-07-24', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'meghbd', 'WC+UuLlaQn1SkO2q0+LD3x3xdy3y23+dqk/b/TQ=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2013-07-24', '', '', '', '', 11477, 50000, 4073, 100000, '2022-12-07 14:01:57', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(11, 198, 0, 11, 3, '2012-09-29', '', 'cdbbkash', '8650.00', '8650.00', 'Annually', '2023-09-29', '2023-09-29', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'syscarel', 'm82i6HFQN2HCcPMO1IpkoBjZO09GAFjbaQX7kKDltQ==', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2015-10-27', '', '', '', '', 9558, 20000, 106, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:02:13', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1512, 1773, 1794, 17, 3, '2020-01-12', '', 'paypal', '18.00', '18.00', 'Monthly', '2020-07-12', '2020-07-12', '2021-01-28', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'rafaitco', 'dypuxRCYqCvDVYsy2D3oUR3qMkuT36vECslosaXB3BsCAQ==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 2052, 50000, 0, 1000000, '2021-01-27 01:03:35', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2020-01-11 22:09:58'),
(1514, 1775, 1797, 1, 7, '2020-01-16', '', 'cdbbkash', '1000.00', '1000.00', 'Annually', '2023-01-16', '2023-01-16', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'bdcallg1', 'XcKD/OLNjzBEIWq02utOH+cSHcqnMieaqbhI0SbbOpojhA==', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 789, 1000, 3174, 0, '2022-12-07 14:01:56', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(14, 201, 0, 11, 3, '2011-11-03', '', 'cdbbkash', '17000.00', '4000.00', 'Semi-Annually', '2023-05-22', '2023-05-22', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'innovati', 'O8oY41Ik5sNsBaw4FPzfMWuMJnPxG+faR3csQg+IkgU=', 'paid 6000 rest will pay later 27-12-2016', '', 0, '', 0, '2012-12-03', '', '', '', '', 17216, 20000, 1114, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:02:13', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(1437, 1019, 1708, 1, 7, '2019-04-01', '', 'paypal', '12.00', '12.00', 'Annually', '2020-04-01', '2020-04-01', '2020-10-18', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'ghuronco', 'MnTypKd5D9XaPdhxZI8JW4rVpsrvqBqBuh6WVL8=', '', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 788, 1000, 4, 20000, '2020-10-17 01:03:18', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(18, 205, 0, 11, 7, '2011-12-18', '', 'cdbbkash', '7000.00', '8000.00', 'Annually', '2022-12-18', '2022-12-18', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', 'Active', 'ntiersne', 'CeYueiB//1qd9Wj9r0v3iZkFuFKkCNJCODEkq/9tI9A=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '2017-01-31', '', '', '', '', 10798, 20000, 905, 400000, '2022-12-07 14:01:58', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(143, 315, 0, 9, 7, '2010-11-06', '', 'cdbbkash', '3000.00', '3500.00', 'Annually', '2021-11-06', '2021-11-06', '2021-12-16', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'chahida', 'gXRl/JjNLb2N7HzqCMiwvQdVbBZuoo/IhIzjZOh3Nc2ygv4=', 'Imported using WHM Import Script - Payment Method, Pricing, Billing Cycle & Next Due Date may be incorrect', '', 0, '', 0, '0000-00-00', '', '', '', '', 11121, 6000, 0, 120000, '2021-12-15 14:03:08', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(420, 536, 409, 1, 1, '2014-07-22', '', 'authorize', '1600.00', '1600.00', 'Annually', '2015-07-22', '2015-07-22', '2015-07-22', '0000-00-00', 'Terminated', 'busines1', 'mJKOOPWmUiDaIuCXC38xqkVAIfgifz9a/LmY88v5', '', '', 0, '', 0, '2016-10-10', '', '', '', '', 34, 1000, 0, 10000, '2016-01-01 06:01:46', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),

INSERT INTO `tblclients` (`id`, `uuid`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `companyname`, `email`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`, `postcode`, `country`, `phonenumber`, `tax_id`, `password`, `authmodule`, `authdata`, `currency`, `defaultgateway`, `credit`, `taxexempt`, `latefeeoveride`, `overideduenotices`, `separateinvoices`, `disableautocc`, `datecreated`, `notes`, `billingcid`, `securityqid`, `securityqans`, `groupid`, `cardtype`, `cardlastfour`, `cardnum`, `startdate`, `expdate`, `issuenumber`, `bankname`, `banktype`, `bankcode`, `bankacct`, `gatewayid`, `lastlogin`, `ip`, `host`, `status`, `language`, `pwresetkey`, `emailoptout`, `marketing_emails_opt_in`, `overrideautoclose`, `allow_sso`, `email_verified`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `pwresetexpiry`) VALUES
(1713, '2df39c7a-a673-40dd-8776-3f53c0ab74e4', 'Nathan', 'Tolliver', 'NXT Enterprises LLC', '', '1545 EDGESTONE CIRCLE', '', 'CONWAY', 'Arkansas', '72034', 'US', '+880.5017331970', '', '$2y$10$IwRwTjhtyhjX7IzdaoNGeub/8KIy2TEKbLSearJvbi8j9aj2yVzvi', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2019-03-16', '', 0, 0, 'OpGa7bcnvl423+/w3Q8pXb32xB8=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-07-11 13:41:50', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-07-11 20:41:50', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(514, '9847c14b-707a-4aa4-b794-dd3c29da7a0e', 'Tanbir', 'Hasan', 'SolidIT', '', 'Flat#C2, Washith Tower,', 'Jhiltuly', 'Faridpur', 'Faridpur', '7800', 'BD', '01971555666', '', '$2y$10$.TsMuVuAAM6b2U4zrsjM2OwCTaUWZT/p/CYsDMoON07aJZUoz3kEW', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-05-07', '', 0, 0, 'VAgGFjoaK23JfRrXurk72oO2p8A=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-12-26 18:00:45', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-12-27 01:00:46', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(908, '27d14a73-4958-4795-b99b-5c1eefefabcf', 'Galin', 'Stefanov', 'Perfomalis Ltd BG204898473', '', '5 Nikola Vaptsarov Str', '', 'Varna', 'Varna', '9000', 'BG', '359895886961', '', '$2y$10$iOQN7cfYWmcYSzQnwB4hgeqSN/PU.f2gcXYabTBAiGNgW8ydY//b.', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-17', '', 41, 0, 'g4VgKZmrQ7cP5gFx7dWKA6XLUds=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-02-07 07:44:15', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-02-07 14:44:16', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(525, '6432b6d6-1fd1-4bcc-b28a-309e810152d5', 'Ehsanul', 'Haque', 'MakeUniq', '', 'Dhanmondi', '', 'Dhaka', 'Outside US and Canada', '1209', 'BD', '1755557476', '', '564a4bb445f1ae1f6a87c53c8ac6b197:)MOgX', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-06-21', '', 0, 0, 'bDR987SFzEJOJZS+l7ZpcyYSdMs=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-06-21 06:22:09', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(536, '6e4094e9-46a6-433b-9f4d-a4c389ba3531', 'Parvez', 'Ahmed', 'IT WORLD', '', '28/C Kabi Jasim Uddin Road, Kamlapur, Dhaka', 'Motijheel, Dhaka', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1217', 'BD', '01615759783', '', '$2y$10$u8FxhJ7Ob4pTHL7Kp0mETuBxCbntUU2L0h1TcNjGjeYJL1kHj..yW', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-07-22', '', 0, 0, 'uaxmx4RA70Jo5NVxcImZUkdCXi8=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-02-23 13:01:04', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-02-23 07:01:04', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(899, '0ecfc1c1-52c6-42d1-af72-5f035dddfb8d', 'Edward', 'Baldi', '', '', '5000 Yonge St', '', 'Toronto', 'Ontario', 'M2N 7E9', 'CA', '4164455768', '', '$2y$10$PpxWcd2JAAN4OUT.8mls2uoB18rsKat2cCm6KCOfIhNe3gUK6hv.6', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-09', '', 0, 0, '8L2WWT+/o9LlsFH8G0U0aTQSsko=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2019-02-11 17:31:51', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2019-02-11 11:31:51', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(895, 'fbd3e4bd-2e53-4847-ba52-fb4ca6b35103', 'Saiful Islam', 'Siddique', 'one Stop Media and Entertainments ', '', '12/16, lane-6, Plot -I-15/18, 1st flor, Pallabi mirpur, Dhaka', '12/16, lane-6, Plot -I-15/18, 1st flor, Pallabi mirpur, Dhaka', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1216', 'BD', '+880.1847-117990', '', 'b95129cedaad71a4f91c501059700b15:lOH%P', '', '', 1, 'paypal', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-04', '', 0, 0, 'btnBhFpch285hIHz9ytJ/4+SymU=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2016-11-12 07:19:22', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(560, '338f58b5-be5f-467f-83de-0ef0d7e542c4', 'Rabiul Islam ', 'Khokon', 'Dallas Overseas', '', '40/1 Sahid Faruk Road,', 'Rahman Plaza (3rd Floor) , North Jatrabari', 'Dhaka', 'NA', '1204', 'BD', '+880.1711-018658', '', '$2y$10$IGJ1PzSv/m9sHOOHVP0tCuICP42o6etU.dBh1z1FpeSSNLPD0B7C.', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-09-23', '', 0, 0, 'GPugMHOmA3i8yYfpxxZqOQZNmwQ=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-09-23 04:38:14', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(565, '58c80586-6183-4dcb-af10-7ac16e601769', 'Asker', 'Firoz', 'Team Django', '', 'H#42/A, R#7, Sector#3, Uttara, Dhaka-1216', '', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1230', 'BD', '01711574170', '', '$2y$10$a1tm.Qn/oU90kzLD791CBOBAbNJ2lpyaV2/Tt/zgaVfr8S4dv84vu', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-09-28', '', 78, 0, '+qdP9gXekwIfHp+6lJXolCsXnsY=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-10-14 12:37:45', '', '', 'Active', '', '4abff75559111dccb5c44c36cdcc3e2d', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-10-14 19:37:47', '2022-10-10 11:59:32'),
(887, '8bae0a2f-36d5-42b5-b50d-a07265b0e397', 'Keith', 'Purkiss', '', '', '76-77 Lowther St', '', 'Whitehaven', 'Cumbria', 'CA28 7RB', 'GB', '01946 591764', '', '$2y$10$.l03wwpfLI9fVKokm7Y/1.WPp.fyy8JN2GTsuYxSiuaCOwoDDnrC2', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-01-25', '', 0, 0, 'GzJCMfXPaXNyn9P31muiiJxp/aI=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2020-10-29 20:46:11', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-01-25 04:06:51', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(593, '993dc51a-080f-4ad4-a579-95841e0a5b5f', 'Jesse', 'Boskoff', '', '', '136 East 36th Street', '', 'New York', 'New York', '10016', 'US', '6464581771', '', '6cacc8d7d4504d4dc4447f2c6ad8f310:s%QPF', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-11-02', '', 0, 0, 'eUeZJn6+SxbycJz3fWZATXrxlY0=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-11-02 21:52:25', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(643, 'acd07a10-1e82-4479-b7ba-54e8a8c9001c', 'Pete', 'Maughan', 'Noneya', '', '1540 Keller Parkway', '108-219', 'Keller', 'Texas', '76248', 'US', '+1.940-268-8942', '', '3bd87a72937956b9d4bb3ae30c173038:ZTbVb', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2014-12-27', '', 0, 0, '1jCBVIC3sNlu0Zhxs5uxEEcS4e4=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2014-12-28 01:36:34', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(672, '5d552464-940e-41e4-aed3-f32d849c1cce', 'Omar', 'Faruk', 'BD Devs', '', 'Middle Badda', 'Badda', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1213', 'BD', '+880.1747-448895', '', '$2y$10$5iV9XvGn.oak.qG4N5MX..VxwERsNkoaUa0cUl7newTZvVWV/9drS', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-01-31', '', 0, 0, 'slfo4jBb65jPbm+wcvyv4lOwmTo=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-07-04 06:22:43', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-07-04 13:22:52', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(753, '56c0556a-aaa7-448b-a462-7d672f179a38', 'Md. Alamgir', 'Ali', 'Web Kutir', '', '366, South Goran', 'Dhaka-1219', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', '1219', 'BD', '+880.1199-058373', '', '$2y$10$0VJPXSaOqY1zzbpUtvZuU.6Od7K4aT6jB5P9gyi4kdu1L5bibqMYO', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-05-19', '', 0, 0, 'pzKmLUgP+zEMcOJtpM6ZCXKm2HQ=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-11-18 17:19:52', '', '', 'Active', 'english', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-11-19 00:19:52', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(773, '2ef35f13-c34e-4ae4-b561-41a084ddf3e4', 'md touhidul ', 'alam', 'core infromatech', '', '739/a mehedibag road chittagong', '', 'chittagong', 'chittagong', '4000', 'BD', '+880.1822-911624', '', '$2y$10$gzOEI8O9peT2UlD/YFcvjuFjvOFfolIL/V4YHdwHH.x/QkZO.p8Rm', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-06-05', '', 0, 0, 'TNiUHPBk40KJW9m9QnTsbwxn1o0=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2020-12-26 10:41:35', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2020-12-26 04:41:35', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(947, '6337bfba-6ae6-42ce-9b1c-a6d3d89e59f6', 'Ben', 'Smith', '', '', '248 Main St', '', 'Melbourne', 'Victoria', '3000', 'AU', '400618991', '', '$2y$10$Qti7pfmggNuBPiKjTbqj4.cvrvTVuUtDVa/sXaDqbsACQuu9PvMPi', '', '', 1, '', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-04-13', '', 0, 0, 'E6bY4CyImATc6Xc8LExpyBHDHVg=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2022-08-23 04:14:30', '', '', 'Active', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-08-23 11:14:30', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
(777, '40853682-5bfa-4c2d-ae0b-625597552e42', 'Ahsanul', 'Hoque', 'Zoponic ', '', 'Road 31House 462', '', 'Dhaka ', 'mohakhali', '1206', 'BD', '01713363703', '', '$2y$10$o7/JqxEUHUEIf.mZkOgiSe.Ayexeno6brTxjq6qDIEaxKteHz5tmq', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2015-06-08', '', 0, 0, 'iZdykWMe0ewsakYFQfJwgDuaQ/4=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2021-10-23 17:44:45', '', '', 'Inactive', '', '59cd1b73edfba6e1885c16b85e7aaed4', 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2021-10-24 00:44:45', '2021-11-29 05:09:04'),
(909, '1cb88946-184e-4d42-bf80-3b31b4708212', 'Rokon', 'Uzzaman', 'Scales Solution', '', '6/6/A, Post Office Lan, ', 'East Rampura', 'Dhaka', 'Dhaka', ' 1214', 'BD', '+880.8801713114110', '', '$2y$10$J2OHdO1PVx7YM75vvzBg8eNHdS59PCB1JIYhVNnx0vY06r3u7Lah2', '', '', 2, 'cdbbkash', '0.00', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2016-02-19', '', 0, 0, '8OFXaq8osDLbwwrYcL6LKdg14OU=', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '2018-03-14 13:55:15', '', '', 'Active', 'english', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2018-03-14 07:55:15', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),

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thank you, I need it


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