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Crazy-Chıcken Have A Mıssıon For You! (600Kk Dehashed)

Crazy-Chıcken Have A Mıssıon For You! (600Kk Dehashed)
Aug 10, 2023
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Do you consider you have skills in OSINT and SQL? Congratulations I am really proud of you! Let's put it into practice ...



In December 2009 about 4000 accounts were hacked and leaked in the Tuenti Social Network (Spain), the leak was published and shared on the internet but over the years it has been disappearing and it is getting more and more difficult to find it but I am convinced that it is still available. (Tuenti has been a very used and famous social network for many years and its leak is not even available on Have I Pwned. Getting this leak is a treasure for DB collectors and besides, if you are the first to send it to Have I Pwned you can ask to be mentioned in their credits.

I challenge you to challenge your Cyber Intelligence (OSINT) skills to get it and share it with the world! We will all be very proud of you!



Do you consider yourself the fucking master of SQL Injection? Do you think there is no database that can resist you? If for you there is no impenetrable database I have a job for you! I would like you to practice your skills and your talent in this field trying to extract the DB of (Don't think it will be easy ...) Years ago they suffered a hack and since then they have been very concerned about improving their security. Will you be the one who manages to destroy it again? *THIS CHALLENGE IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR FUCKING MASTERS, GOOD LUCK*.

(By the way your DB was leaked but it lasted a short time on the internet and has completely disappeared, if someone finds it through OSINT please allow me to hug you...)



If anyone manages to accomplish either mission they will be compensated with a wonderful and mysterious surprise envelope accompanied by a "Thank you very much, you're the fucking master of the neighborhood!!!"

If anyone tries but doesn't make it let me tell you something else! Thank you so much for trying and helping your good friend Chicken Crazy as well as the rest of the community interested i
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