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Why i don't get CR on my post
Everything is functioning correctly. There is no error happening. Do you think you should be able to go anywhere and take what you want whenever you please?

Lets say you could do that, and that would be fine and you would be happy. I guess everyone else should be able to take what they want too though, right? To be fair.

so now we have everyone taking what they want and contributing nothing. Just taking what they please and leaving.

If that was allowed to happen then you wouldnt even be here right now. Because there would be nothing worth having here. Who do you think is going to do all the work and effort uploading things for a bunch of entitled freeloading lazy fucks to just come loot it and leave without contributing anything in return?

I can't tell if its stupidity, or ignorance with you. One can be overcome.

Your posts are just you asking people for cpanels, or complaining about not having credits. Which post exactly do you think deserves credit? Which of your posts do you think has value?
Нет кредитов за пост. 70% юзеров знают всего пару слов, это [спасибо, круто, мне нужно, бро] Мы посчитали глупой идеей, сделав по 1 кредиту за пост. По сути такого нет нигде, раньше на breachforums давали вроде по 2 кредита за тему, и то, только в одном разделе. то есть там еще нужно было выложить не просто любую базу, а которой нет в паблике. А тут делаешь себе темы с базами, любыми, главное чтобы не дубликат.. не вижу ничего сложного в этом.
Не получается выложить раздачу чего либо
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