Xlsx Business Data - France

Xlsx Business Data - France


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Sep 9, 2023
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This is processed data for France from Bureau van Dijk.

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Entries: 205k
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Date - 2022

Name Normal name Job title Business name Business normal name Country Address City Post code Region Phone Email Latitude Longitude National Ids
Ms Claire Lebaupin MS CLAIRE LEBAUPIN Payroll Executive Rabaud RABAUD France Bellevue Ste Cecile 85110 Pays de la Loire|Vendee +33 251485151 info@rabaud.com 46.74397222 -1.113472222 European VAT number=FR47 321278400;SIREN number=321278400;TIN=321278400;SIRET number=321278400-00015
SEDAPTA SRL SEDAPTA SRL Chairman of the Board of Directors Sedapta Osys SEDAPTA OSYS France Batiment N; Rue Louis De Broglie Change 53810 Pays de la Loire|Mayenne +33 243495454 contact @fbi_gov @sedapta-osys.com 48.09936111 -0.788527778 SIRET number=321993750-00033;SIREN number=321993750;TIN=321993750;European VAT number=FR69 321993750
Mr Marc Wetzel MR MARC WETZEL Chief Technical Officer Aesa Air Engineering AESA AIR ENGINEERING France 78 Faubourg Des Vosges Thann 68800 Grand Est|Haut-Rhin +33 389383434 aesa.fr@aesa-ae.com 47.81511111 7.09075 SIREN number=328946645;SIRET number=328946645-00020;European VAT number=FR68 328946645;TIN=328946645
Ms Isabelle Nicolas MS ISABELLE NICOLAS Chairman of the Board of Directors Plassart Menuiserie PLASSART MENUISERIE France Zone Industrielle Des 5 Chemins Guidel 56520 Bretagne|Morbihan +33 297029767 plassart-guidel@orange.fr 47.78961111 -3.488805556 SIREN number=337596357;European VAT number=FR55 337596357;SIRET number=337596357-00042;TIN=337596357
Mr Gilles D Huiteau MR GILLES D HUITEAU Business Manager Negometal Sarl NEGOMETAL SARL France Immeuble Le Bel Rive; 6 Chemin De Jorlis Anglet 64600 Nouvelle Aquitaine|Pyrenees-Atlantiques +33 559554564 contact @fbi_gov @negometal.com 43.5005 -1.494166667 European VAT number=FR89 329790455;TIN=329790455;SIREN number=329790455;SIRET number=329790455-00037
Mr Sebastien Cordier MR SEBASTIEN CORDIER Workshops Executive Sa Menuiserie G Dubois SA MENUISERIE G DUBOIS France Ancienne Route De Sainte Maure; 53 Rue De La Republique Sepmes 37800 Centre-Val de Loire|Indre-et-Loire +33 247654465 dubois@menuiseriegdubois.com 47.06769444 0.675111111 European VAT number=FR49 340866904;SIREN number=340866904;TIN=340866904;SIRET number=340866904-00014
GROUPE GEMME GROUPE GEMME Chairman of the Board of Directors Bijouterie Gemme BIJOUTERIE GEMME France 15 Cours Lafayette Lyon 69006 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Rhone +33 478522019 gemme@bijoux-gemme.com 45.76358333 4.843027778 European VAT number=FR71 331758094;TIN=331758094;SIREN number=331758094;SIRET number=331758094-00030
Mr Sebastien Paul MR SEBASTIEN PAUL Business Manager Douillet Tige DOUILLET TIGE France 2 Rue Emile Zola Izeaux 38140 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Isere +33 476938061 info@magicfeet.fr 45.33197222 5.427555556 SIRET number=332024512-00011;SIREN number=332024512;European VAT number=FR45 332024512;TIN=332024512
Mr Vincent Theaudiere MR VINCENT THEAUDIERE Chief Executive Officer Spie Batignolles Tmb SPIE BATIGNOLLES TMB France Zone Artisanale Des Boutries; 14 Rue Des Belles Hates Conflans Ste Honorine 78700 Ile-de-France|Yvelines +33 139724043 francois.bazire@spiebatignolles.fr 49.00936111 2.085861111 SIREN number=332265032;SIRET number=332265032-00034;TIN=332265032;European VAT number=FR22 332265032
Ms Genevieve Guyot MS GENEVIEVE GUYOT Chief Administrative and Financial Officer Sas Les Viviers De Loctudy SAS LES VIVIERS DE LOCTUDY France Le Port Loctudy 29750 Bretagne|Finistere +33 298874830 viviers-de-loctudy@wanadoo.fr 47.83386111 -4.168888889 European VAT number=FR60 333231876;SIRET number=333231876-00017;TIN=333231876;SIREN number=333231876
Mr Stephane Deroi MR STEPHANE DEROI Chairman of the Board of Directors Bricomat Gravelinois BRICOMAT GRAVELINOIS France Zae Du Guindal; Route Du Guindal Gravelines 59820 Hauts-de-France|Nord +33 328519420 bricomat@bricomatgravelinois.fr 50.97480556 2.128416667 SIREN number=333939502;TIN=333939502;SIRET number=333939502-00022;European VAT number=FR93 333939502
GROUPE SANTERRE GROUPE SANTERRE Chairman of the Board of Directors Technic Plus Impression TECHNIC PLUS IMPRESSION France Lieu Dit Enseigne De L Abbaye Betton 35830 Bretagne|Ille-et-Vilaine +33 299557455 print@tpi35.fr 48.18319444 -1.644666667 TIN=341883940;SIREN number=341883940;European VAT number=FR22 341883940;SIRET number=341883940-00023
Mr Stephane Szabla MR STEPHANE SZABLA Associate Business Manager Stephanie Gourbeyre Virginie Gantois-Villemin Et Stephane Szabla Notaires Associes STEPHANIE GOURBEYRE VIRGINIE GANTOISVILLEMIN ET STEPHANE SZABLA NOTAIRES ASSOCIES France 16 Rue Thiers Epinal 88000 Grand Est|Vosges +33 329356767 etude.vaghp@notaires.fr 48.17233333 6.451277778 TIN=342358272;SIREN number=342358272;SIRET number=342358272-00025;European VAT number=FR28 342358272
HOLDING 1923 HOLDING 1923 Chairman of the Board of Directors Audouard Voyages AUDOUARD VOYAGES France Bouchet Za Les Courtils Vihiers; Lieu Dit Champfleury Lys Haut Layon 49540 Pays de la Loire|Maine-et-Loire +33 241561393 vihiers@audouard-voyages.com 47.14677778 -0.533777778 SIREN number=342810413;European VAT number=FR03 342810413;TIN=342810413;SIRET number=342810413-00043

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This is processed data for France from Bureau van Dijk.

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Entries: 205k
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Date - 2022

Name Normal name Job title Business name Business normal name Country Address City Post code Region Phone Email Latitude Longitude National Ids
Ms Claire Lebaupin MS CLAIRE LEBAUPIN Payroll Executive Rabaud RABAUD France Bellevue Ste Cecile 85110 Pays de la Loire|Vendee +33 251485151 info@rabaud.com 46.74397222 -1.113472222 European VAT number=FR47 321278400;SIREN number=321278400;TIN=321278400;SIRET number=321278400-00015
SEDAPTA SRL SEDAPTA SRL Chairman of the Board of Directors Sedapta Osys SEDAPTA OSYS France Batiment N; Rue Louis De Broglie Change 53810 Pays de la Loire|Mayenne +33 243495454 contact @fbi_gov @sedapta-osys.com 48.09936111 -0.788527778 SIRET number=321993750-00033;SIREN number=321993750;TIN=321993750;European VAT number=FR69 321993750
Mr Marc Wetzel MR MARC WETZEL Chief Technical Officer Aesa Air Engineering AESA AIR ENGINEERING France 78 Faubourg Des Vosges Thann 68800 Grand Est|Haut-Rhin +33 389383434 aesa.fr@aesa-ae.com 47.81511111 7.09075 SIREN number=328946645;SIRET number=328946645-00020;European VAT number=FR68 328946645;TIN=328946645
Ms Isabelle Nicolas MS ISABELLE NICOLAS Chairman of the Board of Directors Plassart Menuiserie PLASSART MENUISERIE France Zone Industrielle Des 5 Chemins Guidel 56520 Bretagne|Morbihan +33 297029767 plassart-guidel@orange.fr 47.78961111 -3.488805556 SIREN number=337596357;European VAT number=FR55 337596357;SIRET number=337596357-00042;TIN=337596357
Mr Gilles D Huiteau MR GILLES D HUITEAU Business Manager Negometal Sarl NEGOMETAL SARL France Immeuble Le Bel Rive; 6 Chemin De Jorlis Anglet 64600 Nouvelle Aquitaine|Pyrenees-Atlantiques +33 559554564 contact @fbi_gov @negometal.com 43.5005 -1.494166667 European VAT number=FR89 329790455;TIN=329790455;SIREN number=329790455;SIRET number=329790455-00037
Mr Sebastien Cordier MR SEBASTIEN CORDIER Workshops Executive Sa Menuiserie G Dubois SA MENUISERIE G DUBOIS France Ancienne Route De Sainte Maure; 53 Rue De La Republique Sepmes 37800 Centre-Val de Loire|Indre-et-Loire +33 247654465 dubois@menuiseriegdubois.com 47.06769444 0.675111111 European VAT number=FR49 340866904;SIREN number=340866904;TIN=340866904;SIRET number=340866904-00014
GROUPE GEMME GROUPE GEMME Chairman of the Board of Directors Bijouterie Gemme BIJOUTERIE GEMME France 15 Cours Lafayette Lyon 69006 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Rhone +33 478522019 gemme@bijoux-gemme.com 45.76358333 4.843027778 European VAT number=FR71 331758094;TIN=331758094;SIREN number=331758094;SIRET number=331758094-00030
Mr Sebastien Paul MR SEBASTIEN PAUL Business Manager Douillet Tige DOUILLET TIGE France 2 Rue Emile Zola Izeaux 38140 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Isere +33 476938061 info@magicfeet.fr 45.33197222 5.427555556 SIRET number=332024512-00011;SIREN number=332024512;European VAT number=FR45 332024512;TIN=332024512
Mr Vincent Theaudiere MR VINCENT THEAUDIERE Chief Executive Officer Spie Batignolles Tmb SPIE BATIGNOLLES TMB France Zone Artisanale Des Boutries; 14 Rue Des Belles Hates Conflans Ste Honorine 78700 Ile-de-France|Yvelines +33 139724043 francois.bazire@spiebatignolles.fr 49.00936111 2.085861111 SIREN number=332265032;SIRET number=332265032-00034;TIN=332265032;European VAT number=FR22 332265032
Ms Genevieve Guyot MS GENEVIEVE GUYOT Chief Administrative and Financial Officer Sas Les Viviers De Loctudy SAS LES VIVIERS DE LOCTUDY France Le Port Loctudy 29750 Bretagne|Finistere +33 298874830 viviers-de-loctudy@wanadoo.fr 47.83386111 -4.168888889 European VAT number=FR60 333231876;SIRET number=333231876-00017;TIN=333231876;SIREN number=333231876
Mr Stephane Deroi MR STEPHANE DEROI Chairman of the Board of Directors Bricomat Gravelinois BRICOMAT GRAVELINOIS France Zae Du Guindal; Route Du Guindal Gravelines 59820 Hauts-de-France|Nord +33 328519420 bricomat@bricomatgravelinois.fr 50.97480556 2.128416667 SIREN number=333939502;TIN=333939502;SIRET number=333939502-00022;European VAT number=FR93 333939502
GROUPE SANTERRE GROUPE SANTERRE Chairman of the Board of Directors Technic Plus Impression TECHNIC PLUS IMPRESSION France Lieu Dit Enseigne De L Abbaye Betton 35830 Bretagne|Ille-et-Vilaine +33 299557455 print@tpi35.fr 48.18319444 -1.644666667 TIN=341883940;SIREN number=341883940;European VAT number=FR22 341883940;SIRET number=341883940-00023
Mr Stephane Szabla MR STEPHANE SZABLA Associate Business Manager Stephanie Gourbeyre Virginie Gantois-Villemin Et Stephane Szabla Notaires Associes STEPHANIE GOURBEYRE VIRGINIE GANTOISVILLEMIN ET STEPHANE SZABLA NOTAIRES ASSOCIES France 16 Rue Thiers Epinal 88000 Grand Est|Vosges +33 329356767 etude.vaghp@notaires.fr 48.17233333 6.451277778 TIN=342358272;SIREN number=342358272;SIRET number=342358272-00025;European VAT number=FR28 342358272
HOLDING 1923 HOLDING 1923 Chairman of the Board of Directors Audouard Voyages AUDOUARD VOYAGES France Bouchet Za Les Courtils Vihiers; Lieu Dit Champfleury Lys Haut Layon 49540 Pays de la Loire|Maine-et-Loire +33 241561393 vihiers@audouard-voyages.com 47.14677778 -0.533777778 SIREN number=342810413;European VAT number=FR03 342810413;TIN=342810413;SIRET number=342810413-00043

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thnkx broderz
This is processed data for France from Bureau van Dijk.

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Entries: 205k
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Date - 2022

Name Normal name Job title Business name Business normal name Country Address City Post code Region Phone Email Latitude Longitude National Ids
Ms Claire Lebaupin MS CLAIRE LEBAUPIN Payroll Executive Rabaud RABAUD France Bellevue Ste Cecile 85110 Pays de la Loire|Vendee +33 251485151 info@rabaud.com 46.74397222 -1.113472222 European VAT number=FR47 321278400;SIREN number=321278400;TIN=321278400;SIRET number=321278400-00015
SEDAPTA SRL SEDAPTA SRL Chairman of the Board of Directors Sedapta Osys SEDAPTA OSYS France Batiment N; Rue Louis De Broglie Change 53810 Pays de la Loire|Mayenne +33 243495454 contact @fbi_gov @sedapta-osys.com 48.09936111 -0.788527778 SIRET number=321993750-00033;SIREN number=321993750;TIN=321993750;European VAT number=FR69 321993750
Mr Marc Wetzel MR MARC WETZEL Chief Technical Officer Aesa Air Engineering AESA AIR ENGINEERING France 78 Faubourg Des Vosges Thann 68800 Grand Est|Haut-Rhin +33 389383434 aesa.fr@aesa-ae.com 47.81511111 7.09075 SIREN number=328946645;SIRET number=328946645-00020;European VAT number=FR68 328946645;TIN=328946645
Ms Isabelle Nicolas MS ISABELLE NICOLAS Chairman of the Board of Directors Plassart Menuiserie PLASSART MENUISERIE France Zone Industrielle Des 5 Chemins Guidel 56520 Bretagne|Morbihan +33 297029767 plassart-guidel@orange.fr 47.78961111 -3.488805556 SIREN number=337596357;European VAT number=FR55 337596357;SIRET number=337596357-00042;TIN=337596357
Mr Gilles D Huiteau MR GILLES D HUITEAU Business Manager Negometal Sarl NEGOMETAL SARL France Immeuble Le Bel Rive; 6 Chemin De Jorlis Anglet 64600 Nouvelle Aquitaine|Pyrenees-Atlantiques +33 559554564 contact @fbi_gov @negometal.com 43.5005 -1.494166667 European VAT number=FR89 329790455;TIN=329790455;SIREN number=329790455;SIRET number=329790455-00037
Mr Sebastien Cordier MR SEBASTIEN CORDIER Workshops Executive Sa Menuiserie G Dubois SA MENUISERIE G DUBOIS France Ancienne Route De Sainte Maure; 53 Rue De La Republique Sepmes 37800 Centre-Val de Loire|Indre-et-Loire +33 247654465 dubois@menuiseriegdubois.com 47.06769444 0.675111111 European VAT number=FR49 340866904;SIREN number=340866904;TIN=340866904;SIRET number=340866904-00014
GROUPE GEMME GROUPE GEMME Chairman of the Board of Directors Bijouterie Gemme BIJOUTERIE GEMME France 15 Cours Lafayette Lyon 69006 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Rhone +33 478522019 gemme@bijoux-gemme.com 45.76358333 4.843027778 European VAT number=FR71 331758094;TIN=331758094;SIREN number=331758094;SIRET number=331758094-00030
Mr Sebastien Paul MR SEBASTIEN PAUL Business Manager Douillet Tige DOUILLET TIGE France 2 Rue Emile Zola Izeaux 38140 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Isere +33 476938061 info@magicfeet.fr 45.33197222 5.427555556 SIRET number=332024512-00011;SIREN number=332024512;European VAT number=FR45 332024512;TIN=332024512
Mr Vincent Theaudiere MR VINCENT THEAUDIERE Chief Executive Officer Spie Batignolles Tmb SPIE BATIGNOLLES TMB France Zone Artisanale Des Boutries; 14 Rue Des Belles Hates Conflans Ste Honorine 78700 Ile-de-France|Yvelines +33 139724043 francois.bazire@spiebatignolles.fr 49.00936111 2.085861111 SIREN number=332265032;SIRET number=332265032-00034;TIN=332265032;European VAT number=FR22 332265032
Ms Genevieve Guyot MS GENEVIEVE GUYOT Chief Administrative and Financial Officer Sas Les Viviers De Loctudy SAS LES VIVIERS DE LOCTUDY France Le Port Loctudy 29750 Bretagne|Finistere +33 298874830 viviers-de-loctudy@wanadoo.fr 47.83386111 -4.168888889 European VAT number=FR60 333231876;SIRET number=333231876-00017;TIN=333231876;SIREN number=333231876
Mr Stephane Deroi MR STEPHANE DEROI Chairman of the Board of Directors Bricomat Gravelinois BRICOMAT GRAVELINOIS France Zae Du Guindal; Route Du Guindal Gravelines 59820 Hauts-de-France|Nord +33 328519420 bricomat@bricomatgravelinois.fr 50.97480556 2.128416667 SIREN number=333939502;TIN=333939502;SIRET number=333939502-00022;European VAT number=FR93 333939502
GROUPE SANTERRE GROUPE SANTERRE Chairman of the Board of Directors Technic Plus Impression TECHNIC PLUS IMPRESSION France Lieu Dit Enseigne De L Abbaye Betton 35830 Bretagne|Ille-et-Vilaine +33 299557455 print@tpi35.fr 48.18319444 -1.644666667 TIN=341883940;SIREN number=341883940;European VAT number=FR22 341883940;SIRET number=341883940-00023
Mr Stephane Szabla MR STEPHANE SZABLA Associate Business Manager Stephanie Gourbeyre Virginie Gantois-Villemin Et Stephane Szabla Notaires Associes STEPHANIE GOURBEYRE VIRGINIE GANTOISVILLEMIN ET STEPHANE SZABLA NOTAIRES ASSOCIES France 16 Rue Thiers Epinal 88000 Grand Est|Vosges +33 329356767 etude.vaghp@notaires.fr 48.17233333 6.451277778 TIN=342358272;SIREN number=342358272;SIRET number=342358272-00025;European VAT number=FR28 342358272
HOLDING 1923 HOLDING 1923 Chairman of the Board of Directors Audouard Voyages AUDOUARD VOYAGES France Bouchet Za Les Courtils Vihiers; Lieu Dit Champfleury Lys Haut Layon 49540 Pays de la Loire|Maine-et-Loire +33 241561393 vihiers@audouard-voyages.com 47.14677778 -0.533777778 SIREN number=342810413;European VAT number=FR03 342810413;TIN=342810413;SIRET number=342810413-00043

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thanks thanks
This is processed data for France from Bureau van Dijk.

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Entries: 205k
Format - .xlsx
Date - 2022

Name Normal name Job title Business name Business normal name Country Address City Post code Region Phone Email Latitude Longitude National Ids
Ms Claire Lebaupin MS CLAIRE LEBAUPIN Payroll Executive Rabaud RABAUD France Bellevue Ste Cecile 85110 Pays de la Loire|Vendee +33 251485151 info@rabaud.com 46.74397222 -1.113472222 European VAT number=FR47 321278400;SIREN number=321278400;TIN=321278400;SIRET number=321278400-00015
SEDAPTA SRL SEDAPTA SRL Chairman of the Board of Directors Sedapta Osys SEDAPTA OSYS France Batiment N; Rue Louis De Broglie Change 53810 Pays de la Loire|Mayenne +33 243495454 contact @fbi_gov @sedapta-osys.com 48.09936111 -0.788527778 SIRET number=321993750-00033;SIREN number=321993750;TIN=321993750;European VAT number=FR69 321993750
Mr Marc Wetzel MR MARC WETZEL Chief Technical Officer Aesa Air Engineering AESA AIR ENGINEERING France 78 Faubourg Des Vosges Thann 68800 Grand Est|Haut-Rhin +33 389383434 aesa.fr@aesa-ae.com 47.81511111 7.09075 SIREN number=328946645;SIRET number=328946645-00020;European VAT number=FR68 328946645;TIN=328946645
Ms Isabelle Nicolas MS ISABELLE NICOLAS Chairman of the Board of Directors Plassart Menuiserie PLASSART MENUISERIE France Zone Industrielle Des 5 Chemins Guidel 56520 Bretagne|Morbihan +33 297029767 plassart-guidel@orange.fr 47.78961111 -3.488805556 SIREN number=337596357;European VAT number=FR55 337596357;SIRET number=337596357-00042;TIN=337596357
Mr Gilles D Huiteau MR GILLES D HUITEAU Business Manager Negometal Sarl NEGOMETAL SARL France Immeuble Le Bel Rive; 6 Chemin De Jorlis Anglet 64600 Nouvelle Aquitaine|Pyrenees-Atlantiques +33 559554564 contact @fbi_gov @negometal.com 43.5005 -1.494166667 European VAT number=FR89 329790455;TIN=329790455;SIREN number=329790455;SIRET number=329790455-00037
Mr Sebastien Cordier MR SEBASTIEN CORDIER Workshops Executive Sa Menuiserie G Dubois SA MENUISERIE G DUBOIS France Ancienne Route De Sainte Maure; 53 Rue De La Republique Sepmes 37800 Centre-Val de Loire|Indre-et-Loire +33 247654465 dubois@menuiseriegdubois.com 47.06769444 0.675111111 European VAT number=FR49 340866904;SIREN number=340866904;TIN=340866904;SIRET number=340866904-00014
GROUPE GEMME GROUPE GEMME Chairman of the Board of Directors Bijouterie Gemme BIJOUTERIE GEMME France 15 Cours Lafayette Lyon 69006 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Rhone +33 478522019 gemme@bijoux-gemme.com 45.76358333 4.843027778 European VAT number=FR71 331758094;TIN=331758094;SIREN number=331758094;SIRET number=331758094-00030
Mr Sebastien Paul MR SEBASTIEN PAUL Business Manager Douillet Tige DOUILLET TIGE France 2 Rue Emile Zola Izeaux 38140 Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes|Isere +33 476938061 info@magicfeet.fr 45.33197222 5.427555556 SIRET number=332024512-00011;SIREN number=332024512;European VAT number=FR45 332024512;TIN=332024512
Mr Vincent Theaudiere MR VINCENT THEAUDIERE Chief Executive Officer Spie Batignolles Tmb SPIE BATIGNOLLES TMB France Zone Artisanale Des Boutries; 14 Rue Des Belles Hates Conflans Ste Honorine 78700 Ile-de-France|Yvelines +33 139724043 francois.bazire@spiebatignolles.fr 49.00936111 2.085861111 SIREN number=332265032;SIRET number=332265032-00034;TIN=332265032;European VAT number=FR22 332265032
Ms Genevieve Guyot MS GENEVIEVE GUYOT Chief Administrative and Financial Officer Sas Les Viviers De Loctudy SAS LES VIVIERS DE LOCTUDY France Le Port Loctudy 29750 Bretagne|Finistere +33 298874830 viviers-de-loctudy@wanadoo.fr 47.83386111 -4.168888889 European VAT number=FR60 333231876;SIRET number=333231876-00017;TIN=333231876;SIREN number=333231876
Mr Stephane Deroi MR STEPHANE DEROI Chairman of the Board of Directors Bricomat Gravelinois BRICOMAT GRAVELINOIS France Zae Du Guindal; Route Du Guindal Gravelines 59820 Hauts-de-France|Nord +33 328519420 bricomat@bricomatgravelinois.fr 50.97480556 2.128416667 SIREN number=333939502;TIN=333939502;SIRET number=333939502-00022;European VAT number=FR93 333939502
GROUPE SANTERRE GROUPE SANTERRE Chairman of the Board of Directors Technic Plus Impression TECHNIC PLUS IMPRESSION France Lieu Dit Enseigne De L Abbaye Betton 35830 Bretagne|Ille-et-Vilaine +33 299557455 print@tpi35.fr 48.18319444 -1.644666667 TIN=341883940;SIREN number=341883940;European VAT thanksnumber=FR22 341883940;SIRET number=341883940-00023
Mr Stephane Szabla MR STEPHANE SZABLA Associate Business Manager Stephanie Gourbeyre Virginie Gantois-Villemin Et Stephane Szabla Notaires Associes STEPHANIE GOURBEYRE VIRGINIE GANTOISVILLEMIN ET STEPHANE SZABLA NOTAIRES ASSOCIES France 16 Rue Thiers Epinal 88000 Grand Est|Vosges +33 329356767 etude.vaghp@notaires.fr 48.17233333 6.451277778 TIN=342358272;SIREN number=342358272;SIRET number=342358272-00025;European VAT number=FR28 342358272
HOLDING 1923 HOLDING 1923 Chairman of the Board of Directors Audouard Voyages AUDOUARD VOYAGES France Bouchet Za Les Courtils Vihiers; Lieu Dit Champfleury Lys Haut Layon 49540 Pays de la Loire|Maine-et-Loire +33 241561393 vihiers@audouard-voyages.com 47.14677778 -0.533777778 SIREN number=342810413;European VAT number=FR03 342810413;TIN=342810413;SIRET number=342810413-00043

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thanks you mate
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