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Sql © Chucky Credits ANNEXTrades provides a B2B Platform [Full Dump]


User ID
Jun 7, 2021
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  • #1

INSERT INTO `government_contracts` (`id`, `category_id`, `state`, `title`, `slug`, `type`, `naic_code`, `buyer`, `deadline`, `agency`, `contract_link`, `notice_id`, `purchasing_department`, `contact @fbi_gov _officer_name`, `contact @fbi_gov _officer_number`, `contact @fbi_gov _officer_email`, `keywords`, `status`, `highlight`, `create_date`, `create_time`, `description`, `special_category`, `is_email_shoot`) VALUES

(15578, 157, 'TN', 'Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5): 4th Qtr FY22 Bread Items', 'total-small-business-set-aside-far-195-4th-qtr-fy22-bread-items', 'Federal', '', 'Department of Justice', '2022-06-07', 'Department of Justice', 'https://sam.gov/opp/76151f0a3fdb44199b2394d5041462c4/view', '15B11122Q00000009                         ', 'Purchasing', '', '888-REG-FAIR', 'eponder@bop.gov', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:06', 'The Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution Memphis, TN, intends to issue solicitation 15B11122Q00000009, for the requirements of: QUARTERLY SUBSISTENCE-BREAD. This solicitation is restricted to 100% Small Business and FOB Destination. Delivery dates will be found within the solicitations. Deliveries will be made to the Federal Correctional Institution, 1101 John A. Denie Rd., Memphis, TN 38134. The contract type is a firm-fixed price. The Government reserves the right upon award to make formal single or multiple awards. The Government will award to the responsible offeror(s), conforming to the solicitation that are considered to be most advantageous to the Government, with past performance and price considered. Prices will be rated higher than past performance. The solicitation will be made available on or about May 24, 2022 and will be posted to the General Services Administration Federal Business Opportunities website: http://www.betasam.gov. All future information about this acquisition, including solicitation amendments, will also be distributed through this site. Interested parties are responsible for monitoring this site to insure they have the most up-to-date information about this solicitation. The anticipated date for receipt of quotes is June 7, 2022. Payment will be made using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Any contractor interested in obtaining a contract award with the Federal Bureau of Prisons must be registered at www.sam.gov. Each offer per 52.212-3 is required to complete their representations and certifications via the On-Line Representations and Certifications Applications (ORCA) at http://orca.bpn.gov. The point of contact @fbi_gov  for all information regarding this solicitation is Brent Ponder, Supervisor Contract Specialist, at the address listed above and at the telephone number listed below. Complete offers may be faxed to the attention of Erik Ponder at (901)384-5543, or e-mailed to eponder@bop.gov. The anticipated award date is June 21, 2022. Faith-Based and Community-Based Organizations have the right to submit offers equally with other organizations for contracts for which they are eligible.', '', 1),
(15579, 157, 'TN', 'Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5): 4th Qtr FY22 Dry Goods', 'total-small-business-set-aside-far-195-4th-qtr-fy22-dry-goods', 'Federal', '', 'Department of Justice', '2022-06-07', 'Department of Justice', 'https://sam.gov/opp/76e62ac0233e414fac4cc906fb7dac31/view', '15B11122Q00000011                         ', 'Purchasing', '', '888-REG-FAIR', 'eponder@bop.gov', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:06', 'The Federal Bureau of Prisons, Federal Correctional Institution Memphis, TN, intends to issue solicitation 15B11122Q00000011, for the requirements of: QUARTERLY SUBSISTENCE- DRY GOODS. This solicitation is restricted to 100% Small Business and FOB Destination. Delivery dates will be found within the solicitations. Deliveries will be made to the Federal Correctional Institution, 1101 John A. Denie Rd., Memphis, TN 38134. The contract type is a firm-fixed price. The Government reserves the right upon award to make formal single or multiple awards. The Government will award to the responsible offeror(s), conforming to the solicitation that are considered to be most advantageous to the Government, with past performance and price considered. Prices will be rated higher than past performance. The solicitation will be made available on or about May 24, 2022 and will be posted to the General Services Administration Federal Business Opportunities website: http://www.betasam.gov. All future information about this acquisition, including solicitation amendments, will also be distributed through this site. Interested parties are responsible for monitoring this site to insure they have the most up-to-date information about this solicitation. The anticipated date for receipt of quotes is June 7, 2022. Payment will be made using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Any contractor interested in obtaining a contract award with the Federal Bureau of Prisons must be registered at www.sam.gov. Each offer per 52.212-3 is required to complete their representations and certifications via the On-Line Representations and Certifications Applications (ORCA) at http://orca.bpn.gov. The point of contact @fbi_gov  for all information regarding this solicitation is Brent Ponder, Supervisor Contract Specialist, at the address listed above and at the telephone number listed below. Complete offers may be faxed to the attention of Erik Ponder at (901)384-5457, or e-mailed to eponder@bop.gov. The anticipated award date is June 21, 2022. Faith-Based and Community-Based Organizations have the right to submit offers equally with?eligible. with other organizations for contracts for which they are eligible.', '', 1),
(15580, 146, 'KS', 'Construction Manager At Risk - Nutrient Reduction Improvements', 'construction-manager-at-risk-nutrient-reduction-improvements', 'State/Local', '', 'Topeka, Kansas', '2022-06-08', 'Topeka, Kansas', 'https://cotopprod-lm01.cloud.infor.com/lmscm/SourcingSupplier/list/SourcingEvent.OpenForBid?csk.CHP=LMPROCV1&csk.SupplierGroup=COT&menu=EventManagement.BrowseOpenEvents', '2577             ', 'Purchasing Department', '', '785-368-3749', '', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:07', 'The purpose of this RFP is to source a qualified supplier to provide Construction Management Services for North Topeka Wastewater Treatment Plant Nutrient Reduction Improvements (the project). The selected Construction Manager (CM) is expected to support design with preconstruction services and GMP development as an initial service and, if authorized, provide all site and building services required to construct a turnkey project during construction.', '', 1),
(15581, 146, 'KY', 'East Hickman Force Main', 'east-hickman-force-main', 'State/Local', '', 'Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Kentucky', '2022-06-14', 'Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Kentucky', 'https://lexingtonky.ionwave.net/CurrentSourcingEvents.aspx', 'Bid 48-2022             ', 'Purchasing', '', '859-258-3320', 'brianm@lexingtonky.gov', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:07', 'Bid 48-2022 Addendum 3    \r\nEast Hickman Force Main\n\r\ncontact @fbi_gov  Information\r\nName    Brian Marcum\r\nAddress    200 East Main Street\r\nLexington, KY 40507\r\nPhone    (859) 2583320\r\nFax    (859) 2583322\r\nEmail    brianm@lexingtonky.gov', '', 1),
(15582, 146, 'KY', 'Receive bids for Water Main', 'receive-bids-for-water-main', 'State/Local', '', 'Elizabethtown, Kentucky', '2022-06-08', 'Elizabethtown, Kentucky', 'https://elizabethtownky.org/advertisement-for-bids-water-main-material/', 'Elizabethtown             ', 'Purchasing', '', '270-765-6121', '', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:07', '', '', 1),
(15583, 146, 'KY', 'Sanitary Waste Lines', 'sanitary-waste-lines', 'State/Local', '', 'University of Kentucky, Kentucky', '2022-06-09', 'University of Kentucky, Kentucky', 'https://purchasing.uky.edu/sites/default/files/2022-05/cck-2637-22.pdf', 'CCK-2637-22             ', 'Purchasing Official', '', '859-257-9100', '', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:08', 'CCK-2637-22\n\r\nPAV H. Sanitary Waste Lines\n\r\nPre-Bid:\n\r\n5-19-22\n\r\nQuestions Due:\n\r\n5-26-22\n\r\n6-9-22', '', 1),
(15584, 146, 'KY', 'Drainage', 'drainage', 'State/Local', '', 'State of Kentucky', '2022-06-07', 'State of Kentucky', 'https://finance.ky.gov/eProcurement/Pages/default.aspx', '2200000696             ', 'Purchasing Official', '', '502-564-9641', '', '', 1, 0, '2022-06-07', '06:14:08', 'RFB-188-22 Cynthia Adkins Drainage AMLRP Pike Co 38 AG\r\nRFB -  785 -  2200000696', '', 1),


INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `name`, `photo`, `zip`, `city`, `country`, `state`, `address`, `phone`, `fax`, `email`, `password`, `remember_token`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `is_provider`, `status`, `verification_link`, `email_verified`, `affilate_code`, `affilate_income`, `shop_name`, `owner_name`, `shop_number`, `shop_address`, `reg_number`, `business_type`, `no_employees`, `target_market`, `annual_volume`, `export_percentage`, `monthly_capacity`, `facility_capacity`, `management_certificates`, `shop_message`, `shop_details`, `already_export`, `which_country`, `shop_image`, `f_url`, `g_url`, `t_url`, `l_url`, `is_vendor`, `f_check`, `g_check`, `t_check`, `l_check`, `mail_sent`, `shipping_cost`, `current_balance`, `date`, `ban`, `balance`) VALUES

(878, 'Faisal Hussain', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NULL', '9523300468', NULL, 'faisal.alnassar1@gmail.com', '$2y$10$8zh6.DWRzRq.GEoGzQ7Kpu.dEpLpromB79LTdgpF50DdgO/bTsZSq', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:49:55', '2022-01-04 06:34:30', 0, 0, '5e6406dcb281b418fe1505b88adf7ddd', 'Yes', '9e46b79edfa096e3a01d03bf1134c694', 0, 'Nawada Enterprises ', 'FaisalHussain', '811', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(879, 'Haider Poonawala', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9322243790', NULL, 'haiderali.poonawala@gmail.com', '$2y$10$diyK3.TneoFG5nRVvWZ4OufzGbSpvqi2BCWTYqaThj422nbsOYAI2', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:50:24', '2022-01-04 06:34:42', 0, 0, '995747f6560a69393f4a5c16f95d8bc4', 'Yes', '53da1981a1b43d424623f2d796877883', 0, 'Poonawala machine tools', 'HaiderPoonawala', '812', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(880, 'Amit Lohogaonkar', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Omkar Bunglow, Gananjay soc. Kothrud Pune Maharashtra 411038', '9607395903', NULL, 'Support@swiftinit.com', '$2y$10$D47uMVjZuVLM59mTO7wCY.FTlPwHscMq0hr1y/bz19Px4IbLvGOD.', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:50:33', '2022-01-04 06:47:26', 0, 0, '0509098ccf3e55f9c9026234f5963d94', 'Yes', '6134a633e676855344557232921483b4', 0, 'Swiftinit Pvt LTD', 'Amit Lohogaonkar', '813', ' Pune Maharashtra', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>We are a Software services provider with an excellent track record and over 15 year's proven experience working on large complex on-premise and cloud based projects. We cater to a handful of industries and our customers operate on every continent. We use latest high value technology stack for all of our products and projects. This along with our skill set to deliver rapidly provides unmatched value and speed in delivering quality software solution.</p><h2><strong>Cloud Services</strong></h2><p>The cloud is where productivity and efficiency reside, and we’ll take you there.</p><h2><strong>Custom Software</strong></h2><p>Explore our range of bespoke software development with a strong end-user focus.</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(881, 'Paresh Sanghavi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '8530194300', NULL, 'paresh.msbps@gmail.com', '$2y$10$0.ShgzMBZYwbDMGe/3yTxu3vhqnDKZlvolp6s7pfTsRkn7M.7uqOO', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:51:13', '2022-01-04 06:47:40', 0, 0, 'c73e8e35815bd4e36669bb9756e7d9af', 'Yes', 'fdaff6173e438033fae3670c1ed02fd4', 0, 'MAHAVIR SENNA INDUSTRIES ', 'PARESH SANGHAVI SANGHAVI ', '814', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(882, 'Faraz Tase', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NULL', '8830624708', NULL, 'faraz.tase@gmail.com', '$2y$10$hBjXbOsdOL/YvAMdBNABVefFogeXa/aCuUQD8m3R35JHG3NS5RS.C', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:51:36', '2022-01-04 06:47:55', 0, 0, '6085b02cbc44c254e001ed2dae5e736e', 'Yes', 'c18921e2233703a602f33ce894c88f06', 0, 'Marina', 'FarazTase', '815', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(883, 'Onkar Singh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9416324330', NULL, 'rkinternationalkarnal@gmail.com', '$2y$10$laqEjqWvxyBBLe.UYuFoOuZtI7nYpOqLmeOa05U77CMXvh7ft73wW', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:52:00', '2022-01-04 06:48:13', 0, 0, '79a65af016a72c263f15287a13e83f54', 'Yes', '33270c7a1e74e6f20d8db23a9725f6ac', 0, 'Rkinternationalindia ', 'Onkar Singh', '816', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(884, 'Nitin Sarode', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'CHINCHWAD PUNE', '7666045776', NULL, 'nitinsarode75@gmail.com', '$2y$10$J9NajzNKIGGo3Z78Cr1XM.5BYQEQfnPv3K8TmRcPVBpBBwPDTiW/.', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:52:17', '2022-01-04 06:48:28', 0, 0, '32a23fe432bab407bf28d6607ea4e844', 'Yes', 'e97601a9a57162bc9f75602579b752e2', 0, 'Sami', 'NITINSARODE', '817', ' Pune Maharashtra', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>THE SARNI LOGISTICS ESTABLISH IN THIS  YEAR 2020. WE ARE BASICALLY INTO THE FMCG PRODUCTS AS WELL AS INDIAN CAR SPARE PARTS.</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(885, 'Haresh Patel', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NULL', '9768959971', NULL, 'sketchgarment1@gmail.com', '$2y$10$KzMR.d3gbrikGK/AtfKNwu9SbVdfWI47s9VJFRSXHBTetRYpvU3Mi', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:52:45', '2022-01-04 06:49:05', 0, 0, 'f3c7603400cb8faaba3c2079247b8714', 'Yes', 'bebb80e11b1faf078127ab7ebc7696af', 0, 'Kripa apparels', 'HareshPatel', '818', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(886, 'Mahesh Kumar Rajput', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '845/1 Paschim Puri Near Pragati Appartments    New Delhi    Delhi    110063', '9873526455', NULL, 'mayaemporium14@gmail.com', '$2y$10$tczRjX91PzZRqQnY0V71RO93S0xTQvtlE7WRWBy2SqDEaAAtWyDCm', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:52:45', '2022-01-04 06:48:45', 0, 0, 'c4087176cf1e53a8c26fbfd294a11717', 'Yes', '56e32e48903fd8cd91ad04785bf9f3ad', 0, 'Maya Emporium', 'Mahesh KumarRajput', '819', ' New Delhi Delhi', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>Maya Emporium is Establishing in 2018, we are manufacturer and exporter of all kind of handicrafts bags, apparels footwear,vintage Jackets,bohomian dress etc</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(887, 'Sunil Kumar', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NULL', '9130398859', NULL, 'sunilsaswadkar7@gmail.com', '$2y$10$7aMPDIwq0cJufDNIFBuug./HAZGBQcDn/xNcIAF2afXmMzumqa8Ea', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:53:17', '2022-01-04 06:49:29', 0, 0, '8122c346cb8b37283f4a7b18f04986eb', 'Yes', 'a8e0b5a47d98b88d9b985c906b805b8a', 0, 'Saswadkar Enterprise', 'SunilKumar', '820', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(888, 'Sachin Prajapati', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '79/616, Ghb Kalapinagar, Asarwa Ahmedabad Gujrat 380016', '7878196471', NULL, 'unnati2005hastkala@gmail.com', '$2y$10$2BJjM7AOLccKcrDpROj/huNW.e7kXc38zATIaqjGyofbkTZeQt4nm', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:53:54', '2022-01-04 06:49:43', 0, 0, '1bf6e8772310f581c54671a49b955d53', 'Yes', '0eb3cfc17b58d379e111c35c483700b4', 0, 'Unnati Hastkala', 'Sachin Prajapati', '821', ' Ahmedabad Gujrat', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>Unnati Hastkala</p><p>We are manufacturing company in India </p><p>We produce verietes of handicraft items</p><p>Wall hanging door hanging toran traditional jewellry doorbell and various types of handicraft items</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(889, 'Bhupendra Vyas', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Gidc dared, Jamnagar, Gujarat, 36012', '9825271565', NULL, 'brassinsert@gmail.com', '$2y$10$0RrW737AqNptR1S5wWYZbehxxWDzVM8tx/89JrKtoOItCLQK.5uJG', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:54:08', '2022-01-04 06:50:00', 0, 0, 'de0a86ba3fa34e6da4e9330c69513c44', 'Yes', '2f7a2d3c28ce463436a6a199c38d49b7', 0, 'Air master auto industries', 'BhupendraVyas', '822', ' Jamnagar Gujarat', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>We are manufacturer of brass, stainless steel,mild steel and copper turning and forged comments for various purposes like auto parts ,plumbing pipes joint, telecommunication system, etc.</p><p> Our company located at jamnagar city well known as brass city in India.</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(890, 'Rajkumar Singhal', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '3406, 3rd floor, D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh    NEW DELHI, 110005', '9312206809', NULL, 'singhmancine@gmail.com', '$2y$10$hakbWJ/sMnfNjmHa/rUyuO4WP1sEG8K/9yPtBfjynNwz63E/.RHSC', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:55:22', '2022-01-04 06:50:16', 0, 0, '27ecff358c13889c792a56a2c1341947', 'Yes', 'e8ff9748b965a707463ad5c2046ca3b4', 0, 'Singhman Cine Ad Pvt Ltd', 'RajkumarSinghal', '823', ' NEW DELHI DELHI', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>All type of printing related products and services as follow</p><p>Printing of books, Manuals, leflets, brouchers etc</p><p>stickers, labels, veriable data printing and many more as per buyers requirement</p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(891, 'Danesh Maingade', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'NULL', '9082378523', NULL, 'Firefeatherindia@gmail.com', '$2y$10$R7.Xy6VpQM/6U9jmrcpA0em8bIdM0058r6CrJeIi5BVJHF0wbf/p2', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:55:46', '2022-01-04 06:51:11', 0, 0, '53810870adf2e995f40b9c6124e613a2', 'Yes', 'bf568ca971e2382af27d89f1dd3b99de', 0, 'Fire Feather', 'DaneshMaingade', '824', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(892, 'Ruchika Jain', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '7572969461', NULL, 'Jainrhea13@yahoo.in', '$2y$10$iXdvlWrrj0bruvACI4eeUeMlWXMvaWxxrebXb.Co49VzSTvTdSU5.', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:56:32', '2022-01-04 06:51:27', 0, 0, 'd852e7e91af2fd53f3f43880de02abd4', 'Yes', '466576cfefe5b67d7bd836d150269925', 0, 'Me the lifestyle', 'Ruchikajain', '825', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(893, 'Hiren Vasani', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9726637773', NULL, 'utsavsarees1@gmail.com', '$2y$10$4RBigAsC0mZWTVYeVZflqepN9EGbNQtuEL6zntBh.IErqH6CgRrbu', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:57:17', '2022-01-04 06:51:44', 0, 0, '385d3c39b033e47c0eb4213d8247e8fa', 'Yes', 'f08a0f5405f11b8f253528c1507b2eb1', 0, 'utsav sarees', 'hirenvasani', '826', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(894, 'Sntl India', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9216573565', NULL, 'rakeshchauhan2011@yahoo.com', '$2y$10$gQOpTNrxoc0wMebriEnIj.bLeWUFcoBkVLgZU0sAOztEMyFLXyCfK', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:58:07', '2022-01-04 06:51:59', 0, 0, 'b491041b2f11abb2b2a10cd963d43bc5', 'Yes', 'fc8377c4e1121ce8e8e7bc8188ab39f5', 0, 'Sntl india pvt Ltd website sntl.in', 'SNTLINDIa', '827', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(895, 'Mohammed Wasim', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9088195005', NULL, 'shiven1304@gmail.com', '$2y$10$E4mwGxHBsTf//fKVaFWtY.Dnf7GkUd2HKQFwbRwOyYtsqH0CRKKwK', NULL, '2022-01-03 09:59:35', '2022-01-04 06:52:13', 0, 0, '2b6799ddaaad93f0c2c98802192b4644', 'Yes', 'fc39cc09f42283cf2c7cf7394a79b0ae', 0, 'Bluebird bags', 'MohammedWasim', '828', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(896, 'Adil Khan', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '88 /438 chaman ganj kanpur    kanpur    u.p    20801', '8299821066', NULL, 'ZAININTL777@GMAIL.COM', '$2y$10$E6B1ntqSaYH5S.JbdbjZ3evn9SLgYCJAoQ6ROFYJwQRswcO64YY2W', NULL, '2022-01-03 10:00:29', '2022-01-04 06:52:26', 0, 0, 'e91628825ed4c8543123ffee2a5cc77b', 'Yes', '24d688bf92530300bba25d3e49132d0e', 0, 'KHIZARD WORLDWIDE', 'ADIL KHAN', '829', ' kanpur u.p', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '<p>KHIZARD WORLDWIDE is registered manufacturing/ exporting company </p><p>Manufacturing of leather and leather goods</p><p>specialization in horse riding goods like saddles ,harnesses ,rugs etc etc  </p><p>Manufacturing and exporting all kind of dog and cat collars ,,equine products ,fashion bag belts ,shoes ,uppers ,dog food items   </p>', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),
(897, 'Bhupendra Singh', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'India', '9778919302', NULL, 'jpsingh.jph@gmail.com', '$2y$10$y5rcMCPdOEiY6iNwFYX5Vuczgc.FxgUmEZ7UGcjMJXNCL1Sh5oPf6', NULL, '2022-01-03 10:01:33', '2022-01-04 06:52:42', 0, 0, '7598c7af1c8950cf9b9a3e052814d394', 'Yes', '69ca3dfd0b75a1385b4671f077f94a43', 0, 'J P Handloom', 'BhupendraSingh', '830', '  ', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '2024-01-04', 0, '0.00'),

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