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140K France Data No Pass 

No Pass 140K France Data
May 21, 2023
Reaction score
a sample what it contains

INSERT INTO `fp_espclient` (`cl_identifiant`, `cl_fm_codeclient`, `cl_nom`, `cl_prenom`, `cl_adresse1`, `cl_adresse2`, `cl_adresse3`, `cl_comte`, `cl_codepostal`, `cl_ville`, `cl_pays`, `cl_email`, `cl_telephone1`, `cl_telephone2`, `cl_codeconnexion`, `cl_numcarte`, `cl_abo_gps`, `cl_langue`, `cl_activation`, `cl_gps_autor`, `cl_gps_trans`, `cl_gps_montant`, `cl_derniereconnexion`, `cl_dateachatgps`, `cl_datecreation`, `civilite`, `club`, `federation`, `password`, `etat`, `cl_derniereadhesion`, `FM_IMPORT`, `PACK99`, `NOM_LOUEUR`, `DATE_DEBUT_LOC`, `DATE_MAJ`, `date_maj_email`, `date_maj_adresse`, `RGPD_CONSENTEMENT`, `RGPD_NEWSLETTER`, `RGPD_PARTENAIRES`, `DATE_ACTIVATION`, `ESPACE_LOUEUR`, `VALIDITE_CLIENT`) VALUES
(48616, '152351', 'CATTEAU', 'JEAN-CHARLES', NULL, NULL, '14 Ter chem Fort des Montboucons', NULL, '25000', 'BESANCON', '7', '', NULL, NULL, 'G42GP31', '081774', NULL, 'FR', 'Oui', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2018-10-01 18:44:44', NULL, '2014-05-30 12:36:58', 'Monsieur', NULL, NULL, '901a83c619881cf0c9a59d832aab2ff34b6a61f5610c5fc325527a4643f4cfca', 1, 2021, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2020-08-09 17:08:40', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(48618, NULL, 'Eberhardt', 'Waldemar', NULL, NULL, 'Hanweilerstr. 31', NULL, '71404', 'Korb', '1', '', NULL, NULL, 'A7235A4', '208415', NULL, 'DE', 'Oui', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2021-01-16 19:11:04', NULL, '2014-05-30 12:39:16', 'Monsieur', NULL, NULL, '697cc74dea6cd2d0ecc4ef1af2fdd26ec2502a42e699289cd59eda8241a5f0a9', 1, 2021, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2021-01-16 19:11:04', NULL, '2017-12-12 18:31:10', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(48619, '237624', 'BECHER', 'BRIGITTE', NULL, NULL, 'LE BUHARAY', NULL, '22240', 'LA BOUILLIE', '7', '', '0668247416', NULL, 'A5Z68A6', '157813', NULL, 'FR', 'Oui', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2021-02-26 16:23:37', NULL, '2014-05-30 13:04:01', 'Madame', NULL, NULL, '0552ae92fbdaa8e30f6ea018fd679da39258d1aee394e767f3f9e67fe70f0ef3', 1, 2021, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2021-02-26 16:23:37', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),

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Thank you excellent sharing !!!
I think this database come from the website france-passion[.]c0m
  • Post hidden due to user being banned.
Thkx Daniel,

Where does this come from ? And how old is it ?
Is it a compilation done from you or what ?
Can you repost the link plz ? anonfiles down now
Cannot wait to check this leak ;)

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