
  1. bAAhacker

    Request any database?

    So lately Ive been compromising accounts of because their passwords were leaked on various databases. Is there something to have a full database of
  2. canaryme

    Request The Icmr Database

    You guys have the ICMR database? Thanks
  3. a_bunny

    Request Request For Re-Upload / Seeds: Twitter 200M Database

    Hi, there were multiple posts of the twitter 200M leak but none of the links, nor the magnet link is working. If you have it could you please reupload it / seed the torrent? Magnet Link I have (without seeds currently): *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden...
  4. gen0s

    Request Request: Cyber Insurance Data

    I am looking for dbs from Cyber insurance companies
  5. Questions Is Anyone Here Need Partners?

    Hi mate! Do you need partner? I have no choice again in doin legal stuff, im doin hacking for more than 5 years reach me out if u need me Thanks
  6. Request 200M Twitter Scraped Data No Pass Link

    Is there a way i can find this link Current magnet on the forum has no seeders, hacx link is broken If not, is there a way i can resolve handle to email thanks
  7. kartoffel670

    Request Database

    Hi, I am looking for the full database (not any dehashed email:pass subset). Thanks!
  8. axiggit

    Questions Does Anyone Know How Can I Get The Request Login Krunker For Openbullet Config

    does anyone know how can i get the request login krunker for openbullet config
  9. baba_yaga

    Request Usb Redirector Technician Edition License Key

    Hello everyone, i am looking for usb redirector technician edition license key lifetime , can anyone have it??
  10. kartoffel670

    Request Terravision Database 2023

    Does anybody have the Terravision database from the leak in february of 2023? Thanks!
  11. Request Need Help To Crack Some Hashes Of Leaked Databases

    Hey, I downloaded the databases of Wattpad, Descomplica and Aptoide and there's an account I want to get the password. If I'm correct Aptoid utilizes SHA256 or SHA1 Hash but I could crack it. Here's the HASHES: Password's hash(aptoide)...
  12. Closed [Request] Chegg 2018 Db

    Looking to get the Chegg 2018 db, anyone have it?
  13. Request Turkey Traffic Accidents Data

    Does anyone have data on traffic accidents in Turkey?
  14. Request I Need Instagram Account

    Hi everyone im lookin' for an Instagram account created in 2014 or before , if you have please send me and thanks!
  15. splizapp

    Log:Pass Request:

    do anyone have db of this site: thankyou appreciated.
  16. anonfam

    Request Looking For Canada Phone Numbers Telegram @Fam1Fam

    PM me lets Talk
  17. hiep1408

    Questions Data Phone Vietnam

    I need to data phone vietnam
  18. randomspot

    Request Watchfinder & Co. Database Request

    Hello all, I need Watchfinder & Co. Database Leaked Late 2022 or any large watches shop leak Thank you
  19. Akous

    Request Opt-In Data

    hello im looking for opt in data if you can share it or your TG
  20. kioo

    Request Vakinha Database

    I'm looking for "Vakinha" database its a brazilian site. If someone can send the download I would be very happy
  21. machiagod

    Request Database Csv

    looking for database CSV thanks.
  22. stackero

    Request Looking For Naz.api Compilation

    I don't think it was a leak but a log compilation. it was a source on 0t dot rocks before the site was taken down. i had never seen it anywhere except for there. thx!
  23. bvaler

    Request Looking For Deezer 229M Db

    According to the leak's dated to mid 2019, does anyone have this dump?
  24. Lithixkride

    Request Help

    I was looking in a leaked database and I found the password to the email/user that I was looking for. The problem is that it's formatted like this: c2NyeXB0AA4AAAAIAAAAAfYTXhD4Jz1ETfwNiMssghLKYVSRuy4F6/0cMcN8PrCgscPHjyfzGzxdDrRvc2vBCtmAaTmYciUQKmDBBmt/cOA3d76XX198OFyy40HC+Gyg I have no idea what...
  25. vexqo

    Request Searching For German Mailpass Lists

    looking for good german lists, if quali is good will pay u good cash
  26. jogging7721

    Request Closed Request : Collection #1-2 + Antipublic [Found]

    Hello, Does any of you have a link to share for : Collection #1 & Collection #2 - #5 Antipublic ? Magnet link or whatever Thanks a lot :)
  27. BillyMays8

    Request Looking for pCloud database

    Looking for user: pass database, I know I have seen it around.
  28. Request Request

    Hi Anyone have new crypto or trading websites databases?
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