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  1. 1.8M+ Japan B2B Leads DatabaseCloud 

    1.8M+ Japan B2B Leads Database consist of name, email company details, position, phone number etc. Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  2. Skunk#1 14.700 Users.Csv Mix 

    Free for Community Leaks: COUNTRY: Vietnam INDUMP: 14.700 users with Full info. INLINES id users_id company email_address firstname lastname number_house road sub_district district province country zipcode phone tax_no created_at updated_at COMPANY INFO iToolmart is an...
  3. Skunk#1 Data 1300 Users + Api KeyCsv EU Mix DATE: 10.06.24 LINES: 1300 Users + Api Key FREE COUNTRY: United Kingdom INDUMP: id name avatar authkey wallet role email phone otp otp_expired_at phone_verified_at address email_verified_at password status meta plan plan_id cc_customer_id will_expire remember_token created_at...
  4. Skunk#1 Data 41.700 Students/China.Xlsx Csv Mix 

    LEAKS: DATE: 08.06.24 INDUMP: 41.700 Students INLINE: id student_id name headimgurl serial campus_id campus_id_copy status trystatus trystatus_date is_exception_out qrcode birthday sex smstel open_id_back created_at updated_at smstel open_id FORMAT: XLSX / CSV FORMAT FILE...
  5. Skunk#1 Data 2.600 Sys User + 100.000 Customers.Csv Mix 

    LEAKS: DATE: 07.06.24 LINES: 2.600 sys user + 100.000 customers with invoice and ticket COUNTRY: Thailand INDUMP: id seat_id invoice_number invoice_refnumber invoice_date agency agency_name agency_address agency_telephone agency_fax agency_email officer officer_name officer_email...
  6. 290K Switzerland B2B Leads DatabaseCloud 

    290K Switzerland B2B Leads Database consist of name, email company details, position, phone number etc. -=Stripped Content=-
  7. Skunk#1

    Leaks: Dump 80.000 Users+Email.Csv Mail:Pass 

    LEAKS: DATE: 31.05.24 COUNTRY: World LINES: 80.000 users id username mobileNo email password userType level parentId...
  8. 11500 UsersCloud Mix 

    LEAKS DATE: 28.05.24 Country United States City San Francisco Breached By @x1x0m0m LINES: 11500 users Includes: 11500 Users Data In This Format :id,email,firstname,lastname,role_id,password,mobile_phone,property_address1,property_address2...
  9. Health Care Db Ssn 428No Pass 

    SSN|429210405|Debra||Pruitt||10/14/1960|Gender|F|1542 South 16th Section Road|City|Monticello|State|AR|Zip|71655|Email|| SSN|429218137|Margrite||Grider||10/02/1956|Gender|F|408 East Maple St|City|Hermitage|State|AR|Zip|71647|Email||...
  10. Dump/ Leaks Data.brasil.Mail:Pass Cloud 

    LEAKS: DATE: 22.05.24 LINES: 80 000 users with full info COUNTRY: Brasil NDUMP: id name avatar authkey wallet role email phone otp otp_expired_at phone_verified_at address email_verified_at password status meta plan plan_id cc_customer_id will_expire remember_token created_at...
  11.| Free Dump.leaks 

    LEAKS: DATE: 23.05.24 LINES: 1300 Users + Api Key COUNTRY: United Kingdom INDUMP: id name avatar authkey wallet role email phone otp otp_expired_at phone_verified_at address email_verified_at password status meta plan plan_id cc_customer_id will_expire remember_token created_at...
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