
  1. Good_bases

    Csv Halara.com 941k lines

    Lines: 941000+ Data: addressId,Name ,Mobile number,Address,Countrycode,Country,Firstname,Lastname,State,City,,Postcode,Address,Address2 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  2. Sql Cloud [IRAN] Iran's biggest social media app NAZDIKA_ALL PRIVATE MESSAGES

    --> Only available at xploitleaks -> ONE OF THE BIGGEST DB EVER FROM IRAN --> Biggest Social Media Platform in IRAN - NAZDIKA --> Data size 150GB+ --> DATABASE CONTENT --> Private conversations between users --> Private Shared media files --> Personal phone numbers associated with USER...
  3. Questions find gemotest.ru

    find gemotest.ru , I really need this base . Dump from 2023, links do not work Data 2023
  4. CybrG0AT

    Request Bying cybercrime related dumps

    Looking for any private (non-jurassic) dumps of fraud/hacking/c-ar d ing related shops/markets or other cybercrime associated services/forums or providers of dedicated resources for this fields.
  5. axiggit

    Log:Pass X3200 Valıd Hotmaıls 08/12/2024 ✅

    X3200 VALID HOTMAILS *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  6. BreachForu

    Sql Cloud Full Dump 1Win

    Full Dump 1Win -=Stripped Content=-
  7. Request Database Help

    Does anyone has database of crypto investors or similar, dm me or awnser to this, I would need full name ssn, address etc
  8. No Pass Valid Looking For Eth Dumps "Mail:ethadress"

    Hello, Im looking for this kind of data: mail:ethadress kylax007@gmail.com:0xcd53D26093dC93F3cE5d956DA3e3C5E9187A8996 livianec89@gmail.com:0x3284b6b83DB03CaE990fa363F9a655f7ad88B35C lapikura1@gmail.com:0x8322399C69FD5a4A073B5A48B99cd509f7Ab9B69...
  9. Skunk#1

    Csv Cloud Mix Makipos.la/ Leaks 1.000.000 Customers.

    FREE AND EXCLUSIVE Leaks: makipos.la COUNTRY: Ecuador Founded in 2019 1.000.000 customers / FULL_DUMP UNZIP 26 GB all documents and files all system users. Information technology & services INLINES
  10. violeur222

    Dehashed Cloud Credits Doxbin Scrap Leak [ Database ]

    hello there ! Here is my Doxbin scrap Database, Enjoy it ! Informations : 2 Cr to unlock. Download from Pixeldrain ( best one ) <3 -=Stripped Content=-
  11. Unboy

    Game Game Base

    A very good game base, maybe there is a valid one) thx -=Stripped Content=-
  12. Skunk#1

    Xlsx Mix Devstore.viapos.io/Full Dump Free/Leaks Data Base

    LEAKS: devstore.viapos.io DATE: 06.06.24 FULL_DUMP_FREE 4 GB INLINE: id name email email_verified_at password remember_token created_at updated_at active is_admin last_name role is_employee emp_id COMPANY INFO: Fast, Simple & Easy Running a restaurant is far from simple. We made our app for your...
  13. Sql Mix Arcangel.com Sql

    arcangel.com Dump date 04.2024 SQL (accounts, leads) 176MB unpacked *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** If link is expiried send me msg and I will reupload it!
  14. REDD

    Log:Pass Mail:Pass Valid Cloud 29.5K Europe Maıl Access Fresh Prıvate Dump Premıum Hıts For All Targets

    29.5K EUROPE MAIL ACCESS FRESH PRIVATE DUMP PREMIUM HITS FOR ALL TARGETS *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  15. REDD

    Usa Mail:Pass Valid Cloud 8.7K Usa Prıvate Fresh Dump Maıl Access Premıum

    8.7K USA PRIVATE FRESH DUMP MAIL ACCESS PREMIUM *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  16. REDD

    Accs 7000X Germany Accounts ✨Not Raped ⭐| Premıum - Private 100% | Full Access ⭐✨

    7000X GERMANY Accounts not raped *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  17. Mail:Pass Game Shop 240Kk Mixed Dump Dbs 21-22

    240kk mixed dbs -=Stripped Content=-
  18. Seme2022

    Dehashed Mail:Pass Btc Dump Coingeko New

    DUMP coingeko NEW *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  19. Cloud Palestine Phones

    I have a dump of Palestine phones
  20. 200K Corps Mails Free Combo Fresh

    200k CORPS Mails free combo fresh https://dropmefiles.com/OoAcn
  21. EU Dehashed Mail:Pass Game Valid Mix Shop Mail Pass Combo Free Eu Mix 150K

    free combo https://dropmefiles.com/t4ooF
  22. passchanger

    Doc How To Dump Databases

    hello, please give a like *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  23. codex

    Cloud Qatar National Bank (Qnb) 2015 Databases

    This is a data leak for the Qatar National Bank (QNB), It was last updated at 2015, including many databases. Info. - [🎯] Target website https://qatarnationalbank.com. - [🗂️] Most databases in this leak are .CSV or .XLSX formats. - [💾] Leak size 1.36 GB. - [🔢] 15,460 files and 116 folders. -...
  24. korol.khabie

    Brazzers.com 800K Db (2019)

    Brazzers.com 800k db (leak 2019) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** enjoy
  25. NumberPass

    Request I Need Num:pass Dump

    Hello , I am constantly looking for numbers and pass lines where I can do business I want fresh unsold custom dumpsters Please submit test first TG : numberrpass
  26. bvaler

    Request Looking For Deezer 229M Db

    According to haveibeenpwned.com the leak's dated to mid 2019, does anyone have this dump?
  27. izanabi

    6.8M Usa Fresh Privat

    6.8m usa fresh privat -=Stripped Content=-
  28. phasd

    Sql No Pass Mix Random Database

    Fresh Random Database Dumped by ph03n1x69 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** ▶️ Random Database dumped from PHPMyAdmin. ◀️ Until next time. ./Peace
  29. Ico Crypto Dump [Maıl:pass]

    good for crypto and other *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  30. Privatedata

    10 000 000 CORP MAIL-PASS

    10 000 000 CORP MAIL-PASS https://anonfiles.com/Ych2z2V3y3/10_000_000_CORP_txt
  31. Privatedata

    Mail:Pass Mix 2 300 000 CORP

    2 300 000 CORP https://anonfiles.com/T4B4o6M8y0/2_300_000_CORP_txt
  32. blackdevil12

    Accs Indonesia DB Leak User and Password Dumped Fresh - Hashed

    Hello Leakbase, this is my second thread that i created to you guys, so just for you that interested on Indonesian users data that still hashed, you can crack it or use it for your db collecting on your bruteforce tool. I got this from sql injection mass dumping. Enjoy Guys :) *** Hidden text...
  33. Link Dead Crypto money dump

    btc.txt - AnonFiles[/REPLYTHANKS] Crypto dump from 2020
  34. Acedia

    Csv No Pass Mgm Resorts Guest Database With 10M+ Records

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  35. Hash Dump Substack.com

    Substack.com 1.4 miilion login - mail - pass ( hash:salt ) *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  36. OrderCheck

    Dehashed graffitispub.com | DEHASHED | BY LILMAMA

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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