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  1. m2ma

    Canadian Forex Company Client DatabaseXlsx Cloud 

    ~50k Canadian Forex Company Client Database Download Link: -=Stripped Content=-
  2. asepkuntuls

    [Indonesia] Nık/Kk : Citizen Data Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (Ntb)Cloud 

    Citizen Data Nusa Tenggara Barat Province (NTB) Leak! NIK, KK, Name, Gender, Work, Blood type, Religion, Status, Address. Link Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. shinnp

    570K Indonesian Database ( )Cloud Credits 

    570k Indonesian Database ( ) Name, Anddress, Phone Number, Email, Anddress. example of leak (213741, 'j2048156', 'jessica s', '1988-08-10', 'P', 'sukamulya', '081809054789', '', '2021-03-15 11:18:29', ''); (213742, 't0468935', 'tiara'...
  4. passchanger

    Minecraft Server Databases In One File (Server:name:hash:salt) 2GbGame 

    server like hydracraft, sololegends, dynamicpvp, hycraft, etc. -=Stripped Content=-
  5. axiggit

    Snusbase User:pass All Valıd!!Log:Pass 

    Snusbase USER:PASS Scraped By @cleanest *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  6. nicolth

    Rucs Peru - Name, Emails, Telephone-Numbers +13Millions RowsCloud 

    File size: 1.31GB Rows: +13 millions Image Download link: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** .rar-password: nicolth ----- for m0re datab4ses, my telegrm: nicolth or send private message ! datab4ses-image int3rbnk-image
  7. 120K German DatabaseMix 

    Random 120k German Database. Could be hq. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  8. Tuan1337

    Anime Planet Data BreachCloud 

    In approximately 2016, the anime website Anime-Planet suffered a data breach that impacted 369k subscribers. The exposed data included usernames, IP and email addresses, dates of birth and passwords stored as unsalted MD5 hashes and for newer accounts, bcrypt hashes. Compromised data: Dates of...
  9. Malaysia / / Master Chris-Leong's Platform / Customers+Orders / 27K / 2024Csv Cloud 

    Malaysia / / Master Chris-Leong's Platform / Customers+Orders / 27k / 2024 In August 2024, the website of Master Chris Leong "a leading Tit Tar practitioner in Malaysia" suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 27k unique email addresses along with names, physical addresses...
  10. Looking For Mgm Grand Hotel Database From 2019Request 

    Hey, anyone have mirror to this database or can upload this for me? Regards
  11. Uk / / Popular Spyware Platform / Customers / 2.3M / 2024Cloud 

    UK / / Popular Spyware Platform / Customers / 2.3M / 2024 In June 2024, a huge trove of data from spyware maker mSpy was obtained by hacktivists and published online. Comprising of 142GB of user data and support tickets along with 176GB of more than half a million attachments, the data...
  12. dataexpx

    Crunchbase Database 10-10-2024 In CsvNo Pass 

    Crunchbase Database 10-10-2024 in CSV companies_column_names uuid,name,type,primary_role,domain,homepage_url,logo_url,facebook_url,twitter_url,linkedin_url,city,region,country_code,short_description companies_rows_count: 3,426,618 filename: organizations.csv Size: 1.7 GB Download Link...
  13. 43tea4rgae

    Chinese Students Info 3MMix 

    Containing fields: name, school name, phone number Rows: 3,000,000 *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** -=Stripped Content=- contact me if ur interested and want more, especially chinese ones feel free to ask cuz prize is...
  14. AKM023

    20X Usa Dl Sets Front + Back + Ssn Etc.Cloud 

    USA DL x20 |With Holding Selfie And SSN| -=Stripped Content=- *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  15. Collection Of CombosMail:Pass 

    link : magnet:?xt=urn:btih:186a1128287c608a0a3c2bb515ec558683707fef&dn=combos&tr=udp://
  16. AKM023

    6M Portugal Largest National Airline-Customers-CsvDehashed Cloud 

    6M Portugal Largest National Airline-Customers-CSV *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  17. 43tea4rgae

    China Shanghai Suishenma Leak 5M | 2023 |Mix 

    Lines: 5M Containing Fields: scantime,isforeigner,bz,xtly,companyname,name,card,sjh,color,scanmethod,scanjd,scanwd This is a health code used by china during the wuhan epidemic. Containing basic info for chinese citzens on scan using this code *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights...
  18. Database HelpRequest 

    Does anyone has database of crypto investors or similar, dm me or awnser to this, I would need full name ssn, address etc
  19. Mouseduweb1

    Database LdlcRequest 

    Voici la db ldlc que tous le monde attend *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. saraneo

    Facebook Portugal DatabaseNo Pass 

    This database was downloaded from the 2021 Facebook breach and got the dupes cleaned. It contains portuguese names, birthdates, phone numbers, FB ID and locations. Download it here.*** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** -=Stripped...
  21. 100M Database Url-User-PassLog:Pass 

    HEre is the link for download
  22. ChumboGov

    Brazılıan Data Leak 2024Cloud 

    more than 200K of information leaks of data from Brazilian people and companies, various information such as CPF CNPJ NOME IDADE TELEFONE EMAIL PESSOA FISICA PESSOA JURIDICA JURIDICA File formats : .csv .xls .db -=Stripped Content=-
  23. princaydgmai

    Cannabis Com Gigs Of Sql Data ReadyCloud 

    Back in 2019, a significant security breach impacted, leading to the exposure of gigabytes of sensitive SQL data. This breach goes beyond the typical data leak, involving far more than just basic contact information. The compromised data includes home addresses, identification...
  24. princaydgmai

    🔥 Portugal Locatefamily Data Breach: 85,847 Records Exposed! 🔥EU Cloud 

    💀 A significant data breach has surfaced, exposing the personal details of 85,847 individuals in a CSV file associated with The leaked information includes names, phone numbers, and complete addresses of residents from Portugal. 😈 This dataset offers critical insights into...
  25. zhbo1983

    Baihe Website Users Info LeakMix 

    format: csv lines: sample: "id","username","name","realname","phone","email","password" "1","EricLiu","EricLiu","ericliu","","","9755DD05564EAD9EADCACE40B5A02711" "2","山涧流水","","山涧流水","","","6BB518D1A42F22DA5CA62D5EE41C5D4F"...
  26. Dc419

    [ #Italy Database Leak ]Sql Csv Cloud 

    [ #Italy DataBase Leak ] ========================== # Target : # SIZE : 693.Ko # Format : sql # Total Lines : 1K # The Compromised Data Includes [`id`, `name`, `email`, `password`, `api_token`, `device_token`, `stripe_id`, `card_brand`, `card_last_four`, `trial_ends_at`...
  27. itmakretmsa

    9 Gb Leads For All PeopleCloud 

    Hope you will like all the leads check them all hope them all work fine
  28. Pretty Good CollectionMix 

    Here's the link :
  29. LKRLokura

    Celulares Brasıl AccessCloud 

    Leaked from 360M B2B And 10M Brazilian Phones
  30. 2000188002

    Cannondesign Massive Database LeakCloud 

    CannonDesign The amount of data reaches 2000 Gb and includes: - Databases(Argos7, cd-estimating02, cd-cortexsql01, cd-ostakeoff, cd-tipsqlprod, cd-intsql01 etc ) - Works - Projects - Hiring - Client Documents - Marketing - Quality - IT-Infrastructure etc...
  31. Again Some More GoodsNo Pass 

    here are more email:pass all spain, in total 1m+ pls leave like and reaction for me :) xXx download_linkdownload_link
  32. Meyyit

    I'm Looking For Turkey Databases Are There Who Can Give Them To Me?Request 

    Vehicle Licence Plate Database Title Deed Database Workplace Database Driving Licence Passport Database (At least from 2023) Telephone Database, Facebook Instagram Tiktok Database Identity Generator, University Database, Fake MIT Personal Identity Generator, Fake Identity Generator Health...
  33. Meyyit

    Turkey DataRequest 

    Güncel Türkiye ile ilgili data verebilecek varmı acil?
  34. CryptoDead

    1 Million Brazil Citizen DatabasesCloud 

    1 Million Brazilian Citizenship Database It is a database of 1 million people containing the information of Brazilian citizens leaked in 2023 LINK: -=Stripped Content=-
  35. Meyyit

    20K Turkey Email Pass New DataCloud 

    Dosyayı İndir 20K Türkiye E-posta Geçişi YENİ Veri *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  36. Meyyit

    1Xbet 360K Data TurkeyCloud 

    xlxs file [ŞARJ=8] [/ŞARJ]
  37. Meyyit

    Turkey Leaked DatabaseRequest 

    Is there anyone who can give me turkey data? current telephone number
  38. 3.8M-India-HathwayCloud 

    Breach date: 17 December 2023 Date added to HIBP: 12 January 2024 Compromised accounts: 4,670,080 Compromised data: Device information, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Salutations, Support tickets -=Stripped Content=-
  39. Usa / / Popular Spyware Platform / Members+Location / 138K / 2024Cloud 

    In May 2024, the spyware service pcTattletale suffered a data breach that defaced the website and posted tens of gigabytes of data to the homepage, allegedly due to pcTattletale not responding to a previous security vulnerability report. The breach exposed data including membership records...
  40. 200M Twitter Scraped Data No Pass LinkRequest 

    Is there a way i can find this link Current magnet on the forum has no seeders, hacx link is broken If not, is there a way i can resolve handle to email thanks
  41. blo6

    قاعدة بيانات اندونيسيا | Indonesia DatabaseCloud 

    دج ولا تهج 😂 ✌️ enjoy *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  42. blo6

    تسريب قاعدة بيانات كوستاريكا | Costa Rica Database LeakCloud 

    قاعدة بيانات كوستاريكا | قاعدة بيانات كوستاريكا فلأمها ✌️😂 استمتع *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  43. WaterMan

    Bangladesh Navy Military Mail Inbox DumpCloud 

    Chill ! -=Stripped Content=- For More qTox - 55478E2FE11FC3070FB76BF4B8BF7B1BCD10A42C9F56ECED400576C599978B398B48951E7E28
  44. Dc419

    Leaks : Modellismosantomartino.itCloud 

    [ 🇮🇹 Database ] ========================== [ Leaks : ] [ COUNTRY : Italy ] [ DATE : 29.06.2024 ] [ SIZE : 1.42 mb ] [ LINES : 15,760 ] [ Type : csv ] [INLINES : "Id;Titolo sociale;Nome;Cognome;Indirizzo email;Promozione;Attivato;Newsletter;Offerte dei...
  45. Dc419

    [ Brasil Database : ]Cloud 

    [ Brasil Database ] ========================== [ Leaks : ] [ COUNTRY : Brasil ] [ DATE : 29.06.2024 ] [ SIZE : 1.77 mb ] [ LINES : 6,014 ] [ Type : csv ]...
  46. kntolhitam

    HyattRequest Questions 

  47. slimestick

    Has Anyone Ever Leaked The Db Of Discord Before?Questions 

    I am just wondering if it has ever been leaked or even just the smallest
  48. Dc419

    [ Database 🇩🇰 (Denmark) ]Cloud Closed 

    [ DataBase 🇩🇰 (Denmark) ] ========================== [ Total lines : 2k ] [ Type : csv ] [ Data includes ...
  49. Best Free Intelx Competıtor Database Lookup Bot [Hot, New]News 

    How to access? Go on telegram and message @haxxinBot How much free access do I have? 7 Days, upon no previous interaction.
  50. violeur222

    Doxbin Scrap Leak [ Database ]Dehashed Cloud Credits 

    hello there ! Here is my Doxbin scrap Database, Enjoy it ! Informations : 2 Cr to unlock. Download from Pixeldrain ( best one ) <3 -=Stripped Content=-
  51. violeur222

    Whatsapp Database Leak [ Europe ] Compressed !Cloud 

    Hey guys im sharing with you my Whatsapp database with multiple country in europe !! 3cr to unlock ! -=Stripped Content=-
  52. Unboy

    Game BaseGame 

    A very good game base, maybe there is a valid one) thx -=Stripped Content=-
  53. TanyaLogs

    Pairlife Online Shopping Db - IndiaMix Leaked From TanyaLogs Format: .csv E-wallets with balances and with withdrawal history. Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  54. Skunk#1 Damp/Leaks Data 13.500 Users.Csv Mail:Pass Mix 

    💵FREE for Community! 🔗 Leaks: DATE: 17.06.2024 COUNTRY: India INDUMP: 13.500 users FORMAT: CSV INLINES: id userId name username email password sample_password contact @fbi_gov No address1 address2 gender dob bloodGroup deviceName deviceId deviceToken playerId remarks...
  55. How To Conver .Json To Csv Or .Parsed To CsvQuestions 

    does anyone know How to conver .json to csv or .parsed to csv or any software for the same. thanks in advance
  56. WaterMan

    Ministry Of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom Of Saudi ArabiaCloud 

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Contains : 1.4 Million personals information Breached : size : 600+mb uncompressed old data was released recently Samples ...
  57. WaterMan

    Valentıno User Emails Sql - Valentino.comSql 

    `valentino_users` (`id`, `user_id`, `email`, `registered_at` Quote: (612, 0, '', NULL), (613, 0, '', NULL), (614, 0, '', NULL), (615, 2357931, '', 1698820028), (619, 0...
  58. Spain / / Online Clothing Retailer / Customers / 339K / 2020Cloud 

    Spain / / Online Clothing Retailer / Customers / 339k / 2020 In January 2020, the online clothing retailer Pampling suffered a data breach that exposed 383k unique customer email addresses. The data was later shared on a popular hacking forum and also included names, usernames and...
  59. Dota 2 2016Game 

    Hi, Please find below the Dota 2 breach from 2016. -=Stripped Content=-
  60. German / / Fitness Nutrition Store / Customers / 2021 / 427KCloud 

    In October 2021, data from the German fitness supplies store Fitmart was obtained and later redistributed online. The data included 214k unique email addresses accompanied by plain text passwords, allegedly "dehashed" from the original stored version Breach date: 1 October 2021 Date added to...
  61. Need Uk DbRequest 

    I need United Kingdom DB with the following header: Address - Full Name - Phone - Date of Birth. Send me a sample with rate.
  62. 120 M Global Beauty SalonCloud 

    120 M global beauty salon,Include type_id name category telephone website email country city address *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  63. China - Household Registration Data / 6M / CsvMix 

    Rows: 6 Million Country: China Format: csv Data Fields: Affiliated, Household Registration Station, Statistical Time, Residential, Address, Code Number, Date of Birth, Gender, ID Card, Name, Mobile Number, Address, Code *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden...
  64. China - Jingdong Mall Database / / 141M / Sql / 2020Cloud 

    China - Jingdong Mall Database / / 141M / sql / 2020 Format: sql Rows: 141 Million Source: Country: China Date: 2020
  65. 19M / / German Digital Stock Agency / Usersdb / 2018Cloud 

    In February 2018, photography website EyeEm suffered a data breach. The breach was identified among a collection of other large incidents and exposed almost 20M unique email addresses, names, usernames, bios and password hashes. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who asked for it to be...
  66. Need Some Help With Uax DbRequest 

    A few days ago, I saw a leak from the database of the Spanish university UAM, and I need the one from UAX, specifically to search for a person's password. I have his name, Spanish DNI, email, phone number, etc. 1717457134 Also , I saw there is a leak from that mail on Intelligence X with the...
  67. 458K Aserbaidschan Health DataCloud 

    Below you find 458.000 user data of aserbaidschan Sharing is caring *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  68. Adobe 153MCloud 

    unlock the full adobe breach. In October 2013, 153 million Adobe accounts were breached with each containing an internal ID, username, email, encrypted password and a password hint in plain text. The password cryptography was poorly done and many were quickly resolved back to plain text. The...
  69. TanyaLogs

    Leaked Db - - 7K Customers (Dubai Grocery/Shop)Hash 

    Format: SQL Hash: Bcrypt DB's: customer.sql mobileotp.sql employee.sql cards_payment.sql Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  70. J3N1N 

    Domain : Leak Date : 2021 Download link : -=Stripped Content=-
  71. Skunk#1 | LeakCloud 

    LEAKS : DATE: 15.05.24 LINES: 50.000 users + orders.... COUNTRY: Brasil
  72. vexqo

    Looking For DatabaseQuestions 

    contact @fbi_gov me on qtox if u have qtox. DA290A3E6DE8ACAE0F180F6D34D38B78C8D3C879666D99C95DA3AF6E55BA8F54244D495A14B5

    (14K Acc) Fresh Database Tiktok.comLog:Pass Accs © Chucky 

    -=Stripped Content=-
  74. Verified B2B Data Worldwide 300KMix 

    -=Stripped Content=-
  75. Need Data From China Online Lending PlatformQuestions 

    If you need the database of China's online lending platform, please contact @fbi_gov me if you can get website data or database. Long-term cooperation.
  76. Smogon Db Leak Available Dehashed PasswordsCloud 

    Currently dehashed passwords gotten from now a dead website from last year, mix of md5 and bcrypt 188k lines, enjoy! 564_smogon_found_hash_algorithm_plain.txt -
  77. Looking For And Pdl Data BreachesQuestions 

    As the title says, looking for those two the ones i found sadly have broken links thanks ☺️
  78. Leak Database Toplinkdcs.comDehashed 

    My first leak lol 322.5 KB file on MEGA Database of (idk what is it)
  79. Need Business Leads DatabaseRequest 

    Hi, I need business owners' information databases like apollo. Is there any publicly available data available? I need USA business database. Thank you.
  80. Idf Leaks - Israel Database - Download All Files And Information Of Israel Idf - IdfCloud 

    انتقاما من قاتلي أطفال غزة Note: The file has been uploaded on different sites, if the link does not work, use the link of another site. Please share the files with others. --- MediaFire # Part 1 # Part 2...
  81. Unıversocraft DatabaseRequest 

    database universocraft *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  82. Fsbcash

    Catalunya Agricole B2B DbsCloud 

    Num. Operador Nombre Domicilio CP Poblacion Telefono1 Telefono2 FAX Email web NOP Cultivo 1433 ABADIA JUCLA, JOAN C/ SANTA MARIA, 25 25598 TREDÒS 654363510 No BARBECHO, ABONO VERDE Y...
  83. Qursan122 Data Leak IsraelNo Pass 

    INFO >> [+] COUNTRY : ISRAEL [+] WEBSITE : [+] CATOGARY : SPORTS [+] STATUS : ACTIVE [+] DATA FORMATE : SQL [+] LINES : 31K [+] FILE SIZE : 78MB DOWNLOAD LINK : *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  84. Qursan122 - Ak Digital - IsraelNo Pass 

    INFO >> [+] COUNTRY : ISRAEL [+] WEBSITE : [+] STATUS : ACTIVE [+] DATA FORMATE : TXT [+] FILE SIZE : 2MB [+] ACCOUNT NUMBER : 11K DOWNLOAD LINK : *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  85. yomiyori30

    Blankmedia Games DatabaseRequest 

    Hello, I have seen that my Email was affeceted by the Blankmedia database breach. Where could I find the leaked database? I would like to see for myself how it would look like and what kind of information they gathered about me.
  86. 8day

    Japan Business Database 360KCloud 

    [THANKS all Business data : link[/THANKS] enjoy !!
  87. 8 Milllion Leads For Business!Csv 

    - 8 Million Leads For Business! - Enjoy! - Download The Files Now! - Have A Great Day! *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** -=Stripped Content=-
  88. Database

    enjoy :) -=Stripped Content=-
  89. JustinMc

    [Rare Leaked] Linkedin Full Data 2021, 2022, 2023 35M Lines {Useful 14M}Csv Cloud Credits 

    The Database was last updated till 2023 There is 35M of lines but I found 14M of lines is useful for me (May be more for you if you can extract it well). Zip file download size: 2.73GB (12GB uncompressed) File format: CSV To download: -=Stripped Content=- Note: There are many ways you can...
  90. Data-Leak "" | IntersportRequest 

    Hi togehter, today I want to share with you sensitive customer data from "", which is a part from Intersport Europe. The platform has very weak technical restrictions that made it possible to nearly download all sensitive customer data including personal information like addresses...
  91. brembo032

    Sql Dump Indian

    Target: Catagory: Job Seekers 👷 Country: India 🇮🇳 Monthly Users: 20 Million Insert Info: Name, Phone, Email, City, Working At, Annual Salary, Occupation, Institute, Etc Good Dump *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text...
  92. Looking For Database!Questions 

    Hello, does anyone have these db? Corp.rar/rest.txt rest (8).txt 12,7.txt rest (4).txt Would appreciate any help!!
  93. Does Anyone Have The 2023 14.4M Leaked Data Of Linkedın?Questions 

    I've heard that the data is 14.4M leaked does anyone have it?
  94. f65z1d651

    France - Sevran Citizen Database [2K]

    Content: identifiant,prenom,nom,telephone,ndemobile,courriel,service,fonction,ndeposte Format: csv *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  95. Cannot PostQuestions 

    hey, does someone know why i cant post in here? i have a question about a database but it says its spam and that i need to contact @fbi_gov an admin etc someone help plz
  96. sadjasjfm

    Craftrise Database New Link [Repost As Request]Mix 

    CraftRise database [repost] Turkish Minecraft Server Account, Username, password, Email In May 2023, news broke of a data breach of the Turkish Minecraft server known as CraftRise. The data of over 2.5M users was subsequently shared on a popular hacking forum and included email addresses...
  97. oxoi

    Connect-Vpn.netLink Dead 

    sql data base for *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  98. Xenonious

    Help With Intelligence_XQuestions 

    Hello, I accidentally found out that my sister's ex-boyfriend somehow got access to her email agent and now he sending threatening letters from there to her work colleagues and friends. Besides, this man has somehow blocked the ability to change the password. The support service is inactive at...
  99. dataexpx

    Peopledatalabs_416MNo Pass 

    PeopleDataLabs_416M datasets in Json PeopleDataLabs_416M.json.7z
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