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  1. Need Help To Crack Some Hashes Of Leaked DatabasesRequest 

    Hey, I downloaded the databases of Wattpad, Descomplica and Aptoide and there's an account I want to get the password. If I'm correct Aptoid utilizes SHA256 or SHA1 Hash but I could crack it. Here's the HASHES: Password's hash(aptoide)...
  2. jackhvh

    Hash And Salt DecryptQuestions 

    How people usually get password from a SQL db leak that contains only hashed pass and a salt? A db leak was provided from a friend and theres a ton of vip users from a popular forum, i just need to crack one login but im not sure how to do it
  3. THE_KSO New ConfigConfig 

    Enjoy !![/REPLYTHANKS]
  4. THE_KSO

    Svb Config Shahid Vip

    -=Stripped Content=-
  5. THE_KSO

    New Netflıx ConfıgConfig 

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  6. THE_KSO

    Hack Any Wifi Password With 1 Click !Hacking Methods 

    Install the first one then open the second you dont need any USB WiFi Adapter ! -=Stripped Content=-
  7. THE_KSO

    53K Good Sites Combolist Best For Cracking !Mail:Pass 

    Enjooy ![/REPLYTHANKS]
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