
  1. R0b0k0p

    Mail:Pass CN Combo List

    This post = Chinese Combo List. Link: 很有趣
  2. RussRae

    Request Need Chinese Gambling Data

    Need Chinese Gambling Data,As title.
  3. jenculeles

    Csv Mix Credits China - Shunfeng Database / / 36M / Csv / 2020

    -=Stripped Content=- Format: csv Rows: 36 Million Source: Country: China Date: 2020 Data Fields: Name, Phone, Province, City, Dist, Aaddr Sample...
  4. Mix Taiwan Civil Servants 58K

    Taiwan civil servants demo: Name Phone Number Position Etc. -=Stripped Content=-
  5. Request Searching For China's Database Of Over 10 Million People

    高价勿扰 收购关于中国的一切数据库,需要带来源,出处。 没有基础三要素的不要(姓名、身份证、手机号) 便宜出换点零花钱的来 留着吃灰也是留着 不看年限 只要数据真实 需发样本
  6. sofhua

    No Pass Cloud China Police Info Database List

    -=Stripped Content=- total 110k
  7. anxiyige

    Xlsx Chinese Village Committee Data

    Chinese village committee data
  8. anxiyige

    Mix China 665W Online Gambling Data

    China 665w online gambling loans
  9. ccvvgogo

    Cloud 2024-28-07 Photo Of China Passport

    Your support brings me so much joy! Thank you! *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  10. ccvvgogo

    Request I Need New Data From China

    I need new data from China related to beauty, insurance, and Chinese people in Europe and America. If available, please provide the format and a sample.
  11. Skunk#1

    Xlsx Csv Mix Data 41.700 Students/China.

    LEAKS: DATE: 08.06.24 INDUMP: 41.700 Students INLINE: id student_id name headimgurl serial campus_id campus_id_copy status trystatus trystatus_date is_exception_out qrcode birthday sex smstel open_id_back created_at updated_at smstel open_id FORMAT: XLSX / CSV FORMAT FILE...
  12. Mix China - Household Registration Data / 6M / Csv

    Rows: 6 Million Country: China Format: csv Data Fields: Affiliated, Household Registration Station, Statistical Time, Residential, Address, Code Number, Date of Birth, Gender, ID Card, Name, Mobile Number, Address, Code *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden...
  13. Cloud China - Online Matchmaking Platform / / Fulldump / 21M / Csv

    China - Online Matchmaking Platform / / FullDump / 21M / csv Format: csv Country: China Rows: 21M Data Fields: "id", "email", "username", "realname", "password", "avatar", "gender", "newbie", "mobilephone", "qqmail", "money", "score", "zipcode", "address", "city_id", "enable"...
  14. Questions Need Data From China Online Lending Platform

    If you need the database of China's online lending platform, please contact @fbi_gov me if you can get website data or database. Long-term cooperation.
  15. Request Requires Cooperation With Online Loan Database

    We need multiple Chinese online loan databases and can get the boss of the website database to cooperate. We need data for the long term. Competent hackers please contact @fbi_gov me.
  16. Букмекер13

    100K China Num:pass #1

    -=Stripped Content=-
  17. Букмекер13

    Num:Pass 100K China

    Num:pass - 100k Coynt - China -=Stripped Content=-
  18. kaonSec

    Ccp Members Info Leak (Chına)

    here are more than 1.9M ccp members leak including xi info -=Stripped Content=-
  19. letbosspay

    720M Qq Mobilenumber Sql[/REPLYTHANKS]In 2020 there was a huge leak of Chinese data on one of the biggest platforms.
  20. kksingerdog

    Request Looking For Fresh China Database

    Need infiltration technician to help us get a database of casino sites from China Going Deeper at TG @TJTSMS_EN Very high budget depending on database size
  21. No Pass Credits 11K Idcard Chinese - Chinese Database Leak

    11K Photos ID Card Chinese✅ 👉11,126 Photos ID Card ❤️❤️❤️💰💰💰 Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  22. Id Number Chinese - Chinese Database Leaks

    Database ID Number nationality,lastName,firstName,idType,idNumber CN,冯,路,nationalid,360312199101090530 CN,欧,志婷,nationalid,44082319950618032X CN,赵,静,nationalid,410622199310275025 CN,赵,晓娟,nationalid,140202198702084028 ❤️❤️❤️💰💰💰 Download: -=Stripped Content=-
  23. OrderCheck

    Mail:Pass YUE.COM 2.2M [china]

    YUE.COM 2.2M rows Geo: China -=Stripped Content=-
  24. Chucky


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