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  1. Compile

    Log:Pass 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  2. Compile

    No Pass 1 2

    Updated with many new additions today. Also removed some lines.
  3. Compile

    No Pass 1 2

    Another update with more emails passwords and domains added today Please use to search your DB and post results here. Thank you
  4. Compile

    No Pass 1 2

    Just uploaded updated file with additional emails and domains
  5. Compile

    Cloud Mix Leaks [Data Breaches] | 414.46 Gb

    Your torrent client should let you choose only what files you want to download. Most do. qbitorrent does that
  6. Compile

    Mix 1 2 3 4

    please match usernames and passwords to other DB and post matches to this thread
  7. Compile

    Log:Pass 123456 7

    1234567 7
  8. Compile

    Mix 1 2 3 4 5 6

    please match usernames and passwords to your other DB and post matches to this thread
  9. Compile

    No Pass Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Forum Emails Only + Ulp Passwords File

    They are not conjecture. That is valid of you to point out. Here is the original ULP data thread previous post. I will put the link on this thread as well. Direct link to ULP...
  10. Compile

    No Pass 94K Trucker Convoy Donation Email Addresses / Right Wing Activism

    94,021 Unique Email Addresses Investigate & Use with caution / Compare to GiveSendGo Full DB / Messages are included in full DB that show intent of donation (Full DB Download) or Backup file (same file) Here 94,021 Email Addresses 94,021 Email...
  11. Compile

    No Pass 4K 8Chan Email Logins Emails Extremist Forum Connected To Murders & Mass Shooters

    3995 8Chan Usernames & Emails with Password Hashes Backup Link (same file) 8Chan Emails Only
  12. Compile

    No Pass Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Forum Emails Only + Ulp Passwords File

    187 Email Addresses Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Forum Logins Emails ONLY No false positives Related post with more detail and original ULP data that emails was taken from Match...
  13. Compile

    No Pass 1 2

    1 2 3
  14. Compile

    Mix 1 2 3 4 5 6

    1 2 3 4 5 6
  15. Compile

    Mix 1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5
  16. Compile

    Questions Creds

    Yes. Post something useful. 6 credits automatically + if you lock a link and choose to charge for it you get more for every unlock that another user pays for. Padlock icon in post/reply options is how you post a locked link.
  17. Compile

    No Pass Anti Lgbtq Email List Usa

    Anti LGBTQ+ Email List USA - From 2600 Emails of Trans Hate - US Republican Anti-Trans Legislation Emails Match to ULP or combos and post results to this thread please Investigate & Use with caution / most are valid connections / some may be false positives POST COMMENT TO BUMP THIS POST TO...
  18. Compile

    Mix 1 2 3 4

    1 2 3 4
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