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  1. skywrrl

    Http:// Mix 

    # of lines: 23043 format: csv ID,"Tipo de Pessoa",CPF/CNPJ,CPF/CNPJ,Nome,Email,Grupo,Telefone,CEP,País,Estado,"Cliente Desde"
  2. skywrrl

    Cogo BikeshareMix 

    "ride_id","rideable_type","started_at","ended_at","start_station_name","start_station_id","end_station_name","end_station_id","start_lat","start_lng","end_lat","end_lng","member_casual" SAMPLE "1FA2B0340FA41295","classic_bike","2024-01-31 15:21:37","2024-01-31 15:25:29","3rd St & Sycamore...
  3. skywrrl

  4. skywrrl

    Microcellstore.comCsv Mix 

    Fixed the link
  5. skywrrl


    SAMPLE: 2984,"DISA PENINSULA SLU .",,"Shell peninsular",945262244,28034,Spain,Madrid,"Feb 13, 2024 09:01:08 PM","Main Website","Confirmation Not Required",España,"C/RIO BULLAQUE, 2 MADRID Madrid 28034","C/PORTAL DE BERGARA, 2 VITORIA Alava 01013",,B84070937,N/A,"C/RIO...
  6. skywrrl

    Microcellstore.comCsv Mix 

    Domain: -=Stripped Content=- 1708900593 Please reply if the link is dead or broken.
  7. skywrrl

    Innwa BankCloud 

    Innwa Bank Nearly 20,000 files from Innwa Bank, which is owned by the Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC) and is used to pay salaries and transfer funds for military officers and units, and military controlled businesses. Country: Myanmar -=Stripped Content=-
  8. skywrrl Database

    Target: Catagory: Shopping Country: Australia Info: Full Name, Gender, Email, Country, Mobile Number, DOB, Street, State, Postal Code, City, Acc Status, Etc -=Stripped Content=-
  9. skywrrl

    Minot Association Of Builders

    Minot Association of Builders business_name,member_type,business_category,business_description,primary_business_activity,secondary_business_activity,tertiary_company_activity,business_tags,business_website_address,business_phone_number_1,business_fax,business_contact @fbi_gov...
  10. skywrrl

    Viva Air Columbia (2M Lınes Datasets)Mix 

    Viva Air Columbia (2M LINES DATASETS) Headers...
  11. skywrrl

    Indonesian Student DataJson 

    ndonesia student data Access to the database (limited rights, not access to all schemas) + data dump as of 09.09.23. The database is a csv table with the following content: -Total entries 1,943,843 -Phone numbers without duplicates ~ 1,200,000 - NIK (Nomor Induk Kependudukan) 1,800,000 without...
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