Search results

  1. notagh0st

    Cloud Mix Credits 30+ Gb List Of All Registered Domains, All Tld's + Whoıs

    Just updated the URL with a fresh one. Should be active again.
  2. notagh0st

    Software Hacking Extract Main Domain Url From Url Text File

    The archive is password protected. Am I missing where the password is?
  3. notagh0st

    Log:Pass Mail:Pass © Chucky 50K

    Thanks for sharing, I will update this post to let people know what columns exist in here. Update: it's normal username:password format for, no additional info. Thanks!
  4. notagh0st

    T-Mobıle Data Breach 89Gb-Full Database

    I wish people would post this kind of info as well. This is the same one that has been floating around since the beginning of September 2023.
  5. notagh0st

    Log:Pass Mail:Pass © Chucky 50K

    Is there anyone that can share a sample of the data, or at least the columns that are available?
  6. notagh0st

    Questions I Want Cr How I Get Any One Know

    Create threads, post content, charge for content. Or pay for a lifetime membership, then you won't need the CR, I think.
  7. notagh0st

    Mix Up-To-Date No Fly List

    I came across this zip file when doing some URL analysis. Has two files that contain what appear to be US no fly list members. Includes SID, Name, Date of Birth mainly, some records include some extra metadata. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit...
  8. notagh0st

    Experian data-base leak 21M of lines

    All links are broken, can someone reupload?
  9. notagh0st

    Dehashed Wattpad 24M

    This link is broken, I feel like anonfiles has been going down quite often lately Would it be possible for someone else to upload a mirror?
  10. notagh0st

    Log:Pass Mail:Pass © Chucky 50K

    Can someone share a brief sample of what headers the file contains? Thanks again!
  11. notagh0st

    Questions Can Someone Help Me Understand How Ddos Works? Pls

    Whenever you visit a website, network requests go from your computer, to the website, and the website responds by sending the website info back to your computer. Each time that your computer makes a request, the website needs to perform operations to return the data on the website, usually in...
  12. notagh0st

    Cloud Mix Credits 30+ Gb List Of All Registered Domains, All Tld's + Whoıs

    Hello, Here is a list of all domains that are registered as of July 2023, including all TLD's and WHOIS information (where it's not private). Archive contains a tarball that when uncompressed is 30+ GB. Zip file can be found in two parts totaling ~6 GB compressed. Here is a sample...
  13. notagh0st

    Sql Full Data Base

    The latest link at dox.abv is a working link. Looks like they modified it on Friday.
  14. notagh0st

    Sql Full Data Base

    Still expired. Are you able to reupload?
  15. notagh0st

    Software Helpful Commands For Searching Archives Without Extracting

    We all often deal with large archives that we might want to search without having to extract the files from it. Here are the commands that I've found most useful for each type or archive. # gz gunzip -c archive.gz | grep "search text" > out.txt # 7z 7z e -so archive.7z | grep "search text" >...
  16. notagh0st

    Software Recursive S3 Bucket Downloader

    New to the forum, and thought I should contribute something that I recently wrote for myself. It's a simple NodeJS script that takes an open S3 URL, and recursively loops through all directories, finding and downloading files. Requirements: NodeJS and two dependencies, installed via: npm i...
  17. notagh0st

    Xlsx Mix 250K Usa Ssn With Bank Information July 2023

    Awesome, been looking for more like this
  18. notagh0st

    Sql Csv Dehashed Cloud Credits S3Bucket [125Gb] Usa Ssn Leak

    Does anyone have a backup of this? The link is broken, now.
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