Search results

  1. notagh0st

    Mix Up-To-Date No Fly List

    I came across this zip file when doing some URL analysis. Has two files that contain what appear to be US no fly list members. Includes SID, Name, Date of Birth mainly, some records include some extra metadata. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit...
  2. notagh0st

    Cloud Mix Credits 30+ Gb List Of All Registered Domains, All Tld's + Whoıs

    Hello, Here is a list of all domains that are registered as of July 2023, including all TLD's and WHOIS information (where it's not private). Archive contains a tarball that when uncompressed is 30+ GB. Zip file can be found in two parts totaling ~6 GB compressed. Here is a sample...
  3. notagh0st

    Software Helpful Commands For Searching Archives Without Extracting

    We all often deal with large archives that we might want to search without having to extract the files from it. Here are the commands that I've found most useful for each type or archive. # gz gunzip -c archive.gz | grep "search text" > out.txt # 7z 7z e -so archive.7z | grep "search text" >...
  4. notagh0st

    Software Recursive S3 Bucket Downloader

    New to the forum, and thought I should contribute something that I recently wrote for myself. It's a simple NodeJS script that takes an open S3 URL, and recursively loops through all directories, finding and downloading files. Requirements: NodeJS and two dependencies, installed via: npm i...
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