Recent content by Mamadou88

  1. Mamadou88

    Request Request for Twitter 200M leak file

    You are not a wonderfulperson, you downloaded it for free and then asked people for money.
  2. Mamadou88

    Xlsx HALARA.COM 900K Singapore Online Shopping Database 2025

    Could you re-upload or give a download link since it is now unavailable, I will be grateful to you
  3. Mamadou88

    Cloud 104035 consumers information SOUTH AFRICA

    Sample Mail,Name,Phone,Country,Fans Makgeta,2.70818E+11,South Africa,Chimone De Koker,27826357904,South Africa,Neuwe Motlokoa,27741715867,South Africa,Sidney Potgieter,27725755222,South Africa...
  4. Mamadou88

    Cloud Afghanistan Telecommunications It (Magnet)

    This won't work either, only 12.9% available
  5. Mamadou88

    Cloud 920K buisness information NETHERLANDS

    Sample "NAME","ADRESS","PHONE","SITE","ZIP","LAT","LONG","REGION","SITI","CATEGORY" "Autobedrijf K. Meerlo","HOOFDWEG 87","0524-571333","","7782 PR","52.652089","6.632777","Overijssel","De Krim","Automobiel" "Mol Autoschade S","PARALLELWEG 36","0524 572...
  6. Mamadou88

    Bak Cloud United States Cardinal Health CSMP Database

    Friends, can anyone tell me how I can convert this database or can someone share the converted file with me? I will be very grateful to you
  7. Mamadou88

    Cloud 41.9K singapore consumers

    Sample 32116,"alex ong",,Members,,," ",,"Main Website","Confirmation Not Required","Default Store View",,,1971-08-19,,Male,,,,,,,,Unlocked, 32117,"kok chian tan",,Members,96554967,520881,Singapore,,"Main Website","Confirmation Not Required","Default...
  8. Mamadou88

    Cloud 405243 consumers information GERMANY.CSV

    Sample Gender,Fname,Lname,Add,Zip,City,DOB,Email,, Herr, D., Lienemann, Barkenkamp 10,26605, Aurich,,,, Herr, Marco, Zimmermann, Starenweg21,33335, Gьtersloh, 01.08.1984,,, Herr, Matthias, Stцckert, Industriestr. 37,91154, Roth...
  9. Mamadou88

    Bak Cloud Canada's Macdonald Tamblyn Lord Surveying Ltd Database

    Tell me who knows how I can open this file, thanks in advance
  10. Mamadou88

    Mix Australian Shares 430K

    This is not forex
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